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Pedagogy and education

About the role of trust and motivation in the process of self-determination of cadets of the educational organization of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Bobarov Sergei Vladimirovich

ORCID: 0009-0000-4059-7313

Head of the Faculty of the Krasnodar Higher Military School named after Army General S.M.Shtemenko

350005, Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, Griboyedov str., 18









Abstract: The subject of the study is the trust in the process of training and self-improvement of cadets of higher military educational institutions as a motive for obtaining greater degrees of freedom during self-training classes. The author explores the possibility of attracting cadets to scientific, creative and sports activities, allocating a time resource for these purposes and giving the target group the authority to independently build their activities. Special attention is paid to the analysis of work efficiency and accounting of the final results of the research.The respondents were divided into 2 groups. The first group is those who do well and excellent. The second group is those who succeed in "satisfactory" and "good". The scientific novelty of the research consists in giving cadets more independence to organize and conduct their scientific activities within the framework of the service time regulations established at the higher educational institution of the Ministry of Defense. Previously, students did not have such an opportunity. Departure from the audience planned for independent work was not allowed. The final results of the experiment showed the presence of a clear boundary in performance between the students who are passionate about science and the trainees who previously had no motivation to study. The main conclusions of the study are to increase the effectiveness of successful cadets by giving them additional time to engage in science, creativity and other hobbies.


experiment, trust, motivation, cadet, higher education, grade, degrees of freedom, independent work, effectiveness, symbiosis

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Introduction: In the well-established system of military education, subject to the strict requirements of the governing documents of both the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, it would seem that there is absolutely no place left for experiments with cadets' free time and its effective use. At the same time, the problem of weak realization of students' hobbies and achievements is quite acute. The time spent on independent work by the full staff of the unit, designed to prepare for the next school day, is spent extremely inefficiently. Even motivated cadets cannot always concentrate in the current conditions, quickly obtain the data they are interested in, and use the necessary tools, hardware and software. According to established requirements, the separation of personnel from the study group on independent work was not welcome.

Meanwhile, independent work is a colossal resource of time, which can be used for more effective development of enthusiastic cadets who show a penchant for scientific research, their improvement within the framework of the Military Scientific Society of cadets.

In order to study the possibility of realizing the resource of time available for independent work, during 2022-2023, the Krasnodar Higher Military Order of Zhukov and the October Revolution Red Banner School named after Army General S.M.Shtemenko (hereinafter – KVVU) conducted an experiment during which students twice a week (on Tuesdays and Thursdays) received the right separately from the academic groups visit teachers to receive and complete individual assignments, consultations and a report on them. At the specified time, intended for work in the military scientific society of cadets, there was an opportunity to build their activities really independently.

Previously, students did not have the opportunity to voluntarily leave the classroom, planned for independent work from 15.00 to 18.00 [1],[2],[3],[4],[5].

The daily activities of the cadets from 7.00 to 19.00 provide for the implementation of daily routine activities only as part of the study group. The separation of cadets from a unit without a valid reason authorized by the command is not allowed [1],[4].

The experiment was conducted in two stages. At the first stage, the research was conducted with a target group with an average score of 4.0 and above (mainly with cadets who are passionate about some kind of activity). At the second stage, everyone was invited to participate in the experiment.

The tasks were scientific, creative and athletic in nature.

According to the conditions of the experiment, privileges and academic indulgences were not allowed for its participants. Only additional efficiency was taken into account based on the results of the individual task [2],[6],[7].

Each participant of the experiment was assigned a personal supervisor (a teacher of the department or an employee of the research center (hereinafter - SIC).

The participants are the personnel of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th courses.

Research objectives:

1. To assess the relevance of the problem of inefficient spending of time allocated for independent work of cadets of a military educational organization of higher education.

2. In practice, to assess the ability of students to self-determination when independently working out complex tasks, by motivating them to achieve the final results of individual tasks.

3. Develop proposals for the most efficient use of the time resource allocated for independent work.

The experience of many generations of cadets studying in military educational institutions of higher education has shown that the existing conditions for independent work are not fully favorable for preparing for the next day as part of a unit (study group). The absence of a teacher or a commander in the classroom does not contribute to establishing an atmosphere there to gain knowledge on their own. The presence of a large number of young people in one room leads to an increase in noise and a decrease in the comfort of the temperature and humidity regime and, as a result, to low concentration on completing educational tasks [8],[9].

At the stage of preparation for the study, a survey and an anonymous questionnaire were conducted among the staff of the faculty, which studied the attitude of cadets to the time spent on independent work, their ability to acquire knowledge in such conditions. The survey showed a generally negative attitude of the cadets to the conditions prevailing in the classrooms during this period. Only about 40% of the students admitted the possibility of effective work in such an environment. An anonymous survey showed an even more negative feedback from the cadets about the time spent in the group at the self-training stage. Only 31% of the total number of respondents note any effectiveness of this time [10],[11].

At a time when the level of education and practical training of future officers is becoming more relevant, it was decided to conduct research in this area, during which it is necessary to make an attempt to improve the conditions of independent work for the target group, thereby creating an external motive for its self-improvement [1],[2],[3].

During the first stage of the study, 111 cadets (13.1% of the total faculty) took part in the work. All cadets with an average score of 4.5 and above expressed a desire to participate (100%). The percentage of completion of the task of the specified category of participants turned out to be high. The number of completed tasks has reached 90%.

The average work efficiency of the rest of the participants in the first stage of the experiment was estimated by the teachers and set at 70-80%.

Also, two second-year students who previously had serious deviations in the disciplinary field took part in the first stage of the study (at the request of the teacher). The effectiveness of their work in the experiment was estimated at 70% (average).

At the same time, after 6 months, the average grade of one of them increased from 3.3 to 4.0 (the second did not change (4.0)), their discipline improved significantly according to the results of the experiment. The bosses, during the summing up, began to mark them for the better based on the results of performing special duties (these students stick together). The teacher requested their further participation in the second stage of the experiment, but already in the middle of the second stage, the effectiveness of these participants significantly decreased due to accumulated fatigue [12],[13],[14].

According to the results of the first part of the experiment, it was found that, in general, the academic performance of its participants did not decrease. The increased load did not cause deviations from the expected (predicted) average score for the bulk. Only 3% of the personnel of the target group had a decrease in the average score, which is due to:

- full immersion in the work on an additional task and as a result – victory in the competition (1 participant);

- disease (1 participant);

- injury (1 participant).

1. The effectiveness of the individual task by the participants of the experiment was evaluated by the managers quite highly. Where the percentage of efficiency was not high, the reasons were that the students worked in several areas and made a sufficient amount in total.

2. According to the results of the experiment, in just one year (from May 2022 to April 2023), the task force obtained the following results:

- 1 utility model has been developed (this work was not performed in the 2021-2022 academic year);

- 19 computer programs have been developed (35% more than in the 2021-2022 academic year);

- 7 products have been developed (350% more than in the 2021-2022 academic year);

- 4 cadets were nominated for the award of the President of the Russian Federation (33% more than in the 2021-2022 academic year);

- 7 cadets are nominated for the award of the Government of the Russian Federation (40% more than in the 2021-2022 academic year);

- Participation and victories in more than 20 contests and competitions are ensured.

In this target group, no disciplinary misconduct or abuse of trust was recorded during the experiment.

On the contrary, the opportunity to work at the department (in isolation from the study group) acquired obvious value for the participants of the experiment, which became a certain tool in the hands of managers. The limitation of the possibility of this work in itself began to be perceived by the cadets as a sanction.

The "freedom" test was considered successful for the participants of the first stage of the study [17].

The teachers participating in the experiment also benefited from unexpected help in their own research and research [1],[4].

During the second stage of the study, similar opportunities of the target group of cadets with academic performance below the "good" grade were separately studied. The possibility of their independent work for a long time was evaluated, while the effectiveness of their activities was evaluated monthly. The assessment was carried out by the heads of the practices (teachers of the departments and staff of the SIC, to whom the cadets were assigned).

According to the results of this stage of the study, it was established:

Students with an average score below 4.0 did not show activity taking into account the opportunity received. The few of them who expressed a desire to participate were secretly controlled by the heads of the relevant level. The teachers of the departments also reacted without initiative to work with this category of students. The reason for this was the increase in time spent working with them with low efficiency and effectiveness. There were no significant scientific achievements in the period from January to April 2023 in this target group. The activity shown in the first weeks of the second stage of the experiment had already significantly decreased by the end of February this year, and in March–April, during the control, multiple attempts of abuse of trust were revealed, which led to the exclusion of violators from the experiment and its complete shutdown for the specified target group due to the lack of positive results.

It was not possible to exclude abuse of trust on the part of the participants in the second part of the experiment.

Conclusion: The final results of the experiment showed the presence of a clear boundary in performance between students who are passionate about science and trainees who previously had no motivation to learn.

The first part of the target group ("Enthusiastic" students with an average score of 4.0 and above), when receiving more time and a level of comfort for conducting research as an incentive for self-development, showed an increase in efficiency with complete absence of deviations in the disciplinary field.

Feedback from teachers on this target group showed that after starting the task, the most responsible and enthusiastic cadets continued to perform it in the evening and even at night, often spared no expense of their own financial resources for the purchase of necessary components and consumables, never once in the course of work questioning their authority and the authority of the teacher-head of the practice [3],[4].

The ability to self-determination of cadets participating in the first stage of the experiment was recognized as high.

The participants of the second stage of the experiment were unable or unwilling to rationally dispose of the additional time resource, showing the inability to perform complex tasks for a long time, to engage in scientific research. An anonymous survey showed that most of the specified personnel took part in the experiment rather out of a desire to evade the constant control of commanders during the period of independent work.

Having received additional opportunities, these cadets preferred to spend their allotted time idly, wasting the teachers' time.

The ability to self-determination of cadets participating in the second stage of the experiment was recognized as low [9].

The results of the study showed an almost complete absence of average results, which, of course, is the merit of the teachers who forced the cadets to complete what they started in "not hopeless" projects and refused to continue working in obviously weak areas.

Thus, it was found that the provision of free time as an external motive was effectively used only by the group of students who needed it initially (against the background of internal motivation). An interested and enthusiastic cadet, having received the opportunity to develop, completely immersed himself in the work, eventually completing the task (in certain areas – not without difficulties). On the contrary, disinterested cadets who do not have internal motives for self-improvement did not need an additional motive for development. It is noted that free time is highly appreciated by cadets of all categories, however, not many trainees were able to effectively dispose of the benefits received [4],[5],[9].

The conducted mathematical calculations showed that, on the condition of voluntary participation, only 67 people (8% of the total number of faculty) were able to complete additional tasks. In general, this result can be considered an indicator of the personnel's ability to self-organize (self-determination).

As measures to improve the effectiveness of the educational and scientific activities of cadets, it is assumed that it is possible to use the results of the study in relation to cadets who have shown themselves proactively in various types of activities.

Allowing for this category of students the opportunity to develop their achievements beyond the established rules and norms of conducting classes on independent work, it is possible to gain both in the development of the cadet himself and in increasing the prestige of the educational institution based on the results of evaluating the achievements obtained, including victories in various competitions and Olympiads.

It is quite possible that the results obtained will lead to an increase in the interest of cadets in such a motive and, as a result, to an increase in the final percentage of completed tasks.

Separately, it is necessary to consider the effectiveness of such a scientific symbiosis as a "supervisor – student", the prospects of which require additional study. Such joint work can become the basis for the training of young scientists. Taking into account the merits of such graduates will further ensure their scientific support and the formation of a personnel field at their expense for the development of scientific schools of an educational institution [3],[13].

It should be understood that control, including intermediate control, is a necessary condition for achieving a result. Weakening of control will inevitably lead to discouragement of the target audience and, as a result, will lead to a decrease in the quality of work [15],[16].

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The object of research in the presented manuscript is the independent work of cadets, the subject is to increase its effectiveness based on motivation and trust. The relevance of the topic from a global pedagogical point of view is undeniable due to the fact that the digital world contains a lot of temptations to distract the attention of any student. From a local point of view, the relevance is enhanced in the conditions of a military institution, where volitional qualities are the most important object for development. Thus, the application of a widely researched topic in this area contains elements of methodological novelty. The article is written in a language that fully complies with the norms of scientific style, the list of references meets the requirements and finds a real meaningful reflection on the pages of the work. The main research method is a pedagogical experiment conducted in accordance with the basic canons with a natural adjustment to the compressed format of the article. The practical work is presented at a high level. The text reflects the step-by-step nature and details the specific steps of the author's work, which allows a wide audience of readers to form a dynamic idea of the educational process in a military institution with its specific features. The interpretation of the experimental results and the author's reasoning regarding the effectiveness of the work deserves attention. The conclusions in the work are written at a high level of specificity, however, the placement of links in them is controversial, nevertheless, exclusively author's points of view are expected in this part of the article, perhaps it is better to transfer the links to the beginning of the work. Despite the fact that the article is written at a high level, its only and very significant drawback is the lack of a dedicated theoretical part. Without the latter, the work is not scientific and analytical, but rather of a reporting and methodological nature. As a recommendation to the author, we note that in the theoretical part of the article on this topic, the following aspects are expected to be considered. 1) The essence of independent work of cadets, namely the signs that differentiate it in relation to independent work in average students. In general, this information is in the text in a descriptive form, it is desirable to highlight it, for example, in the form of a definition, or listing it in a list, etc.. 2) The structure of independent work of cadets or increasing its effectiveness as a set of didactic components: a thesis enumeration of the forms, methods, techniques used, etc. is assumed.. 3) The content of the cadets' activities as the semantic content of specific activities, namely, what was specifically studied, what specific tasks the cadets perform or should, in the author's opinion, perform for more efficient use of time. 4) Analysis of works dealing with similar problems of researchers with a list of specific surnames and research vectors. It is recommended to add a theoretical part, without it, however, the article can be published at the discretion of the editorial board, taking into account the high relevance of the topic and a good level of practical research.