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Law and Politics

Gurin, A.A. Topical issues of prosecutors’ supervision over implementation of law by the control bodies in the sphere of entrepreneurial activity.

Abstract: In this article the author singles out the role of the prosecution in protection of rights in the sphere of entrepreneurial activity by supervision over the relevant controlling bodies, showing the key goals and objects of prosecutors’ supervision. The author also attempts to classify the government bodies, working in the sphere of enteperpreneurial control, depending on their legal standing, forms, the way they deal with their issues, sphere of their competence, provides their general characteristics. The author also views the self-regulated organizations as governing bodies in the sphere of entrepreneurial activities, pays attention to the lack of normative regulation of supervision in the sphere of interaction between the prosecution and the self-regulated organizations, then the author shows the potential for their advanced cooperation in order to form a favorable legal fi eld for the economic activities of the people and for the attraction of the foreign investors.


jurisprudence, state, prosecution, supervision, legality, entrepreneur, management, control, organization, interaction.

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