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Law and Politics

Kosmachev, S.V. Interaction of investigative and operative divisions in uncovering and investigation of crimes in the sphere of intellectual property.

Abstract: This article deals with the problems of improving interaction between the investigative and operational units in the detection and investigation of crimes related to intellectual property. Among the major factor negatively affecting the effectiveness of the fi ght against crimes in the area of intellectual property is the lack of contemporary evidence-based investigation into these crimes. The current concept of procedural law entities authorized to carry out operational-search activity, in many respects contradictory. It was noted that planning is a principle and as a means of infl uencing the behavior of interacting entities with their specifi c functions. Improving the planning of joint work of operational units and the investigative body, as appropriate, in our view, include the issues of interaction in the structure of the current semi-annual plan of internal affairs in general. To implement the process of harmonization of national administrative and criminal legislation proposed to use the model of international cooperation on measures to identify and document the crimes in the area of intellectual property concepts in the light of emerging models of EEC, Russia and Belarus, the CIS and perspectives of use of databases in international space.


interaction of investigative and operational units, the effectiveness of combating crimes, criminal action, investigation and search operations, planning of joint activities, criminal copyright infringement, the harmonization of national legislation, a model of international cooperation

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