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Bogachev, Y.S., Bekulova, S.R. (2023). Improvement of Digitalization Support Institutions as a Strategic Direction for Improving the Technological level of the Russian Manufacturing Industry. National Security, 3, 79–91.
Improvement of Digitalization Support Institutions as a Strategic Direction for Improving the Technological level of the Russian Manufacturing Industry
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2023.3.43718EDN: VYIXSLReceived: 04-08-2023Published: 21-09-2023Abstract: The digital transformation of industry is one of the priorities of the development of the economy of the Russian Federation, as the introduction of modern technologies in production has a positive impact on the development of other industries. The basis for the introduction of digital technologies in industry is the desire for a comprehensive increase in efficiency and the creation of conditions for the successful operation of industries. Increasing the effectiveness of institutional support for the digitalization of Russian industry is especially relevant in the context of increasing geopolitical tensions. In this regard, the authors conducted a study aimed at analyzing the organizational structure of tools to support digitalization of the manufacturing industry and developing recommendations for its improvement. The authors analyzed the structure of the institutions of digitalization of the Russian industry, which includes six main institutions. Priority technologies and directions for the development of digitalization of industry corresponding to global trends are highlighted. According to the authors, in order to create a single digital space, a single platform can be created on which institutions can be located and interaction between them can be organized through the allocated priority technologies. Based on the results of the analysis of the organizational structure of tools to support the digitalization of the manufacturing industry, proposals have been developed to create a system of digitalization of the Russian industry that meets the level of threats to the Russian economy from the alliance of countries led by the United States. Keywords: digitalization, manufacturing industry, industry, digitalization institute, digital transformation, digital platform, smart manufacturing, digital engineering, government support, artificial intelligenceThis article is automatically translated. Introduction Currently, institutions are being formed in Russia that determine the relations that arise between market entities when interacting within the framework of the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, which is a strategic direction for improving the technological level of the Russian manufacturing industry. Digitalization of industry is the process of transition to automated digital production and real–time management of intelligent systems. Numerous aspects of modernization of production and its institutional support in the conditions of digitalization of industry are actively studied by foreign [1-4] and domestic [5-10] scientists. The digital transformation of industry is considered one of the priority directions of the development of the economy of the Russian Federation. The introduction of modern technologies in production has an effective effect on the development of other industries. The industrial sector has always been considered one of the most in need of modern technologies, since it is the development of production capacities, efficient logistics and sales combined with transparent personnel management technologies that create the appropriate conditions for the successful operation of the industry. Digital transformation in modern reality involves drastic and radical changes that completely change the life cycle of product production. New modern approaches force business owners to rethink management methods that have been in place for decades, including information systems, and serious competition in the digital world requires the development of new tools and methods for successful functioning and readiness to keep up with changing customer behavior in the long term. The digital transformation of industry is one of the priority directions of the development of the domestic economy, contributing to the intensification of the formation of business models through the use of end-to-end digital technologies. The basis for the introduction of digital technologies in industry is the desire for a comprehensive increase in efficiency and the creation of conditions for the successful operation of industries. In this regard, it is important to conduct research aimed at obtaining data on the most favorable environment for the transformation of industry in the context of digitalization. This determines the purpose of this work - the analysis of the organizational structure of tools to support the digitalization of the manufacturing industry and the development of recommendations for its improvement. State support for digitalization of the manufacturing industry The Russian government has developed a strategy for the digital transformation of manufacturing industries in order to achieve their "digital maturity" by 2024 and for the period up to 2030.[1] In the strategy of digital transformation of manufacturing industries, the directions of digitalization have been developed in order to achieve digital maturity. Among manufacturing enterprises, there are both large enterprises that have been developing their own information systems for a number of years and medium-sized enterprises that are not able to develop such systems independently. In this regard, the Government of the Russian Federation has developed a unified methodology for assessing the degree of readiness of enterprises for digitalization. The unified methodology allows, on the one hand, to compare the level of digitalization of different enterprises, and, on the other hand, to diversify the support tools in a targeted manner, in accordance with the technological state of the enterprise. The digital maturity of industrial enterprises in the strategy is understood as their willingness to integrate into a new technological order, using the achievements of digital technologies [11]. The strategy uses the project management principle for the development of intersectoral ecosystem cooperation of enterprises. It should be noted that various aspects of intersectoral ecosystem cooperation have been analyzed by experts for decades [12-15], but the topic has received a new round with the development of digital technologies [16-19]. To stimulate the cooperation of enterprises, the Government has developed a number of measures, which include the provision of subsidies: - to reimburse part of the costs of developing digital platforms and software products in order to create and (or) develop the production of high-tech industrial products;[2] - for financial support of part of the costs of creating a scientific and technical reserve for the development of basic technologies for the production of priority electronic components and electronic equipment;[3] - for state support of projects for the introduction of domestic products, services and platform solutions created on the basis of "end-to-end" digital technologies in the subjects of the Russian Federation as part of the implementation of roadmaps for the development of "end-to-end" digital technologies;[4] - as part of the support of projects for the transformation of priority sectors of the economy and social sphere based on the introduction of domestic products, services and platform solutions created on the basis of "end-to-end" digital technologies.[5][6] These measures are aimed at the sovereignization of the digitalization process and its acceleration. It should be noted the interest of the private sector of Russian software developers in the introduction and production of new components of digital products. At the same time, in 2022, the problem of cybersecurity has become the main problem of digitalization. Currently, fixed assets are being spent to create appropriate software products and tools. Other areas of digitalization are: - development of systems aimed at production management; - processing of information about the state of sales markets, logistics; - processing of information about economic and financial activities; - maintenance of manufactured products; - life cycle management of complex objects. The strategy uses the principle of unity in the construction of goals and objectives for a set of related industries that have a single technical level and are developing synchronously. An important tool of Russia's industrial policy is the State Industrial Information System (GIS). This system is a digital platform for interaction between authorities and enterprises. Building digital processes of cooperation and production chains on the GIS platform there are currently more than 140 thousand participants of cooperation, 58 thousand suppliers and manufacturers of products, more than a thousand representatives of public authorities.[7] Using the tools presented on this platform, business entities can find and receive state support, find manufacturers and suppliers, participate in purchases on an electronic trading platform, where four thousand trading procedures are carried out daily. In addition, the platform collects primary statistical information on all industries. Institutes of Digitalization Support in Russian Industry The strategy involves the implementation of five ecosystem projects in the areas of digital transformation of the enterprise: 1. innovations in the organization of production; 2. technological innovations; 3. product innovations; 4. innovations in the field of personnel; 5. innovations in public administration [20]. Within the framework of the direction of the organization of production, it is planned to implement the project "Smart Production", as a result of which the following tasks will be solved: - optimization of the use of resources and fixed assets; - increasing the technological potential and competitiveness of the enterprise; - increasing the level of accessibility of the enterprise to information about its production and technological potential; - increase in the share of enterprises using predictive analytics technologies of the industrial Internet of Things; - development and implementation of Russian engineering software and digital platforms in key classes.[8] The creation of a national system of standardization and certification – the Digital Engineering project - will allow enterprises to use universal solutions to the following tasks: - creation of universal marketplaces with resources for the production and sale of products from the idea to the market; - formation of uniform data formats; - creation of reference architectures; - the use of digital twin technologies and technologies to optimize the output of products to the market. The strategy assumes the implementation of the project "Products of the future". Its implementation will allow enterprises to make the transition to the production of customized products. As part of this project, universal solutions will be prepared to solve the following tasks: - transition to a flexible conveyor production model for the client; - transition from repair according to the regulations to repair according to the condition based on the use of predictive analytics technologies; - creation of a service model for the sale of industrial products; - increasing the level of accessibility to digital technologies. To improve the quality of the personnel policy of the industry, it is planned to implement a new employment model, within which there will be: - a model of the competence exchange is presented, which will increase the share of human intellectual labor in production; - creation of services that compensate for the insufficient level of competencies for digitalization. To improve the quality of public administration, it is proposed to implement the departmental program of digital transformation of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, which will create a universal solution for the following tasks: - organization of state support on the basis of specialized digital platforms that allow navigation and targeted support to specific enterprises; - creation of industry data sets for use by enterprises and IT companies; - the transition from traditional industry statistics to technologies for processing large data arrays and artificial intelligence. The strategy defines the direction of designing high-tech industrial products, the implementation of which will improve the quality and efficiency of design, minimize design time, and form a digital twin data library. In addition, the results of the project implementation will allow for system engineering of design for a given cost, that is, to introduce a product-oriented approach to product creation, interdisciplinary modeling, multidisciplinary optimization and topological optimization. As part of the implementation of the digital transformation programs of enterprises, the following tasks are expected to be solved: - reengineering of design processes; - creation of an integrated space of information design systems with product lifecycle management systems; - creation of a digital twin data library of products; - digitalization of the characteristics of the qualification of specialists (experience, competencies). The strategy assumes the achievement of the following results: - reduction of downtime of production facilities by 45%; - reduction of the payback period of investments by 30%; - increase the efficiency of the equipment by 2 times; - reducing the time of product launch to the market by using the results of intelligent tests by 1.5 times; - reducing the costs of industrial enterprises for the development and launch of products to the market using digital simulation technology of virtual tests by 2 times; - a significant reduction in the cost of product maintenance during the transition from repair according to the regulations to repair according to the condition; - increase of high-tech jobs by 50%.[9] In Russia, at the end of 2022, the Efficiency platform was launched.the Russian Federation", which will help the subjects of the industrial sphere to begin digitalization of production without hiring expensive specialists and acquiring their own computing power. This platform is aimed at helping to automate the routine processes of the organization, increase control over production and the level of sustainability of the company. Platform Services Efficiency.RF[10] allows you to diagnose an enterprise, assess the level of its digital maturity, compare the results with companies competing in the industry and get advice from an expert. Based on the results of the analysis and the needs of the enterprise, the platform assists in the selection of domestic software for various requests, registration of an application for a subsidy, co-financing or grant. It is expected that by the end of 2024, the number of users of the platform will be about four thousand companies. By October 5, 2022, more than two and a half hundred organizations had used the platform's services.[11] Thus, the strategy forms six main institutions that determine the trajectory of digitalization of economic entities: smart manufacturing; a system of standardization and certification; products of the future; an employment model; a model for designing high-tech industrial products; the Efficiency platform. It should be noted that these institutions define their digitalization platforms. In order to create a single digital space, it is necessary to create a single platform on which all these institutions can be hosted and interaction between them can be organized. In this regard , the following global trends can currently be distinguished – the directions of digitalization in industry: - cloud platforms that allow you to form the continuity of the implementation of business processes, optimize them and implement effective solutions to ensure the security of the functioning of the infrastructure; - Data Fabric (data matrix) – a platform that allows you to organize work with information; - artificial intelligence, which allows you to optimize automated processes of manufacturing products; - cybersecurity networks – a system that allows you to implement a set of protective security measures to minimize the risks of hacking and cyberattacks of networks, applications and devices, which helps to prevent external influence on the functioning of the system and ensure the smooth functioning of the enterprise; - Metaverse (metaverse) is a technology that provides testing of the company's products and services by organizing interaction with consumers and related enterprises, as well as with digital objects through avatars; - hyperautomatization, combining software, machine learning tools and process automation tools. It is a technology of robotic automation of artificial intelligence processes of digital platforms, low-code applications, machine learning. The technology allows you to quickly automate routine operations, eliminate gaps in the automated process; - digital twin is a technology that allows you to form a virtual model of the functioning of the enterprise, changing in real time. The model allows you to plan and predict the trajectory of the company's development, test processes, detect problems before starting production.[12] Development of proposals for improving institutions to support the digitalization of Russian industry The institutions created in accordance with the strategy of digitalization of the Russian industry, the structure of which is analyzed by the authors above, do not form a system of responding to threats to the Russian economy from the alliance of countries led by the United States adequately to their level. In the conditions of increasing geopolitical tension, it is necessary to create an industrial model that, on a sovereign basis, can fully meet the needs of Russia necessary for socio-economic development and ensuring national security. A serious obstacle to the digitalization of the manufacturing industry is the presence of an imbalance of domestic and foreign software. Currently, according to the strategy data, the share of the Russian market for any of the key classes of digital systems does not exceed 30%.[13] Other problems hindering the digitalization of enterprises are: - high level of import dependence; - problems of interaction of enterprises related to the availability of different data formats; - low level of information security. Under the current conditions, the strategy is aimed at creating tools that compensate for obstacles on the way to digitalization: - low labor productivity; - low level of resource saving; - low level of return on funds; - high level of defective products; - a long cycle of bringing products to market; - high sanctions costs; - difficulties in forming cooperative chains; - high cost of maintenance and operation of products. Currently, due to sanctions, the Russian domestic market is experiencing a shortage in many high-tech intermediate or investment goods. It is necessary to thoroughly modernize the manufacturing process of the manufacturing industry on the basis of modern machine tools, automation and robotics, as well as control systems using digital technologies. At the same time, it is necessary to concentrate efforts on priority areas of development of the manufacturing industry: aircraft construction, shipbuilding, electronic and electrical industry, pharmaceutical and medical industry, low-tonnage chemistry, petrochemistry, production of modern materials in a wide range. In this regard, it is necessary to determine the level of digitalization corresponding to the technological level of production, therefore it is necessary to create standards for the level of digitalization of the production of high-tech multicomponent products. To do this, enterprises should be certified for compliance with the above standards. In order to achieve the standards of the level of digitalization of production, it is necessary to form a plan to bring enterprises to the necessary technological level by providing equipment and training personnel. The solution of these tasks can be facilitated by the creation of an engineering company based on specialists with relevant competencies and work experience. The selection of specialists is proposed to be carried out by monitoring the qualifications of employees employed in all sectors of the manufacturing industry. To implement the above measures, an industrial digitalization management center can be created on the basis of leading specialists of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation with direct subordination to the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Government in charge of industrial development. In order to coordinate activities and efficient use of resources, it is necessary to create a center for the development of industrial digitalization programs aimed at achieving the sovereignty of the digital economy and achieving the goal of creating modern industrial production that meets the country's needs in the per capita dimension at the level of leading industrial countries (South Korea, Germany, Japan) in 7 years. A serious risk of implementing this program is technological dependence on foreign companies in the following areas: software, electronic equipment, means of production. In this regard, modernization and digitalization processes should be significantly intensified within the framework of the above-mentioned program. The currently allocated amounts of funding from both budgetary and extra-budgetary funds are insufficient to achieve the above goal in 7 years. Taking into account the current situation in both domestic and foreign financial markets, it is necessary to digitalize the domestic financial market on the basis of a two-circuit financial system. Conclusion The results of the analysis of the structure of the institutions of digitalization of industry in Russia indicate that the system includes six main institutions that determine the trajectory of digitalization of economic entities: smart production; standardization and certification system; products of the future; employment model; model of designing high-tech industrial products; platform "Efficiency". Industry digitalization institutes define their digitalization platforms. In order to create a single digital space, according to the authors, it is necessary to form a single platform on which all these institutions can be hosted and interaction between them can be organized. In this regard, global trends – trends of digitalization in industry, such as: cloud platforms, Data Fabric (data matrices), artificial intelligence, cybersecurity networks, Metaverse (metaverse), hyperautomatization, digital twin, etc. can be useful at present. The system of institutions created in Russia to support the digitalization of industry does not create a sufficient system to respond to threats to the Russian economy from the alliance of countries led by the United States adequately to their level. In this regard, the authors have developed proposals for improving this system. [1] Strategy of digital transformation of manufacturing industries in order to achieve their digital maturity by 2024 and for the period up to 2030 // SPS Consultant Plus. [2] Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 30.04.2019 No. 529 (ed. of 11/22/2022) "On approval of the Rules for Granting Subsidies to Russian Organizations for Reimbursement of Part of the Costs of Developing Digital Platforms and Software products in order to create and (or) develop the production of high-tech industrial products" (with amendments and additions, intro. effective from 01.01.2023) // SPS Consultant Plus. [3] Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 17.02.2016 No. 109 (ed. of 13.09.2022) "On approval of the Rules for granting subsidies from the Federal budget to Russian organizations for financial support of part of the costs of creating scientific and technical groundwork for the development of basic technologies for the production of priority electronic components and electronic equipment" // SPS Consultant Plus. [4] Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 03.05.2019 No. 550 (ed. dated 11/22/2022) "On approval of the Rules for Granting Subsidies from the Federal Budget to the Russian Information Technology Development Fund to Support Projects for the Development and Implementation of Russian solutions in the field of information technology" (with amendments and additions, intro. effective from 01.01.2023) // SPS Consultant Plus. [5] Strategy of digital transformation of manufacturing industries in order to achieve their digital maturity by 2024 and for the period up to 2030 // SPS Consultant Plus. [6] Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 03.05.2019 No. 555 (ed. dated 11/22/2022) "On approval of the Rules for granting subsidies from the Federal budget to the non-profit organization Foundation for the Development of the Center for the Development and Commercialization of New Technologies to ensure the first large-scale implementation of Russian solutions in the field of information technology" // SPS Consultant Plus. [7] Strategy of digital transformation of manufacturing industries in order to achieve their digital maturity by 2024 and for the period up to 2030 // SPS Consultant Plus. [8] The Ministry of Industry and Trade named key projects to achieve the "digital maturity" of the industry. – URL: (accessed: 01.05.2023). [9] Strategy of digital transformation of manufacturing industries in order to achieve their digital maturity until 2024 and for the period up to 2030 // SPS Consultant Plus. [10] Efficiency.rf – URL: https://xn--b1afjhrgvdfla9hb.xn--p1ai / (accessed: 01.05.2023). [11] A platform of digital solutions of the national project "Labor Productivity" has been launched in Russia. Investment portal of the Moscow region. – URL: (accessed: 01.05.2023). [12] Digitalization of industry in 2023. – URL: / (accessed 17.07.2023). [13] The Ministry of Industry and Trade has developed a strategy for digital transformation of manufacturing industries. Information technologies in industry. – URL: (accessed: 01.05.2023). References
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