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Law and Politics

Varlen, M.V. Status of a Member of Parliament at the subject of the Russian Federation( taking the Privolzhsky Federal District as an example)

Abstract: Status of the MP causes much scientific and practical interest in the modern Russian Federation. A variety of Parliamentary bodies at the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation allows to establish similar and dissimilar features in their structures, organization of their work, status of the MPs, guarantees of their activities. Analyzing and studying the experience of constitutional constructions at the various subjects of the Russian Federation, one may provide forecasts and make propositions for the future development of realization of constitutional principles, including the people’s rule. This article includes an attempt of legal evaluation of the status of a MP of a legislative (representative) body of the constituent subject of the Russian Federation, taking the Privolzhsky Federal District as an example. Keywords: Constitution, legislation, parliament, MP, status, guarantees, people’s rule, elections, constituent subjects of the Russian Federation

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