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Law and Politics

Evstafieva, I.V. Topical issues of transfer of exclusive copyright on the works for hire.

Abstract: Currently many productions, which are lawfully protected, are produced by the employed authors as a part of their work. That is why the issue of transfer of rights to use such productions within one state or internationally becomes so topical. That is why it is necessary to qualify them as works for hire, which allows to clearly establish who has title to these productions. Also considering lack of confl ict of law norms, which could be applicable to labor relations, in Russian and international private law, the author considers that the issue of choice of competent law to the relations of formation and use of service production in international labor relations deserve much attention.


jurisprudence, works for hire, labor relations, exclusive rights, applicable right, collision norms, labor contract, author’s contract, international private law, employee author.

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