Law and Politics
Zuev, A.V. (2011). Political problems of the relations between the state and business in Russia within the context of social
and economic development programs. Law and Politics, 10, 1639–1643. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=51608
Zuev, A.V. Political problems of the relations between the state and business in Russia within the context of social
and economic development programs.
In order to analyze the political mechanisms of the relations between the state and business it is the most effi cient to use
systemic approach, within which a political system is seen as a combination of political processes, and control over political
processes is key to the relations between businesses and the state. Currently the relations between the businesses and the
state can be characterized by domination of the state over businesses. It should be noted that now role of state is growing,
while business failed to play considerable role in their relations.
political science, state, Russian Federation, power, development, business, management, business structure, innovation, integration.
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