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Law and Politics

Islamova, E.R. Historical review of formation and development of the procedural powers of the Prosecutor at the stage of institution of proceedings at the Soviet period.

Abstract: The article continues the topic of publication in the journal “Law and Order” (n.3, 2008), where the process of formation and development of legislation on procedural powers of the prosecutor at the stage of institution of legal proceedings was evaluated. This article is devoted to realization of these powers at the Soviet period. The author points out, that the first acts, which established the powers of the Prosecutor after the Revolution were the Provision on Prosecutor Review of 1922, and the Criminal Procedural Code of 1922. The prosecutor became the key actor of the criminal investigation, and he was not allowed to transfer the obligation to institute a criminal case to the investigators, and at the same time he performed control functions. However, the CPC of 1922 did not provide for detailed regulation of the powers of the Prosecutor, so they were formed in practice and latter reflected in the CPC of the RSFSR of 1960. Keywords: jurisprudence, law, procedural, powers, prosecutor, institution of case, criminal, case, Soviet, period

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