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Law and Politics

Chelyshev, M.Y. Review of the monograph by K.M. Belikova “Legal regulation of trade turnover and codifi cation of private law in the Latin American states.

Abstract: This article is a review of the monograph by K.M. Belikova “Legal regulation of trade turnover and codifi cation of private law in the Latin American states (Moscow, Justice-inform, 2010, 480 p.).


jurisprudence, Latin, America, codifi cation, private, law, legal, entities, contract, consumers.

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1. K.M. Belikova “Pravovoe regulirovanie torgovogo oborota
2. i kodifikatsiya chastnogo prava v stranakh Latinskoy
3. Ameriki” (Moskva: Yustitsinform, 2010, 480 s.)