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Law and Politics

Loginov, V.V. Consolidation of the estate monarchy in Russia in the normative documents of XVI – early XVII centuries.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the previously insuffi ciently studied normative acts of the XVI – early XVII centuries: Undercross record of Vassily Shuisky (1606), Treaties with the Polish King Sigizmund the 3rd August on invitation of the prince Vladislav to the Russian throne of (4) 14 February, 1610 and 17 (27) August 1610. the Encyclic charters of the Boyar Government (Sedmochislennye Boyars), the Decision of the Land Assembly of the First Militia of June 30, 1611, the Limitations Charter of Mikhail Romanov. The author shows that in these documents one can fi nd the constitutional values, which are recognized by the modern science, that is form of government (estate monarchy), the order of accepting laws, which limits the competence of the supreme power by the legislative body (the Land Assembly), the separation of powers between legislative and executive bodies (the Land Assembly, Government and the Orders), the way of election (assignment) of persons to the central and local powers with the right of call-off.


jurisprudence, the estate monarchy, lawfulness, Treaties with the Polish King Sigizmund the 3rd August on invitation of the prince Vladislav to the , the Encyclic charters of the Boyar Government, the Decision of the Land Assembly of the First Militia of June 30, 1611, the Limitations Charter of Mikhail Romanov, normative acts, Undercross record of Vassily Shuisky, form of government.

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