Law and Politics
Zadoyan, A.A.
Functions of the criminal law: definition and contents.
// Law and Politics.
2011. ¹ 6.
Zadoyan, A.A. Functions of the criminal law: definition and contents.
The article is devoted to the functions of the criminal code. Based on the general theory of law, the author points out that
the category of “ function” in criminal law is one of the elements of criminal law regulation, and it shows that this category
is closely related to the object, goals and method of the criminal law. The article includes criticism of the position of the
scientists, who consider that criminal law does not have its own object of legal regulation. The author separates the functions
and the goals of criminal law, which are separate categories, then separates the functions into the functions of criminal
legal regulation and those of criminal legal influence, then analyzes each of them.
Yurisprudentsiya, funktsii ugolovnogo prava, zadachi ugolovnogo prava, predmet ugolovnogo prava, ugolovno-pravovye otnosheniya, regulyativnye pravootnosheniya, mekhanizm ugolovno-pravovogo regulirovaniya, ugolovno-pravovoe vozdeistvie
1. jurisprudence, functions of criminal law, goals of criminal law, object of criminal law, protective relations, mechanism of criminal legal regulation, criminal legal influence, social role of criminal law.