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Law and Politics

Memetova, Z.F. Tthe problem of political participation of the youth in the modern Rrussian politics.

Abstract: Currently political and patriotic education of the youth gains topicality and importance in a Russian society. Political education of the youth is a component of the general education process, which is a regular and goal-oriented activity of the government bodies and public organizations, which are aimed at the formation of patriotic consciousness among the young people, promote the feeling of faithfulness to the Fatherland, readiness for performance of their civic duty and the constitutional duties of protection of interests of Russia. Youth’s realization in political sphere is necessary for its development in the modern world. Within the problem of youth’s political participation it is possible to allocate two aspects: low value of political participation for young people and place of politics in a system of youth’s interests.


youth, politics, participation, education, realization, values, interests, factors, socialization

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