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Physics of biology and medicine

To authors and readers – an introductory article by the Editor-in-chief

Bingi Vladimir

ORCID: 0000-0003-1341-9591

Doctor of Physics and Mathematics

Head of Laboratory, Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

38 Vavilova str., Moscow, 119991, Russia
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Abstract: It is widely accepted that knowledge equates to power. The ability to explain and predict events allows for undeniable advantages, particularly when it comes to scientific knowledge and understanding objective laws of nature and society. Therefore, the role of science in our society is constantly expanding. It is no surprise that the world's leading economies have been increasing their investment in science and research for several decades, with average percentage growth year after year. The increasing number of scientific journals, which now number in the tens of thousands worldwide, reflects the growing intensity of scientific research. However, it is worth noting that the growth of scientific journals is not evenly distributed across countries and fields of knowledge. In recent times, Russia has been experiencing a shortage of publication resources for interdisciplinary knowledge, particularly in cutting-edge areas where established fields of knowledge intersect. The utilization of rigorous physical methods in biological and medical research has led to an ever-growing stream of invaluable interdisciplinary knowledge that does not necessarily fit within the confines of specialized academic publications. As a result, there is a need for a comprehensive natural science journal that can properly evaluate and publish this interdisciplinary knowledge, encompassing all aspects of physical patterns in the functioning of organisms.


natural science journal, scientific periodicals, country, authors, readers, science, physics, publication, scientific knowledge, interdisciplinary knowledge

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Dear colleagues!

As you know, knowledge is power. The ability to explain and predict the course of events gives undeniable advantages. Scientific knowledge is especially valuable — an orderly knowledge of the objective laws of nature and society. Therefore, the role of science in the life of society is constantly increasing. It is no coincidence that the spending of the world's leading economies on science has been growing by an average percentage per year for several decades. The natural growth in the number of scientific journals — and there are already several tens of thousands of them in the world [1] — reflects the growth in the intensity of scientific research. At the same time, the growth in the number of journals is uneven across countries and fields of knowledge. There has been a shortage of publishing resources for interdisciplinary knowledge in Russia recently. The new often arises on the border of the established fields of knowledge. In particular, rigorous physical methods have largely penetrated advanced biological and medical research, forming an ever-increasing stream of valuable interdisciplinary knowledge. It does not quite fit into the framework of specialized academic publications. For its adequate evaluation and publication, a broad-profile natural science journal is needed, which would cover all aspects of the manifestation of physical laws in the functioning of organisms. In addition, it is no secret that the way of evaluating the results of scientific activity that has developed in Russia in recent decades has contributed to the publication of new knowledge in foreign periodicals, inevitably impoverishing the Russian-speaking part of the scientific community. As this fact becomes obvious, the opening of domestic publishing platforms becomes more and more expedient. The new journal "Physics of Biology and Medicine" meets all these goals. We will strive to make it an interesting, convenient and effective tool for scientific work.

I thank the members of the Editorial Board and many other colleagues who took an active part in the development of the concept of the journal. Special thanks are due to our first authors who responded to the invitation and found an opportunity to publish their original materials in the FBM, despite the temporary obscurity of the magazine and the lack of a rating. It will take several more years before the work of our authors, reviewers, readers and members of the Editorial Board forms a new social organism, and the journal will live its own independent, useful and fruitful scientific life. This is a difficult and interesting path. I wish all of us success!

V.N. Bingi
Editor-in-Chief of FBM

1. Mabe, M. (2021) Number and growth rate of scientific journals. Scientific periodicals: problems and solutions, 1-2 (Vol. 10).