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Conflict Studies / nota bene
Novopashina, L.A., Savel'eva, T.G., Garibyan, E.R., Avdeeva, T.G., Smirnova, L.E. (2023). Value Orientations and Choice of Strategies of Behavior in Conflict by Senior Schoolchildren. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 2, 65–82.
Value Orientations and Choice of Strategies of Behavior in Conflict by Senior Schoolchildren
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2023.2.40404EDN: QYPHMGReceived: 09-04-2023Published: 05-07-2023Abstract: Adolescence is an age when very often, against the background of psychological and physiological changes associated with growing up, conflict situations arise not only with peers, but with parents and teachers. Constructive conflict resolution is an important step towards building harmonious relationships with others in the future, and one of the conditions for effective functioning in society, finding one's place in it. To solve these issues at the first stage, targeted psychological studies of the value orientations of young people and their connection with the choice of behavioral strategies in conflict situations among schoolchildren are necessary. The relationship of value orientations and strategies of behavior in conflict by senior schoolchildren is considered. The purpose of the study is to determine the relationship between the value orientations of senior schoolchildren and the main strategies of their behavior in a conflict situation. We conducted a study to determine the relationship between the value orientations of high school students and the main strategies of their behavior in a conflict situation. With the help of Pearson's chi-square, it was revealed that schoolchildren who choose concession and compromise as the leading strategies of behavior in conflict situations put such a value as "health" in the first place. The relationship of value orientations with other behavioral strategies has not been identified. At the same time, schoolchildren do not choose cooperation as a leading and priority strategy. In order to purposefully influence the formation of value orientations and behavioral strategies of schoolchildren, we have developed a music lesson, the content of which includes the formation of the components we need. The purpose of the lesson is to give students an idea of values such as friendship, public recognition, love, happiness of others, good manners, responsibility and sensitivity; the formation of the ability to work in a team and to give students an idea of such a strategy of behavior in conflict as cooperation. Keywords: values, value orientations, behavioral strategies, conflict, cooperation, rivalry, compromise, health, family, interactionThis article is automatically translated.
Figure 1. Schoolchildren's choice of behavior strategies in conflict situations Then the respondents were conditionally divided by us into groups depending on which strategy they chose. Diagnostics according to the M. Rokich test and interpretation of the results were carried out according to these groups. Of those who chose the "Avoidance" strategy in relation to peers, 25% put "Creativity", 25% - "Health", 25% - "Development" and 25% - "Having good and loyal friends" in the first place among terminal values. Among the instrumental values, those who chose the strategy of "Avoidance" in relations with peers put "Accuracy" in the first place - 50%, "Diligence" - 25% and "Courage in defending their own opinions, views" - 25% of respondents. The data is clearly presented in Figure 2. Figure 4. The choice of terminal and instrumental values by subjects with the leading strategy "rivalry"
Of the respondents who chose the "Compromise" strategy, 50% put "Health" and 50% "Recognition" in the first place among terminal values. Among the instrumental values, those who chose the "Compromise" strategy put "Accuracy" in the first place - 50% and "Good Manners" - 50% of respondents. The data is clearly presented in Figure 5. References
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