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International relations

Characteristics of the new globalization and the new globalization politics of China

Van Tszyuke

ORCID: 0009-0009-6163-4545

Master's Degree, Department of Theory and History of International Relations, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

117198, Russia, Miklukho-miklaya region, Moscow, Miklukho-Miklaya str., 21, Miklukho-Miklaya sq.









Abstract: The article takes world politics and the new globalization as its research subject, and the object of study is the characteristics of the new globalization and China's development initiatives for the new globalization. With the spread of "counterglobalization" and the impact of the coronavirus epidemic in recent years, the new wave of counterglobalization is a tool for developed countries in Europe and the United States to maintain their hegemonic position. In the face of changes in the international economic and political landscape, China, as an agent of the international order, must respond and adjust all aspects of domestic and foreign policy. By advocating a community of human destiny and a new model of development, China offers solutions to other developing countries and gives new impetus to globalization, contributing to better global governance. The concept of "new globalization" has demonstrated its prospects and values; it is increasingly recognized by the countries of the world. "New Globalization" is not only a holistic global concept, but also a global ethic, thus demonstrating China's responsibility and moral sensibilities (moralism) in the new era.


New Globalization, Chinese Foreign Policy, Global Governance, Belt and Road, Community of One Destiny, Xi Jinping, China policy, Collaboration, Globalization, Political Development

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The onset of the international financial crisis in 2000 hit the global economy hard. In order to accelerate the recovery of their economies and reduce unemployment, European and American countries have used very hidden means such as green barriers and technical barriers to protect their economies. This hinders the further development of globalization. Chinese President Xi Jinping stressed: "The impact of the coronavirus epidemic has far-reaching consequences, there are undercurrents of anti-globalization, unilateralism and protectionism[1]. Given the accumulation of problems in the course of globalization, Xi Jinping put forward a promising concept of building a community of a common destiny of mankind. Due to constant interpretation in recent years, the meaning of this concept has turned into a "new globalization". This concept represents a holistic view of global development and provides basic ideas for resolving global contradictions and international conflicts.

The new globalization is different from the traditional globalization. To a large extent, traditional globalization can be seen as the progressive development of capitalism on a global scale, which has been the dominant force for a significant period of time. The world is currently undergoing a transition from the old globalization to the new globalization, which is acquiring a new dynamic, which is characterized by six main features[2]: more equal participation, more inclusive development, more overall results, more sustainable development, more effective governance and more innovative technologies.

More equal participation

More equal participation means that all actors involved in the new globalization. Currently, sovereign States are still the main and most important subjects of international politics. State sovereignty has always been a basic principle of international law. In the process of the new globalization, this principle will undoubtedly be better implemented, and the new globalization will create better conditions for equality of State sovereignty.

More inclusive development

More inclusive development is an important feature of the new globalization. On the one hand, the new globalization recognizes differences, respects the autonomy of peoples in choosing models of socio-economic development; on the other hand, it contributes to the overall development of all countries.

More general results

More general results are an important task of the new globalization. From the point of view of result orientation, the fruits of development should be equally distributed to all countries and people. Only in this way will we be able to avoid falling into the dilemma of traditional globalization and avoid an imbalance that harms the world economy itself and the fundamental interests of all peoples.

More sustainable development

Globalization for profit has led not only to an increase in the gap between rich and poor, but also to a deterioration of the environmental situation and a complication of social problems. The new globalization should be future-oriented, act on the basis of sustainable development and universal well-being of the world, strive for the common progress of mankind and reconstruct the model of globalization development that takes into account real and long-term interests.

More efficient management

The global spread of the coronavirus, combined with the unprecedented changes of the last century, has revealed the shortcomings and inadequacy of the global governance system. The new globalization requires the involvement of more players in global governance, the enrichment of forms of global governance, the strengthening of the foundations of multilateral cooperation and the formation of an effective management system based on mutual consultations, construction and exchange corresponding to the new globalization.

More innovative technologies

Globalization emerged from the economy and deepened with the development of technology. Smart technologies are shining in all fields today, breaking down language and other barriers between cultures. Compared to information technology, intelligent technologies will have a deeper impact on globalization and will become an important driving force of the new globalization.

The new globalization forces the logic of market competition and inclusive development to unite, contributing to the creation of a more optimal system of global governance and a more equitable and rational international political and economic order, thereby increasing the efficiency of the allocation of global resources and contributing to global economic development, peace and progress. In the new process of globalization, the factors of production will be globally distributed and move freely, and the exchange and mutual recognition of different civilizations will be achieved.

At the same time, the sovereign independence and territorial integrity of countries will be respected and protected, countries will pay more attention to resolving international conflicts and disputes by peaceful means, without resorting to force or the threat of force, and there will be less and less room for hegemony and power politics. Any attempts to achieve uniformity or even promote a Western-style model of globalization will be met by the international community.

No matter how tortuous and difficult this process may be, globalization cannot be stopped. At present, the continuous development of science and technology, especially the third technological revolution represented by information and communication technologies, will certainly contribute to the continuous development of productivity, a change in the face and model of global economic development, as well as the formation of closer interdependence between countries. The most important ideas put forward by China to promote the new globalization and deter counter-globalization are the "One Belt, One Road" initiative and the concept of a community of a common destiny of mankind

"The Belt and Road Initiative contains a completely different concept than the previous globalization, namely "peace and cooperation, openness and tolerance, mutual learning and cognition, mutual benefit and gain." The ancient Chinese Silk Road, which has a history of more than 2 thousand years, spread the concept of peace, openness and tolerance of Chinese civilization, and the One Belt and One Road Initiative continues this tradition. Currently, China has become the world's largest trading country and the second largest economy, which makes neighboring countries worry about the rise and growth of China. For this reason, China constantly makes it clear to the world that it will never follow the old path of other countries that have been strong and hegemonic in history, and uses the One Belt and One Road initiative to show its neighbors that a rising China is an important force for world peace and development. "The countries located along the Belt and Road initiative have different resources and strong economic complementarity, so there is great potential and space for cooperation. At the same time, the Belt and Road initiative affects not only many countries and regions, but also many industries and factors of production, and its promotion will certainly open up huge opportunities. Thanks to the construction of the Belt and Road, China will share the fruits of development with the participating countries. In short, the One Belt and One Road initiative is a new model of economic cooperation proposed by China to promote the in-depth development of the new globalization, which has many shades and is a multi-regional initiative and program.

The concept of the community of the common destiny of mankind is based on interdependence, intertwining interests and solidarity, its pillars are peaceful development and win-win cooperation, and contains a number of important new theoretical perspectives and strategic ideas. Among them, there are three main initiatives with global consequences that President Xi Jinping put forward around the idea of building a community of human destiny: the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative. These three initiatives cover the following perspectives: economic development, political security and human civilization.

Global development initiatives

In September 2021, President Xi Jinping proposed the Global Development Initiative (GID) at the general debate of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly, calling on the international community to attach great importance to development and deepen international development cooperation. The main elements of the Global Development Initiative are the "six imperative requirements", namely: to prioritize development, put people first, be inclusive, be innovation-oriented, live in harmony with nature and be action-oriented[3]. These "six requirements" meet the needs of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in relation to the transformation of global development governance, expand the connotation of the new concept of development and embody the rich meaning of the community of human destiny in the dimension of development. The Global Development Initiative clearly answers the basic theoretical and practical questions about what development is and how to achieve it on a global scale, and centrally reflects China's view of international development.

Global Security Initiative

In April 2022, President Xi Jinping proposed the Global Security Initiative for the first time, participating in the annual meeting of the Boao Forum for Asia[4]. Nowadays, it is increasingly recognized that security is not only a prerequisite for development, but also a basic condition for countries striving for prosperity and stability, an important guarantee for people to have a better life, and a necessary international public good to achieve peace and tranquility throughout the world.On February 21, 2023, the forum "Global Security Initiative: a Chinese Solution to Overcome the Security Dilemma" was held in Beijing, where Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang participated in the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech announcing the official release by China of the "Concept Document of the Global Security Initiative". This document explains the basic concepts and principles of the Global Security Initiative, identifies twenty key areas of cooperation and five platforms and mechanisms for cooperation. The document was released on the second day of the Munich Security Conference, which not only strongly refuted the provocative statements of some countries and politicians at the conference, but also called on all countries for peace and consultations, and coincided with the first anniversary of the start of the special military operation of the Russian Federation. On February 24, China released a document entitled "China's position on the political settlement of the crisis in Ukraine", which indicated the way to advance a political solution to the crisis in Ukraine. The release of the GSI Concept and China's Position on the political settlement of the crisis in Ukraine is a timely and relevant step, providing a plan for an effective response to global and regional problems of "hot spots" and repeating the very essence of the GSI. The six urgent demands of the Global Security Initiative clearly answer the question of time: "What concept of security should the world adhere to and how all countries can achieve common security," bringing Chinese wisdom to overcoming humanity's peace deficit and offering Chinese solutions to international and regional security problems. It also offers a Chinese solution to international and regional security problems.

Global Civilization Initiative

On March 15, 2023, participating in a high-level dialogue between the Communist Party of China and world political parties, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed the Global Civilization Initiative (GCI), emphasizing the importance of respecting the diversity of world civilizations and building a community of common destiny of mankind [5]. The Global Civilization Initiative promotes the concept of equality, mutual appreciation, dialogue and tolerance, and its main concepts include four "common goals for propaganda", namely: respect for the diversity of world civilizations; promotion of common values of all mankind; the desire of all peoples for peace, development, equality, justice, democracy and freedom; giving importance to civilization. The Global Civilizational Initiative (GCI) is a clear answer to the question "what is the most important thing in the world? The Global Civilization Initiative is based on the exchange and mutual assessment of world civilizations, reflecting the diversity, community, development and inclusivity of civilizations and answering the questions "why we need to exchange and value each other" and "why we can exchange and value each other," respectively. At the same time, they answer the questions "why do we need to exchange and learn from each other", "why can we exchange and learn from each other", "what is the content of exchange and learning from each other" and "how to achieve exchange and learning from each other".

With globalization, the world has become more interconnected, but the problems and challenges facing humanity are also growing, even threatening its survival and development. The concept of the community of human destiny clearly shows that the fate of humanity is interconnected, and that each country must take into account the legitimate concerns of other countries, developing its own interests. The concept of a community of human destiny can deepen humanity's understanding of its own destiny as a whole. The concept of the community of human destiny reveals the spiritual core of "exchange, cooperation, mutual assistance and inclusivity", which is very different from the "peace, cooperation and mutual assistance" that Western countries talk about, both in theory and in practical application.

Building a community of human destiny embodies China's worldview in a new era. Its construction means breaking with the diplomacy conducted by the West, changing the actions of Western countries practicing deterrence and suppression in the name of democratic diplomacy, and uniting all countries of the world. Security and development are eternal themes concerning destiny, and that the exchange and mutual appreciation of civilizations is an effective tool for breaking down barriers. Security is a prerequisite for the development and mutual assessment of civilizations, development is a prerequisite for the mutual assessment of security and civilizations, and civilization is a channel of communication between development and security.

The concepts of "One Belt and One Road" and "Community of Human Destiny" are also widely recognized by the international community today. They are not only important ideas and practices of Chinese diplomacy, but also a vivid embodiment of China's promotion of the new globalization process. In the process of its development, the new globalization will have to overcome shocks and obstacles from counter-globalization, but the new globalization as an upward path of historical development will necessarily achieve more significant results. China will also act as a firm initiator and conductor of the new globalization and will actively propose more constructive initiatives and actions for the peaceful and stable development of the world.

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Peer Review

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The subject of the peer-reviewed study is the concept of the "Chinese method", or "community of the common destiny of mankind", proposed by the leader of modern China Xi Jinping for the restructuring of the system of international relations. Given the crisis of the system of international relations noted by many researchers, as well as the growing influence of China on world politics observed in recent decades, the relevance of the topic chosen by the author should be recognized as very high. Unfortunately, the author ignored his duty to describe and argue his own theoretical and methodological choice. But from the context, it can be understood that in addition to traditional general scientific analytical methods, an institutional approach was used, as well as a critical conceptual content analysis of official documents and declarations. The correct application of these methods allowed the author to obtain results with signs of scientific novelty. First of all, we are talking about a critical analysis of the concept of "new globalization" proposed by the Chinese leadership as a basis for restructuring the system of world politics. The concepts of global security and global civilization analyzed by the author are also related to this. The connection between these concepts, revealed by the author, is also of particular interest. Structurally, the work does not cause significant complaints: its logic is quite consistent and reflects the main aspects of the research. The following sections are highlighted in the text: - an unglazed introductory part, where a scientific problem is posed, its relevance is justified, but there is no description of the goals and objectives of the study, as well as theoretical and methodological reflection; - an unglazed section devoted to the analysis of the main characteristics of the "new globalization", the concept of which is proposed by the Chinese leadership; - three sections devoted to the analysis of the main initiatives related to the "new globalization" and the construction of a "community of the common destiny of mankind" (economic development, political security and human civilization); - the uncompleted final part, where the results of the research are summarized, conclusions are drawn and prospects are outlined. The stylistically reviewed work is scientific, although flawed. There are a number of stylistic ones in the text (for example, grammatical tautologies and pleonasm: "In order to accelerate the recovery of their economies ..., European and American countries used to protect their economies ..."; "... The world is undergoing a transition from the old globalization to the new globalization, which is gaining new dynamics ..." etc.; unsuccessful from the point of view of style the title of the reviewed article is also presented, in which one term is repeated, and at the same time there are no quotation marks to emphasize its novelty: "Characteristics of the new globalization and the proposal of the new globalization of China"; here is a stylistically unsuccessful agreement "proposal… China", etc.) and grammatical (for example, there is no closing quotation mark in Xi Jinping's quote in the first paragraph; or an incorrectly placed comma after the adverbial turn in the sentence "Given the accumulation of problems in the course of globalization, Xi Jinping put forward a promising concept..."; or inconsistent sentences, for example: "Its construction means a break with diplomacy conducted by the West, a change in the actions of Western countries practicing deterrence and suppression in the name of democratic diplomacy, and to unite all countries of the world"; etc.) errors, but in general it is written quite competently, in acceptable Russian, with correct (with minor exceptions) use of scientific terminology. The bibliography includes 10 titles, including sources in foreign languages, and sufficiently represents the state of research on the subject of the article. The appeal to the opponents takes place in terms of discussing different approaches to globalization. GENERAL CONCLUSION: the article proposed for review can be qualified as a scientific study that meets the basic requirements for works of this kind. The results obtained by the author will be of interest to political scientists, sociologists, sinologists, specialists in the field of public administration, world politics and international relations, as well as to students of the listed specialties. The presented material corresponds to the subject of the journal "International Relations". According to the results of the review, the article is recommended for publication.