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Law and Politics
Zolotukhina, T.A. (2004). Some problems related to legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation. . Law and Politics, 11, 37–43.
Zolotukhina, T.A. Some problems related to legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation.Abstract: The tendency towards decentralization of the Russian legal system clearly shows itself in intensive development of law-making functions of its subjects. Bodies of subjects of the Russian Federations become independent subjects of law-making, which, in turn causes many questions on the limits to their powers, and problems in the sphere of “shared” jurisdictions of federal bodies and bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation. As the author notes, it cannot be said that Russia uses a any one of the three models of separation of powers between the federation and its subjects, currently used by other states. Author studies legislation and practice related to this issue, notes existing defects, elaborates upon the practice of the Constitutional court of the Russian Federation, then comes to a conclusion that currently the subjects of the Russian Federation show varied and developed legal system, which, however, cannot be called united, well-balanced, or adequate.
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