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Law and Politics
Rogozin, E.V. (2009). Traditional political culture: its functions and role in the political processes of the modern Russia. Law and Politics, 1.
Rogozin, E.V. Traditional political culture: its functions and role in the political processes of the modern Russia.Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of key principles of the traditional political culture, the reasons for its stability and role in the political processes in the modern Russia. The traditional political culture is based on the existing political traiditons, which predefine the character of political processe, goals and means, results, political conscience and self-conscience, etc. Now, in the XXI century, the mechanism of traditional political culture staggers the modernization in the country. This is a specific problem of the Russian people, which needs special attention of legal scholars. Keywords: central zone of the political culture, channels of communication, political traditions, political establishment, political identity, types of political reaction, political participation, state-centric tradition, messiahism, socially-oriented state
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