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Law and Politics

Gurin, A.A. Problems and perspectives of interaction of the prosecution, the law-enforcement bodies and the entrepreneurial entities in the sphere of application of law by the managing bodies in the sphere of entrepreneurial activity.

Abstract: The article is devoted to analysis of gaps in the sphere of normative (including legislative) regulation of the issues of interaction of the prosecutors with the public governance bodies (fi rst of all – law-enforcement bodies) and with the institutions of civil society (entrepreneurs, as a single social group). The author offers to amend the Federal Law “On the Prosecution of the Russian Federation” and to clarify some issues among government bodies by a special agreement. The author classifi es key corruption offences and crimes, which are committed by the offi cials of the bodies, controlling the entrepreneurial sphere, then he names optimum ways of organization and improvement of interaction of the activities of the prosecutors, law-enforcement bodies and the entrepreneurial entities in the sphere of implementation of law by the government bodies in the sphere of entrepreneurial activity.


jurisprudence, prosecution, interaction, law-enforcement bodies, controlling bodies, entrepreneurial activity, civil society, corruption, coordination of the activities of the law-enforcement bodies, legality.

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