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Law and Politics

Kolesnikov, P.M. The Muslim law in legal systems of the Islamic states: tendencies, modern state and perspectives of development.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the Muslim law as a social, cultural, religious and legal matter, the author studies the problem of its place and role within the structure of national legal systems of the Islamic states, interaction of the Islam within the boundaries of the Muslim legal traditions with the Western legal categories in the framework of some legal models of the countries of the Muslim East. At the same time based on the analysis of the positions of Arabian and Western scientists, the author provides a classification of legal systems of Islamic states, taking into account the influence of the Shariat, shows tendencies and perspectives of development of the Muslim law within the legal systems of various Islamic states.


jurisprudence, law, model, Shariat, fiqh, system, Islam, fatwah, doctrine

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