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Pedagogy and education

Career guidance in the Belgorod region

Altynnik Natal'ya Igorevna

PhD in Technical Science

Director of Belgorod Small Technological University, Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov

46 Kostyukova str., Belgorod, 308012, Russia









Abstract: Vocational guidance within the framework of educational activities is an extremely relevant area of work. This activity is regulated by both Federal Laws and regional regulations. In this paper, we analyzed the main methods for the development of career guidance activities. On the example of the Belgorod region, we determined which of these techniques work and what results they give. There are various vocational guidance centers in the region that assist schoolchildren and students in choosing a profession, providing information on the labor market, training and employment opportunities. However, despite the results achieved, there are still a number of challenges and problems that need to be addressed. One of these problems is the lack of information about the labor market in the region for specific professions, which makes it difficult to choose a future profession. The paper shows, taking into account trends in the labor market and the socio-economic situation in the Belgorod region, career guidance activities have great potential for development and improvement.


career guidance, education, practical orientation, social partnership, network cooperation, labor market, Belgorod region, career guidance centers, profession choice, social problems

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1. Introduction

Career guidance work within the framework of educational activities is relevant for a large number of parties, including the state, the economy [1], education, students and their parents. This is confirmed by many statements of high-ranking officials of the state and is reflected in the strategic documents of the state development of the Russian Federation (Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1897 of 17.12.2010, No. 380 of August 23, 2013, No. 1089 of March 05, 2004). Such relevance does not require additional justification [2].Career guidance activities with adolescents are of great relevance for several reasons:

Choosing a profession: Teenagers face the need to make decisions about their future professional career. Career guidance helps them to understand their interests, talents and goals, as well as to get acquainted with various professional opportunities. This helps them to make an informed decision and choose the most suitable career [3].

Skills Development: Career guidance helps teenagers develop the skills necessary for future employment. This may include the development of communication skills, teamwork skills, leadership qualities, time planning and organization, and other skills that will be useful to them in any profession [4].

Prevention of unemployment: Some teenagers who do not have a clear understanding of their professional goals may face employment problems after graduation from school or higher education. Career guidance helps them identify their interests and abilities, which increases the likelihood of successful employment in the future.

Reducing stress and uncertainty: The process of choosing a profession can be stressful for many teenagers, especially if they do not know what opportunities are available. Career guidance helps teenagers to reduce the level of insecurity by providing information about various professions, their requirements and prospects [5].

Development of self-awareness: Career guidance activities contribute to the development of self-awareness of adolescents. They can better understand their interests, values, strengths and weaknesses [6]. This helps them not only with choosing a profession, but also in general life, as they begin to better understand themselves and their needs.

Updating information: The labor market is constantly changing and developing. Career guidance helps teenagers stay up to date with the latest trends, new professions and opportunities that may appear in the future. This allows them to adapt to rapidly changing conditions and make more informed decisions about their professional career [7, 8].

Reducing the risk of making the wrong choice: Career guidance helps teenagers avoid a situation when they choose a profession that does not correspond to their interests, abilities or values. This helps to prevent dissatisfaction with work, frequent changes of professions and dissatisfaction with life in the future.

Development of motivation and purposefulness: Career guidance activities can help teenagers develop motivation and purposefulness in achieving their career goals [9, 10]. It can encourage teenagers to independently study information about professions, setting goals and planning steps to achieve them.

Improving the level of education: Career guidance activities can help adolescents realize the importance of education for achieving their professional goals [11]. It can stimulate interest in studying and encourage teenagers to acquire additional knowledge and skills necessary for a successful career [12, 13].

Support for social development: Career guidance provides adolescents with the opportunity to interact with professionals from various industries, experts and other adolescents who share their interests [14]. This contributes to the development of their social skills, networks and communication, which may be useful in their future professional life.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the main methods of career guidance development, to determine which of these techniques work in Belgorod and the Belgorod region and what results they give.

2. Methods and materials.

The work is based on the analysis of the activities of educational organizations in Belgorod. In particular, the experience of career guidance work of Belgorod universities of BSTU and NRU "BelSU" was used for the analysis. The work analyzed the work of organizations in key areas – cluster nature, practice orientation, duration, social partnership, and so on. The work in these areas was also compared with regulatory documents in the field of career guidance. As such normative documents, the Federal Laws in force on the territory of the Russian Federation in the direction of vocational guidance of young people in educational institutions were used:

1. Federal Law No. 273–FZ of December 29, 2012 "On Education in the Russian Federation";

2. Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1089 dated March 5, 2004 "On Approval of the federal component of state educational standards of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) education";

3. Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education;

4. Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation Order No. 380 dated August 23, 2013 "On Approval of the Federal State standard of public services for the organization of professional orientation of Citizens in order to choose a field of activity (profession), employment, vocational training and additional vocational education";

5. Order of December 17, 2010 "On approval of the Federal State educational standard of basic general education".

3. Results and discussion.

Let's consider the activities of Belgorod educational organizations in the field of professional orientation in the context of such criteria as cluster character, practice orientation, duration, social partnership, network cooperation, continuity, personal orientation, prospects. Let's analyze each of them in more detail.

The cluster nature is an indicator of how strongly vocational guidance activities with schoolchildren are embedded in the system of work of territorial–branch vocational–educational clusters.

In the field of education, science and technology, the term "cluster" can have several meanings, depending on the context. Here are a few possible interpretations:

A cluster of universities is a grouping of universities or higher education institutions that are concentrated in one region and cooperate with each other. A cluster of universities can contribute to the exchange of knowledge, scientific research, the development of educational programs and the attraction of talented students and teachers.

A research cluster is an association of scientific and research organizations, laboratories, institutes and universities in the same field or subject. The research cluster promotes cooperation between scientists, the exchange of ideas, equipment and resources, as well as improving competitiveness and scientific achievements in this field.

A technology cluster is a collection of technology companies, startups, incubators and innovation centers that are concentrated in one region. The technology cluster promotes the development and commercialization of new technologies, the exchange of expertise and resources, the creation of a favorable innovation environment and investment attraction.

We also consider the term "cluster" as a combination of all the above options.

Clusters in the field of education, science and technology play an important role in stimulating cooperation, innovation and development in the relevant industries. They create favorable conditions for growth and progress, allowing institutions and companies to interact, share knowledge and achieve synergistic effects.

The cluster approach in career guidance activities on the example of the Belgorod region is an association of enterprises and educational institutions in certain sectors of the economy for the most effective career guidance of schoolchildren and students.

There are several clusters in the Belgorod Region that cover various sectors of the economy: agriculture, mechanical engineering, construction, medicine and others. Within each cluster, there is cooperation between enterprises and educational institutions to conduct practice-oriented training, organize professional competitions and events, conduct scientific research and other career-oriented events.

For example, educational institutions, such as Belgorod Agrarian University, and enterprises of the agricultural sector, including the Agroholding "Bereg", LLC "Gormolzavod" and others cooperate in the cluster of agriculture. Students have the opportunity to practice at enterprises, participate in competitions and projects that are organized jointly with enterprises, which helps them gain practical skills and work experience in the industry.

Thus, the cluster nature of career guidance activities on the example of the Belgorod region makes it possible to more effectively organize career guidance work in each branch of the economy, providing students and schoolchildren with access to practice-oriented training and practice in real conditions, which is an important factor for a successful career in the future.

Career guidance, with its properly organized work aimed at results, focuses on the economic needs of the region, therefore, career guidance should form a supply that meets the demand in the regional/sub-regional market.

It is worth noting that interregional mobility in many regions of Russia is great. Thus, it is necessary to solve the problem of the outflow of adolescents and young people to other regions. Consequently, career guidance is of a regional nature. The principle of operation in solving the task is very simple. Most often it is implemented in this way: as soon as there is a shortage of personnel in a certain area in the region, campaigning begins in "this direction" by showing various videos, holding thematic events, etc.

Practice orientation implies that teenagers can already understand at school which professions, industries, and spheres are most interesting to them. The practice-oriented approach is also implemented within the framework of professional open days and business games organized jointly with representatives of various sectors of the economy. Schoolchildren and students have the opportunity to get acquainted with representatives of professions that may interest them, as well as get practical advice and related information about the technical aspects of working in the chosen industry. The most common form of practice orientation is conducting professional tests.

Professional tryouts for schoolchildren are events that provide an opportunity for schoolchildren to get acquainted with various professions and gain practical experience in certain areas. The purpose of professional tests is to help students identify their professional interests, develop skills and make an informed choice of a professional path.

Professional tests can have different forms and formats, depending on the venue. Some of them may include:

Visiting enterprises: Schoolchildren visit enterprises and organizations where they are given the opportunity to get acquainted with the working environment, production processes and interact with employees by asking them questions and observing their work.

Internships: Students can spend some time (usually several days or weeks) on an internship at a certain company or organization. During the internship, they get the opportunity to participate in real tasks and projects, work with mentors and get an idea of a specific profession.

Master classes and trainings: these are short–term educational events where students are invited to try their hand at a certain field or profession. For example, master classes in programming, design, cooking, etc.

Career Fairs: These are events where students are given the opportunity to meet representatives of various professions and learn more about opportunities and requirements in various fields.

Professional tryouts help students get an idea of various professional areas, explore their interests and ambitions, as well as gain practical experience that will help them make informed choices when choosing their future professional path.

Another important criterion in the career guidance activity of the region is its duration or continuity. The bottom line is that this work should be carried out on an ongoing basis and have structural units responsible for this work. This criterion very logically answers the question that it is impossible to direct a child, to push him to any self–determination solely on the basis of "event pedagogy".

In the context of considering career guidance, it is important to talk about social partnership. This mechanism is a combination of all elements interested in career guidance: enterprises, students, educational organizations, parents. In the field of economics, the central partner is the enterprises themselves, since they are the ones who have the need for personnel. Based on this, social partnership is an important mechanism for career guidance, as it promotes interaction between key participants: the state, educational institutions, enterprises and youth. Using the example of the Belgorod Region, one can see how this cooperation contributes to the successful career guidance of the younger generation. A variety of events are held in the Belgorod Region, implemented through social partnership. For example, professional open days, business games, seminars and round tables with the participation of successful employers, experts and educational institutions are regularly organized. Educational institutions actively cooperate with enterprises, organizing internships and internships for students. This allows young people to acquire skills and experience in a real working situation, and businesses to assess the potential of future employees. Social partnership in the field of career guidance on the example of the Belgorod region demonstrates how the joint efforts of the state, educational institutions and enterprises can contribute to the quality training of specialists to meet the labor market and the corresponding development of the region. Regulation of activities is carried out by Federal Law No. 273-FZ of 29.12.2012 "On Education in the Russian Federation", which establishes the principles of state policy in the field of education, including career guidance.

Conducting career guidance has several important reasons related to the economy:

Matching the supply and demand of labor: career guidance helps to establish a correspondence between the requirements of the labor market and the skills that people develop during education. It helps schoolchildren and students to get information about various professions, required qualifications and growth prospects in different industries. This contributes to the formation of human resources that meet the needs of the economy.

Reduction of unemployment and shortage of personnel: career guidance helps to prevent a situation when graduates cannot find a job due to the discrepancy between their skills and the requirements of the labor market. Proper information and orientation help schoolchildren and students choose career paths that are in demand and offer good employment opportunities. This helps to reduce unemployment and increase the level of employment in the economy.

Effective use of human capital: Career guidance helps people better understand their abilities, interests and goals. It promotes the choice of such educational and professional paths that allow people to maximize their potential. This leads to the efficient use of human capital in the economy, increasing productivity and innovation.

Reducing the costs of retraining and retraining: when people choose their professional trajectory correctly, the probability of the need for retraining and retraining in the future is reduced. This allows you to save time, resources and financial costs for retraining employees, and also reduces costs for employers.

In general, career guidance plays an important role in the efficient functioning of the economy, helping to create a correspondence between supply and demand in the labor market, reducing unemployment, increasing productivity and labor efficiency, as well as reducing the cost of retraining.

On the example of the Belgorod region, you can see the results of career guidance activities. An annual traditional set of career guidance events is held in the region , which includes the following:

1. The festival of professions "Your choice". Every year in the Belgorod region, the festival of professions "Your Choice" is held, which presents various professions and specialties. Within the framework of the festival, master classes, trainings, consultations, as well as the opportunity to get acquainted with educational institutions and employers are held. Thanks to this event, schoolchildren and students have the opportunity to learn more about various professions and choose the most suitable one for themselves.

2. "Open Day" in universities. Many universities of the Belgorod region hold an "Open Day", where visitors can get acquainted with the curricula, admission conditions, teachers and students. Lectures, workshops and campus tours are also held at the event. This helps applicants decide on their choice of educational institution and specialty.

3. "Career Day" in schools. Within the framework of the Career Day project, the business community organizes meetings of schoolchildren with representatives of different professions. The purpose of the event is to tell about which specialties will be in demand in future years and what skills and knowledge are needed to achieve success in a particular field. Thanks to this project, students will be able to choose their future professional path more consciously.

The result of such events is that participants get a clearer idea of their professional interests, develop the skills and knowledge necessary for their chosen profession, and will be able to make more informed decisions about their career. This activity helps young people to determine their professional interests and inclinations, choose the most suitable profession for themselves and get the necessary training and education. As a result, the number of qualified specialists in various fields increases and the level of competitiveness of the labor market in the region increases. Career guidance activities contribute to the development of the socio-economic potential of the region. The more people are engaged in activities suitable for themselves, the higher the level of their productivity and work efficiency, which, in turn, contributes to economic growth and improvement of social indicators of the region.

Career guidance plays a significant role in supporting small and medium-sized businesses. Many entrepreneurs need qualified workers and can find them thanks to the information base created within the framework of career guidance activities.

Also, career guidance can reduce social tension in the region, because the problems of people who are not adapted to work, or the choice of a profession not according to their inclinations can lead to unemployment, social and economic inequality and other social problems.

There are many centers and programs in the Belgorod Region aimed at supporting career guidance, including for children and adolescents. As a result of this activity, the level of civic and cultural competence among young people increases, and the risk of making indecisive or rash decisions in professional terms is reduced.

We also see that career guidance activities should meet the main trends of education, which is very logical, since career guidance activities are an important element of the structure of education in the country.

In Russia, career guidance is gaining increasing recognition and attention both in the education system and among the general public. There are several prospects for the development of this area:

Integration of career guidance into the educational system: the Russian authorities attach great importance to career guidance, and its development is actively supported at the level of state policy. In the future, closer integration of career guidance into the school curriculum is expected, which will allow providing more resources and time for career guidance activities.

Development of information technologies: the increasing use of information technologies in education and career guidance opens up new prospects. The creation of online resources, digital platforms and mobile applications for career guidance can significantly expand access to information and services in this area.

Expansion of partnership with employers: cooperation with enterprises, organizations and employers plays an important role in career guidance. Interaction with representatives of various industries allows us to provide schoolchildren and students with up-to-date information about the labor market, requirements and prospects of various professions. The development of partnerships and the expansion of the network of employers participating in career guidance activities can significantly improve the effectiveness and realism of the information provided.

Development of career centers and consulting services: the development of a network of career centers and consulting services can provide better and individual support for schoolchildren and students in the process of career guidance. This includes testing for aptitudes and interests, individual counseling, organization of trade fairs and other events aimed at supporting informed career decisions.

In the Belgorod region, the integration of career guidance into the educational system is carried out at several levels, including general education institutions, vocational educational institutions and higher educational institutions.

Vocational guidance events such as lectures, seminars and courses are regularly held in secondary schools, where students can get information about various professions and professional areas. Excursions to enterprises and universities are also organized, where students can see how professionals work in real life.

In professional educational institutions, such as colleges and technical schools, career guidance is one of the priority areas of activity. Practice-oriented classes and lectures are held here, students practice at enterprises within the framework of projects and assignments. Meetings with representatives of enterprises are also organized, where students can ask questions and get advice on choosing a profession.

Higher educational institutions of the Belgorod region are also actively working in the field of vocational guidance of students. Lectures and seminars for students are held here, internships and internships at enterprises are organized, as well as competitions and events are held that allow students to show their professional skills and gain work experience in their future profession.

Thus, the integration of career guidance into the educational system of the Belgorod region allows schoolchildren and students to receive information about different professions, develop their professional skills and work experience in real conditions, which helps them to successfully choose their future profession and career path.

Based on the analysis of the state of career guidance in the Belgorod region, the prospects for its development are associated with the strengthening of its institutional status, the use of modern information technologies, the expansion of partnerships with employers and the development of career consultations for schoolchildren and students.


4. Conclusions.

Career guidance activities in the Belgorod region are at a fairly high level. Educational institutions at all levels are actively working to integrate career guidance into the educational process, providing ample opportunities to get acquainted with various areas and professions.

In addition, there are various career guidance centers in the region that assist schoolchildren and students in choosing a profession, providing information about the labor market, training and employment opportunities.

However, despite the results achieved, there are still a number of challenges and problems that need to be addressed. One of these problems is the lack of information about the labor market in the region for specific professions, which makes it difficult to choose a future profession.

In general, taking into account the trends in the labor market and the socio-economic situation in the region, career guidance activities in the Belgorod region have great potential for development and improvement. The task of regional authorities and educational institutions is to continue to work actively in this direction, creating conditions for professional growth and successful careers of future specialists.

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The work "Career guidance in the Belgorod region" is submitted for review. The subject of the study. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the main methods of career guidance development; the definition of effective techniques that are used in Belgorod and the Belgorod region and bring positive results. In general, the work carried out demonstrated the effectiveness of the experiment and the achievement of the set goal. The methodology of the study is determined by the fact that methods and diagnostic materials for the analysis of career guidance work in educational organizations are defined. The paper provides a detailed analysis of each of them, but does not describe in detail the methodology of diagnostic work. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that it is important to carry out effective career guidance in educational institutions. However, insufficient attention is paid to the analysis of the potential of an educational institution to solve the tasks set, as well as to the definition of diagnostic material. The scientific novelty of the research is as follows. The author highlighted the following provisions: - the criteria for analyzing the work of organizations in key areas of career guidance are highlighted and described. Style, structure, content. The style of presentation corresponds to publications of this level. The language of the work is scientific. The structure of the work is clearly traced, the author highlights the main semantic parts. The introduction of the article describes the relevance of the conducted research. The author highlights the current reasons for career guidance activities with adolescents, which include: choosing a profession, developing skills, preventing unemployment, reducing insecurity, developing self-awareness, updating information, reducing the risk of making wrong choices, developing motivation and purposefulness, improving education, and supporting social development. The author highlights the purpose of the research. The second section is devoted to the consideration of research methods and materials. The author justified the need to analyze the work of organizations in key areas: cluster nature, practice orientation, duration, social partnership, etc. Special attention is paid to the definition of the regulatory framework for career guidance in educational institutions. The next section is devoted to the description of the results obtained and their discussion. The author pays special attention to the description of the activities of Belgorod educational organizations in the field of professional orientation in accordance with the selected criteria. Each of them is described in detail in the work. The work ends with brief conclusions, and the practical significance of the research is highlighted. Bibliography. The bibliography of the article includes 14 domestic and foreign sources, most of which have been published in the last three years. The list contains mainly research articles and abstracts. The sources are mostly incorrectly and heterogeneously designed. Appeal to opponents. Recommendations: - to conduct a theoretical analysis of the works that address the problem; - to describe in detail the diagnostic tools for studying career guidance in accordance with the selected criteria; - to correct the bibliographic list in accordance with the requirements; - to edit the work, correct typos and syntactic inaccuracies. Conclusions. The problems of the article are undoubtedly relevant, theoretical and practical value will be of interest to specialists who consider the specifics of professional work within the framework of educational activities. The article can be recommended for publication taking into account the highlighted recommendations.