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Law and Politics
Getz, R.N. (2011). Neo-institutional bases of the political extremism in the Russian state: attempts of counteractions. Law and Politics, 12, 2022–2027.
Getz, R.N. Neo-institutional bases of the political extremism in the Russian state: attempts of counteractions.Abstract: The institutional transformation of the political extremism is determined by the transfer from formal institutions to informal institutions at the time when the repressive state policy of the USSR infl uenced the development of informal extremist practices, and catalyzed them after the breakup of the Union state. It seems that extremism should weaken as the state transfers to democracy, however the Russian state shows the opposite process: growth of radical attitudes, which are not capped by state or civil society, which is a peculiarity of the political process in Russia. This situation shows the need to activate the government bodies and the civil society in order to avoid political extremism via various means, including technological. That is why we should single out civil technologies, which should be used in fi ghting political extremism. Keywords: political science, extremism, technology, values, institutionalization, counteraction, institutions, legitimacy, evolution, ideology.
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