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Law and Politics

Sarkisov, A.K. Judicial procedural conflict: procedural issues and significant consequences.

Abstract: In accordance with part 2 of Art. 176 of the Arbitrazh Procedural Code of the Russian Federation, it is possible for a judge to announce only the holding part of the decision after deliberation, and then to set a date, by which the complete reasoned decision shall be ready and available for the parties. Complete reasoned decision should be ready in no more than 5 days since the holding is announced, and the date, when the complete reasoned decision is ready, is considered to be the date, when the decision was held. It seems to be merely a technical issue, however, it has quite a potential for a number of serious legal problems and conflicts. This article by A.K. Sarkisov is devoted to the problem of distortion of procedural dates and periods, and the author also reviews the issue of criminal, civil and labor responsibility of judges for related violations.

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