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Law and Politics

Svinareva, E.A. On the issue of co-partnership to crime.

Abstract: This article is devoted to the theoretical problem of co-partnership in crime. The threat of co-partners is that by supporting commission of crime, or aiding the criminal in hiding the signs of crime, they form necessary conditions for commission of crimes, neutralize the activities of the law-enforcement bodies. It is necessary to qualify their activities correctly, since mistakes lead to severe punishment of persons, who are not co-partners of crime. The author establishes that considering the lesser social threat, the legislator limited the forms of co-partnership in crime to those mentioned in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The value of co-partnership is that it encroaches upon the interests of justice in the broad sense as the main object, however this is true for some, but not all such crimes, where it may be facultative. Keywords: jurisprudence, crime, legislation, justice, responsibility, corruption, Criminal Code, harm, fight, co-partnership

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