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Law and Politics
Severny, V.G. (2009). Advance conservatism of Russian politics. Law and Politics, 2.
Severny, V.G. Advance conservatism of Russian politics.Abstract: The article includes analysis of the identity of the modern Russian policy from the ideological standpoint. The political institutions and ideology are viewed as corresponding matters, which, as combined, have a certain political unity. The ideology of the Russian politics is pragmatic approach, which brings it close to the international political mainstream – transnational market radicalism. The conservatism as such does not contradict radicalism, as it is a part of the process of its institutionalization. The characteristic feature of the Russian politics is the primary role of market universalization – integration of Russia into the international institutions, formation of the political identity of Russia at the international arena, as compared to the goals of inner market localization. Keywords: political science, politics, power, ideology, conservatism, liberalism, pragmatism, institutions, elite, communications
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