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Law and Politics

Chertkov, A.N. Introduction of temporary financial administration at the subjects of the Russian Federation.

Abstract: Introduction of temporary financial administration at the subject of the Russian Federation is one of the means for the federal government body to act “in the shoes” of the governments of subjects of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation. This article by A.N. Chertkov includes the study of basis and the ways to implement temporary financial administration, its forms and terms of its execution, relevant powers. The author also provides general constitutional and legal characteristics of temporary financial administration as a part of budgetary reform in the Russian Federation. As the author points out, the norms on temporary financial administration should not become a facually non-existent instrument, but at the same time, it should not be applied too widely on the regular basis to push the bodies of the governments of the subjects of the Russian Federation away from realization of their powers in the budgetary sphere.

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