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Philosophy and Culture
Pilyak, S.A. (2023). The concept of cultural sovereignty in the structure of the Foundations of State Cultural Policy. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 217–226.
The concept of cultural sovereignty in the structure of the Foundations of State Cultural Policy
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2023.4.40391EDN: VCXCEVReceived: 07-04-2023Published: 01-05-2023Abstract: Cultural heritage, which serves as a substratum of national identity, forms the right of the state to its own sovereignty. The substantiated proof of the possibility of independence from other cultures and nations has relatively recently entered the conceptual field of the philosophy of culture. In January 2023, significant changes made to the Foundations of the state Cultural Policy took into account the concept of cultural sovereignty and, to the necessary extent, justified its high importance for the development of the state and society. The fundamental role of culture in the creation and development of the state has been repeatedly recognized as one of the priorities. It should be noted that even later this priority was not a Russian regulatory novel. The purpose of the study is to consider a range of concepts and legal novels reflecting the sphere of cultural heritage. The long-term work of an extensive circle of philosophers and culturologists has been crowned with the recognition of the value of culture in the system of state regulation of various spheres of human activity. As a result of the research, the conclusion is made about the relevance and timeliness of the implementation of the most important philosophical concepts in strategic planning documents and the high potential practical significance of the actualization of cultural heritage in order to achieve the results of the state cultural policy. In conclusion, it is noted that heritage as a cultural phenomenon has direct access to its semantic and value core. The preservation of cultural identity through the consistent building of cultural sovereignty is one of the most important priorities of modern state policy. Keywords: culture, interpretation of cultural heritage, a public policy tool, cognition, cultural phenomena, cultural heritage, heritage, public administration, interpretation, philosophyThis article is automatically translated. At the present stage of development of society and culture, the concept of cultural sovereignty is of particular importance. Independence in the preservation of cultural values, firmness of beliefs and the absence of destructive foreign influences are the most valuable capital that allows building public policy as a whole. Cultural heritage simultaneously acts as an evidence base for external partners and its own population, arguing due to the historical continuity of the territory of the zones of interests of the state, the actions and deeds of state authorities. Heritage is a special human environment that visualizes the past and builds the vector of the future. The actualization of traditional values determines the transformation in relation to heritage. Cultural heritage has a wide range of key characteristics that explain the specifics of its nature and practical possibilities. We will indicate the most characteristic of them in the context of this study. Firstly, heritage acts as a collective historical memory, storing the most important facts that unite people into nations, and peoples into states. It should be noted that one of the risks of culture is the deformation of historical memory [1], which is prevented by the preservation of cultural heritage. Secondly, heritage, due to its own uniqueness, non-renewability and attractiveness, is a rare instrument of influence, i.e. an argument for the use of forces and resources. Thirdly, heritage acts as a territorial marker, fixing the territory of the spread of certain cultural traditions. The involvement of national culture declares that the locality belongs to a certain state brighter than borders and legal acts. In this case, the heritage acts as a resource for the development of the territory. At the same time, we note that the practical value of cultural heritage in state creation has not been in full demand for a long time. In 2023, following global changes in the global geopolitical structure, the value of identity markers – artifacts of cultural heritage - has significantly increased. An expedient continuation of the transformation of public and state relations was the adjustment of the most important act of state regulation of the sphere of culture. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 35 of January 25, 2023 "On Amendments to the Fundamentals of State Cultural Policy approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 808 of December 24, 2014" embodied a number of important scientific theses in the system of public administration. The inclusion of the concept of cultural sovereignty is one of a number of novelties of the Foundations of state Cultural Policy. In the new version of the act, the complex of tasks and priorities of the policy in the field of culture has been transformed. Previously, the relationship between heritage and cultural policy was not obvious. For example, the goals of the state cultural policy declared priority cultural and humanitarian development as the basis of economic prosperity, state sovereignty and civilizational identity of the country [1], which did not directly affect the issues of preserving cultural heritage. It should be noted that the interpretation of the concept of an object of cultural heritage and the specifics of its nature is the subject of research by a whole galaxy of scientists. The concept of an object of cultural heritage, including in the context of human perception, was developed by researchers A.V. Rabotkevich [13], K. E. Rybak [14], Yu. A. Godovants [8] and others. M. L. Shub made a significant contribution to the study of the actualization of heritage [18]. Based on the conceptualization of the image of the past as a cultural phenomenon, the researcher has identified its main characteristics, types and forms of representation of the image of the past in the modern socio-cultural space. M. A. Tyaglova [16] touches on the issues of heritage in the framework of the discussion on the value of culture in the modern world. T. V. Bespalova [3-7, 15] contributed to the consideration of the value-normative foundations of Russian cultural policy in the context of the development of patriotism. The researcher considers the principles and current state of patriotic education with the involvement of works of culture and art. The purpose of the study is to determine the prospects for the preservation of cultural heritage in connection with the introduction of the concept of cultural sovereignty into the system of normative acts. The research methodology can be characterized as a set of general scientific methods characteristic of the humanities and social sciences. The study was conducted using methods of analysis and synthesis, systematization and classification. As is known, "every creative activity is based on a value system" [12, p. 106]. The most important consequence of creative activity is the translation of these cultural values. In addition, culture can act as a tool for the formation of motivation. Making any decisions is based on an analysis of the conditions under which decisions are made. In the case when a significant condition of the environment becomes love for the motherland, the desire to support a close region or local territory, it will be natural to make a decision taking into account the above and similar factors. The motivational role of culture is directly related to the concept of cultural sovereignty introduced by S. F. Chernyakhovsky [17]. A. L. Kazin applies the concept of interpretive politics in this context [10]. The study of the concept of cultural sovereignty has been conducted for a long time by a whole galaxy of researchers. "It is especially important for us that the expectation of a miracle inherent in the Russian spirit is associated with a radical interpretation of the concept of sovereignty" [11, p. 251]. In general, the concept of sovereignty is characterized by the qualities of universality, exclusivity and specificity [11, p. 254]. As modern researchers point out, "a person's selectivity in relation to certain aspects of the culture with which he identifies himself is susceptible to a high degree of external influence" [9, p. 9]. At the same time, in addition to fashion, mass tastes and stereotypes, this process, thanks to the use of "humanitarian technologies", can be adjusted by many interested forces. The leading force among them in the domestic realities should be recognized as the state implementing a set of measures within the framework of the implementation of state policy in the field of culture and education. The most obvious symbols of power, possessing the properties of uniqueness, emotionality and non-renewability, are cultural artifacts. It is the heritage that can serve to form state sovereignty, defined as the establishment of the identity and monopoly of the state on supreme power in society. The concept of cultural sovereignty is one of the most important grounds for cultural policy. The concept of sovereignty includes a set of characteristics that ensure the stability of the state. "Sovereignty is created by an act of recognition, but not always, but only under certain conditions" [11, p. 222]. In the Fundamentals of state Cultural Policy, the concept of cultural sovereignty is interpreted as follows: "a set of socio-cultural factors that allow the people and the state to form their identity, avoid socio-psychological and cultural dependence on external influence, be protected from destructive ideological and informational influences, preserve historical memory, adhere to traditional Russian spiritual and moral values" [1]. The most important achievement of the act is that the concept of cultural sovereignty was introduced into the foundations of the state cultural policy. Complex geopolitical processes have caused a rethinking of the status of culture, its place in the formation of personality and state sovereignty in general. The legislative consolidation of the concept, its introduction into the system of normative acts is an important decision that builds a practice-oriented vector of development of cultural disciplines. Let's consider the concepts mentioned in the document in more detail. "The state cultural policy is designed to ensure priority cultural and humanitarian development as the basis of economic prosperity, state sovereignty and civilizational identity of the country ..." [1]. Thus, cultural sovereignty is placed on the same level as the state, gaining special significance as the capital of state-building. It should also be noted that one of the priorities of the state cultural policy is the effective use of the unique Russian cultural heritage for the spiritual and moral education of citizens, an appeal to historical memory. Considerable attention is paid to the recognition and formation of the "attractiveness of the Russian value system" [1]. Ensuring the cultural sovereignty of the Russian Federation and increasing the role of the Russian Federation in the global humanitarian and cultural space are designed to occupy a special place in the tasks of the state cultural policy. Building the priority of traditional spiritual values visibly represents the supremacy of cultural sovereignty for the state. Consequently, the recognition of the expediency of cultural independence has made the most important civilizational choice in favor of a strong independent Russia. Thus, historical memory and cultural heritage become effective tools in solving the tasks of the state cultural policy. Heritage objects can serve as milestones, fixing the space and its belonging to a certain culture. The indisputability of territorial affiliation makes it possible to consider culture as a fundamental type of activity. State participation in the preservation of heritage, therefore, directly affects sovereignty. Cultural heritage is the highest value of the state, a tangible authority of the past, serving to strengthen the authority of the present. It should be noted that some other strategic planning documents also echo the content of the novels of the Fundamentals of State Cultural Policy. The concept of foreign policy literally builds the ideological matrix of Russia. Indications of a special state identity that ensures "harmonious coexistence of different peoples" [2] allow us to emphasize the exceptional role of Russia in the development of world civilization. Cultural and historical heritage is once again an extensive evidence base. The existing versions of these acts are to some extent synonymous. Attention to the issues of cultural sovereignty, reinforced against the background of modern historical events, pay special attention to the effectiveness of such work of heritage. The national interest of Russia is declared to be "strengthening traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, preserving the cultural and historical heritage of the multinational people of the Russian Federation" [2]. It is also planned to give priority attention to "promoting constructive international cooperation for the preservation of historical and cultural heritage" [2]. Culture remains one of the most sensitive areas of human society. The reflection of numerous transformations and metamorphoses of the public sphere inevitably affects culture and the perception of cultural heritage. In conclusion, we note that heritage as a cultural phenomenon has direct access to its semantic and value core. The preservation of cultural identity through the consistent building of cultural sovereignty is one of the most important priorities of modern state policy. Culture, which relatively rarely receives detailed and practically realizable mentions in strategic planning acts, gradually occupies a special place at the present stage. The design of cultural sovereignty as a normative concept suggests the formation of a more favorable environment for the preservation of heritage objects in the future. References
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