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Pedagogy and education

Influence of informational and psychological impact of mass media on the formation of spiritual and moral values among police cadets

Kipreev Sergei Nikolaevich

ORCID: 0000-0002-3948-8360

Postgraduate of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

350005, Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, Korenovskaya str., 2/4, sq. 273
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Abstract: The author considers the specifics of the influence of mass media on the process of formation of spiritual and moral values among students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The special role of patriotic education and its interrelation with the process of formation of spiritual and moral values among police cadets is shown. Arguments are given about the importance of protecting law enforcement officers from negative information impact in a globalizing world. The object is cadets of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The subject of the article is the peculiarities of the informational and psychological impact of the media on the spiritual and moral sphere of a person's personality. The author considers in detail such important aspects of the topic under study as the ability of police officers to counteract the negative influence of the media in a modern digital society, the main areas of media influence on the personality of police officers, the ability of cadets to form a system of spiritual and moral values. The author proves the thesis that the developed spiritual and moral values of cadets are a necessary barrier to the threats of the modern globalizing world. The novelty and relevance of the research are due to the complicated socio-political situation in the world and the need for additional research that opens up new mechanisms of information and psychological impact of mass media on the spiritual and moral sphere of the individual. The researcher comes to the conclusion that in order to ensure reliable protection of police officers from the negative impact of the media, it is necessary to block hostile media-foreign agents, increase the intensity of the pedagogical impact of the educational organization system and work on leveling the negative informational and psychological impact of the media.


cadets, a sense of patriotism, upbringing, education, informational and psychological impact, mass media, educational organization, patriotic education, police, spiritual and moral values

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Today it is impossible to imagine a person's life without the media. Their influence on people is all-encompassing, pervasive and all-encompassing. It is unfortunate that among the huge array of information poured by the media into the media space, most of it is either useless to a person or carries negative messages.

The task of the younger generation is to find the right guidelines in the information space, they need to learn to understand the continuous flow of information and choose the right one, crystallize the truth and follow it. S.P. Tsaplina notes that in modern society, "a large gap between Russian youth and the basic spiritual and moral values and traditions of Russian culture that developed in the previous historical periods" [15].

Pedagogy studies the spheres of the human spiritual world, it combines the features of the experience of past generations, the reality of the present and the facets of the future. This science determines what the people of our country will be like, what values they will bear. This science actually acts as a tool responsible for the formation of information images, being a guarantor of the security of the country's future. The purposeful policy of the state in the pedagogical sphere, as noted by I.V. Uporov, can prevent the media from forming a society in which "the patriotism of Russian citizens is blurred, their identity is distorted" [14].

Topical works of such modern researchers as: A.V. Vilovatykh, R.V. Glubokovskikh, V.Y. Kurdyukova (obstacles to the investigative work of operational units caused by negative influence were considered [5]), E.N. Prokhorova (aspects of law enforcement in modern conditions were studied [10])., E.V. Svetlakova (formulated the concept of preventive activities to prevent the negative consequences of information and psychological impact [12]) and other researchers.

The developed spiritual and moral values of cadets are a necessary barrier to the threats of the modern globalizing world. T.I. Petrakova points out the fact that "the value system acquired by a person in the course of his life allows him to evaluate the phenomena of reality from the point of view of usefulness, thereby satisfying his needs and desires. That is, value orientations are based on the established needs of the individual, his aspirations, have an impact on motivation for activity and thereby determine the decisions made" [8].

Everyone believes that they have their own value system, but in fact we are all the product of a conglomerate of ideas, some of which we accept uncritically, some are rejected, and some are refracted through the prism of the attitudes of our inner world and we consider it our own views.

Informational and psychological impact of the media on the formation of spiritual and moral values of cadets

Police cadets studying in specialties related to ensuring the information security of our society and protecting it from the spread of extremist ideology have been vaccinated against the information and psychological impact of opponents of our state since the first years of training. They learn to recognize information attacks by bloggers of unfriendly countries and their accomplices inside our country on users of Russian social networks, and learn how to use tools and methods to counter anti-patriotism and extremism.

The reliability and practicality of educational programs, the high competence and professionalism of the teaching staff of educational organizations of training police officers allow us to train such specialists who are able to ensure the internal security of our state and prevent the opposition from "rocking the boat" and lead to the weakening of the current government in Russia.

The personal choice of an individual affects the collective level of formation of spiritual and moral values. It is especially important to form a value system among formal and informal leaders, as they determine public opinion in the collective and microgroup of cadets.

G. G. Milokhina speaks about personality education as follows: "human decisions follow from a system of values, which themselves are based on a system of needs. Spiritual and moral education has a great influence on the formation of personality, since the development of spiritual and moral consciousness of a person is directly dependent on the spiritual and moral values of a person" [7].

The analysis of various theoretical approaches to how the value sphere affects human behavior indicates the novelty of the topic under study. The influence of the informational and psychological impact of the media on the formation of the worldview and values of our citizens has been studied by such researchers as: V.V. Artemova, A.N. Ageev, A.A. Privalov, R.A. Chmir, I.S. Maslov, A.O. Kosheleva, V.S. Petrov, G.V. Grachev and I.G. Gracheva, E.M. Molchan, N.P. Tyumeneva, I.L. Kashintseva and others.

In the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, similar studies were carried out by S.I. Bulakh, M.A. Boeva, V.V. Zudaeva, Yu.V. Kiryukhina, O.V. Parilov. The researchers draw attention to the peculiarities of the manipulative influence of the media on a person and the danger of transformation of the spiritual and moral sphere of personality. However, there are not enough such studies in the system of internal affairs bodies.

The foundations of a person's worldview and his value-semantic sphere of personality are laid in the process of receiving education, during training and the educational process. We have analyzed approaches to how the value sphere affects behavior. Such are axiological (M. V. Boguslovsky, V.V. Ilyin, N. D. Nikandrov), activity (A. N. Leontiev, S. L. Rubinstein), personal (D. N. Uznadze, A. S. Prangishvili), sociological (C. Morris, E. Spranger, V.A. Yadov), personal-motivational (D.A. Diligensky, Y.M. Zhukov) and others.

We share the opinion of G. D. Petrova that "the modern educational system should contain as a necessary component the formation of the spiritual and moral potential of students: to form the student's general cultural competencies and on this basis develop professional, as much as possible practical knowledge" [9].

In this article, we aim to consider the specifics of the influence of the media on police cadets. Being a part of society, the police ensures its safety and the coordinated work of all state institutions, it protects the laws of society, protects the laws and regulations adopted in it.

E. E. Altynkovich and G. D. Petrova believe that "in modern conditions it is important to determine the possibilities of society to influence a person: to transform his spiritual world, develop mechanisms for influencing him, build another priority direction, at the same time without infringing on civil rights, without oppressing independence, manifestations of entrepreneurship and self-sufficiency" [2].

The informational and psychological impact of the media on the spiritual and moral sphere of a person's personality should be understood as a coordinated and veiled impact of technical means of transmitting media information, carried out using various methods and methods of providing information to citizens.

We conducted a practical study of the degree of influence of information and psychological impact of pro-Western media and mass media of foreign agents on cadets of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In the course of an individual conversation, the subjects were asked diagnostic questions aimed at clarifying the employee's position in relation to basic spiritual and moral values and determining the level of formation of their sense of patriotism. The study sample was characterized by age uniformity, the subjects were young people from 18 to 25 years old, 36 women and 28 men. Ethnically Russian, traditionally Orthodox, urban residents, with varying degrees of confessional self-determination.

During a survey conducted in November 2022 of law enforcement officers in cities such as Tyumen, Krasnodar, Novorossiysk, 64 students of educational organizations training police officers showed the following reactions to manifestations of negative information and psychological effects of the media related to the theme of patriotism and spiritual and moral values:

Scope of influence

The ability to counteract the negative influence of the media

Low level

The average level

High level


Blurred beliefs, values, lack of patriotic motivation.

Value indifference. Unformed desires. They are influenced by foreign media.

Firmly formed values. Confidence in the value-target perspective


Unable to operate with values-goals.

They change their views in various situations, the uncertainty of life goals and attitudes.

They hold a firm point of view on all issues.


Lack of positive feelings for the Motherland. They don't want to change their lives for the better.

Vague ideas about values. They do not perceive incoming information well, putting it into a "picture of the world".

They are able to think in the interests of the state.


There are no worries about the Motherland, they are indifferent to the failures and successes of the country.

The coldness of feelings, the difficulty of forming a certain reaction. Indifference to the opinions of authorities.

They are active in expressing feelings about the Motherland.


They are poorly able to direct their activities in a positive direction.

The ability to volitional regulation of activity is changeable. Low interest in patriotism.

They organize their work for the benefit of the Fatherland.


They are neutral in communication. They experience communication difficulties.

Unsteady aspirations for communication on patriotic topics. They have a low level of empathy.

When interacting with others, they show patriotic views.

Table 1 - The ability of police officers to counteract the negative influence of the media

Table 1 details some aspects of the ability of police officers to counteract the negative influence of the media. A common characteristic of the process under study is the relationship between the levels of formation of the basic spiritual and moral values listed in the National Security Strategy and the Concept of Education of the Russian Federation, and the levels of ability to counteract the negative influence of the media.

The procedure for conducting this correlation study was based on the method of a sociological survey. The author's questionnaire aimed at assessing the level of formation of the structure of the students' sense of patriotism consisted of 64 statements that needed to be evaluated on a 10-point scale (for example: "The state in which I live is a symbol of patriotism for me", "My nationality has the highest value for me and determines my attitude towards my homeland", "I enjoy talking in my native language and wish to contribute to its support"). Each of the statements was devoted to the diagnosis of a certain type of value attitude towards the object of patriotic feelings, and was used to study the ability to resist negative informational and psychological influence. The subjects were asked in person or online to answer a number of questions that characterized one or another aspect of the study. Then a mathematical evaluation of the data was performed.

We have identified 6 main areas of media influence on the personality of police officers: axiological, operational, cognitive, emotional, activity, communicative.

A procedure has been developed to identify levels of ability to counteract the negative influence of the media, based on the "matrix of spiritual and moral values" [4], which is a comparison of the basic spiritual and moral values and components of a sense of patriotism

According to the results of the survey, three levels of the ability to counteract the negative influence of the media were identified in the subjects: low, medium and high levels.

Subjects who had a low level (25%, 16 people turned out to be such) The ability to counteract the negative impact of the media was characterized by exposure to the influence of fake news, a tendency to an esoteric and unscientific worldview, amorphousness in the manifestation of religious feelings, uncertainty in national and cultural self-determination, poor knowledge of the territorial characteristics of their region, and the history of their country.

The subjects who had an average level (37.5%, 24 people turned out to be such) of the ability to counteract the negative impact of the media were characterized by unformed ethical norms, apolitical, distorted ideological foundations of personality, lack of desire for spiritual life, unformed humanistic ideals.

The subjects who had a high level (37.5%, 24 people turned out to be such) of the ability to counteract the negative impact of the media were characterized by the formation of moral ideals, established moral views, a desire to transform the world, firm ideological attitudes, rich practical experience in patriotic activities and the manifestation of a sense of patriotism. The position of an employee in relation to the basic spiritual and moral values is extremely important, since the dynamics of the development of a policeman's personality depends on it.

Police cadets, while studying in departmental educational organizations, are vaccinated against the effects of negative aspects of the media. Identifying the levels of ability to counteract the negative impact of the media allows you to adjust the patriotic education of cadets, contributes to the organization of differentiated psychological and pedagogical impact on employees, which leads to an increase in the effectiveness of the educational process. Through the study of special educational disciplines related to information security, young people learn critical perception of information, the ability to operate with facts, to build the logic of customers of information and psychological struggle against Russian society.

A young person should learn "responsibility in all respects, a conscientious approach to study, work, communication skills based on universal laws of morality, tolerance and mutual understanding" [1].

At the present stage of the development of world politics, Western media are trying to spread the information "garbage dump" into which our Fatherland is being dipped, and in every possible way they are trying to spread it in the field of education, corroding the traditional foundations of Russian society. They are trying to replace the basic concepts of spirituality and morality. Childfree is offered instead of family, individualism instead of collectivism and sacrifice, intolerance of weakness is replaced by tolerance, the desire to protect their traditions is replaced by multiculturalism. It is patriotism that "first of all finds its expression in the spiritual and moral sphere of society, and its role increases significantly with the aggravation of crisis phenomena in such spheres of public relations as politics, economics, law, which, in turn, affect national and religious relations" [13].

The conclusions of the study are as follows. It is necessary to work individually with employees who have a low level of formation of a sense of patriotism and spiritual and moral values. It is necessary to systematically identify the causes of anti-patriotic views among police officers and stop their development in a timely manner. An important step to ensure the information security of our society in the context of an unprecedented media war against our state is the blocking of hostile media, as well as the posting of a warning that the media is a foreign agent. Thanks to this, young police officers can figure out the choice of sources of information, and form the right opinion about current events in the world.


Spiritual immunity from the modern "information infection" for a police officer can be formed only with the established worldview of a patriot of his Fatherland. Otherwise, the young man will incline to one view or another, and he will not see his true path as a citizen.

It is necessary to realize that "today there are almost no isolated communities, states, great cultures, and a single information space will increasingly cover future civilized generations, thus raising the question of the preservation of original national cultures" [9].

The task of the new generation of law enforcement officers is to protect the traditional values of Russians, the practical implementation of the National Security Strategy, the legal protection of the rights of the indigenous peoples of Russia, the protection of religious freedoms of their citizens, and assistance to society in the development of national culture.

S.F. Samoilov spoke exhaustively about the relationship between the process of educating a state-type sense of patriotism and the formation of spirituality: "loyalty to one's country and the government leading it is an indispensable condition for police officers to fulfill their duty and preserve their professional honor, however, service to the state is carried out because without it, maintaining order in society and reproducing high spiritual culture in it is not it seems possible" [11].

A.G. Dugin, whom our enemies call "Putin's philosopher", highlights well and succinctly the modern views of the leadership of the Russian Federation on foreign policy events: "the fact of globalization and the construction of a unipolar world by the Americans means a reduction of our sovereignty – up to its final abolition" [3]. It is precisely to achieve this goal that the entire power of the media working to undermine the spiritual security of our society is focused.

We propose the following main areas of work in an educational institution aimed at developing the ability to counteract the negative informational and psychological impact of the mass media on the formation of spiritual and moral values among police cadets:

Information and methodological, based on:

– updating the content of educational programs, educational plans, manuals on academic disciplines (implemented by applying a set of different methods within the framework of interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary ways of using the educational potential of spiritual and moral values in the process of fostering a sense of patriotism);

- expanding the areas of information and psychological impact on cadets (social networks, messengers, Internet sites);

– providing the process of patriotic education with methodological materials reflecting the importance of using the educational potential of spiritual and moral values in the formation of a sense of patriotism among cadets (in the format of a comprehensive target program, methods of forming a sense of patriotism, recommendations, materials of lectures, seminars, practical classes, scenarios of educational extracurricular and socially useful events);

– the application of innovative methods, means and forms in the pedagogical process, fostering a sense of patriotism.

Organizational and pedagogical, where the educational potential of spiritual and moral values is used in the formation of a sense of patriotism among cadets:

– uniform requirements for the formation of a sense of patriotism among cadets on the part of teachers, commanders of cadet units, cadet staff;

– saturation of the information and educational environment with meaningful elements of spiritual and moral values at the level of concepts, management structures and technologies of upbringing and education;

– organization of interaction with various cultural, educational, public and religious organizations on the formation of a sense of patriotism;

– training of teaching staff and unit commanders to carry out educational activities to form a sense of patriotism among cadets in accordance with the requirements formulated in the governing documents.

Psychological and pedagogical, including ensuring the formation of a sense of patriotism among cadets at the interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary levels:

– the inclusion of the entire team in active socially useful activities that contribute to the formation of components and types of a sense of patriotism;

– delegating to the cadet team, and specifically to its patriotic asset, the authority to design, evaluate and implement ways to use the educational potential of spiritual and moral values in the course of patriotic education;

– creation of a positive psychological and pedagogical climate in the cadet team during various types of cadets' official activities, for the successful use of the educational potential of spiritual and moral values in the process of forming a sense of patriotism among cadets;

– stimulation of cadets' conscious needs to fulfill their official duties based on taking into account individual psychological characteristics of the individual.

Cadets must master the system of spiritual and moral values, become staunch adherents of the ideas declared by Russian President Vladimir Putin. "A modern person, in addition to possessing deep professional knowledge, also needs to possess an unlimited humanitarian culture, an understanding of society and the ability to exist in it on the basis of generally recognized principles of culture, recognition of both business and spiritual and moral qualities of a person" [1].

Thus, the conclusion can be the statement that the formation of a high level of development of a sense of patriotism and basic spiritual and moral values is facilitated by an increase in the intensity of the pedagogical and pedagogical impact of the educational organization system and work on leveling the negative informational and psychological impact of the media on police officers. Russian police officers of the XXI century should have a firmly formed system of spiritual and moral values, which is developed by cadets in the process of studying at the educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

1. Altynkovich, E. E., & Petrova, G. D. (2016). Transformation of cultural values of the individual in the information society. Cheboksary: Chuvash State Pedagogical University.
2. Altynkovich, E. E., & Petrova, G. D. (2013). Formation of spiritual values and life-meaning orientations of personality. Bulletin of the I. Ya. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University, 4(80), 3-6.
3. Dugin, A. G. (2008). Project "empire". Philosophy of Law, 3(28), 7-15.
4. Kuranov, G.V. (2017). Who is the greater patriot and is it possible to measure the degree of patriotism? Materials of sociological research, 12-16.
5. Kurdyukova, V. Yu. (2021) Informational and psychological impact on the employees of the internal affairs bodies obstructing the investigative work of operational units. Bulletin of the Kaliningrad branch of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 1(63). 43-47.
6. Litvinov, A. A. (2013). The Internet as a global unifying phenomenon of culture. Bulletin of the Maikop State Technological University, 4, 37-41.
7. Milokhina, G. G. (2015). Formation of spiritual and moral values of adolescents as the main direction of personal education at school. Bulletin of the Shadrinsky State Pedagogical Institute, 4(28), 85-87.
8. Petrakova, T.I. (2004). Spirituality and morality-basic characteristics of personality Spiritual and moral education: continuity and development: scientific and practical. State policy of the Russian Federation on the formation of spiritual and moral values in children and youth, 21-23.
9. Petrova, G. D. (2018). Formation of the spiritual and moral potential of students as a necessary component of the modern educational system. Bulletin of the I.Ya. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University, 1(97), 112-116.
10. Prokhorova, E. N. (2021) On the forms of involvement of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in ensuring law and order in modern conditions. Bulletin of the Kaliningrad Branch of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 1(63), 70-73.
11. Samoilov, S. F. (2015). Value foundations of the process of constructing a law enforcement worldview. Society and law, 4(54), 298-302.
12. Svetlakova, E. V. (2021) The concept of preventive activity in the field of prevention of negative consequences of informational and psychological impact on police officers. Psychology and pedagogy of official activity, 1, 69-72.
13. Suleymanov, T. F. (2021). The religious character of Russian patriotism. Inclusion in education, 6–1(21), 6-21.
14. Uporov, I. V. (2022). Patriotism and Russian identity in the context of the historical dynamics of relations between power and society. Historical and pedagogical readings, 26, 193-201.
15. Tsaplina, S. P. (2021). The state and prospects of patriotic education of youth in modern Russia. Symbol of Science, 12-2, 67-68.

First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The paper "The influence of the informational and psychological impact of the mass media on the formation of spiritual and moral values among police cadets" is presented for review. The subject of the study. The subject of the study is indicated in the title. In general, it has been fully considered by the author. Research methodology. The author considered a number of approaches to the designated problem and highlighted the approach of G.D. Petrova et al. The author's goal in the work was to consider the specifics of the influence of the media on police cadets. Cadets are a part of modern society, and the police must ensure the safety and well-coordinated work of all state institutions. To fulfill the task of protecting the laws of society and protecting the laws and regulations adopted in it, it is important to form the ability to counteract the impact. The author conducted a study in the cities of Tyumen, Krasnodar and Novorossiysk, which revealed the peculiarities of the manifestation of the negative informational and psychological impact of the media related to the theme of patriotism and spiritual and moral values. The relevance of the study is determined from different positions. On the one hand, it indicates the need to create conditions for young people so that they can correctly navigate the large volume of diverse information that they receive from the media. On the other hand, he notes the potential of pedagogical science in the formation of cadets' ability to counteract this. The scientific novelty of the study is as follows: - the relationship between the levels of formation of the basic spiritual and moral values listed in the National Security Strategy and the Concept of Education of the Russian Federation and the levels of ability to counteract the negative influence of the media is shown; - the main areas of media influence on the personality of police officers are highlighted: axiological, operational, cognitive, emotional, activity, communicative; - describes the levels and content of the abilities of the subjects to counteract the negative influence of the media Style, structure, content. The style of presentation corresponds to publications of this level. The language of the work is scientific. The structure of the work is clearly visible. The introduction outlines the problem and relevance of the study, as well as a small theoretical overview. The main part presents an examination of the informational and psychological impact of the mass media, as well as the formation of spiritual and moral values of cadets. The author presented an analysis of the results of the survey and highlighted the main areas of media influence, levels of ability to counteract the negative influence of the media. In conclusion, the author presented an analysis of the results obtained. Bibliography. The bibliography of the article includes 12 domestic sources, a small part of which has been published in the last three years. The list contains mainly research articles and monographs. In addition, Internet sources are also presented. The design of sources is not always heterogeneous and incorrect. There are certain inaccuracies that need to be improved. Appeal to opponents. The work is very interesting and relevant. Recommendations: 1) expand the theoretical overview of the conducted research to include an analysis of modern research; 2) it is important to provide a more detailed description of the features of conducting an empirical study (methodology, date, etc.), as well as conclusions based on the results of the study; 3) propose the main areas of work in an educational institution aimed at developing the ability to counteract information and psychological impact mass media on the formation of spiritual and moral values among police cadets; 4) edit the text by removing words that stylistically do not correspond to scientific information (for example, "a pile of information"). Conclusions. The problems of the article are of undoubted relevance, theoretical and practical value, and will be of interest to scientists and practitioners, as well as teachers who work with police cadets. The work can be recommended for publication taking into account the highlighted recommendations.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The object of the research in the presented article is the influence of the media on the personality development of cadets of the institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the subject is actually the features of pedagogical work to eliminate its negative manifestations. The relevance of the research is undeniable, since over the past 10-15 years there has been an unprecedented transformation of the media space, the main result of which was an unprecedented increase and intensification of information flows with a disproportionate loss of content quality. In this regard, the interaction of personality with the modern media environment can be called one of the key general humanitarian problems and a promising vector of research in our decade. From a methodological point of view, the article has a classical structure, consisting of a theoretical part and elements of experimental work. The theoretical part is performed at a good level, since the author has selected material that reflects the main substantive aspects of the problem to a sufficient extent for the level of the article. The practical part of the study is limited to a ascertaining experiment, which is sufficient for the level of a journal article. The author's interpretation of the results of practical work deserves attention. The material contained in the table, reflecting the impact of the media in a concise and schematic form, has signs of methodological novelty. The work is done in a language that complies with the norms of scientific style, while not overloaded with professional terminology and is very easy for the general public to perceive. For this reason, it may be of interest not only to the police, but also to a very wide audience interested in the problems of the influence of the modern media environment on personal development. The list of references meets the requirements both in terms of content and design, and finds a real meaningful reflection on the pages of the work. There is a typo in the text: "students in related specialties" There are a number of recommendations on the work. From a methodological point of view, it is not entirely correct to make quotations in conclusion, since in this part of the work, the original conclusions of the author are expected first of all. It is better to move them to the beginning of the article. The work would benefit if the author revealed the work with cadets at the level of specific methodological techniques, methods, tools, difficulties, patterns and contradictions. In general, it is recommended to apply this approach in further publications based on this material. Quoting the authors from the list of literature in the theoretical part, the author cites phrases that are well-known truths shared without exaggeration by the entire pedagogical community, therefore it is better to introduce these postulates with the words: "it is widely known...", "ideas prevail in modern pedagogy.." etc.. These comments are of a recommendatory nature and do not reduce the overall high quality of the text and research, both at the theoretical and practical level. This allows us to conclude that the work meets the general requirements for works in the psychological and pedagogical field and is recommended for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.