Law and Politics
Ramonova, M.A., Zhuzha, D.Y.
The strategies of management of natural resources in the international political
// Law and Politics.
2012. № 1.
P. 133-142.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=51674
Ramonova, M.A., Zhuzha, D.Y. The strategies of management of natural resources in the international political
The complex view on the key concepts, strategies and mechanisms of regulation of the problems of natural resources management
is provided by the authors of this article. Transformation of international systems under the infl uence of the crisis
trends in all of the key spheres of the modern society (economics, social relations, politics, culture, environment, etc.) and
the spread of the neo-liberal values led to the concept of decentralization and to the formation of the new hybrid forms of
co-management of natural resources.
political science, nature, resource, habitat, management, globalization, regime, decentralization, property, co-management.
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