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Genesis: Historical research

Y-chromosomal ancestors: on the problem of genetic and genealogical nomination

Nilogov Aleksei Sergeevich

PhD in Philosophy

Current Member (Academician), Moscow Academy of Philosophy of Economy; Chairman of South-Siberian Historical-Genealogical Society (Abakan); Member of Russian Genealogical Federation; member of the Regional Public Organization of the Krasnoyarsk krai "Union of Local Historians of Yenisei Siberia"

655017, Russia, Republic of Khakassia, Abakan, Shchetinkina str., 23, office 23
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Abstract: The article deals with the problem of the nomination of patrilineal contiguities determined on the basis of genome-wide sequencing of the male sexual Y chromosome. As a result of the detection of irreversible mutations (single nucleotide polymorphisms), it becomes possible to name our distant ancestors using SNP marker indices. Having previously justified the method of "sniping as naming", we have increased the nominative retrospective on the reconstruction of phylogenetic and genealogical lines. Thanks to the use of index names of Y-chromosomal mutations, it was possible to indirectly fill in the proper names of those neighbors who lived earlier in the preserved archival and documentary fund of genealogical sources. We are talking about onomatization as a process of resurrecting the names of ancestors whose genetic traces appeared in our Y chromosomes in the form of snip mutations, in fact attributing a specific male progenitor, who for the first time had an irreversible neutral ONP. The DNA molecule, like a biological document, contains information about our origin hundreds of thousands of years deep, being a genetic cemetery of lucky ancestors. The more human Y chromosomes are sequenced, the more names of proper male ancestors will be reconstructed on the Y-haplodreve. Despite the fact that the nomenclature of SNPs is constantly changing, including due to the synonymization of designations depending on developers and laboratories, the fact of nominative reconstruction of our phylogenetic neighbors through large-scale genome-wide sequencing remains immutable. On the example of the genetic-genealogical (genealogical) reconstruction of the author's patrilineal line, the prospects of a comprehensive (interdisciplinary) study of human patrilineal kinship are shown.


Y chromosome, mutation, genealogy, DNA genealogy, haplogroup, Y-chromosomal Adam, SNPs, haplotree, subclade, philogeny

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Going back in time in search of ancestors may have a perfectly justified purpose. This goal is the great ancestor of all living things, and we will come to it no matter who we start the journey with.: from an elephant or an eagle, a swift or salmonella, a sequoia or a human. The reverse and forward chronology are each good for their own purpose. Moving into the past, we, regardless of the starting point, will come to the moment of unity of all living things.

R. Dawkins [1, p. 19]

The genome of a polar bear, penguin, caiman, or guanaco is an ecological community of genes that thrive in the presence of each other. In the short term, the landscape of shared prosperity is the cage. In the long run, this is the gene pool. In sexually reproducing creatures, the gene pool is the habitat of genes that are copied and recombined as generations change.

R. Dawkins [1, p. 542]

So many evolutionary transformations have taken place over hundreds of millions of years that an ancestor who looks like a fish gives rise to a descendant who looks like a shrew. And over billions of years, so many that an ancestor that looks like a bacterium gives rise to a descendant that looks like me or you.

R. Dawkins [2, p. 204]

DNA doesn't care about our fates and names. The DNA is just there. And we dance to her tune.

R. Dawkins [3, p. 173]

I randomly selected 250 Mr. Sykes from Yorkshire and neighboring Lancashire and Cheshire and wrote letters to them asking them to send material for DNA research. The embassy and I myself bear the same surname, it seemed to me that addressing other Sykes would not be perceived by them as an invasion of privacy. I put a DNA brush in each envelope and about a month later I received sixty samples of the Sykes DNA. <...> However, when I finished decoding, the result amazed me. In a good half of all Sykes from Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cheshire who sent samples, the structure of the Y chromosome was completely the same. There could be only one explanation for such an amazing and unexpected phenomenon: those participants in the study, including Sir Richard and myself, who had the same Y-chromosome structure, had a common ancestor.

B. Sykes [4, pp. 19, 21]

Echoes from the past, echoing from our ancestors, are much easier to interpret from mitochondrial DNA and the Y chromosome than from the endlessly changing chromosomes of the nucleus.

B. Sykes [4, p. 173]

... although every living person (and also, in this context, every animal and bird) had ancestors on Earth, this does not mean that every fossil creature found necessarily has modern descendants.

B. Sykes [5, p. 118]

Undoubtedly, DNA is a physical object that is literally passed down from generation to generation, but in this case this object is important more because it is a symbol or sign of the community of origin that it testifies to than because of the chemical metabolism of the organism that it directly controls.

B. Sykes [5, p. 296]

Archival records can burn in a fire, they can be eaten by termites, mold and dampness can be destroyed, and finally they can be lost. DNA is able to fill in these gaps that arise in archives at the sites of missing documents. It helps to compensate for the fragility inherent in notes made with pen and paper, but there are many people for whom the complete absence of any written documents is explained not by coincidence, but by the deliberate oblivion of some facts. In these cases, DNA is not just a useful addition to traditional genealogy methods. It turns into the only physical connection with the past.

B. Sykes [5, p. 298]

Kinship, and it alone, should be used both for the reconstruction of phylogeny and for the classification of organisms.

V. Hennig – M. Vinarsky [6, p. 107]

We are gradually approaching the realization of a great dream – the construction of a universal tree of life, linking all creatures, large and small, extinct and now living, within the framework of one genealogy.

M. Vinarsky [6, p. 118]

To me, the DNA sequence speaks more accurately about kinship. Thousands of mutations accumulate in DNA, they occur independently of each other and do not affect either the appearance or the habits of the animal. Morphological features, on the contrary, contain the means of survival, therefore, certain measurements of features reflect the adaptive capabilities of the animal. In addition, the signs can be mutually linked to each other – taking two signs, you can never be sure of their independence.

Since in the case of DNA we are dealing with multiple independent and randomly varying features, reconstructions are significantly more stable than those based on morphological variations. And even more – on the basis of DNA, it is possible to obtain the time of divergence of descendants from a common ancestor, which cannot be done in any way according to morphology. After all, the number of changes in DNA is basically a function of time, at least if we are talking about a group of related species.

S. Peabo [7, pp. 102-103]

How can we imagine events that took place millions, and in many cases billions of years ago? Unfortunately, it is impossible to ask eyewitnesses – none of us were alive then. Most of the time, there was not only no talking creature, but also no creature that had a mouth or even a head. Worse, the animals that lived in those days died and were buried so long ago that only a few of them had anything left of their bodies at all. If you think about the fact that more than 99% of all species that have ever lived have now become extinct, that only a very small proportion of them have been preserved in fossil form and that an even smaller proportion of this proportion can be found, it may seem that any attempts to understand our past are doomed to failure from the very beginning.

N. Shubin [8, pp. 11-12]

Everyone will agree that their family tree begins somewhere, but the whole question is where exactly it begins.

N. Shubin [8, p. 238]

Think about it, what are the chances that, walking through some randomly selected cemetery on our planet, I will find the grave of my ancestor? They are tiny. What I can really discover is that all the people buried in any cemetery–wherever it is, in China, Botswana or Italy–are related to me to varying degrees. This can be found out by examining their DNA using one of the many advanced techniques used in investigative expertise today. I can make sure that some of those who rest in this cemetery are distantly related to me, while others are quite close relatives to me. A family tree based on such data would shed a lot of light on my past, on the history of my family.

N. Shubin [8, pp. 240-241]

Bacteria think in groups, strains, and branches of the genetic tree.

N. V. Kukushkin [9, p. 105]

My favorite point of reference for the "remarkable" human lineage begins with eukaryogenesis.

N. V. Kukushkin [9, p. 477]

The tree of life is a collection of whole organisms (not just their genomes). Graphically, it really looks like a tree, the branches of which, however, can sometimes merge.

S. A. Yastrebov [10, p. 445]

It may be difficult for an ordinary person to combine with visual representations of the world the fact that his personal direct ancestor – no less direct than his grandfather or great–grandfather - once, a couple of billion years ago, was a single-celled flagellate, similar to a collegiction. But, apparently, this is the truth. As the hero of the famous play by Grigory Gorin said: "This is much more than a fact. That's how it really was."

S. A. Yastrebov [10, p. 550]

Therefore, on the basis of the principle of natural selection, accompanied by a divergence of characters, it seems likely that both animals and plants could have developed from some such low-organized and intermediate form; and if we allow this, we must assume that all organic beings who have ever lived on Earth could have descended from one the primitive form.

Tsch. R. Darwin [11, p. 580]

A new level of DNA genealogical (genetic-genealogical, genealogical) verification has raised the methodological question of classical documentary and archival pedigree, since pedigree is primarily understood as biological (genetic, phylogenetic) kinship.

I was inspired to write this study by the book by the British Darwinist Richard Dawkins "The Ancestor's Tale", in which the author talked about our common neighbors from modern times to the origin of life. This work will be devoted to the Nilogov family, which has been reconstructed on the basis of a comprehensive genetic and genealogical methodology.

SNP mutations (SNIP mutations, SNP markers)[1] as a way of nominating our distant ancestors, this is currently the only way to isolate from the finite, but undifferentiated, number of Y–chromosomal ancestors specific biological carriers of these point nucleotide substitutions that occurred at one time or another along the path of transmission of the male sex chromosome in a straight line in the "ancestor –descendant" chain. last name, family name[2].

The rooting of the phylogenetic Y-tree still needs fundamental study by population geneticists and DNA genealogists (genetic genealogists, genealogists)[3]. In our study, we will count from the common ancestors of modern men (Homo sapiens sapiens) with the extinct Denisovian man (Homo sapiens denisova, Homo sapiens altaiensis). Belonging to the order of primates, the family hominidae, the subfamily hominin, the genus humans, the species of homo sapiens, there is a genetic link between our subspecies in both nuclear and mitochondrial genomes[4]. In this case, we will talk about nuclear DNA, and specifically about the genome of the Y chromosome, the reference sample of which has more than 62 million nucleotides (the current reference is T2T (CP086569.2) [15]). This nucleotide sequence contains the patrilineal history of our ancestors, preserved in the form of point mutations, otherwise called single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP). Having arisen randomly from our distant ancestors, these genetic mutations were inherited by us in the form of a biological pedigree, which, like a family cemetery, replicates the memory of lucky ancestors, who, taphonomically speaking, were lucky to survive in this way in descendants. DNA contains a huge array of information about human ancestors, those persons of family lines and their interrelationships of chromosomal kinship, which genealogy so carefully examines according to preserved documents in the archives. In DNA, these data have been preserved in humans, they are not susceptible to destruction as a result of emergency situations and do not require special storage conditions, unlike paper documents[5].

If we look at the problem from the point of view of the entire human genome, it turns out that our chromosome set will lack the genetic material of many of our biological ancestors. The fact is that in the process of meiosis[6] (cell division), the so-called crossing (crossing, crossing) occurs, that is, the exchange of sections of homologous (paired) chromosomes, as a result of which the number of possible combinations increases significantly, which ensures such a variety of people. However, over time, shuffling in the genome leads to a condition in which ancestral genetic material is lost, blurring the more deeply into history.

Since the Y chromosome is only partially susceptible to crossover with the paired sexual X chromosome, SNP mutations in it guarantee the memory of phylogenetic ancestors. On the other hand, pedigree researchers should not delude themselves that their work will not be wasted, which grateful descendants will appreciate. The laws of nature are insurmountable, so we are all waiting for total extinction, oblivion and disintegration. There will be no genes or memes left after us: neither in the population /evolution, nor in the culture /semiosphere, we will be able to inherit for millions and billions of years. However, if humanity becomes a factor in cosmic evolution, overcoming entropy[7], then this will allow us to prolong the traces of our presence in the Universe for as long as possible.

The study of genealogy is a private practice of combating the entropy of oblivion in the symbolic sphere of memory. A genealogical scheme is an ordered structure of ancestral memory, which, piercing the past, rushes into the future. Our negentropic (anthropic) duty is to resurrect the proper names of our ancestors (onomification) in the common cause of the resurrection of fathers (patronification) and in general of all life (vitification), and specifically by sequencing their genomes in the form of digital copies. In accordance with Darwinian evolution[8], it is important for living organisms to have time to integrate into the biological chain "ancestor –descendant"; even a few homo sapiens sapiens are able to survive in a cultural world where memory is not genetic and entropic, but memetic and negentropic (anthropic).

Our phylogenetic history will begin with such fundamental scientific concepts as "most recent common ancestor" (MRCA) and Y-MRCA. So, here is the definition of the first term in the English version: in biology and genetic genealogy, the most recent common ancestor (MRCA), also known as the last common ancestor (LCA) or concestor, of a set of organizations is the most recent individual from which all the organizations of the set are descended. The term is also used in reference to the ancestry of groups of genes (haplotypes) rather than organisms» [21]. Translated into Russian, this term literally means "the most recent common ancestor", however, in the Russian-speaking environment, the equivalent of "closest common ancestor" (BOP), or "last common ancestor" (POP) is used [22].

So, in biology and genetic genealogy (DNA genealogy, molecular genealogy, molecular history), the most recent common ancestor (MRCA), also the last common ancestor (LCA) or neighbor, is from a variety of pre-existing organisms – the most recent individual from which many modern organisms originated. According to modern evolutionary concepts, all earthly life has a common origin. This fundamental principle plays a role in biological systematics: according to the cladistic approach, any biological taxon should be constructed in such a way that it combines all species descended from one common ancestor" [22].

The second important term for us is Y-MRCA: in human genetics, the Y-chromosomal most recent common ancestor (Y-MRCA, informally known as Y-chromosomal Adam) is the patrilineal most recent common ancestor (MRCA) from whom all currently living humans are descended (in human genetics, the most recent common ancestor the Y-chromosome ancestor (Y-MRCA, informally known as Y-chromosomal Adam[9]) is the most recent common paternal ancestor (MRCA) from whom all living people descended)[10] [21].

So, the Y-chromosome Adam is a reconstruction of the closest common patrilineal ancestor for the subspecies Homo sapiens sapiens, as well as for the entire species of Homo sapiens, including Neanderthals (Homo sapiens neanderthalensis) and Denisovans (Homo sapiens denisova), and, of course, for the entire genus homo, including such fossil human species as Heidelberg man (Homo heidelbergensis) and Homo erectus (Homo erectus)[11]. Y-MRCA, Y-chromosomal Adam, Y-Adam are synonymous terms, although often Y–chromosomal Adam is understood only as the patrilineal closest common ancestor of all living people. However, if we include Neanderthals and Denisovans in the species Homo sapiens, then, in our opinion, the Y-chromosome Adam should be considered the patrilineal closest common ancestor of all living humans and extinct Neanderthals and Denisovans. It is possible that in the future other extinct subspecies of humans or preserved relict lines that have passed the bottleneck will be discovered, which will also calibrate this archaeogenetic concept[12].

According to Brad Larkin [26], there is evidence of common mutations up to the hominid family, in particular, with modern chimpanzees, genetically closest to us among the primate order. Chimpanzee Last Common Ancestor (CHLCA) – Humans, Denisovans, and Chimpanzee ancestral alleles all match on this last ancestor of humans and chimps. Larkin cites a specific SNP (Hg38) 2784300 on the Y chromosome, namely the mutation G > C. CHLCA is the closest common ancestor of modern humans, including extinct Neanderthals and Denisovans, as well as modern chimpanzees. By analogy with the ISOGG nomenclature, this neighbor should form the haplogroup A00000-T, although we have not yet encountered such a haplogroup nomination. [26] [26]

The descending link is the closest common ancestor for modern humans, including extinct Neanderthals, and Denisovans, which Larkin designates Homo Erectus (Human and Denisovan diverge from ancestral allele Not found in chimpanzees at this position). Larkin cites a specific SNP (Hg38) 21292569 on the Y chromosome, namely the T> G mutation. According to the ISOGG nomenclature, this should be haplogroup A0000-T, but in this form the term has not yet entered scientific circulation. To date, there is such a working designation of the root of the tree (root) for Y-Adam. [26] [26] [27]

According to the Discover Family Tree DNA, the divergence (separation) from the common ancestor of Denisovans and modern humans, including Neanderthals, occurred approximately 705 thousand years ago (TMRCA)[13] [30]. [30] [30] [30]

[31, p. 520]

The next lower link of the closest common ancestor is Heidelbergensis, from which two parallel branches of modern humans and Neanderthals were formed. According to the ISOGG nomenclature, this is haplogroup A000-T, which is marked with SNP A8835: an irreversible single nucleotide mutation A > G occurred on the Y chromosome at position 7760193. According to Family Tree DNA, the lifetime to the nearest common ancestor (TMRCA) is approximately 368,000 years ago in the range of 418,000 <–> 324,000 years ago (formed CI 95%)[14]. [32] [26] [30] [30]

Let's explain this point methodologically by quoting an excerpt from an interview with Russian geneticist S. A. Borinskaya: "When comparing two related species in the same position of the genome of these species there are different nucleotides, then one of the nucleotides is ancestral, the other is evolutionarily young, replacing the ancestral one as a result of mutation. To find out which of the variants is ancestral and which is "young", use the genome of a related species (it is called an "outgroup species", in English outgroup), which separated from the common trunk before the divergence of the two species that are being studied[15].

When comparing human genes with the genomes of Neanderthals or Denisovans, chimpanzees (in some cases gorillas, orangutans, and other primates) were used as an "outgroup" species.

The logic of the study is as follows: if a human and a Denisovan (or Neanderthal) have different nucleotides in some position of the genome, then the one that coincides with a chimpanzee is the ancestral one. And the one that does not match is evolutionarily young, appeared after the separation of the line carrying this young allele" [35][16].

So, let's continue the Y-phylogeny of our common ancestors, starting by analogy with R. Dawkins to talk about neighbors, always implying a female neighbor, that is, excluding patrilineal discrimination. We will name our neighbors by the names of SNP markers and, accordingly, haplogroups/subclades[17], which are accepted in Y-phylogeny. This scientific nomenclature SNP nomination[18] will indirectly fill in the names of distant relatives - specific carriers of mutations that they once had[19]. As the database accumulates, the YTree phylogeny will be refined and expanded, allowing naming as many unnamed ancestors as possible, whose traces in the form of nucleotide traces have been preserved in the Y chromosome and, like a biological pedigree, are replicated in descendants. Genome-wide testing of the Y chromosomes of male representatives of our genus was carried out in two American commercial laboratories – Family Tree DNA (6 donors) [38] and Nebula Genomics (repeated 2 donors) [39]. The results were uploaded to the international website (Y-Chr Sequence Interpretation Service), where they took their unique place (the corresponding branch) on the world YTree [40]: A. S. Nilogov (id:YF001593 (Big Y 500), id:YF067279 (Big Y 700), id:YF095491 (NG)); S. M. Nilogov (id:YF068473 (Big Y 700), id:YF089316 (NG)); M. S. Nilogov (id:YF076737 (Big Y 700)); M. M. Nilogov (id:YF112473 (Big Y 700)); N. A. Nelogov (id:YF079120 (Big Y 700)); A. N. Nelogov (id:YF110536 (Big Y 700)).

Ancestor (with an option) A8835 (A 000-T) (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation A > G occurred on his Y chromosome at position 7760193. According to FTDNA, the lifetime to the nearest common ancestor (TMRCA) is approximately 368,000 years ago in the range of 418,000 <–> 324,000 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of node A8835 are approximately 8 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows: A8835, A8836, A8837, A8838, A8845, A8846, A8848, A8852. A8835 (A 000-T) is our common patrilineal ancestor with Neanderthals. [26] [30];start=7760193;end=7760193;name=A8835;class=Sequence;feature_id=52111;db_id=chrY%3Adatabase [41]

Ancestor (neighbor) A-PR2921 (A 00-T) (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation A > G occurred on his Y chromosome at position 16776514. According to FTDNA, the lifetime to the nearest common ancestor (TMRCA) is approximately 232,000 years ago in the range of 268,000 <–> 200,000 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of node A-PR2921 are approximately 105 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows: PR2921, A8833, A8841, A8843, A8849, A8853, A21321, A21322, A21323, A21324, A21325, A213326, A213327, A21328, A21329, A21330, A21331, A21332, A21333, A21334, A21335, A21336, A21337, A21338, A21339, A21340, A21341, A21342, A21343, A21344, A21345, A21346, A21347, A21348, A21349, A21350, A21351, A21352, A21353, A21354, A21499, A21500, A21501, A21502, A21503, A21504, A21505, A21506, A21507, A21508, A21509, A21510, A21511, A21512, A21513, A21514, A21515, A21516, A21517, A21518, A21519, A21520, A21521, A21522, A21523, A21524, A21525, A21526, A21527, A21528, A21529, A21530, A21531, A21532, A21533, A21534, A21535, A21537, A21538, A21539, A21540, A21541, A21542, A21543, A21544, A21545, A21546, A21547, A21548, A21549, A21550, A21551, A21552, A21553, A21554, A21555, A21556, A21557, A21558, A21559, A21560, A21739, A21740, A21741, A21742. A-PR2921 (A 00-T) is our common patrilineal ancestor after separation from Neanderthals. [32] [26] [30]

It is important to note that since the separation of modern humans from Neanderthals on the Y chromosome, which happened approximately 368 thousand years ago from A8835 (A 000-T) to A-PR2921 (A 00-T), there have been thousands of potential closest common ancestors for modern humans, which can be phylogenetically reconstructed as new ones are tested donors, including human remains with ancient DNA[20]. Nevertheless, the phylogenetic record of the Y chromosome will always be incomplete due to the fact that many lines have already been terminated and continue to die out even under conditions of mass DNA testing, and part of the extinct gene pool has not even left bone samples. [30];start=16776514;end=16776514;name=PR2921;class=Sequence;feature_id=217183;db_id=chrY%3Adatabase [41]

In 2012, one of the great-grandchildren of Albert Perry, a slave from South Carolina, who was born around 1820, was tested in the American Family Tree DNA laboratory. As a result of the analysis of his Y chromosome, it was found that his patrilineum is the oldest previously discovered ("the most divergent Y-DNA lineage known today"), whose roots go back to Cameroon. Thanks to this American, haplogroup A00 was isolated. The Perry family and their distant relatives from Cameroon descend from a single ancestor who lived about a thousand years ago. Thus, today they are our most distant paternal relatives ("they are the most distant paternal line relatives of almost everyone in the world today") [42]. For Albert Perry's great-grandson, the subclades A–L1100 are defined, which is descending in the ancestor-descendant chain: A-PR2921 > L1087 > L1088 > FGC28278 > L1149 > L1100 > A-FT272432. [30] [37]

Albert's son, Clyde Perry, born in 1867, grandfather of the first A00 tester [30] [30] [30] [40]

In our study, we use several genetic databases (Y-DNA database), among which the most authoritative are: YFull YTree [29], Discover Family Tree DNA [30], YSNP YTree from ISOGG [27]. There are also Chinese variants – YTree Dnachron [43], YTree Mofang [44], the old version of Y-Haplotree FTDNA [45] and the website , which hosts the Ancestral DNA Marker Pedigree Display utility [26].[21] [40] [43] [43]

Ancestor (neighbor) A-L1090 (A0-T) (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation G > C occurred on his Y chromosome at position 3676921. According to FTDNA, the lifetime to the nearest common ancestor (TMRCA) is approximately 150,000 years ago in the range of 170905 <–> 131165 years ago (formed CI 95%). According to YFull, this event occurred 235900 years ago in the interval 243700 <–> 228,300 years ago (formed CI 95%), however, YTree in YFull does not contain deeper (parental) snip mutations, so in fact haplogroup A00-T (A-PR2921) can be dated to about 236 thousand years[22]. Since FTDNA and YFull use different algorithms for calculating the chronology of haplogroups/subclades, different databases with Y chromosome samples and different SNP phylogenies, differences are obvious both in the dating of specific branches and in the structure of the Y haplogroup itself[23]. For our Y-phylogeny, we will use the YFull YTree version[24][40], since it includes more branches into haplogroups/subclades. The chronology adjustment for each specific subclades will be updated as the database expands. Below we present the path of our genetic ancestors from Discover FTDNA[25] [30], as well as from YFull in an abbreviated form, further focusing on all the neighbors for each level of the YTree branch. [30] [40]

The phylogenetic neighbors of node A-L1090 are approximately 542 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations:FGC26832/YP2013, A2788/YP1957, FGC26530/YP1952, FGC26528/YP1951, FGC26833/YP2014, A2594/YP1741, A2606, A2611/YP1752, A2621/YP1766, A2622/YP1767, A2623/YP1768, A2624/YP1769, A2627/YP1776, A2636/YP1794, A2638/YP1801, A2646/YP1817, A2662/YP1844, A2663/YP1850, A2669/YP1863, A2673/YP1870, A2742/YP1891, A2743/YP1894, A2744/YP1895, A2752/YP1903, A2757/YP1909, A2758/YP1910, A2779/YP1950, A2797/YP2001, A2852/YP2078, A2855/YP2091, A2866/YP2096, A2868/YP2099, A2870/YP2107, A2873/YP2113, A2879/YP2114, A2882/YP2123, A2883/YP2124, A2906/YP2136, A2909/YP2143, A2934/YP2175, A2937/YP2184, A2943/YP2196, A2944/YP2197, A2949/YP2200, A2950/YP2201, A3047/YP1840, A3071/YP1916, A3072/YP1920, A3074/YP1935, A3281/YP2681/V4845, A3341/V5179, A4737/YP1734, A4750/YP1879, A4763/YP2052, A4776/YP2089, AF4, FGC24679/V5187, FGC24700/V2475, FGC24753/YP1711, FGC24755, FGC24761/YP1712, FGC24763, FGC24764/YP1713, FGC24769/YP1714, FGC24772/YP1715, FGC24775/YP1716, FGC24777/YP1717, FGC24781/YP1718, FGC24784/YP1719, FGC24792/YP1720, FGC24794/YP1721, FGC24833/YP1727, FGC25066/YP1731, FGC25299/YP1733, FGC25307/YP1736, FGC25361/YP1742, FGC25366/YP1743, FGC25379/YP1744, FGC25394/YP1745, FGC25401/YP1746, FGC25403/YP1747, FGC25418/YP1749, FGC25420/YP1750, FGC25442/YP1751, FGC25449/YP1753, FGC25450/YP1754, FGC25452/YP1755, FGC25462/YP1758, FGC25464/YP1759, FGC25465/YP1760, FGC25470/YP1761, FGC25472/YP2532, FGC25479/YP1763, FGC25482/YP1764, FGC25488/YP1765, FGC25493/YP1770, FGC25512/YP2555, FGC25515/YP1773, FGC25516/YP1774, FGC25524/YP1777, FGC25529/YP1778, FGC25530/YP1779, FGC25532/YP1780, FGC25533/YP1781, FGC25536/YP1782, FGC25541/YP1783, FGC25543/YP1784, FGC25544/YP1785, FGC25546/YP2573, FGC25550/YP1786, FGC25557/YP1787, FGC25559/YP1788, FGC25563/YP1790, FGC25566/YP1791, FGC25571/YP1792, FGC25574/YP1793, FGC25588/YP1796, FGC25590/YP1797, FGC25596/YP1798, FGC25610/YP1799, FGC25615/YP1800, FGC25623/YP1803, FGC25625/YP1804, FGC25634/YP2621/V1609, FGC25644/YP1805, FGC25649/YP2631/V1662, FGC25656/YP1810, FGC25659/YP1811, FGC25676/YP1815, FGC25695/YP1821, FGC25708/YP1826, FGC25716/YP2680/V1995, FGC25743/YP2699/V2171, FGC25746/YP1833, FGC25748/YP2702/V2201, FGC25754/YP1834, FGC25761/YP2711/V2278, FGC25766/YP2718/V2339, FGC25769/YP2719/V2369, FGC25771/YP1835, FGC25775/YP1836, FGC25781/YP1837, FGC25789/YP1842, FGC25796/YP1843, FGC25803/YP1846, FGC25813/YP1847, FGC25828/YP1851, FGC25829/YP1852, FGC25830/YP1853, FGC25853/YP1855, FGC25860/YP1856, FGC25864/YP1857, FGC25866/YP1859, FGC25872/YP1860, FGC25874/YP1861, FGC25881/YP1862, FGC25887/YP1864, FGC25917/YP2796/V5073, FGC25918/YP1867, FGC25921/YP1868, FGC25926/YP1869, FGC25943/YP1872, FGC25951, FGC26159, FGC26182/YP1875, FGC26187/YP1876, FGC26188/YP1877, FGC26192/YP1878, FGC26197/YP1880, FGC26198/YP1881, FGC26210/YP1882, FGC26223/YP1883, FGC26235/YP1884, FGC26237/YP1885, FGC26238/YP1886, FGC26254/YP1887, FGC26255/YP1888, FGC26257/YP1889, FGC26258/YP1890, FGC26273/YP1893, FGC26276/YP1896, FGC26277/YP1897, FGC26279/YP1898, FGC26280/YP1899, FGC26285/YP1900, FGC26287, FGC26289/YP1901, FGC26298/YP1904, FGC26309/YP1905, FGC26328/V5676, FGC26341/YP1906, FGC26343/YP1907, FGC26356/YP1908, FGC26368/YP1913, FGC26370/YP1914, FGC26374/YP1917, FGC26375/YP1918, FGC26390/YP1921, FGC26405/YP1923, FGC26406/YP1924, FGC26410/YP1925, FGC26423/YP1927, FGC26434/YP1929, FGC26435/YP1930, FGC26439/YP1931, FGC26449/YP1933, FGC26455/YP1934, FGC26462/YP1936, FGC26467, FGC26470/YP1937, FGC26472/YP1938, FGC26476/YP1939, FGC26478/YP1940, FGC26480/YP1941, FGC26484/YP1942, FGC26485/YP1943, FGC26492/YP1945, FGC26493/YP1946, FGC26514/YP1949, FGC26531/YP1953, FGC26539/YP3019/V3152, FGC26541/YP1954, FGC26561/YP1956, FGC26591/YP1961, FGC26593, FGC26606/YP1962, FGC26610/YP1966, FGC26619/YP1968, FGC26620, FGC26627/YP1971, FGC26629/YP1972, FGC26632/YP1973, FGC26706, FGC26737/YP1997, FGC26773/V6456, FGC26779, FGC26799/YP3161, FGC26816/YP3176, FGC26835, FGC26852/YP2021, FGC26891/YP2029, FGC26921/YP3231, FGC26939/YP2039, FGC26959/YP2042, FGC26961/YP2043, FGC26987/YP2050, FGC27006, FGC27007/YP2056, FGC27013/YP2057, FGC27025/YP2061, FGC27037, FGC27110/YP2081, FGC27112/YP2082, FGC27113/YP2083, FGC27115/YP2084, FGC27118/YP2086, FGC27136/YP2087, FGC27141/YP2088, FGC27145/YP2090, FGC27146/YP2092, FGC27153/YP2093, FGC27155/YP2094, FGC27182/YP2095, FGC27185/YP2097, FGC27186/YP2098, FGC27198/YP2100, FGC27200/YP2101, FGC27201/YP2102, FGC27203/YP2103, FGC27206/YP2104, FGC27214/YP2105, FGC27215/YP2106, FGC27217/YP2108, FGC27218/YP2109, FGC27233/YP2110, FGC27234/YP2111, FGC27236/YP2112, FGC27244/YP2115, FGC27247, FGC27249/YP2116, FGC27250/YP2117, FGC27254/YP2118, FGC27255/YP2119, FGC27257/YP2120, FGC27261/YP2121, FGC27262/YP2122, FGC27272/YP2125, FGC27281/YP2126, FGC27293/YP2128, FGC27299/YP3447, FGC27324/YP3457, FGC27337/YP2135, FGC27344/YP2137, FGC27345/YP2138, FGC27348/YP2139, FGC27349/YP2140, FGC27355/YP2141, FGC27358, FGC27360/YP2142, FGC27371/YP2144, FGC27372/YP2145, FGC27375/YP2146, FGC27382/YP2147, FGC27394/YP2148, FGC27408/YP2149, FGC27410/YP2150, FGC27412/YP2151, FGC27431/YP2154, FGC27434/YP3520/V7628, FGC27435/YP3521/V7633, FGC27443/YP2155, FGC27476/YP2161, FGC27477/YP2162, FGC27481/YP2163, FGC27482/YP2164, FGC27486/YP2165, FGC27489/YP2166, FGC27493/YP2167, FGC27496/YP2168, FGC27501/YP2170, FGC27502/YP2171, FGC27506/YP2172, FGC27538/YP2176, FGC27542/YP2177, FGC27555/YP2179, FGC27576/YP2183, FGC27578/YP2185, FGC27579/YP2186, FGC27593/YP2188, FGC27688/YP3605, FGC27698/YP2195, FGC27704/YP2198, FGC27706/YP2199, FGC27710/YP2202, FGC27721/YP2204, FGC27725/YP3626, FGC27728/YP2206, FGC27730/YP2207, FGC27733/YP2208, FGC27734/YP2209, FGC27736/YP2210, FGC27738/YP2211, FGC27743/YP2212, FGC27752/YP2213, FGC27764/YP2214, FGC27769/YP2215, FGC27771/YP2216, FGC27774/YP2217, FGC27782/YP2218, FGC27785/YP2219, FGC27791/YP2220, FGC27792/YP2221, FGC27793/YP3663, FGC27795/YP2222, FGC27802/YP2223, FGC27813, FGC27818/YP3679, FGC27820/YP2224, FGC27826/YP2225, FGC27834/YP2227, FGC27864, FGC27878/YP2232, FGC27884/YP2233, FGC27886/YP2234, L1085, L1098, L1099, L1101, L1105, L1113, L1114, L1116, L1118, L1120, L1121, L1123, L1124, L1125, L1127, L1128, L1130, L1135, L1137, L1142, L1145, L1150, L1155, L1235, M4507, TY2950/AF11, TY2983/M8129, V2247/FGC25756, V2271/FGC25758, V2828/FGC26411/YP1926, V3872, Y125383/BY184360/FGC26002, Y125401/BY184361, Y125423, Y17293, Y49138, YP1737, YP1775, YP1802, YP1806, YP1807, YP1812, YP1814, YP1818, YP1829, YP1830, YP1831, YP1839, YP1854, YP1866, YP1873, YP1911, YP1915/FGC26373/V2657, YP1928/FGC26431, YP1963, YP2130, YP2131, YP2132, YP2153, YP2158, YP2173/A2932, YP2181, YP2189, YP2190, YP2191, YP2192, YP2193, YP2205, YP2230, YP2235/A2979, YP2236/A2980, YP2237/A2981, YP2238/FGC27910, YP2239/FGC27913, YP2240/FGC27917, YP2241/FGC27918, YP2242/FGC27921, YP2243/FGC27922, YP2244/FGC27924, YP2245/FGC27929, YP2246/FGC27936, YP2247/PR4010, YP2252, YP2253/FGC27971, YP2255/A2989, YP2256, YP2257, YP2258, YP2259/FGC28009, YP2261/FGC28010, YP3754/FGC27944, YP3755/A4452, YP3766/FGC27972, YP3771/FGC27983, YP3773/FGC27984, YP3873/A2724, YP3874/A3068, YP3884, YP3885/FGC26501, YP3887/FGC26154, YP3892/FGC27753, YP3894, YP3895, A2554/YP1729(H), A2969/YP3694, A3042(H), A4702/YP1726(H), FGC24743/V6784, FGC24780, FGC24800/YP1723(H), FGC24809/YP1724(H), FGC24824/YP1725(H), FGC24998/YP1728(H), FGC25061/YP1730(H), FGC25094(H), FGC25224(H), FGC25328/YP1738(H), FGC25345/YP1739(H), FGC25505/YP1772(H), FGC25635/YP2622/V1610, FGC25651/YP2634, FGC25742, FGC25782/YP2729/V2456, FGC25902/YP1865(H), FGC26149/YP1874(H), FGC26297/YP1902(H), FGC26409/YP2950, FGC26502/YP1947, FGC26812, FGC26895/YP3222, FGC27714/YP2203, FGC27823/YP3683, FGC27857, L1090(H), L1093(H), TY2945/FGC26646/Y125418, V1957/FGC25709, V2040/FGC25719, Y17301(H), Y17329/V8014, YP1732(H), YP1735(H), YP1838, YP2080, YP3881/FGC26160(H), YP3889/FGC25163(H), YP3890/FGC24818(H), YP3893(H), FGC24722/C106803, A2921/YP2156, FGC25865/YP1858, FGC25944/Y125388, FGC26364/YP1912, FGC26639/YP1978, FGC26656, FGC26738, FGC27543/YP2178, FGC27583/YP2187, L1089, Y14727, Y17292, YP1740, YP1841, YP1996, YP2249, YP2250, YP2260, YP3876/FGC27582, YP3886/A4762, YP3888/FGC27381, YP2228/FGC27841, YP3459/V7462, A2953/YP3638, ALK431/FGC4291.2/V7027, S6863, YP3792/FGC28017, FGC27695/YP2194, FGC27321/YP3455/V7429. [32] [40] [30] [30]

Ancestor (neighbor) A-V168 (A1) (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation G > A occurred on his Y chromosome at position 15835792. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 161300 years ago in the range of 169900 <–> 152900 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of node A-V168 are approximately 204 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows:Y9591/Z8755, Y9530/Z8656, Y9786/Z9164, Y9805/Z9192, Y9513/Z8609, Z9719/Y10115, V3682, V2070, Y9977/Z9457, V3832, L986, Y10036/Z9569, YP3853/Z9326, Z9045, Y9747/Z9101, Y9685/Z8912, Z8818/V1522, Y9913/Z9364, Y9870/Z9301, Y9872/Z9304, Y9877/Z9314, Y9697/Z8928, Y10073/Z9613, YP3859, Y9501/Z8584, YP3863, Y9843/Z9265, Y9855/Z9280, Y9814/Z9213, Y9671/Z8883, Z9140/V2613, Y9895/Z9340, Y10169/Z9796, Y9874/Z9310, L1053, Y9718/Z9047, TY2650/Z8834/C126406, Y9972/Z9451, Y9486/Z8553, Y9620/Z8802, Y10075/Z9616, Y9659/Z8866/V2162, V3937/Z9516, Y9998/Z9498, Y9947/Z9415, YP3841, Y9988/Z9474/V3448, Y9863/Z9292, Y1459, Y9643/Z8839, Y9619/Z8801, Y9622/Z8807, YP3852, Y10085/Z9629, Y9807/Z9202, YP3845, Y10220/Z9874, Y9592/Z8757, YP3864, Y9856/Z9282, Z7768, Y10177/Z9808, Z8772, Y9603/Z8770, Y10119/Z9724, Y9800/Z9186, YP3848, Y10195/Z9830, A4698/YP3839, Y9614/Z8792, V174, L985, TY2932/M9072/FT227772, A4709/Y13318, V161/V161.1/V161.2, Y9956/Z9426, Y9558/Z8712, Y9808/Z9203, Y9898/Z9344, Y10061/Z9601, V3624, V2980, Y9457/Z8465, YP3860, Y9910/Z9361, Y9567/Z8723, Y9873/Z9309, L1009, Y9569/Z8725, Z8529, Y10219/Z9873, Y9909/Z9360, Y9950/Z9418, Y10188/Z9820, Y9969/Z9446, Z9656, YP3857, Y13319, Z8830, Y14726, Y9583/Z8745, Y10201/Z9840, Y9669/Z8880/V2359, Y9759/Z9119, Y9661/Z8868/V2174, YP3849, Y13320, A4826/YP3865, YP3858, L1004, Z9582, Y9974/Z9454, V250, Y10090/Z9636, Z9661/Y10106, V171, L1084, Y10019/Z9545, V3711, L1005, Y9623/Z8808, YP3866, YP3891, Z9116, YP3867, Y9904/Z9352, Y9986/Z9467, Y9683/Z8907, YP3842, Y9846/Z9268, V2349, YP3862, V3222, Y9953/Z9420, V1793, Y9713/Z9033, Y9886/Z9327, Z8845/V1808, YP3844, YP3850, YP3846, A4825/YP3861, Y9624/Z8809, V241, Y10068/Z9608, V2842, YP3856, L1002, Y9647/Z8844, Y9680/Z8903, Y9785/Z9163, Y9635/Z8824, Y9793/Z9178, Y9712/Z9032, Y9735/Z9085, Y9971/Z9450, Y10040/Z9574, A4739/YP3847, Y9824/Z9235, Y10039/Z9573, Y10197/Z9832, Y9854/Z9279/C134528, Y9756/Z9114, L989, YP3840, Y9692/Z8923, V2732, Y9639, Y10168/Z9795, V4189, V3653, Y9799/Z9185, A4719, Y10053/Z9590, V2843/Z9173, Y9905/Z9353, YP3868, Y10156/Z9774, Y10034/Z9567, V3315, YP3851, Y9490/Z8559, V2368, Y9798/Z9184, Z9709, V168, A4733, P305, Y9794/Z9179, Z8743, Y9543/Z8686, L1112, Y9456/Z8464, V1130, Y9694/Z8925, V238, Y9768/Z9128, YP3855, YP3854, V1360, YP3843, V3955, V167, Z9072. [30] [40]

Ancestor (neighbor) A-V221 (A1 b) (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation G > T occurred on his Y chromosome at position 7721262. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 133400 years ago in the range of 139000 <–> 127,800 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of node A-V221 are approximately 53 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations: Y8300, Y8278, Y8283, Y10840, Y10848, Y8298, Y10883, Z11903/V1820, Y8302, Y8288, Y10865, Y10854, Y10856, Y8297, Y8294, Y8293/Z17899, Y8281, TY2957/V4076/Z11917, Y10860, Y10869, Y8289, Y8286, Y8290, V221, Y10882, Y8301, Y10844, Y8303, Y10877, TY2952/V3785/Z11893, Y8894, TY2956/V4072.1/Z17897, Y8299, Y8287, Y8292, Y8280/ FGC24622, V2590, P108, Y10870, Y8284, Y8282, Y8296, L1013, Y8285, Y8291, Y8279, Y10857, Y10864, Y10863, Y9420, Y8295, Y10850, Z11900/Y8277. [30]

Ancestor (neighbor) BT-M42 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation A > T occurred on his Y chromosome at position 19704954. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 130700 years ago in the range of 136400 <–> 125,100 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of the BT-M42 node are approximately 464 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations:Y10839, M9099/PF674, Y9417/Z17337, P97, L1060/PF1021, M9123, M9298/V4213/Z12093, M9373, M9409/CTS12197/PF1314, Y6870/Z17386, M9196, M9189, M9362, M9411/PF1315, Y10884, M9338/PF1064, M9238, M9130/PF708, L1061/PF1101, M9139, PAGE65.1/SRY1532.1/SRY10831.1/PF6234/SRY10831, M9216, M9244, M9284, V187/PF1403, Y10881/Z17352, M9115/PF687, Y8327/Z12129, M91, Y10852/Z17356, Y30501/Y22371, TY2987/M9404, M9003, Z17385/Y8324, M42, M9365/PF1218, PF280/M11755/Z40388, M9410, M9270/PF952, Y17291, Y8320, M9086/PF648, M9397, M9285, M9331/PF1057, L978/PF93/Z17343, Y10843, Y8308, M9057, M9301/PF1015, Y9452/Z17342, M9001, M8977, Y10861, M9408/PF1296, M9041/PF319, Y1547_2/A4807_2/A4807, Y10845/Z17354, M9179, M9204, M9292/PF995, M8954/V1158, PF1042/Z40407, M8994/V1347, M9195, L962, M9103/PF679, Y1577, L969, L418, Y10849/Z17349, M9286, L1062/PF302/V2352, Y9419, PF632/Z40404, M9295/PF1000/V4130, M9075, M9254, M9231/PF876, PF1406/V102, Y10841, Y8489, M9335/PF1060, M9317, M9094/PF671, M9199/PF834, PF793, M9366, M9165, M299, M9136/PF724, M9353, Y8330/Z17390, M9152/V3226, M8949, M9166/PF785, M9239, M9282/V3904, M9380/PF1256, M9140/V3002, M9121, M9038/PF313/V2507, M8955/PF12, M9319, M9291/V4025, Z17366/Y8309, Y1546_1/A4808_1, M9389, M9017/PF282/V1730, Y10851, PF28, M9203/PF837, M9269/V3636, Y10867, M9104/PF680, M9102, M9421/A5289, L440, M9009/V1561, M9312, M9198, M8999, Y10871/Z17357, M9352/PF1100, M9303, Y9394/Z17344, M8952, M9357/PF1209, M9346, Y10885/Z17362, Y8322, M9289/PF988/V4007, Y10846, M9005/V1506, Y8306, M9347, V29/PF1408, M8973/PF211, M8972, M8971, PF175, M9112, M9368, M8960/PF200, M9021/PF288, M9261/PF931/V3347, M9257/V3304, M9334, PF809/M11773/Z40393, M9224, M9214, M9148/PF744/V3107, L1071/M8945, Y8325, Y9422, Y7547/Z17388, M9054, M9210, M9343/PF1084, Y10876, M9325/PF1052, M9110/PF684/V2561, M9157/PF766, M9300, PF1027/M11779/Z40394, M9255/PF925/V3297, M9128, M9236, M9143/PF732/V3037, Y8314, M9174/S1572, M9133/PF715, M9249, PF1405/V216/M8953, M9126/PF703/V2821, M9097/PF672, M9077, Y9449, V202/PF1404, M9370, M9221, M9374/Z4690, Y10873, L604/PF1243, Y10875, Y8317, M9117/V2634, M9263, M9252, M9138/Z12034, M9176, M9192, Y9451, M9322/PF1049, M9227, M9010, M11781/Z40396, M8947/V1015, M9137/V2952, M9011, M9004/PF270, PF1201/Z40408, M9271, M8980/PF229, M8997/PF260/V1395.1, M9069/PF635, V2315/M11756/PF301/Z40389, Y1546_2/A4808_2/A4808, M9398/PF1279, M9235/PF886, M9114/V2579, Y10858, M8967/Z11946, M9200/PF835, M9188, M9100, M9356, Y10866, M9399/PF1283, M9246, M9305/PF1022, M9027, Y9393/Z17339, Y8319, M9095, M9251/PF913, V8013/Y8326, L970/PF1065, Y8323, M9042, TY2964/M9304, Y8488, Y9392/Z17336, M8983/PF230, Y10837, M9045, M9159/PF767, Y26760/A3036, M9131, M9191, M9420/A5288, M9262/PF932/V3357, M9341/PF1072, M9180, M9405, V59/PF1411, M11752/Z40385, M9155/PF762, PF507, M9146, M9220, M9228, M9187, M9344, M9037/PF311/V2465, M9169, M8961/PF201, M9223/PF865, M9315/PF1033, M9232/PF880, Y10855, M9129/PF707, M9068, M9116/PF688, L977, M9348/PF1093, Y9131, M9230/PF870, M9253/PF914, Y10859/Z17365, PAGES00026/M9336/PAGE26, M9242/PF899, M11760, M9218/PF860, Y10872/Z17345, M9019/PF286/V1813, M9287, M8993, M9070, Y11581, Y10838, M9372, M9265/V3546, PAGES00024/M9160, M9349, TY2727/M9043, M9226/PF869, M9425, M9217/PF857, M9156/PF764, M9197, M9036/PF308, M9107, M8970/PF208, PF592/Z40400, M9396, M9080, M9376, M9202, L438, M9173/PF794, M9290/PF989, M9237/PF890, M9293/PF997, M9124/PF701/V2804, M9002/PF267, M9234/PF885, M9318/PF1039, M8986, V31/L413/PF1409, Y8321/Z17373, Y8318, PF1407/V21/M8969, M8985/PF232, Y10862/Z17372, M9006, Y8311, M9025/V2000, M9020/PF287, Y10842/Z17340, M9367, M9142/PF731/V3032, M9074, M9145/PF733/V3063, M9109, M9321/PF1045, M9083, M9127, M9377/PF1241, M9178, Y10888, M9296, M9032/PF304/V2397, PF161, M9177, M9215/PF847, M9056, M9000/V1456, M9081, M9361, Y10874, M9297/PF1003/V4201, Y8305, TY2992/M9412/FT227766, Y8313, M9311/PF1030, M9277/V3795, M9031/V2319, PF699/M251/M9122/V2760, M9182, M9326, M9039, M9046/PF324, M9379/PF1253, K61, M9360, L1220/M9212, PAGES00081/M9118/V2656/PAGE81, M8976/PF215, Y8329/Z17389, Y8316, M8958/PF196, Y8310, M11754/Z40387, V235/PF1410, M9310, L957, M9151, M9390/PF1262, M9354, M8951, M9193, M9280, M9288/PF985/V3998, PF918/Z40405, M9125, M9260/Z12079, Y9418, M9076, M9066, M9258, M9030/V2318, M9026/V2167, M9359, Z17371/Y8487, M9369, M9340, M9278/PF969, TY2954/M9272, M9393, M8956/PF14, M9065/PF351, M9406, M9163/PF777, Y8312, M9323/PF1050, M9327, M9111, M9417, M9328/PF1053, M8957, Y10847/Z17359, PF236/Z40397, Y9450, M9306, Z17334/Y8304, M8979/PF226, M9089/PF653, M9015, M9064/PF350, M94/PF1081, M9028/PF298/V2209, M9240/PF896, Y8315, PF1126, M9245, M9225/PF868, M9034/V2437, Y10879/Z17341, M9141, M9008/V1530, M9266/PF946, M139, M9098, M9400/PF1284, Y8307, Y10878, Y10853, M8959/PF198, M9375, Y15547, M9316/PF1034, Y10880/Z17348, M9172, TY2967/M9329, Y9421/Z17355, V64/PF1412, M9135, M9248, M9302, M9087, M9175, M9213, M9050, M9113, Y10868, M9394/PF1271, PF1196/FT227729, M8968/PF207, M8988, M9382/PF1257, M9105, PF1247/Z40409, M9219/CTS7503, V1219/M11753/PF243/Z40386, M9209, PF917, M9016, PF601, PF1318, Y10889/Z17346, PF1143, M9283/PF973/V3916, M9267/PF948/V3601. [40] [30] [30] [30]

Ancestor (contiguous) CT-M168 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation C > T occurred on his Y chromosome at position 12702062. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 88,000 years ago in the range of 92500 <–> 83600 years ago (formed CI 95%). Phylogenetic copreci node CT-M168 is approximately 328 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations:M5764/CTS9828/PF964/V3758, M5600, M5753/CTS9458/PF947, PF629, M5757/CTS9555/V3641, M5785, M5617/PF274, M5588/PF210, Y1587, M5636, M5628, Y1544_1, PF15, Y1488, PF192, PF86, M5728/CTS7933, M5631/PF292/V1878, M5691/PF779, Y1455, PF38, M5801, M5754/V3623, Y1538, Y1499, Y1480, Y1450, M5762/CTS9722, M5593, PF6720, M5780, Y1447, M5661/CTS2842, M5808/CTS11358, Y1452, M5783, M5584/CTS543/PF206, M5653/CTS2077/PF657, M5742/PF904, Y1528, M9022/V1863, Y1506, PF636, M5743/CTS8542, Y1591, M5749/V3317, M5632/V2175, M5821/PF1269, Y1819_2/A5213, Y1470, M5788, M5640/PF318, M5804/CTS10946, M5705/CTS6327/PF811, M5768, M5621, M5811/PF1238, M5679/CTS4364, PF1418/V52/M5721, M5648, Y1462, M5720/CTS7482, Y1443, M5652/PF652, Y1567, M5597/CTS1217, M5598/CTS1254, M5771/V4162, M5736/CTS8243/PF891, PF1316, M5669/CTS3431, M5576/CTS125/V1052, M5724/PF866, M5708, PF143, M5818/CTS11991, M294, Y1438, M5620, M5671/CTS3662/PF704/V2824, M5700/CTS6252, M5656, Y1469, M5794/PF1092, PF500, PF328, M5618, Y1473, M5639, PF74, M5689, Y1491, M5690/CTS5318, Y1575_1/A5156_1, M5760/PF954/V3648, M5651/CTS1996, M5763/CTS9760/PF961/V3728.1, Y1454, M5819, M5676/PF720, Y1449, Y1579, M5777, M5729/CTS7936, M5659/PF667, M5776/PF1029, M5687/CTS5019, M5694/CTS5532, M5786/PF1061, M5641, M5781/PF1040, Y1472, M5809/PF1237, Y1585, M5756/PF951, M5751/PF937, M5630, M5590/PF216, M5778/PF1031, M5758/CTS9556/V3642, M5615/PF269/V1494, TY2981/M5803, M5706/PF815, Y1485, M5675/PF719/V2901, M5670/CTS3460, M5649, Z17702/Y7546, Y1507, M5784/PF1059, M5607, M5688, M5583/CTS423, Y1464, Y1440, M5605/V1325, Y1474, M5746/CTS8709, M5790, PF342, Y1489, M5741, Y1471, Y1593, M5802, M5642, PF1239/Z40572, CTS9948, PF1420/V55, Y1527, Y1482, Y1475, CTS10362/PF998/M5770/V4106, Y1476, M5646, PF1414/V9/M5585, M5715/CTS6907/PF833, Y1496, M5727/CTS7922/PF875, M5707/CTS6383, Y1586, M5730/BY14943, Y1525, M5766/V3908/L1480, M5709, Y1451, M5745/CTS8608, M5698/PF796, Y1581, Y1817, Y1492, M5602/PF246, M5797/PF1098, M5739/PF898, M5622, Y1483, M5682, M5732/CTS8089, Y1490, M5633/V2216, Y1493, M5662, PF110, M5609, M5752/CTS9296, M5814, M5713/CTS6800, M5813, M5712, M5717/PF844, PF970/V3858, M5816/CTS11827, Y1465, PF1417/V41/M5695, Y1571, M5832/PF1333, Y1508, M5738, Y1559_1, CTS5248, M5775, M5678/PF725, Y1444, M5718/CTS7257, M5595/CTS1181, M5660, Y1448, Y1580, M5699/PF803, M5711/PF821, M5613, Y1568, Y1552_2, M5826, M9150/PF750, M5619/PF278/V1540, M5647, M5606/PF256, M5664/CTS3120/PF683, M5578, M5812, M5697/CTS5746, Y1509, PF1276, M5716/PF840, M5800/PF1203, M5765, Y1446, M5614/PF266, M5825, M5692, M5767/CTS10110, Y1526, M5587/L1462, Y1467, Y1819_1, M5616/PF272, M5750/CTS9014/V3337, M5737/PF892, PF1415/V226/M5603, PF134, M5805/PF1227, M5612/V1431, M5645, PF228/Z40571, M5772/CTS10512, Y1569/L1492, M5748/CTS8980/PF928/V3310, M5735/CTS8166, M5792/PF1088, M5798, M5626, M5719/PF850, Y1594, PF6718, M5625/V1653, M5791/PF1080, Y1456, M168/PF1416, Y1457, M5726, M5830/CTS12633/PF1329, Y1461, M5796/PF1097, M5624, L1028/CTS4368/M5680, M5684/CTS4740/PF751, CTS7295/PF848, M5782/PF1046, Y1497, PF1016, Y1590, Y1559_2, M5665/CTS3216, M5657, PF1413/V189/M5577, Y1505, TY2730/M5638/PF316, M5831, M5683/CTS4650, Y1599, M5601, M5747, M5722/CTS7517, M5759, Y1791, CTS5262, M5723/PF862, M5589/PF212, M5591/PF223, Y1544_2, M5714/CTS6890, M5725/CTS7741/PF867, Y1495, CTS12325, M5650, M5582/CTS401/PF202, Y1503, Y1460, Y1498, Y1494, M5599/PF234, M5627, M5810/CTS11408, M5681, M5774, PF154, M5629, CTS109/M8948/V1043, PF1205, PF165, M5795, M5817, M5610/V1401, Y1441, CTS5457, Y1458, M5655, M5611/PF263, CTS11575/PF1245, M5822, M5608/PF258, CTS2711, M5686, PF1337, Y1524/FGC24493, PF137, M5769/PF996. [40] [30]

Ancestor (contiguous) CF-P143 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation G > A occurred on his Y chromosome at position 12077161. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 68,500 years ago in the interval 71800 <–> 65,200 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of the CF-P143 node are approximately 4 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations: M3711/CTS6376/PF2697, CTS3818/PF2668/M3690, PF2723/M3727/F2841/V3489, P143/PF2587. [30]

Ancestor (neighbor) F-M89 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation C > T occurred on his Y chromosome at position 19755427. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 65,900 years ago in the range of 69,100 <–> 62700 years ago (formed CI 95%). Phylogenetic copreci node F-M89 is approximately 193 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations: M3699/CTS4737/PF2680, Y1804, PF2732/F2993/M3737/V3940, L882/PF2745/M3749, Y1800, CTS4969/PF2682/M3700, PF2637/M3672, P151/PF2625, PF2739/M3743, Y1811/FGC2054, Y1758/FGC2069, F3584/M3768/PF1916, M3693/CTS4139/PF2672, YSC0001298/PF2620/F1302/M3656, CTS12027/PF2768/M3763, M3772/CTS12662/PF2776, M3730/CTS9372/PF2725, PF2651/F1704/M3675, PF2624/M3659, L352/PF2728/M3734, PF2615/M3652, P159/PF2717, M3692/CTS3996/PF2671, M5685/CTS4838, PF2712, PF2747/M3750, L468/PF2689/M3703, PF2647, PF2589/V186/M3637, P145/PF2617, P138/PF2655, M3666/PF1580, P135/PF2741, P148/PF2734/P148.1/P148.2, CTS11726/PF2765, PF2591/M3639, Y1801, PF2694/F2245/M3709, M3760/CTS11471/PF2764, PF2683/F2048/M3701/V3268, Y1806/FGC2056, TY3619/CTS7981/PF2710, M3725/CTS8985/PF2721, CTS9534/PF2727/M3733, F719/M3636/IMS-JST003305/V1029/IMS-JST00305, P157/PF2771, L929/PF2605/M3643, L132.1/L132/L132.2/PF1437, YSC0001297/F1209/M3654/V1990, Y2888, P158/PF2706, PF2614/F1089/M3649/V1597, M3771/CTS12632/PF2775, M3673/CTS1911/PF2649, M3729/CTS9317/PF1767, PF2748/M3751, YSC0001308/PF2709/F2587/M3719, PF2736/F3111/M3740, PF2598, PF2600, PF2758/F3335/M3754, PF2731/F2985/M3736/V3919, L470/PF2730/M3735/V3900, PF2635/M9059, M3720/CTS8014/PF2711, PF2737/F3136/M3741, PF2592, M3712/CTS6542/PF2699, PF2616/F1149/M3653, Y1807/FGC6229, M235/PF2665/PAGE80/PAGES00080, M3706/CTS5948/PF1695, PF2639, M3689/CTS3654/PF2667, PF2597, PF2729/F2964, PF2742/F3254/M3746, M213/P137/PF2673/PAGES00038/PAGE38, CTS10213/PF2733/M3738, PF2770/M3767, F3556/M3765/PF1914, P161/PF2719, Y1822, M3640/CTS540/PF1506, PF2621/F1320/M3657, CTS5264/PF2684, PF2643, CTS2220/PF2656/M3679/MF624945, PF2744/M3748, PF2634/M9058, PF2688/F2142, PF2593, PF2609/M3645, PF2628/M3662, PF2772/F3616/M3769, PF2749/M3752, Y1809/FGC2046, CTS6135/PF2693/M3708, L1074/CTS4267/PF2674/M3694, PF2626/F1416/M3660, M3682/CTS2480/PF2659, PF2752, Y1805/FGC2055, CTS3868/PF2669, PF2590/V205/M3638, PF2769/M3764, PF2653/F1714/M3677, M3773/CTS12673, PF2596, P139/PF2698, PF2740/M3744, M89/PF2746, M3724/CTS8638, PF2627/M3661, CTS3536/PF2666/M3688, PF2588/M3635/CTS71, CTS12138/PF2774/M3770, PF2743/M3747, PF2594, PF2695/M3710/F3947, P187/PF2632, P316/PF2696, F3692/M3650, PF2658/F1753/M3681, PF2700/F2402/M3714, PF2722/F2837/M3726/V3477, M3713/CTS6843/PF1720, PF2608, PF2718/F2710/M3723, YSC0001295/PF2610/F1046/M3646/V1355, P142/PF2604, PF2631/M3665, CTS7002/PF2701/M3715, CTS4557/PF2679/M3698, CTS1468/PF2607/M3644, M3696/CTS4443/PF2677, CTS5432/PF2687/M3702, M3721/CTS8467/PF2715, M3687/CTS3195/PF2664, PF2619/F1285/M3655/V2194, F3512/PF1911, Y1803/FGC2053, M3728/CTS9280/PF2724, Y1463/FGC7686, P163/PF2686, L851/CTS11821/PF2767/M3762, F773, PF2630/M3664, CTS11150/PF2761/M3758, PF2690/F2155/M3704, P160/PF2618, P140/PF2703, Y1820/FGC2062, PF2613, M3755/L508/PF2759/FGC2052, CTS11819/PF2766/M3761, PF2646, PF2738/M3742, P134/PF2606, CTS3944/PF2670/M3691, M3697/CTS4470/PF2678, PF2611/M3647 P166/PF2702, Y1808, CTS2097/PF2654/M3678, CTS10290/PF2735/M3739, Y1812, L313/PF1426/M3651/V1644, P14/PF2704, PF2750/M3753, F3561/M3766, P141/PF2602, M3718/CTS7878, P136/PF2762, PF2685/F2075, L543/PF2663/M3686/V2513, P146/PF2623, L350/PF2692/M3707, Y1799/FGC2061, CTS1932/PF2650/M3674, PF2716/F2688/M3722, PF2629/M3663, PF2612/M3648, P149/PF2720, L498/PF2707/M3717, M3731/CTS9418/PF2726, M3756/CTS10983/PF2760, PF2713, PF2660/F1767/M3683, CTS2041/PF2652/M3676, PF2599, Y1813, P133/PF2636. [30]

Ancestor (neighbor) GHIJK-F1329 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation C > T occurred on his Y chromosome at position 8720990. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 48,800 years ago in the range of 51400 <–> 46,300 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of the GHIJK-F1329 node are approximately 2 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations: YSC0001299/PF2622/F1329/M3658/V2308, M3684/CTS2569/PF2661. [40] [30]

Ancestor (neighbor) HIJK-PF3494 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation C > T occurred on his Y chromosome at position 7334662. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 48,500 years ago in the range of 50900 <–> 46200 years ago (formed CI 95%). Synonymous names for SNP PF3494 are F929 and M578. [30]

Ancestor (neighbor) IJK-L15 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation A > G occurred on his Y chromosome at position 6885478. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 48,500 years ago in the range of 50900 <–> 46200 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of the IJK-L15 node are approximately 6 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations: L16/M522/S138/PF3493, YSC0001319/PF3497/M2684/V1438, L15/M523/S137/PF3492/Z4413, PF3495/F3689/M2682/Y2571/V1295, PF3500/M2696, YSC0001318/PF3496/M2683. [40] [30]

Ancestor (neighbor) K-M9 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation with > G occurred on his Y chromosome at position 19568371. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 47200 years ago in the range of 49700 <–> 44,600 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of the K-M9 node are approximately 21 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations: PF5507/M2697, PF5469/V104, CTS10976/PF5509/M2698, PF5488/M2351, L469/PF5499/M2689, PF5490/F1765/M2685, PF5495/F2006/M2688/V3169, YSC0000055/PF5459/M2348/A5331, M2352/CTS2071/PF5489, PF5503/F3026/M2694/V4038, Y440/FGC221, L819/CTS4265/PF5494/M2686, PF5470, PF5500/F2548/M2692, YSC0000222/PF5505/L1346/M2695, CTS9278/ PF5501/M2693, Y397, M9/PF5506/TY3327, P132/PF5480, P128/PF5504, P131/PF5493. [30]

Ancestor (neighbor) K2-M526 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation A > C occurred on his Y chromosome at position 21389038. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 45,400 years ago in the range of 49,600 <–> 41400 years ago (formed CI 95%). The synonymous name for SNP M526 is PF5979. [40] [30]

Ancestor (neighbor) K2 b-YSC0000186 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation C > T occurred on his Y chromosome at position 14110681. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 45,400 years ago in the range of 49,600 <–> 41400 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of node K2b-V1651 are approximately 5 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations: MF44733/M1221/YSC0000186/PF5911/P331, PF5852, PF5969, L405/PF5990, M1205/CTS2019. [40] [30]

Ancestor (contiguous) P-PF5850 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation T > A occurred on his Y chromosome at position 4853930. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 44,300 years ago in the range of 45,400 <–> 43,000 years ago (formed CI 95%). [40] [30]

Ancestor (contiguous) P-V1651 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation T > A occurred on his Y chromosome at position 8266663. In YFull YTree, the time of appearance of this subclades is not indicated, but given the fact that it is the next descending after P-PF5850, this event occurred at about the same time, namely 44300 years ago in the range of 45400 <–> 43,000 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of node P-V1651 are approximately 2 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations: PF5870/F115/M1189/V1651, P295/S8/PF5866. [30]

Ancestor (contiguous) P-M1254 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation A > T occurred on his Y chromosome at position 18960100. In YFull YTree, the time of appearance of this subclades is not indicated, but given the fact that it is the next descending after P-PF5850, this event occurred at about the same time, namely 44300 years ago in the range of 45400 <–> 43,000 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of node P-M1254 are approximately 29 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations: Y448/FGC216, Y450, Y451, CTS3316/M1209, Y446, Y463/Z3131, M1270/CTS11173/PF5974, Y444, Y462/FGC212, Y267, Y458/FGC217, Y455/FGC213, PF5848, Y456/FGC286, CTS5418/PF5912/M1222, PF5853, PF5892/M1202, PF5461, PF5468, Y466, PF5968/M1266, Y272, Y1816, Y454, PF5935, PF5993/Z1244, PF6062/M1254, Y447/FGC211, Y503_2. [40]

Ancestor (contiguous) P-P337 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation A > G occurred on his Y chromosome at position 12786160. The time of appearance of this subclades is not specified in YFull YTree. In FTDNA, the P-P295 subclades are immediately followed by P-M45/PF5962, which is filoequivalent to P-P337, however, P-M45/PF5962 is missing from the Y-report. The phylogenetic neighbors of node P-P337 are approximately 81 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations: CTS3446/PF5902/M1211, PF5965/M1265, M1216/YSC0000176/PF5908/V2979, CTS7481/PF5926/M1234, PF5465, Y45/M1208, P27.1_1/P207/P27.2_1/P27_1, PF5471, YSC0001257/CTS1907/PF5894/M1204, V231/PF5862/F91, M1235/CTS7604/PF5928, M1186/YSC0000279/PF5864, CTS3509/PF5903/M1103, PF6066/M1258, CTS7244/PF5924/M1233, PF5855, L1185/ CTS9162/PF5937/M1241, CTS12299/PF5987, PF5981/F671/M1274, Y474/M1191, PF5975/F640/M1271/MF53797, PF5881/F180/M1196, PF5952/M1255, PF5861/F83/M1185/V1195/MF37664, PF5980/F653, L471/PF5989, M1250/CTS10085/PF5948, L779/PF5907/YSC0000251/V2974, PF5956/M1259, M1218/CTS4944/PF5909/V3240, L821/PF5857/F29/M5579, M1228/CTS5884/PF5917, PF5849, Y1610, PF5887, F313/M1219, PF5885/F212/M1198, L721/PF6020, PF5991/F4/M1183, Y503_1, PF5483, PF5846/M1184/CTS216, MF49095/F506/PF5940/M1243/YSC0000966/V3529, PF5878/M1194/MF14680, M1269/CTS10859, M1237/CTS8356/PF5931, PF5869/M1188, PF5959/M1261, PF5845/CTS196/V1079, PF5867, PF5888/V5158, CTS6948/PF5922/M1231/MF46647, PF5999, PF5978/F647/M1273, V607_1/Y483_1, CTS10348/PF5950/M1252, Y507/M1267, PF5851, L768/PF5976/YSC0000274, CTS8626/PF5934/M1239/MF48306, PF5876/M1193, M1246/YSC0000270/PF5943/V3732, M1220/CTS5340/PF5910/MF15401, PF5901/F1857/PAGES00083/PAGE83/P337, CTS3697/PF5904/M1212, CTS5808/PF5915/M1226, PF5871/M1190, M1249/CTS10081/PF5947, PF5982, PF5882, PF5916/F344/M1227, PF5886/M1199, M1238/CTS8473/PF5933, PF5464, FGC285, P244/PF5896/P244.1/P244.2, P237/PF5873, P281/PF5941, P239/PF5930, P228/PF5927, P243/PF5874. [30]

Ancestor (contiguous) P-P284 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation with > G occurred on his Y chromosome at position 19910454. The time of appearance of this subclades is not specified in YFull YTree. The phylogenetic neighbors of node P-P284 are approximately 5 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations: PF5958/M1160, PF5482, PF5854, P284, PF5883/M1197. [30]

Ancestor (contiguous) P-P226 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation C > T occurred on his Y chromosome at position 8977339. The time of appearance of this subclades is not specified in YFull YTree. The phylogenetic neighbors of node P-P226 are approximately 39 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations: PF5487/M1201, M1109/CTS4437, PF5880/M1195, CTS3736/PF5905/M1213, PF5955/M1257, PF5954/M1256/MF51014, P235/PF5946, CTS12028/PF5977/M1272, M1264/YSC0000227/F597, CTS7886/PF5929/M1236, CTS3135/PF5898/M1206, P283/PF5966, PF5951/F556, M1253/CTS10454, PF5964/M1263, PF5476, CTS3813/PF5491/M1215, PF5872/M1192/V1809.1, M1232/CTS7194/ PF5923, M1240/YSC0000205/PF5936, CTS3358/M1210/PF5899/PF5900, PF5994, M1149/CTS10168/PF6061, L82/PF5972, PF5971, YSC0001285/CTS5673/PF5497/M1225, PF5865/M1187, PF5985, L781/PF5875/YSC0000255, Y1403/FGC83, PF5914/F332 /M1224, PF5920/F359/M1229, L536/PF5860, PF5889/F1660, PF5945/F524/M1248, PF5473, P230/PF5925, M74/N12/PF5963/MF52086, P226/PF5879. [40] [30]

Ancestor (neighbor) R-M207 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation A > G occurred on his Y chromosome at position 13470103. In YFull YTree, the time of appearance of this subclades is not indicated, only TMRCA is given – 28200 years ago in the range of 30500 <–> 25900 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of node R-M207 are approximately 51 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations: Y472/F47/M607/PF6014/S9, M732/CTS8311/PF6055, M696/CTS5815/PF6044, L248.1/L248.2/PF6045/L248/M705/M705.3, V3272, CTS9200/PF5938/V3466, Y480, PF5868/M628, L760/PF5877/YSC0000286/M642, Y471, PF5953/M764, L747/PF5918/YSC0000287/M702, Y437/FGC207, Y479/F370/PF6047/M708/MF45980, F295/M685/ PF6039/V3064/TY2279, Y441, YSC0001265/CTS3229/PF6036/M672/V2573, F675/PF6084, CTS7876/PF6052, PF5992/M600/CTS207, M788/CTS10663/PF6075, CTS2913/PF6034/M667, PF6013/F33/M603, A18557/M795/CTS11075/PF6078, Y296/M651/PF6024, PF6002, M741/CTS9005/PF6058, F154/M636/PF6021/V2252, F652/M805/PF6082, Y453/FGC202, P227, Y460/FGC204, CTS7880/PF6053/M725, YSC0000233/PF6077/L1347/M792, PF6016/F63/M614, Y442/FGC205 , CTS3622/PF6037, YSC0000232/M789/L1225/PF6076, Y506/M760/PF6063, F82/M620/V1194/MF37663, CTS2426/PF6033/M661, Y469, Y457/FGC208, P280/PF6068, P224/PF6050, M207/UTY2/PF6038/PAGES00037/PAGE37, P285/PF6059/ FGC201, P232, YSC0000201/PF6057/M734/S4, Y125018, P229/PF6019. [30]

Ancestor (contiguous) R-Y482 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation G > T occurred on his Y chromosome at position 15905648. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 28,200 years ago in the range of 30,500 <–> 25900 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of node R-Y482 are approximately 4 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations: Y482/PF6056/F459, YSC0000179/SK2006/PF6040/YSC179/FGC1168, PF5919/F356/M703, M799/PF6079/YSC237. [40]

Ancestor (contiguous) R1-M173 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation A > C occurred on his Y chromosome at position 12914512[26]. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 28,200 years ago in the range of 30,500 <–> 25900 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of node R1-M173 are approximately 62 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations: PF6120, M710/YSC0000192/PF6132, PF6073, Y481/M716, PF6011/FGC193, Y305/PF6031/FGC189, M717/CTS7122/PF6135, PF6118/M640, M654/CTS1913/PF6032, PF6110, Y449, M306/S1/PF6147/MF53060, Y464/PF6008/FGC218, Y400, YSC0001281/CTS4862/PF6042/M691, PF5859/M611/CTS916/Z2133, CTS3321/PF6125/M673, M694/CTS5611/PF6130, L875/ PF6131/YSC0000288/M706, CTS3123/PF6124/M670, P233/PF6142, Y459, M748/YSC0000207, Y477/PF6121/F245/M659, Y512, M781/PF6145, Y452/FGC203, YSC0000230/L1352/M785/BZ3050, CTS2680, M813/CTS12618/PF6089, P245/PF6117, Y436, Y513, PF6007, F132/M632, P294/PF6112/FGC13894, M643, FGC190, Y470, PF6119, PF6133/F378/M711, P286/PF6136, M682/CTS4075/PF6127, M714/CTS7066/PF6049, P242/PF6113, P238/PF6115, PF6116/F102/M625/V1478 , Y467/FGC194, FGC206, M663/CTS2565/PF6122, P236/PF6137, P225/PF6128, M812/CTS12546/PF6088, PF6146/FGC465, CTS2908/PF6123/M666, Y465/FGC198, M730/CTS8116/PF6138, Y290/F211, PF6111/M612/CTS997, P234/PF6141, M173/P241/PF6126/PAGES00029/PAGE29, Y125013. [30]

Ancestor (neighbor) R1a-M420 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation T > A occurred on his Y chromosome at position 21311315. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 22,800 years ago in the range of 25,100 <–> 20,500 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of node R1a-M420 are approximately 53 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations: PF7527/F2948/M752/V3820, CTS5164, Y209/FGC32015, CTS6918/PF6196, CTS12321, CTS8851/M740, CTS11734/PF6226/M800, CTS9515/M744, CTS5936/PF6192/M698, L145/M449/PF6175, PF6179/F1769/M662, PF6153/F886, CTS4509/M687, L63/M511/PF6203, PF6160/F1088/M629, CTS7559, CTS3877/PF6184, CTS11530, CTS9596/PF6205/M745/V3655, PF6233/ F3570, Y216/M784, PF6163, Y218, PF6213/M768, M644, CTS2907/M665, PF6212/M767, CTS11148/M796, PF7534/F3466/M803, CTS8008/M726, CTS12746/M815, Y215/FGC32014, PF6222/F3364/M794, CTS10627/M786, L62/M513/ PF6200, L566/PF7512, L146/M420/PF6229, PF6215/M775, Y217/FGC32438, CTS903/PF6154/M610, CTS5273/PF6190, L457/PF6191, F928/M616, CTS9667, Y194, Y1404/FGC89, Y195, Y1424/FGC92, Y190, CTS12639/PF7535/M814, Y212/M783, PF6189, PF7516/M641. [30]

Ancestor (contiguous) R-M459 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation A > G occurred on his Y chromosome at position 7038033. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 18,200 years ago in the interval 20100 <–> 16400 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of the R-M459 node are approximately 54 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations: Y1975/FGC2548, CTS11411/M798, CTS9739/M749, CTS10847/PF6221/M791, PF7531, PF6159/M626, F1224/V2035, CTS10042/PF6207/M754, PF6194/F2215/M701, PF6172, CTS5287, PF7514/M623/V1412, PF6230/F3494/M804, PF6170/M650, PF6204/F2901/M742/V3610, M459/PF6235, CTS3984/PF6185/M681/V2878, F937, CTS3548/M678/V2747, L122/M448/ PF6237, PF6156/F947/M617, PF7522/F2328/M709, CTS7500/PF6199/M722, L120/M516/PF6236, PF7542, Y214/FGC32011, CTS11633, PF6214/M769, F3197/M774, PF6168/F1545/V5016, CTS3943/M680, CTS2132/PF6176/M658, F3564/M5824/F3564.2/M5824.2, Y172, PAGE65.2!/SRY1532.2!/SRY10831.2!/PF6234!/Page65.1/SRY10831.2/PAGE65.2/SRY1532.2, CTS11853/PF6227, PF6164/F1157/M631/V1855, PF6211/M766, PF6220, Y1270, CTS501/PF6152/M604, Y187, CTS1963, Y1420, CTS11706, Y173, Y1425/FGC90, Y183, PF6151, CTS2443/PF6178, FGC85, M602, Y191, CTS836/M609. [40] [30]

Ancestor (neighbor) R-M735 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation G > A occurred on his Y chromosome at position 16009389. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 15,200 years ago in the range of 17,600 <–> 12900 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of the R-M735 node are approximately 6 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations: CTS3527/M676, CTS5437/M693, PF7528/M770, CTS4812/PF6187/M690, CTS8637/M736, CTS8636/M735.

Ancestor (neighbor) R-M198 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation C > T occurred on his Y chromosome at position 12918840. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 14,000 years ago in the range of 15600 <–> 12400 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of node R-M198 are approximately 57 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations: CTS262/M601, Y210/FGC32013, CTS9690/M747, CTS9779, Y220/M807, F4138, L449/PF6223, Y2363/M12464, CTS11184/PF6224/M797, M512/PF6239, CTS570, CTS3551/PF6183, F4099/M633/V1902, L168, PF6181/F1808/M668, Y206/M758, F989/M619/V1190, CTS8797/M738, CTS2891/M664, M647, Y170, M514/PF6240, Y221/M808, CTS3534/PF7518/ M677, F3194/M773, CTS11720, Y205/FGC32012, M515, CTS4465/PF7519/M686, PF6216/M779, CTS3230, Y196/FGC36392, PF6201/F2684/M733, F1050/M622/V1380, F3337, M198/PF6238, F3185/M771, CTS1619/PF6173/M653, Y185 , PF6167/M646, CTS8710/M737, CTS7072/M715, CTS3004/M669, Y188, Y179, Y186, CTS8073/M728, Y189, CTS8090/M729, Y184/Z10068, CTS7690/M724, Y192, Y207/M765, CTS9496/PF7526/M743, Y174, CTS3161/PF6182/M671, CTS8825/M739. [40] [30]

Ancestor (contiguous) R-M417 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation G > A occurred on his Y chromosome at position 8665694. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 8,700 years ago in the range of 10,000 <–> 7,500 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of the R-M417 node are approximately 39 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations: CTS7278/PF7524/M721, PF6210/M757, CTS11913/PF6228/M801, CTS1340/PF6157/M618, Y1974/FGC2547, V8042/PF6231/F3551, CTS7191/PF6198/M719, CTS10993/M793, CTS5069, PF7530, CTS4259/PF6186/M683, PF6195/F2234/M704, PF7540/M759, PAGE7/PAGES00007, CTS5648/M695, PF7532/F3398, M630/V1720, CTS5423/M692, M417, Y1976/FGC2550, CTS10080/ PF6208/M755, CTS9510/V3625, PF6169/M649, F3166/M763, M627, F3159/M761, PF6218/M782, CTS12941/M817, PF6165/M637, CTS5979/PF6193/M700, Y219/M806, F2957/M753/V3842, CTS6423, FGC87, Y176, CTS6544/M712, CTS1924/ PF6174/M655, Y171, Y181. [30]

Ancestor (neighbor) R-Z645 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation C > T occurred on his Y chromosome at position 8377004. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 5,400 years ago in the range of 6,000 <–> 4,700 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of node R-Z645 are approximately 8 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations: Z647/S441/PF6158, Z651/F3044/V4100, Z649/CTS5508, Z648/CTS12010/PF7533/M802, Z650/CTS9754/PF6206/M750/V3726, Z645/S224/PF6162/V1754, Z646/CTS6596/M713/S346, CTS12179/M811. [40] [30]

Ancestor (contiguous) R-Z283 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation T > A occurred on his Y chromosome at position 19814417. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 5,000 years ago in the range of 5400 <–> 4,600 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of node R-Z283 are approximately 2 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations: Z283/S339/PF6217, Z662/CTS11197/PF6225. [40] [30]

Ancestor (contiguous) R-Z282 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation T > C occurred on his Y chromosome at position 13476521. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 5,000 years ago in the range of 6,000 <–> 4000 years ago (formed CI 95%). Synonymous names for SNP Z282 are S198 and V3055. [40] [30]

Ancestor (contiguous) R-PF6155 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation A > G occurred on his Y chromosome at position 7387314. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 5,000 years ago in the range of 6,000 <–> 4000 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of the R-PF6155 node are approximately 7 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations: Y2459/FGC2603/M12404, Z2915, PF6161/Z2906/V1747, Z2912, Z2913, PF7525/Z2910, PF6155/Z2905/S4545. [40] [30]

Ancestor (contiguous) R-M458 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation A > G occurred on his Y chromosome at position 22220317. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 5,000 years ago in the range of 6,000 <–> 4000 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of the R-M458 node are approximately 4 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations: M458/PF6241, PF6219/Z2911/S4549, PF6202/Z2909/S4555, Y2911/FGC2634/M12425. [30]

Ancestor (contiguous) R-PF7521 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation A > C occurred on his Y chromosome at position 13917476. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 5,000 years ago in the range of 6,000 <–> 4000 years ago (formed CI 95%). Synonymous names for SNP PF7521 are Z2908 and S4567. [40] [30]

Ancestor (contiguous) R-Y2604 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation A > G occurred on his Y chromosome at position 15955572. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 5,000 years ago in the range of 6,000 <–> 4000 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of node R-Y2604 are approximately 2 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations: Z2914, Y2604/FGC2628/M12420. [30]

Ancestor (contiguous) R-FGC2608 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation G > A occurred on his Y chromosome at position 4311764. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 5,000 years ago in the range of 6,000 <–> 4000 years ago (formed CI 95%). [40] [30]

Ancestor (contiguous) R-CTS11962 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation C > T occurred on his Y chromosome at position 21221843. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 5,000 years ago in the range of 6,000 <–> 4000 years ago (formed CI 95%). Synonymous names for SNP YP417 – V3192, FGC20517, M12415. The phylogenetic neighbors of the R-CTS11962 node are approximately 28 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations: Z2947, Z2919/V1500, Z2932, Z2942, Y2462, Z2929/S4542, Z2933, Z2936, Z2934/S4557, Z2937, Z2930, Z2935, Z2948/V1632, FGC2637, Y2461, Z2943, Z2931, Z2939, Z2918, CTS11962/Z2953/Z2953.1/Z2953.2, Z2940, Z2928, Z2941, Z2944, Z2916/S4543, Y2460/FGC7770, Z2950, Z2921. [30]

Ancestor (contiguous) R-L1029 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation A > G occurred on his Y chromosome at position 15825380. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 3,200 years ago in the range of 3,800 <–> 2,600 years ago (formed CI 95%). Synonymous names for SNP YP417 – V3192, FGC20517, M12415. The phylogenetic neighbors of node R-L1029 are approximately 7 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows, including synonymous designations: L1029/S4554, Z2951, Y5342/FGC2617, Z2922, Z2954/S4548, Z2920, Z2938/S4546. [40] [30]

Ancestor (contiguous) R-YP417 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation G > A occurred on his Y chromosome at position 13756598. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 2,100 years ago in the range of 2,300 <–> 1900 years ago (formed CI 95%). Synonymous names for SNP YP417 – V3192, FGC20517, M12415. [40] [30]

Ancestor (contiguous) R-YP418 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation A > T occurred on his Y chromosome at position 7779691. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 2,100 years ago in the range of 2,400 <–> 1800 years ago (formed CI 95%). Synonymous names for SNP YP418 are M12403 and V1330. [40] [30]

Ancestor (contiguous) R-YP728 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation G > C occurred on his Y chromosome at position 7339125. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 2000 years ago in the range of 2200 <–> 1850 years ago (formed CI 95%). [40] [30]

Ancestor (contiguous) R-Y18348 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation C > T occurred on his Y chromosome at position 9264197. According to YFull, this event occurred about 1900 years ago in the range of 2200 <–> 1600 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of node R-Y18348 are approximately 2 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows: Y18348, Y18349. [40] [30] [40]

Ancestor (neighbor) R-FT106413 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation A > G occurred on his Y chromosome at position 26418953. According to YFull, this event occurred about 1900 years ago in the range of 2500 <–> 1,350 years ago (formed CI 95%). [40] [30] [40]

Ancestor (contiguous) R-Y41236 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation G > A occurred on his Y chromosome at position 13805982. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 1,850 years ago in the range of 2,600 <–> 1200 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of node R-Y41236 are approximately 3 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows: Y41236, FT104863, Y223122. [40] [40]

Ancestor (contiguous) R-BY121104 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation T > C occurred on his Y chromosome at position 16127684. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 1850 years ago in the range of 2600 <–> 1200 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of the R-BY121104 node are approximately 2 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows: BY121104, BY55151. [30] [40]

Ancestor (neighbor) R-FT105418 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation A > T occurred on his Y chromosome at position 14986412. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 1,700 years ago in the range of 2,200 <–> 1200 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of node R-FT105418 are approximately 2 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows: FT105418, FT103531. [40] [30] [40]

Ancestor (contiguous) R-Y39349 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation A > T occurred on his Y chromosome at position 8325641. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 1,700 years ago in the range of 2,200 <–> 1200 years ago (formed CI 95%). The phylogenetic neighbors of node R-Y39349 are approximately 5 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows: Y39349, FT421608, Y43577, Y310066, Y263186. [40] [30] [40]

Ancestor (contiguous) R-Y38374 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation G > T occurred on his Y chromosome at position 2827785. According to YFull, this event occurred approximately 1,450 years ago in the range of 2100 <–> 900 years ago (formed CI 95%) and it does not belong to the documented reconstructed Nilogov family tree. The phylogenetic neighbors of node R-Y38374 are approximately 10 potential biological male ancestors, which are named as follows: Y43086, Y42429, FT171875, Y40155, FT171852, Y41179, FT171889, Y38384, FT171841, Y38374. They are philoequivalent neighbors for R-Y38374, that is, they fall within an interval of almost one and a half thousand years, given the fact that according to the calculation method adopted in YFull, one SNP mutation occurs approximately once every 144 years.

The neighbor R-Y38374 was chosen randomly as a node: until the sequence of ascending and descending snips/neighbors is determined, any of the ten philoequivalents can be the basis for the branching of the line. It is important that each of the ten is a real biological male ancestor, who once had an irreversible SNP mutation in the Y chromosome, inherited by descendants like a surname. Of course, over the 1500 years allocated to this subclades, there were more than ten direct male ancestors: some of them accounted for a documented reconstructed pedigree (until the end of the XVI century), and most of them were either unnamed for classical genealogy, or named phylogenetically, namely by means of SNP indexes (see: [48],[49])[27]. [30] [32] [40]

Ancestor (contiguous) R-Y41478 (+ female): An irreversible single nucleotide mutation C > T occurred on his Y chromosome at position 14326593. According to YFull, this event occurred about 150 years ago, that is, it belongs to the documented reconstructed family tree of the Nilogovs of the second half of the XIX century. Since this mutation is absent in the parallel line of Non–Logovs from Penza, whose common ancestor was born in 1847 (Pyotr Izosimovich Nilogov), it certainly happened in one of our direct male ancestors - for example, Grigory Petrovich Nilogov, who was born in 1881. His older brother Anton Petrovich Nilogov, born around 1876, did not have this mutation, otherwise it would have been passed on to his direct male descendants, and they have it negative. It is possible that SNP R-Y41478 could have occurred for the first time in Pyotr Zosimovich himself, who passed it on to his late son Grigory (1881) in the form of a sperm. However, a similar assumption can be attributed to the son of Grigory – Fedor (1909), as well as to the son of Fedor – Mikhail (1929). R-Y41478 was found positive in the son of Mikhail – Sergei (1953), and, consequently, it passed to him either in the sperm of Mikhail's father (that is, it arose before fertilization), or it happened during fertilization with Sergei himself. [30] [30] [40] [32] [40] [40] [40]

Attributed donors to YFull YTree: a phylogenetic branch of the genus Nilogovoi [40] [58]

Thus, using the example of the genetic-genealogical (genealogical) reconstruction of the author's patrilineal line, the prospects for a comprehensive (interdisciplinary) study of human patrilineal kinship were shown (see also: [59],[60]). The problem of nominating our distant ancestors is considered in the aspect of the linguophilosophical problem of onomatization as part of patronification – the common cause of the resurrection of the fathers (N. F. Fedorov) [36]. The linguistic and genealogical method of sniping as naming (anthroponymification) from Y-chromosomal Adam through all nodal branches (haplogroups/snips) to the documented factology of classical genealogy should become a solution to the urgent problem of reconstructing the population and personal genealogy of people.

[1] Cf.: A. A. Klesov: "Snip mutations are practically irreversible mutations in DNA (from the English abbreviation SNP, which means "single nucleotide variations"). Once formed, they "get stuck" in DNA forever, with extremely rare exceptions, when another mutation took place in the same nucleotide that had previously mutated, either into another nucleotide or returning to the original one. In the book "Your DNA genealogy", an example was given that one specific nucleotide of the Y chromosome in all modern hominids (except the macaque, which belongs to the marmoset family, although the order is the same - primates), selected for that illustration, is thymine, and only the orangutan has cytosine there. In other words, in most of these individuals, thymine has been sitting in that place on the Y chromosome for at least 15-20 million years, and during this time, out of five "samples" it has changed only once. A skeptic will say that he could have changed in an orangutan a hundred times during this time, and cytosine is just the last in that series of changes, but this does not happen. A large body of experimental data has already been accumulated that mutations in DNA occur in a disordered, statistically, equally likely across all sequences, with the exception of extremely rare cases when large fragments of DNA fall off or rearrange, but this is clearly not the case.

A large series of experimental data obtained and cross-checked by different research teams led to an average value of the mutation rate constant in the Y chromosome of 0.82·10-9 per nucleotide per year (more correctly, a pair of nucleotide bases per year). At this rate of mutation, in 5 million years, that is, before the lifetime of the common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans, the Y chromosome with its 58 million base pairs will run up 0.82·10-9 × 10·106 × 58·106 = 476 thousands of mutations, which will amount to only 0.8% of the 58 million nucleotides. Here, 10 million years are calculated, because 5 million years have passed from a common ancestor to modern humans, and the same amount to modern chimpanzees, that is, contemporaries are separated from each other by a total of 10 million years.

Using this mutation rate constant, it is possible to calculate how long it will take for a certain number of mutations to pass through a fragment of a Y chromosome of a certain size. For example, a mutation in a fragment of the Y chromosome with a size of 8.47 million nucleotides occurs on average once every 144 years" [12, pp. 38-40]. See also: [13].

[2] Cf.: V. N. Kharkov: "Over the past three decades, a huge amount of data has been accumulated from the analysis of the non-recombining part of the Y chromosome. The first works in this field date back to the mid-1980s. In the following years, Y-chromosome markers began to be used for evolutionary research, in forensic medical examination, medical genetics and the reconstruction of pedigrees. The detection of diallelic DNA markers on various parts of the Y chromosome made it possible to discover and classify monophyletic haplogroups and begin a detailed study of the gene pool of various populations" [14, pp. 982-983].

[3] Cf.: V. N. Kharkov: "In addition to characterizing the genetic diversity, differentiation and component composition of the population gene pool, the study of Y-chromosome markers is very important for phylogenetic reconstructions. The use of many different polymorphic sites makes it possible to trace combinations of alleles that represent a sequential record of mutations in a number of generations. In this case, a line is understood as a group of haplotypes related by common origin, where each variant differs from the neighboring one by one mutational step. The analysis of the phylogeny and phylogeography of the entire Y-chromosome tree of mankind, its individual clades and haplogroups is the essence of this field of research.

The frequency of SNP occurrence on the Y chromosome is about 2 times higher than the average for the genome, and is inferior in mutation rate only to mtDNA. Since the non-recombining part of the Y chromosome is significantly larger than mtDNA in size, and the number of repeated and reverse mutations for individual positions is much lower, the phylogeny of male lines can be much more structured in detail compared to female ones. The accumulation of an increasing number of sequenced Y chromosome samples from various population samples for all haplogroups makes it possible to increase the informativeness and population specificity of their phylogenetic reconstruction from the most ancient lines to those that recently arose in local population groups" [14, p. 983].

[4] Cf.: A. P. Derevyanko: "About 6-7 million years AGO, the ancestral line of man in the order of primates divided into two branches – the higher great apes and Australopithecines. In the future, the evolutionary development of Australopithecines, which settled only in Africa, took place along the sapient line. Among the Australopithecines there were groups that became ancestral to the genus Homo, the first representatives were formed about 2.8 million years ago. As shown by the study of anthropological finds, in the late Pliocene – early Pleistocene in Africa there were three species of the genus Homo: H. rudolfensis, H. ergaster/erectus and H. habilis. About 1.8 (1.7) million years ago, H. ergaster/erectus emerged from Africa and began to settle in Eurasia. The polytypical species of H. erectus during a long and complex evolutionary development served as the basis for the formation of modern humans – H. S. sapiens [Derevyanko, 2012, 2017, 2019]. <…>

As a result of the evolutionary development on the ancestral basis of H. erectus in Africa 1.8–0.8 million years AGO, a new taxon was formed, which received two names from anthropologists – H. rhodensiensis and H. heidelbergensis. Morphologically and genetically, the populations of these people belonged to the same biological species, but their subsequent evolutionary history was different. Homo rhodensiensis remained in Africa, and modern humans (H. S. africaniensis) were formed on their ancestral basis 200-150 thousand years ago. Homo heidelbergensis with the Acheulean industry of about 800 thousand BC migrated to Eurasia (the Gesher-Benot-Yaakov site in Israel). This migration is associated with the first (initial) stage of the formation of three taxa – modern humans in Africa, Neanderthals and Denisovans in Eurasia. This is confirmed by genetic studies: the division of the common ancestral taxon into H. sapiens, on the one hand, and H. S. neanderthalensis with H. S. altaiensis, on the other, occurred approx. 800 thousand years ago [Meyer et al., 2012]. Part H. heidelbergensis with the Acheulean industry of 700 (600) thousand BC migrated to Europe, where as a result of assimilation processes with late erectus (H. antecessor) through intermediate forms Mauer, Montmorin, Steinheim, Arago 21, Cima de los Huesos, Petralona, etc. 200-150 thousand BC classical Neanderthals with the Mousterian industry were formed. <…>

At the beginning of the Upper Pleistocene, 120-60 thousand years AGO, three taxa settled in Africa and Eurasia – modern humans in Africa (H. S. africaniensis), Neanderthals in Europe (H. S. neanderthalensis), Denisovans in Central and Northern Asia (H. S. altaiensis) [Derevyanko 2012; et al.]. Representatives of these taxa interbred with each other, they gave birth to reproductive offspring. This means that the crossing did not occur between subspecies, but within the same species. If at the final stage of the evolution of the genus Homo there were three taxa with an open genetic system, then throughout the more than 2.5 million years of human evolution there was an open genetic system that allowed representatives of taxa to interbreed, resulting in reproductively capable offspring. All the so-called species that were isolated by anthropologists on the basis of a small number of remains from sites of the Early and Middle Paleolithic in Africa and Eurasia were subspecies with an open genetic system. Genetic studies show that modern humans (non-Africans) retain 1-2% of the genetic heritage of Neanderthals in their genome. The genome of modern inhabitants of Australia and Oceania contains up to 3-6% of the genetic heritage of Denisovans [Reich et al., 2011]. Consequently, Neanderthals and Denisovans, with the stem role of early humans of the modern anatomical type, formed in Africa 200-150 thousand years ago, during the migration of the latter to Eurasia 80-50 thousand years ago, contributed to the genetics and morphology of modern humans [Derevyanko, 2012, 2019, 2022; Derevyanko, Shunkov, Kozlikin, 2020].

In East and Southeast Asia, the process of sapient hominin development began with the initial settlement of these territories by H. erectus 1,7–1,6 million years ago; by now, approx. 10 anthropological fossils dating back to 120-60 thousand years AGO, which anthropologists associate with people of the modern type. It is necessary to agree with the opinion of Chinese researchers that a fourth subspecies of modern man (H. s. orientalensis) was formed in these parts of Asia, which also took part in the formation of modern man – H. S. sapiens [Derevyanko, 2011]. <…>

...the Denisovans and Neanderthals had one ancestral taxon – the Heidelbergers. During the migration of Heidelbergers with the Acheulean industry to Europe 700 thousand years AGO and assimilation processes with late erectus (H. antecessor) during the formation of classical Neanderthals (H. S. neanderthalensis), the latter retained part of the ancestral genetic heritage. This is proved by the Denisovan mtDNA and Neanderthal nuclear DNA isolated from an individual with an antiquity of about 430 thousand years from Cima de los Huesos [Meyer et al., 2014]. The Heidelbergers, who migrated to east Asia much later (400-350 thousand BC) and assimilated late erectus in Central Asia, which led to the formation of Denisovans (H. S. altaiensis), also retained part of the ancestral genetic heritage, as evidenced by mtDNA extracted from the culture-containing layer 14 with the Denisovian industry. This means that the Heidelbergers, who settled in the Middle East, Europe, Central Asia and Altai, were a taxon in the process of dividing into modern humans, Neanderthals and Denisovans, and they still had an open genetic system, the ability to interbreed, as well as both of them – part of the ancestral genetic heritage" [16, pp. 9, 11, 12, 13].

[5] Cf.: R. Dawkins: "An important feature of DNA is that, until the chain of life is interrupted, the information encoded in DNA will be copied in a new molecule even before the destruction of the old one. Therefore, information lives much longer than molecules. It is resumed by copying, and since copying is accurate for most “letters”, theoretically it can persist indefinitely. A significant proportion of the DNA information of our ancestors has reached us unchanged, having survived in some cases hundreds of millions of years.

Thus, the information in DNA is an incredibly generous gift that nature has presented to historians. What kind of historian could hope that each individual of each species carries a detailed document in its body! Moreover, minor accidental changes occur in this text, which are rare enough not to violate the accuracy of the document, but at the same time frequent enough to create labels" [1, pp. 33-34].

See also: N. Wade: "As a repository of hereditary information that is in constant change, the genome is like a document that is endlessly rewritten. But the genome, changing, retains information about all the "drafts" that contain a chronicle of millions of years. Thus, the genome can tell us a lot about different time layers" [17, p. 8].

[6] Cf.: E. Schrodinger: "An important, really fateful event in the process of reproduction of an individual is not fertilization, but meiosis. One set of chromosomes comes from the father, the other from the mother. Neither chance nor fate can influence this" [18, p. 45].

[7] Cf.: V. P. Alekseev: "All anthropogenesis is a process of accumulation of information and reduction of entropy... The higher and more developed forms evolution creates, the narrower the sphere of entropy and the wider the field of information" [19, p. 212].

See also: E. Schrodinger: "Every process or event – call it what you want – everything that happens in nature means an increase in the entropy of the part of the world where it happens. So. A living organism continuously increases its entropy – or, one might say, produces positive entropy – thereby striving for a dangerous state of maximum entropy, that is, death. To stay away from this state – that is, to live – the body needs to constantly draw negative entropy from the environment, which, as we will now understand, is actually positive. The body feeds on negative entropy. Or, to put it more clearly, an important feature of metabolism is that the body manages to get rid of all the entropy that it produces in the course of its life. <...> Now the clumsy expression "negative entropy" can be rephrased more successfully: entropy with a negative sign is a measure of order. Therefore, the way in which an organism constantly maintains a very high level of order (= a very low level of entropy), in fact, consists in the continuous consumption of order from the environment. This conclusion is not as paradoxical as it seems at first glance. Rather, it can be blamed for triviality. In fact, in the case of higher animals, we know perfectly well what kind of order they consume. We are talking about a highly ordered state of matter in relatively complex organic compounds that serve as their food. After use, animals return the substance in a degraded form – but not in a completely degraded form, since plants can consume it. Naturally, plants receive a powerful dose of negative entropy in the form of sunlight" [18, pp. 112, 115-116].

[8] Cf.: D. Gribbin, M. Gribbin: "The process of evolution by natural selection requires that living beings reproduce by creating their own kind, but in such a way that this copying is not perfectly accurate, but generates some diversity in the next generation. If offspring appear among this diversity, who for some reason turned out to be more successful than others in survival and reproduction, then the signs that ensured their success are passed on to the next generations - in other words, they are selected" [20, p. 7].

[9] Cf.: A. S. Pilipenko: "In fact, mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam, from the point of view of genetics, are not even individuals (people), but only variants of their mtDNA and Y chromosomes, respectively. It is clear that the carriers of these variants could be an entire population of one size or another" [23, p. 217]. We disagree with A. S. Pilipenko, who does not see specific individuals behind the pool of genes, in particular, carriers of SNPs. Despite the fact that mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam are in constant drift due to the accumulation of a database of genetic data, each time we are talking about specific individuals in whom these mutations occurred, that is, about real ancestors whom we were able to reconstruct based on current databases of genetic data, including paleoDNA.

Cf.: B. Sykes: "Everything is mixed up in us – and at the same time we are all related to each other. From each gene, a line can be drawn back to the past, to another common ancestor. This is an absolutely amazing, unique legacy that we have received from people who lived before us. Our genes do not arise from nothing at the moment of our birth – they were brought to us, passed down through thousands of generations, millions of individuals, specific personalities" [5, p. 301].

Cf.: A. A. Klesov: "In this regard, the question arises – when did the common ancestor of Homo sapiens, the common ancestor of modern humans, live? The one at the very top marked as Y Root? Is it possible to calculate this time? The answer is yes, but with a certain degree of assumptions. The first and most important assumption is that the common ancestor of today's people on Earth actually existed. Naturally, we are not talking about the fact that there was once one man on Earth, and there was one woman next to him. This has never happened. At all times there were many men and many women, and before them there were many males and females, the predecessors of those very men and women, and the transition of some into others took millions of years, and no one can give clear definitions of what this transition was expressed in, these are all questions of definitions, which, in general,, no. Yes, probably no one is particularly concerned about this lack of clear definitions.

Conceptually speaking, the "common ancestor" of all people on today's planet is the one whose offspring survived, unlike many of his contemporaries, and continued in descendants to the present time. In addition, this was the man who had at least two sons, whose offspring have survived to the present. As a consequence of the first two conditions, all descendants inherited the snip mutations of their ancestor," and added snip mutations later. Therefore, there is another condition, or rather, a consequence – mutations in the haplotypes of descendants, when extrapolated into the past, converge to the "first ancestor". Thus, it is possible to determine his haplotype, regardless of how long he lived" [12, pp. 46-47].

See also: "As with "Mitochondrial Eve", the title of "Y-chromosomal Adam" is not permanently fixed to a single individual, but can advance over the course of human history as paternal lineages become extinct. <…> Due to the definition via the "currently living" population, the identity of a MRCA, and by extension of the human Y-MRCA, is time-dependent (it depends on the moment in time intended by the term "currently"). The MRCA of a population may move forward in time as archaic lineages within the population go extinct: once a lineage has died out, it is irretrievably lost. This mechanism can thus only shift the title of Y-MRCA forward in time. Such an event could be due to the total extinction of several basal haplogroups. The same holds for the concepts of matrilineal and patrilineal MRCAs: it follows from the definition of Y-MRCA that he had at least two sons who both have unbroken lineages that have survived to the present day. If the lineages of all but one of those sons die out, then the title of Y-MRCA shifts forward from the remaining son through his patrilineal descendants, until the first descendant is reached who had at least two sons who both have living, patrilineal descendants. The title of Y-MRCA is not permanently fixed to a single individual, and the Y-MRCA for any given population would himself have been part of a population which had its own, more remote, Y-MRCA. <…> By the nature of the concept of most recent common ancestors, these estimates can only represent a terminus ante quem ("limit before which"), until the genome of the entire population has been examined (in this case, the genome of all living humans)» [21].

[10] Cf.: R. Dawkins: "Here I feel so insecure that I will no longer try to estimate the number of "great-" before "progenitor". Very soon, the "pra-" account will go into the billions. The branching lines are a little more reliable, but it may also turn out to be erroneous" [1, p. 520].

[11] Cf.: "A study of the X-chromosome genome in 2008 led to the conclusion that Asian populations of Homo erectus could well have interbred with Homo sapiens and be the ancestors of modern humans along mixed lines (not direct male and not direct female)" [24].

[12] Cf.: A. A. Klesov: "... the common ancestor of modern haplotypes is usually not the one that was at the "very beginning", but the one whose direct descendants have survived to the present. Therefore, it is important to consider DNA genealogy data in conjunction with data from archaeology and linguistics, and it is data, not interpretations" [25, p. 30].

[13] Cf.: "A comparison of the Y chromosomes of two Denisovans (Denisova4 (55-84 thousand BC) and Denisova8 (106-136 thousand BC)) with the Y chromosomes of three Neanderthals and with the Y chromosomes of modern non-African people showed that the Y chromosome line of Denisovans separated from the Y chromosome line of modern humans about 700 thousand years AGO, the Y-chromosomal line of Neanderthals separated from the Y-chromosomal line of modern humans about 350 thousand years ago. For the lifetime of the common ancestor of carriers of the Y-chromosomal haplogroup A00 and carriers of non-African Y-chromosomal haplogroups, the date was 249 thousand years ago" [28]. See: [29].

[14] Cf.: "According to a comparison of the Y chromosome of a Neanderthal from the El Sidron cave and an African with the Y chromosome haplogroup A00, the time of separation of the lines of Neanderthals and modern humans was estimated on the Y chromosome at 588 thousand years ago (95% confidence interval: 806-447 thousand years ago), and the time of the appearance of Y-chromosomal Adam – 275 thousand years ago (95% confidence interval: 304-245 thousand years ago)" [28] See.: [33],[34].

[15] It is possible that both nucleotides can be replaced in comparison with the ancestor – for example, in Denisovans and in Neanderthals compared to chimpanzees. The statistical probability here is 1:62000000 (Y chromosome genome).

[16] Cf.: A. A. Klesov: "The ancestral (initial) nucleotides were those that were identified in the Y chromosomes of the men of the planet as unchanged (ancestral), and confirmed by the Y chromosome of chimpanzees" [12, p. 46].

[17] See: [36].

[18] Cf.: V. N. Kharkov: "The modern nomenclature of Y-chromosome lines is a multi-level alphanumeric notation system, clustering in accordance with a step-by-step mutation model. The hierarchical location of a particular line is determined by the coupling of the mutant and initial variants of the DNA marker with the above and below SNPs. Two systems are used to designate subclades: either based on alphanumeric nomenclature (for example, E1b1, N1a1a1a1a2, R1a1a1b2a2, R1a1a1b2a2a3c, T1a2b, etc.), or by the number of the terminal mutation defining this haplogroup (for example, Q-BZ99 or N-B172)" [14, p. 983].

[19] Cf.: V. N. Kharkov: "At the time of the emergence of a haplogroup, it is represented only in one individual, since its defining mutation occurs on a specific chromosome, and then the frequency of the haplogroup begins to change stochastically. A new subline that has arisen can most likely disappear from the population if the male line, which originates from the ancestor of this mutation, is interrupted in any generation. Most of these new lines are eliminated by the stochastic process of genetic drift. But some of the haplogroups remain in the population and increase their frequency. Against the background of a stochastic increase in the number of haplogroups, variability in other SNP and microsatellite loci begins to accumulate in it over time. Initially, the haplogroup is represented by one specific founder haplotype, characterized by a certain value of alleles in various STR loci. Then, over time, other alleles appear in the descendants due to mutations and clusters of evolutionarily related haplotypes arise" [14, p. 984]. See also: [37].

[20] Cf.: "The Y chromosome is passed from father to son remaining mostly unchanged across generations, except for small traceable changes in DNA. By tracking these changes, we constructed a family tree of humankind where all male lineages trace back to a single common ancestor who lived hundreds of thousands of years ago. This human tree allows us to explore lineages through time and place and to uncover the modern history of your direct paternal surname line and the ancient history of our shared ancestors» [30].

[21] Cf.: V. N. Kharkov: "No less important for the classification of haplogroups is the resource , which was founded in 2013 and is a service for bioinformatic analysis of initial sequencing data. The haplogroup tree on this site is currently the most detailed and includes the maximum number of SNPs, linked to specific samples. The designation of the lines differs from the alphanumeric encoding and contains only a reference to specific markers, ranging from the most basic to terminal for a specific sample [10]" [14, p. 983].

[22] Cf.: "Subclade " formed" age: The TMRCA of a subclade is used as the "formed" age of each branch of the subclade. In other words, the formed age of a branch is the same as the TMRCA of the "parent" subclade of the branch» [46].

[23] Cf.: A. A. Klesov: "DNA genealogy builds a clear genealogical line of ancestors and descendants, as people belonging to a certain genus. Since a haplogroup is a collection of related subclades originating along the chain from even more ancient common ancestors, and a subclades is a collection of carriers of the same snips, it is clear that all their carriers, that is, in this case men, descended from one common ancestor, the patriarch, in whose DNA this snip was first formed. In fact, this is the generally accepted definition of the genus, which is the totality of all generations of people descended from one ancestor.

We can say it in another way: a haplogroup is a set of haplotypes united by a "group" irreversible mutation inherent in a certain human race, that is, the descendants of one "patriarch", as a rule, millennia ago. The concept of "haplogroup" is equivalent to the concept of "genus" in DNA genealogy. These mutations ("snips") are selected according to certain criteria. The haplogroup is also called the genus itself in such expressions as "the haplogroup migrated six thousand years ago to the east," understanding, naturally, that the carriers of this haplogroup migrated. Currently, the classification includes 20 main haplogroups (plus A0 and A00), from A to T in alphabetical order, and thousands of "descending" haplogroups and subclades.

Haplogroups do not just correspond to their genera, but form a certain sequence, a ladder of haplogroups showing their hierarchy – a sequential, stepwise transition from the point of divergence of African and non-African populations (approximately 160 thousand years ago) until the most recent haplogroup R, which formed about 30 thousand. years ago. This ladder is called the phylogenetic tree of haplogroups and their snips. All haplogroups and subclades on the tree should include snips of "higher" haplogroups and subclades. That is, the principle of the "ladder" must be fulfilled. The continuity of the nodal genera of mankind must be respected" [12, pp. 30-31].

[24] See: [46]. See also: [47].

[25] Cf.: "Ancestral Path. Every living man in the world shares a direct paternal line ancestor who lived around 230,000 years ago, and before that, our closest relatives are the Neanderthals and Denisovans. Each step represents a genetic ancestor on your direct paternal line. As more people test, this path will be further refined, and we will identify more steps on your ancestral line» [30].

[26] The Hg38 reference is based on a representative of haplogroup R1b (R-S26186), therefore all ascending mutations, starting with R1, are eliminated from chimpanzees (in the latest version of the human reference genome, GRCh38 released in 2017, the anonymous RP11 man accounts for most if not all of the Y-chromosome reference sequence [30]). [30]

[27] See also: [50],[51],[52],[53],[54],[55],[56],[57].

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Peer Review

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Review of the article "Y-chromosomal ancestors: on the problem of genetic and genealogical nomination". The subject is indicated in the title and explained in the text of the article. In the article, the author aims to study the ancestry of the Nilovs and the degree of kinship of its representatives (male and female lines). Research methodology. This work is based on a comprehensive genetic and genealogical methodology. The relevance of research. In recent decades, the author of the peer-reviewed article "a new level of DNA genealogical (genetic-genealogical, genealogical) verification has increased and raised the methodological question of classical documentary and archival pedigree, since pedigree is primarily understood as biological (genetic, phylogenetic) kinship" and the author was inspired to write this article by the book of the British Darwinist R.Dawkins' "The Ancestor's Tale". The novelty of the article lies in the formulation of the problem and objectives of the study. The novelty also lies in the fact that the article attempts to study the influence of the Y chromosome in the genetic and genealogical nomination. The scientific novelty also lies in the fact that the author draws on archival materials on the genealogy of the Nilov family. Scientific novelty is also determined by the involvement of archival materials. In his research, the author uses "several genetic databases (Y-DNA database), among which the most authoritative are: YFull YTree, Discover Family Tree DNA, YSNP YTree from ISOGG", etc. The style of the article is scientific and for that, clear and precise. The author at the beginning of the article gives an explanation of the terms used in the article, which facilitates the perception of the article by humanitarians and other categories of readers who may be poorly versed in biological terms. At the very beginning of the article, the author presented quotes from the works of R. Dawkins (4 citations), B. Sykes (5 citations), N. Shubin (3 citations), two quotes each from N.V. Kukushkin and S.A. Yastrebov, one quote each from S. Paabo, C. Darwin. The presentation of these quotations in the article helps to understand the goals and objectives of the author, as well as the content of the article as a whole. After giving these quotes, the text of the article itself follows. The text is logically structured, provided with drawings, graphs from other articles and electronic resources. The author's conclusions logically follow from the work carried out and the author states that "on the example of the genetic and genealogical (genealogical) reconstruction of the author's patrilineal line, the prospects for a comprehensive (interdisciplinary) study of human patrilineal kinship were shown (see also:). The problem of the nomination of our distant ancestors is considered in the aspect of the linguophilosophical problem of onomatization as part of patronification – the common cause of the resurrection of the fathers (N. F. Fedorov). The linguistic and genealogical method of sniping as naming (anthroponymification) from Y-chromosomal Adam through all nodal branches (haplogroups/snips) to the documented factology of classical genealogy should become a solution to the urgent problem of reconstructing the population and personal genealogy of people." And in confirmation of his conclusions, the author cites references to data from such researchers as A. A. Klesov, V. N. Kharkov, A. P. Derevyanko, R. Dawkins, N. Wade, E. Schrodinger, D. Gribbin, M. Gribbin, A. S. Pilipenko, B. Sykes, etc. The bibliography of the article contains 60 works, including 11 works by the author of the article and one article about his works. The bibliography is extensive, diverse and indicates, like the article as a whole, that the author of the article is deeply interested in the topic, his article is undoubtedly original and interesting, at the same time, it should be noted that it can cause discussion among specialists on the topic as a whole and individual provisions of the author of the article. The appeal to the opponents is presented at the level of the collected information received by the author during the work on the topic of the article, other works of the author presented in the bibliography and in the bibliography as a whole. The article is interesting, relevant and, according to the reviewer, it can cause discussion among specialists and non-specialists, because despite the fact that the author of the article tried to reveal the terminology of the article and the article is written in clear language, it can cause difficulties for perception. The article can be published in a journal, it deserves attention and will arouse interest.