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Law and Politics

Astafiev, Y.V. Improvement of forms and methods of operative investigative activities within a jural state.

Abstract: The attitudes in the Russian society towards the bodies, which conduct investigative activities, come to two opposite extremes. Some offer to allow such bodies to cross the legal limitations for the sake of fighting terrorism or organized crime, while some call for very guarded attitude to such bodies themselves. Considering that state policy in this sphere is not very well-developed, people have a feeling that operative investigative activities have somewhat “semi-legal” character. Even for the lawyers, existence of a law with just 23 articles, governing a whole sphere of legal relations, is quite a legislative nonsence. As the author of this article notes, there is great need to apply legislative activity to this sphere in order to set the spot for the operative investigative activity within the system of state protection of rights and interests and to arrange due correlation of operative investigative activity with criminal law and criminal procedural law as required for a jural state.

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