Law and Politics
Peyzak, R.I. (2011). Specifi c features of relief of criminal responsibility in the legislations of the states belonging to the
continental legal system. Law and Politics, 10, 1679–1683. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=51613
Peyzak, R.I. Specifi c features of relief of criminal responsibility in the legislations of the states belonging to the
continental legal system.
The article includes comparative analysis of legal systems, which are included into the Roman-German model of law, in
the sphere of relief of criminal responsibility. The author notes the slowness of the process of inclusion of lists of bases
for such relief, such as an extreme necessity, and he insists on their inclusion in not only general, but also more specifi c
provisions of the Criminal Codes.
jurisprudence, analysis, system, responsibility, relief, continent, norm, basis, Roman-German, necessity.
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