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Law and Politics
Grafsky, V.G., Lapteva, L.E. (2009). Philosophy of law in Russia: history and modern time (the 3rd Philosophical and Legal Readings in the Memory of Academician V.S. Nersesyants). Law and Politics, 2.
Grafsky, V.G., Lapteva, L.E. Philosophy of law in Russia: history and modern time (the 3rd Philosophical and Legal Readings in the Memory of Academician V.S. Nersesyants).Abstract: The collection includes the speeches at the 3rd Philosophical and Legal Readings in the Memory of Academician V.S. Nersesyants. The key speech “Law: the Past and the Future” was provided by the Correspondent Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Maltsev, G.V. The topics of speeches at the roundtable were devoted to several key problems of the Russian philosophy of law, including the history of its formation, current situation and topical aspects of its peculiarities. The sections were devoted to two vast issues of modern philosophical and legal concepts: “The Liberty Theory of Human Rights” and “The Modern Understanding of Law: the Input of the Representatives of the Integral Jurisprudence”. One of the key methodological approaches had become the integral understanding of law. Among the speakers there were representatives of scientific and scholarly centers of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan. Keywords: philosophy of law, understanding of law, Nersesyants, liberty, integral, jurisprudence, human rights, freedom, equality, justice, sociological jurisprudence
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