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Law and Politics

Kovalenko, K.E. On the issue of the reasonableness of law.

Abstract: The key instrument of the theoretical analysis of the branch of law, its object, method, mechanism of legal regulation and legal system is a principle of law. The defi nition of the principle of reasonableness of law is a topical issue of the modern legal science. It is impossible to explain its nature without the theoretical study of the etymology of the term, its basic meaning and common understanding, its understanding in various scientifi c spheres, and the intent of the legislator. Based on the views of the antique, medieval and modern thinkers the author analyzes theoretical and legal concept of the term “reasonableness”, then the author formulates the position that the category of reasonableness is a required or acceptable standard of behavior, which is implemented when its subject is able to analyze the existing of presupposed situation, including motivation and aim to achieve a certain goal.


jurisprudence, principle of law, reasonableness, source of law, judicial discretion, rationality, intuition, reasonability, fairness.

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