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PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal

Ìóçûêàëüíûé òàëàíò êàê âñåîáùàÿ ìîäåëü îäàðåííîñòè

Kirnarskaya Dina Konstantinovna

Professor, Head of the department of History of Music, Member of the Union of Composers of the Russian Federation, Gnessin Russian Academy of Music

121069, Russia, Moscow, Poltavskaya Street 30/36
Other publications by this author








1. Il'in E.P. Psikhologiya individual'nykh razlichii. – Spb., 2004.
2. Kirnarskaya D.K. Muzykal'no-yazykovaya sposobnost' kak komponent muzykal'noi oda-rennosti //Voprosy psikhologii. – 1989, ¹2. – S.47-56.
3. Kirnarskaya D.K. Muzykal'nye sposobnosti. – M., 2004.
4. Kirnarskaya D.K. Opyt testirovaniya muzykal'noi odarennosti na vstupitel'nykh ekza-menakh v muzykal'nyi vuz //Voprosy psikhologii. – 1992, ¹1-2. – S.158-163.
5. Kirnarskaya D.K. Teoreticheskie osnovy i metody otsenki muzykal'noi odarennosti. – Spb., 2006.
6. Krutetskii V.A. Psikhologiya matematicheskikh sposobnostei shkol'nikov. – M.-Voronezh, 1998.
7. Cambridge handbook of expertise and expert performance. – Cambridge, 2006.
8. Gagne F. An imperative, but, alas, improbable consensus! //Roeper Review. – 2004, Vol.27. – P.12-14.
9. Gardner H. Extraordinary minds. – N.-Y., 1997.
10. Gardner H. Frames of mind. – London. – 1983.
11. Kirnarskaya D. Music-language ability as a component of musical talent //The First East-West Conference in General Psychology. – Banska Bystrica, 1995. – P.298-303.
12. Kirnarskaya D. The Natural Musician: on Abilities, Giftedness and Talent. – Oxford, 2009.
13. Kirnarskaya D., Winner E. Musical Ability in a New Key: Exploring the Expressive Ear for Music//Psychomusicology. – 1999, Vol.16. – P.2-16.
14. Manturzewska M. Les facteurs psychologiques dans le developpement musical et l’evolution des musiciens professionels //Psychologie de la musique. – Paris, 1994. – P.258-276.
15. Petsche H. Approaches to verbal, visual and musical creativity by EEG coherence analysis //International Journal of Psychophysiology. – 1996, Vol.24. – P.145-159.
16. Renzulli J.S. What Makes Giftedness? Reexamining a Definition. //Phi Delta Kappan. – 1978, Vol.60(3). – P.180-84.
17. Sloboda J. A. The acquisition of musical performance expertise: deconstructing the ‘talent’ account of individual differences in musical expressivity//The Road to Excellence: the acquisi-tion of expert performance in the arts and sciences. – Manwah, 1996. – P.107-126.
18. Sloboda J.A., Davidson J.W., Howe M.J., Moore D.G. The role of practice in the develop-ment of performing musicians //British Journal of Psychology. – 1996, Vol.87. – P.287-309.
19. Siegler R.S.? Kotovsky K. Two levels of giftedness: shall ever the twain meet? //Conceptions of giftedness. – N.Y., 1986. – P.417-435.
20. Winner E. Gifted children. – N.Y., 1996.
21. Winner E. The origins and ends of giftedness //American Psychologist. – 2000, Vol.55. – P.159-169.