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Law and Politics
Lukovskaya, D.I., Soloviev, A.A. (2011). Legal system: activity-and-integration approach. Law and Politics, 10, 1612–1618.
Lukovskaya, D.I., Soloviev, A.A. Legal system: activity-and-integration approach.Abstract: The fi rst part of this article is devoted to the brief analysis of the most topical problems of the modern Russian and international policy in the sphere of resolution and avoidance of social confl icts by legal means, which in turn show the need for a complex and systemic approach to the evaluation of legal matters. At a theoretical level this approach is implemented by the authors by formation of the activity-and-integration understanding of the legal system, which is not equal to law, but includes it as one of the elements, among the subjects of law, their activities, their comprehension of legal situation, etc. This interpretation is compared to the other views on this issue in the Russian legal science. In the fi nal part of the article the authors analyze the practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of the Russian Arbitration Courts in order to prove topicality and value of the activity-and-integration approach to the legal system for the modern Russian reality. Keywords: jurisprudence, legal system, integration approach, activity approach, social confl ict, types of understanding the law, legal activity, application of an unconstitutional act, law and economics, activities of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.
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