DOI: 10.7256/2453-8922.2023.1.40448.2
This paper presents the results of field studies conducted at the MSU meteorological site for the winter period of 2022/2023. The purpose of the observations was to study the development of the snow column and its spatial variability in one winter season. Field research consisted of analyzing stratigraphic layers of snow and measuring their density. The data obtained made it possible to characterize and evaluate changes in snow layers, structure, and density in spatiotemporal terms. The results of the work are displayed on the graphs of the spatial and temporal variability of the snow cover for 2022/2023. The evolution of the snow column over the winter period is analyzed. The analysis of observations reflects a high spatial and temporal variability of snow cover in winter, which allows not only to evaluate and compare the data obtained with past studies but also to supplement and improve the already available information on the heterogeneity of snow cover.
snow cover, spatio-temporal heterogeneities, MSU, snow thickness, weather site, winter season, snow layer, winter period, research, heterogeneity of snow cover
To date, it has become possible to model spatio-temporal changes in snow cover for various territories based on previously obtained data on the physical and stratigraphic properties of the snow column, as well as relying on meteorological information on the territory.
Previously conducted studies using modern equipment and technologies that allowed us to identify patterns of spatial variability of snow cover make it possible to represent the heterogeneity of the snow thickness in time and space with greater accuracy and without the need for field work (Golubev et al., 2010, Komarov et al., 2018). However, in order to carry out the most accurate verification of the results, field observations are still required.
Materials and methods
The acceleration of climate change in Russia is mentioned in the Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring’s recently published regular annual report on the state of the climate in Russia in 2022 ( So, in particular, for Russia as a whole, the year 2022 took fifth place in the descending series of average annual temperatures since 1936. The anomaly of the yearly average air temperature (deviation from the average for 1991–2020) was +0.87 °C, so the winter period (November–March) of 2022/23 in Moscow was the same as the previous year (-2.4 °C), but warmer than 2020/21 (-3.9 °C), and colder than the 2020 (1.4 °C) winter season.
Furthermore, the previous winter seasons, 2016/17–2018/19, were colder (-3.46 ° C, -3.6° C, -3.1° C), and 2013/14–2015/16 (-1.08° C, -1.96° C, -1.88 ° C) were warmer. Winter seasons 2009/10–2012/13 (-5.66 ° C, -5.08 ° C, -4.3 ° C, -5.1° C) were again colder than the average, taking into account the warming of 2021/22 and 2022/23 (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Average air temperature of the winter months (November–March) in Moscow for 1961–2023.
During the winter period (November–March) of 2022/23, a fairly average amount of precipitation (266 mm) fell in Moscow (Fig. 2). The average February thickness of snow cover was also at an average level for recent years (32 cm) (Fig.3).
Fig. 2. Change in the amount of precipitation in the winter months (November–March) in Moscow for 1961–2023.
Fig. 3. Change in the average snow cover thickness in Moscow in February for 1961–2023.
Therefore, this paper presents the results of field studies conducted at the MSU meteorological site for the winter period of 2022/2023. The purpose of the observations was to study the development of the snow column and its spatial variability in one winter season. Field research consisted of analyzing stratigraphic layers of snow and measuring their density.
The winter of 2022–2023 turned out to be heterogeneous in temperature, with a relatively close to normal average monthly temperature in December. In January and February, there was a mostly positive temperature anomaly in most of the country’s European territory. On average, the temperature in December turned out to be close to the long-term average values. According to the VDNKh weather station in Moscow, the average monthly temperature in December was 4.1 °C, which is 0.4 °C higher than the climatic norm. According to the VDNKh weather station in Moscow, the average monthly temperature in January was -4.7 °C, which is 1.5 °C above the climatic norm. The average monthly temperature in February in Moscow was -4.1 °C, which is 1.8 °C higher than the climatic norm. The amount of precipitation approximately corresponded to the average annual values for this period of the year. However, in December, they were about twice the norm and amounted to 31.2 mm in November, 111.4 mm in December, 28.9 mm in January, and 33.8 mm in February (Fig. 4).
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Fig. 4. Changes in air temperature and precipitation at the VDNKh weather station for the winter period 2022/23
November 15, 2022, can be considered the date of the establishment of snow cover in Moscow in the winter period of 2022–2023. This may be one of the earliest dates for establishing a stable snow cover in Moscow since the beginning of the new century. The earliest sustained snow cover since 2000 is October 29, 2016, followed by November 14, 2001, and 2007, and November 18, 2004. Thus, the snow cover in the winter season 2020/2021 was established in mid-November and lay until the end of March. During this time, cold waves with a drop in temperature to -10 ° C and -20 ° C were replaced by thaws with a small positive temperature about three times. The change in air temperature, precipitation, and snow cover thickness over the winter period 2022/23 is shown in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Changes in air temperature, precipitation, and snow cover thickness according to the VDNKh weather station for the winter period 2022/23
Due to the heavy December snowfalls, the thickness of the snow cover on December 22, 2022, along the rail at the MSU meteorological site was 31 cm, which was a snow accumulation record. Furthermore, in January and February, strong temperature drops were followed by a decrease to -20 °C and a thaw, which contributed to the appearance of ice crusts and horizons of loosening of deep frost. The soil was not frozen under the snow. The temperature change in the air and the snow thickness are shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Temperature changes in the air and the snow thickness
Figure 6 shows the temperature minimum at the boundary of the snow column and the atmosphere due to evaporation from the snow surface as in [1–4].
An 18-meter well with core sampling was also passed at the MSU meteorological site. The structure is described in Table 1.
Table 1. Well 2021 at the Meteorological Observatory of Moscow State University
Depth, m
turf and humus horizon
The smell of mold, the structure is lumpy, abundant roots, uniform brownish-gray color. Boiling from HCl10% is weak, fragmentary (fine-grained).
humus horizon with technogenic along the lower boundary
Boils from HCl10% at the lower limit of inclusions. Inclusions: coals, brick
technogenic horizon
Turbocharged horizon based on the cover loam. Large inclusions (stones), coals. Fragments stained with humus, signs of structurality (nuts, prisms). Boils from HCl10% for rare carbonate inclusions.
technogenic horizon
In general, it does not boil
technogenic horizon
Large inclusions of bricks, etc. in the mixed cover loam, does not boil from HCl10%
Boils from HCl10% by inclusions
the same
The cover loam is bluish brown with ortsteins and contractions
the same
Less bluish tones in coloring
Moscow Moraine
At the upper boundary of the core is yellow sand with fine silicate rubble. Below is a red-brick desalinated loam
Moscow Moraine
Does not boil from HCl10% Brick-red color. A desiccated heavy loam of clay? Inclusions – silicate soil, dark crushed stone – basalt?
Moscow Moraine
Brick-red color. A desiccated heavy loam of clay? Inclusions – silicate soil. Does not boil from HCl10%.
Breed, Moscow Dnieper Moraine
Reddish-dark brown loam with a large amount of carbonate crushed stone. Due to inclusions and scattered carbonates, it is not very plastic. Boils up from HCl 10% violently
Breed, Dnieper moraine
Reddish-dark brown loam with a large amount of carbonate crushed stone. Boils up from HCl 10% violently
Breed, Dnieper moraine
Brown – the color of milk chocolate, plastic with a whitish rare texture, the boiling is fragmentary by inclusions
It is more plastic, impregnated with carbonates, boils evenly and intensively
The horizon has the smell of "spring earth". It is not uniformly colored. On the general reddish-brown background, darker spots with a gray undertone are noticeable. There are carbonate neoplasms in the form of pseudomycelia.
The horizon is structured – a nutty structure, dark films on the edges of structural separations. It resembles a textural-carbonate horizon. Rolled inclusions of carbonate composition
breed, Dnieper moraine
Reddish-dark brown loam with a large amount of carbonate crushed stone. Boils up from HCl 10% violently
rock, Dnieper moraine, within the capillary border of the watered horizon
Brown color. Fawn color shade and redoximorphic signs (rusty and bluish spots, coalescing and concretions of iron and manganese). Boils moderately intensively, mainly for large inclusions, fine-grained and small inclusions – to a lesser extent.
Breed, Dnieper moraine, watered
Very plastic, heavy, wetter than the bulk of the samples. Carbonate ortsteins are observed (neoplasms with uniform long-term flooding of carbonate rock)
The change in the temperature and thermal conductivity of the soil in the well is given in Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. Changes in the temperature and thermal conductivity of the soil in the well
The observed thermal gradient in the well is 3 °C/100 m.
Results and conclusion
The study of snow stratigraphy at the MSU meteorological site in the winter of 2022–2023 was conducted on December 22, January 12 and 17, February 1 and 21, and March 2 and 14.
On January 17, a trench was also passed. The description of the pits is given in Tables 2–8:
Table 2. Structure of the snow column at the site of the MSU Meteorological Observatory on December 22, 2022
Layer, cm
Structure and properties of the snow column 34-31
The layer consists of a forming ice crust (injection) with the size of crystals (grains) up to 3 mm (apparently there was frost on the surface). Therefore, the surface looks more like deep frost.
A layer of wet, loose snow formed as a result of recent snowfalls. The fist penetrates. (147, 143, 129 cf. density 140 kg/m3)
A layer of denser but less solid snow than in the overlying layer. Former blizzard snow. Penetrates 4 fingers. (212, 205, 186 cf. density 201 kg/m3)
The wind crust is 1 cm thick. In the future, it will become icy if it is not washed out.
A layer of wet, less dense snow than in the overlying layer. Four fingers penetrate. The size of crystals (grains) is 1–2 mm. (245, 228, 222 cf. density 232 kg/m3)
A layer of relatively loose melted snow with faceted crystals of deep frost. (loosened crust) The size of the crystals is 2 mm.
A layer of former deep frost with a crystal size of up to 3 mm and with ice inclusions (304, 288, 290, 374 cf. density 314 kg/m3)
Table 3. Structure of the snow column at the site of the MSU Meteorological Observatory on January 12, 2023
Layer, cm
Structure and properties of the snow column
A layer of loose settled snow, consists of destroyed snowflakes with a size of up to 2 mm (115, 116, 101, 108 cf. density 110 kg / m3)
Ice crust
A layer of loose snow with a grain size of 1 mm
Ice crust
Icy horizon composed of fine-grained crystals with ice aggregates (231, 294, 270 cf. density 265 kg/m3)
Fine-grained snow with ice formations (347, 290, 314 cf. density 317 kg/m3)
Ice crust
Medium-grained snow. Penetrates 4 fingers. (342, 356, 340 cf. density 3460 kg/m3)
Very icy horizon, deep frost. Loosened in the lower part (324, 365, 350 cf. density 346 kg/m3)
Ground ice crust. The size of crystals (grains) is up to 3 mm. (395, 363, 387 cf. density 382 kg/m3)
Table 4. Structure of the snow column at the site of the MSU Meteorological Observatory on January 17, 2023
Layer, cm
Structure and properties of the snow column
A layer of freshly fallen wet snow
A layer of medium-grained (up to 2 mm) non-settled recycled snow (4 fingers penetrate) (135, 122, 127 cf. density 128 kg/m3)
Ice crust
Loosened layer of medium-grained snow (up to 2 mm) with ice inclusions (292, 256, 319 cf. density 289 kg/m3)
Slightly icy horizon composed of medium-grained crystals (up to 2 mm)
Ice crust with a grain size of 2–3 mm.
The loosened horizon of medium-grained snow (up to 2 mm) passes a finger
A highly glaciated layer with a grain size of up to 3 mm and with the presence of ice aggregates. The finger does not pass.
Table 5. Structure of the snow column at the site of the MSU Meteorological Observatory on February 1, 2023
Layer, cm
Structure and properties of the snow column
A layer of freshly fallen wet snow
A layer of frozen snow with a grain size of 2–3 mm, with an initial stage of cutting with ice layers. Top layer (329, 281, 303 cf. density 304 kg/m3) Bottom layer (440, 435, 445 cf. density 440 kg/m3) Crust on the horizons 26, 23, 17, 15, 13
Icy layer (370, 340, 340 cf. density 350 kg/m3)
Table 6. Structure of the snow column at the site of the MSU Meteorological Observatory on February 21, 2023
Layer, cm
Structure and properties of the snow column
A layer of freshly fallen wet snow on the surface shows asterisks (51, 42, 44 cf. density 46 kg /m3)
A layer of settled snow. Fist penetrates (142, 171, 163 cf. density 159 kg/m3)
A layer of fine-grained snow with a grain size up to 1 mm (230, 208, 189. density 209 kg/m3)
Solid icy layer of faceted coarse-grained crystals (up to 3 mm) of deep frost (finger penetrates) (333, 320, 300. cf. density 318 kg/m3)
Solid icy layer of medium-grained crystals (up to 2 mm) of deep frost (pencil passes, but finger does not) (386, 420, 342. cf. density 383 kg/m3)
A highly glaciated layer of medium-coarse-grained aggregates (up to 2–3 mm) of deep frost
Table 7. Structure of the snow column at the site of the MSU Meteorological Observatory on March 2, 2023
Layer, cm
Structure and properties of the snow column
A layer of freshly fallen wet snow. Dendritic crystals (snowflakes-stars) are visible on the surface
A layer of settled snow. Frozen melted crystals and aggregates. Grain size 1–2 mm
A layer of transformed snow (collective recrystallization, rounding). The grain size is 1–2mm. There is still a crust at the level of 27 cm. (242, 231, 250. cf. density 241 kg/m3)
Solid glacial horizon (pencil penetrates) (282, 280, 225 cf. density 262 kg/m3)
Solid icy layer (only the knife penetrates)
Loosening from faceted crystals of deep frost
Solid ice crust
Table 8. Structure of the snow column at the site of the MSU Meteorological Observatory on March 14, 2023
Layer, cm
Structure and properties of the snow column
A layer of wet settled snow. Melted crystals are visible (rounding). The size of crystals (grains) is up to 2 mm. 4 fingers are included. (145, 150,150. cf. density 148 kg/m3)
An ice crust formed as a result of wind and melting. Grain size up to 2 mm.
A layer of wet settled snow with no rounding. The grain size is 1 mm. 4 fingers penetrate. (240, 280, 239. cf. density 253 kg/m3)
Icy layer of SZ-KZ crystals 2–3 mm in size in the initial stage of cutting with ice inclusions (pencil penetrates) (343, 321, 322 cf. density 328 kg/m3)
Wet medium-grained snow with a crystal size of 2 mm. (265, 280, 283 cf. density 276 kg/m3)
A layer of snow crystals with a cut with a size of 2–3mm and with an abundance of ice inclusions (finger penetrates) (337, 328, 301 cf. density 322 kg/m3)
A layer of snow crystals with a size of 2–3mm and with an abundance of ice inclusions (pencil penetrates) (358, 363, 386 cf. density 372 kg/m3)
A strongly icy layer of faceted crystals with a size of 2 mm (pencil penetrates) (371, 391, 384 cf. density 382 kg/m3)
The stratigraphic columns for December 22, 2022 and February 21, 2023 are shown in Fig. 8.
Fig. 8. Observed sections of snow cover at the meteorological site on December 22, 2022, and February 21, 2023. Symbols: 1 – freshly fallen snow, 2 – fine-grained snow (0.1–0.5 mm), 3 – medium–grained snow (0.5–1 mm), 4 –coarse-grained snow (1-3.5 mm); 5 – faceted crystals; 6 – crystals of deep frost 7 – ice crust (according to international classification [5]).
The data obtained made it possible to characterize and evaluate changes in snow layers, structure, and density in spatiotemporal terms. The results of the work are displayed on the graphs of the spatial and temporal variability of the snow cover for 2022/2023. The evolution of the snow column over the winter period is analyzed. The analysis of observations reflects a significantly high spatial and temporal variability of snow cover in winter, which allows not only to evaluate and compare the data obtained with past studies [6] but also to supplement and improve the already available information on the heterogeneity of snow cover.
1. Golubev, V. N., Petrushina, M. N. & Frolov, D. M. (2010). Regularities of formation of snow cover stratigraphy. Ice and Snow, 1, pp. 58–72 (in Russian).
2. Golubev, V. N. & Frolov, D. M. (2015). Features of water vapor migration at the boundaries of the atmosphere-snow cover and snow cover-underlying soil. Earth's Cryosphere, 19(1), pp. 22–29 (in Russian).
3. Komarov, A. Yu. et al. (2018). Spatio-temporal heterogeneity of the snow thickness according to the SnowMicroPen penetrometer. Ice and Snow, 58(4), pp. 473–485 (in Russian).
4. Report on climate change in the Russian Federation for 2022 (in Russian).
5. First, Sh. et al. (2012). International classification for seasonally falling snow (a guide to the description of snow thickness and snow cover).
6. Frolov, D. M. et al. (2019). Study of the spatio-temporal heterogeneity of the snow thickness at the MOGU site in the winter of 2018/2019. Ecological and climatic characteristics of the atmosphere of Moscow in 2018, according to the Meteorological Observatory of Moscow State University, named after MV Lomonosov. p. 225–230 (in Russian).
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The subject of the study, according to the author, is meteorological and cryological studies at the Moscow State University meteorological site in the winter of 2022/23. The methodology of the study is not specified in the article, but based on the analysis of the article, it can be concluded that the methods of analysis and fixation of observation of the dynamics of meteorological observations, as well as the analysis of literary data, are used. Judging by the illustrative material, the author undertook expeditionary field research methods, followed by desk processing. The relevance of the topic raised is unconditional and consists in obtaining information on the identification of really high spatial and temporal variability of snow cover in winter, which allows not only to evaluate and compare the data obtained with past studies, but also to supplement and improve the already available information on the heterogeneity of snow cover, which is important for the theory of cryolithogenesis and meteorology. The scientific novelty lies in the author's attempt to characterize and evaluate changes in snow layers, their structure and density in spatiotemporal terms based on the conducted research. This is an important addition to the development of geocryology and the history of observations of meteorological elements. Style, structure, content the style of presentation of the results is quite scientific. The article is provided with rich illustrative material. The proposed approach to the theory of the development of cover glaciers may be useful in forming alternative views on some issues of glaciology, which makes the results presented by the author of the article very interesting. However, there are a number of issues, in particular: The author of the article should highlight sections of the article for a better perception, in addition to the target setting, specify research methods and tasks. On climatodiograms of average air temperatures, it would be nice to represent a deviation from the average average value, which would illustrate the long-term dynamics of changes in this indicator. The author of the article should have worked on the design - Table 1. Well 2021 at the Moscow State University Meteorological Observatory, Table 2. The structure of the snow column at the site of the Moscow State University Meteorological Observatory on December 22, 2022 and Table 3. The structure of the snow column at the site of the Moscow State University Meteorological Observatory on January 12, 2023 should be presented in the form of a diagram, which would make the graph more visual and reasoned. It would be interesting to hear the author's argumentation of the reasons for the high uncertainty of the spatial and temporal distribution of snow cover in this area. The bibliography is very exhaustive for the formulation of the issue under consideration, but does not contain references to the results of a retrospective analysis of the state of meteorological elements of this territory and methodological recommendations for the analysis of features. The appeal to the opponents is presented in identifying the problem at the level of available information obtained by the author as a result of the analysis. Conclusions, the interest of the readership in the conclusions there are generalizations that made it possible to apply the results obtained. The target group of information consumers is not specified in the article.