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Law and Politics
Lomtev, A.V. (2011). Zbignev Bzhezinsky on the role of the USA in solving of the global security problems. Law and Politics, 7, 1133–1138.
Lomtev, A.V. Zbignev Bzhezinsky on the role of the USA in solving of the global security problems.Abstract: The article is devoted to the role of the USA in the system of global security based on the works of the Z. Bzhezinsky, which are to a large extent are devoted to the hegemony of the USA. The author analyzes the role of the system of world security, in which in Z. Bzhezinsky’s opinion, the US policy plays an important role. The author also studies relations and roles of various global regions (such as the Eurasia, the Islamic world, the Eastern Asia, the Europe), and their infl uence on global security, as well as various models of global security and mechanisms of their implementation. A separate part of the article is devoted to cooperation with the NATO-integrated Europe, as well as to possibilities of development of NATO in the Eastern direction in order to ensure global world order. Keywords: political science, globalization, security, world order, leadership, hegemony, super-power, super-state, community, democracy, regions.
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