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Law and Politics

Kuptsova, K.O. Criminal behavior and the mechanism of extortion.

Abstract: The article includes analysis of way of life of a person and its influence on his behavior, taking extortion as an example. The author shows that in the society there are three distinct environments – legalist, criminal and marginal, then she analyzes each of them. She also studies the mechanism of criminal behavior, its elements, such as motivation, planning and implementation of criminal act, provides points of view of renowned scientists, such as Kudryavtsev, V.N. and Dolgov A.I. The author pays much attention to pre-criminal inter-personal relations between a criminal and a victim, then a stage of post-crime behavior of criminal and victim. Studing the victim’s behavior the author provides the term “victim-genesis” situation, and provides it contents.


Yurisprudentsiya, Mekhanizm prestupnogo povedeniya, Mezhlichnostnye otnosheniya, Motivatsiya prestupnogo povedeniya, Viktimogennaya situatsiya

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1. jurisprudence, legal environment, marginal environment, criminal environment, mechanism of criminal behavior, mechanism of criminal behavior, inter-personal relations, extortion, motivation of criminal behavior, post-crime behavior, “victim-genesis” situation.