DOI: 10.25136/2409-7543.2023.1.39710
The authors in their study consider important aspects devoted to the issues of organizational and legal support for the organization of professional training of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation in the conditions of their education in the departmental system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In their work, the authors investigate the current state of affairs, give examples of the organization of the work of the educational and auxiliary units of the university to ensure high-quality training of students as part of their development of various educational programs for advanced training and professional retraining. Attention is drawn to the improvement of legal and organizational approaches to the educational process and increasing the level of competencies of the teaching staff engaged in educational activities within their authority. The tangible contribution of the authors of the presented work is the relevant topic touched upon, due to the fact that at present special importance is attached by the state to improving the level of education, legal culture, professional competence of police officers in the performance of their official duties provided for by federal legislation in this area. The researchers clearly concluded that proper control, planning, legal support of the organization of educational activities of the departmental university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the system of additional professional education, based on the requirements of regulatory legal acts in this area, will certainly allow to regulate the legal relations of all participants in the educational process in a natural way, will increase the level of personal legal responsibility for the implementation of the strategic tasks set by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, system, standard, education, legislation, order, training, right, provision, organization of preparation
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The object of the study is the system of organization, retraining and advanced training of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. The subject of the study is the mechanism of legal regulation of the organization of professional training of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The purpose of the study is to analyze the organizational conditions, regulatory and legal basis for the functioning of professional training of police officers in the system of additional professional education. In recent years, and especially at the present time, the issues of high-quality and professional training of law enforcement officers of the Russian Federation have been given increased importance. The personnel training system for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is associated with the fulfillment of a number of important conditions. In our state, algorithms and legal regulation of the activities of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation have been developed quite clearly. Federal legislation reflects in detail the purpose of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the main directions and generally forms the legal basis of activity. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia performs broad functions, has sufficiently serious powers to solve internal and external tasks for the protection and security of the Russian Federation. In this regard, it is simply impossible to overestimate the crucial importance of high-quality professional training of employees for further service in law enforcement agencies. It should be noted that every year at the Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with the participation of the Supreme Commander of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, the most important issues of personnel and educational work of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation are touched upon. Particular attention is paid to the issues of monitoring the performance of duties by the police, the system of assessments by the population and the state as a whole. Of course, the basis of public administration, including in the field of law enforcement, is provided by a number of effective legal mechanisms, but at the same time we must attach serious importance to human potential, that is, to those people who have joined the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, receive education, increase their level of competence, become professionals in order to in the future, it will be even better to perform all the tasks set in society and the state. A considerable amount of time has already passed since the reform in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which has certainly shown good and positive results in this area, but a number of problems have also been identified, which we will discuss today in our study. The work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for society and citizens is quite transparent and the most important tool for evaluating the activities of employees is their daily work, which is related to the performance of duties to ensure proper and strict enforcement of constitutional norms, as well as the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of protection of human life, his rights and freedoms, and how it is performed, to what extent it is satisfies the needs of law-abiding citizens and forms the basis for evaluating the entire structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in a complex. In the theoretical and applied sense, the key organizational, legal and pedagogical issues of professional training of personnel for the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation arising in the process of development of the law enforcement system of the state were studied by well-known researchers, such as V. I. Seleznev, S. N.Novikov, R. S. Akhmetov, A.V. Olshevskaya, I. G. Bavsun, I. V. Budilo, D. R. Mardanov et al . However, despite the fact that this problem has been studied for a long time and comprehensively, the developed methodological support is actively used, the relevance in the search for new approaches to improve pedagogical technologies for training professional personnel for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia remains an important state task. In modern Russian legislation, in particular, the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ [1] defines in sufficient detail the regulatory requirements, as well as the key principles of legal regulation and overall comprehensive state policy in the field of education. The requirements for the content of educational programs as a derivative component of the entire education system are clearly and thoroughly regulated. The priorities for the implementation of tasks by all educational organizations, including in the field of additional professional education, to achieve the goals of training students, including law enforcement officers, related to the acquisition of the necessary knowledge and competencies for their further application in the course of operational and service activities are outlined. Speaking about the education system in the Russian Federation, we want to schematically display its structure, which clearly allows us to see its forms and types. ![]( Employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation increase the level of their competence and qualifications, acquire, including in a practice-oriented format, the necessary knowledge and skills in key areas of official activity, which are regulated by the requirements Federal Law "On Police" dated 07.02.2011 No. 3-FZ, Federal Law "On Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" dated 30.11.2011 No. 342-FZ, as well as departmental regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. One of the departmental orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated May 5, 2018 No. 275 "On approval of the Procedure for organizing training for positions in the internal Affairs bodies of the Russian Federation" establishes the basic regulatory requirements for the procedure for organizing training for the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the basics of vocational training, the specifics of organizing and implementing educational activities in the system of additional professional education, as well as the organization and implementation of educational activities for additional professional programs.
Without exception, all categories of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia who come to study at a departmental educational institution in the system of additional vocational education are subject to mandatory verification for the availability of appropriate basic education, which gives the right to acquire a new specialty, the development of new pedagogical technologies from the learning process. Special administrative divisions have been created in the educational organization, endowed with the appropriate powers to monitor and assess the readiness of students to master academic disciplines. To regulate this process, relevant orders are being prepared in the educational institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. We focus on this in our work due to the fact that the organizational and legal aspects provide for a number of sequential measures aimed at fulfilling administrative and managerial tasks that are an integral auxiliary part of the educational process. One of the key components of the organization of the work of the structural units of the educational department is the control and regulatory function, the purpose of which is to ensure the proper preparation of methodological materials for the teaching staff to conduct all types of training sessions. Using the example of our educational institution, we would like to note that special attention is constantly paid to monitoring the quality and relevance of the content of educational programs implemented by centers and departments during the training of students of the Institute. Responsible employees are assigned to each center, who ensure regulatory coordination of programs and provide all necessary consulting assistance. Another important element in the organization of professional training in the system of departmental additional professional education is the professional competence of the teaching staff. As noted in their research work Dottuev T.I., Kodzokov A.H., Beshtoev R.O., that the professional competencies of teaching staff are assessed by the level of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities, erudition, legal literacy, sociability [2]. The issues of improving the pedagogical skills of persons engaged in educational activities in the system of additional professional education should be given special importance, since the vast majority of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation arriving for advanced training and professional retraining have significant practical work experience and during the training process should reinforce their level by obtaining professional knowledge transmitted they need highly qualified, trained and competent teaching staff. In the schematic figure below, we note the most important algorithm aimed at improving and improving the dynamics of the quality of the educational process in the system of additional vocational education in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia [4]. We share the opinion of the author Olshevskaya A.V. that the process of training qualified personnel of internal affairs bodies is the basis not only for the formation of professional knowledge, skills and abilities of an ordinary employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, but also contains elements of the educational process. Due to this, an employee trained in special educational programs is more likely to be not only correct in dealing with citizens, but also become more professional and literate [3]. Moreover, the issue of legal literacy of police officers is on the agenda in modern conditions of performance of official and operational tasks by law enforcement officers. This pedagogical task is one of the most important in the system of additional departmental professional education and is aimed at a clear study by students of constitutional norms, legislation in its broad sense. The presence of the basics of legal competence of the personnel of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation is the key to improving the necessary legal knowledge, allows you to improve the legal culture of senior management and subordinate employees, gives psychological and pedagogical confidence in the correctness of decisions made in the professional sphere. Conclusion: structured, verified, planned and controlled at all stages of the organization of professional training of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the system of additional professional education, based on the fulfillment of legislative requirements, will certainly avoid possible gaps and mistakes, will definitely act as a disciplining factor for all participants in this activity, will allow you to feel the depth and level of personal legal responsibility for the quality and form of obtaining knowledge of students undergoing training in the framework of advanced training and professional retraining.
1. Dottuev Tengiz Idr1. Dottuev Tengiz Idrisovich, Kodzokov Aznaur Khasanovich, Beshtoev Rustam Olegovich IMPROVING THE PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF POLICE OFFICERS (BY THE EXAMPLE OF PHYSICAL TRAINING TEACHERS IN EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE Ministry of Internal Affairs OF RUSSIA) // Journal of Applied Research. 2021. No.4. URL: (date of address: 02.02.2023).
2. Olshevskaya Anna Vladimirovna On the legal aspects of the activities of the training units of the internal affairs bodies of Russia // Bulletin of Economic Security. 2017. No.2. URL: (accessed: 02.02.2023).
3. Dmitry Mikhailovich Baykov. Formation of professional and personal readiness of employees of internal affairs bodies to counter information threats on the Internet: dissertation ... Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences: 13.00.01 / Dmitry Mikhailovich Baykov;[Place of protection: FGKOU HE "Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation"], 2019.-259 p
4. Bykovskaya, Yu. V. State social policy in law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation: issues of theory, methodology, areas of improvement: monograph / Yu. V. Bykovskaya. — Moscow : Scientific Consultant, 2013. — 207 p. — ISBN 978-5-9904789-1-6. — Text : electronic // Lan : electronic library system. — URL: (accessed: 02.02.2023). — Access mode: for authorization. users.
5. Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated 29.12.2012 No. 273-FZ. Electronic resource
6. Federal Law "On Police" dated 07.02.2011 N 3-FZ. Electronic resource
7. Federal Law No. 342-FZ of November 30, 2011 "On Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation". Electronic resource https://base
8. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 275 dated May 5, 2018 "On Approval of the Procedure for organizing personnel training for positions in the Internal Affairs bodies of the Russian Federation". Electronic resource
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The object of research in the presented work is the pedagogical process of training employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The subject is its structural and content specificity in the context of additional professional education. The relevance of the study is due to the increased requirements for the quality of training of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, taking into account the high social importance of this profession. The manuscript as a whole is theoretical and has an overview and descriptive character. Despite the fact that the author writes about a number of practical aspects of the problem, experimental work is not presented in the text. Thus, the main research method is descriptive pedagogical analysis, which is the minimum and sufficient tools for this kind of work. The study is deductive in nature, since the author proceeds from the general theoretical analysis to the practical aspects of the problem, although the separation into theoretical and practical blocks is not presented in the text. Special attention should be paid to tables that clearly visually and schematically reflect the structure of the process under study, as well as a detailed consideration of its regulatory framework. The text of the work is written in language with full compliance with the norms of scientific style. The list of sources meets the requirements and finds a real meaningful reflection on the pages of the article. Despite its scientific nature, the text is not overloaded with complex formulations and is quite easily perceived even by an unprepared reader. The text shows the author's own practical experience or participation in the described processes. The article may be of interest to a fairly wide audience, primarily researchers dealing with similar issues. The text of the article will serve as a very good methodological basis for qualification work, primarily due to the successful schematic presentation of the structure of the process under study. There are a number of comments on the article. The work would benefit if the theoretical part outlined exactly which aspects of the problem under consideration were investigated by these scientists. It is advisable to swap the methodological apparatus (object, subject of research, etc.) and the rationale for relevance. Nevertheless, a scientific article traditionally begins with a demonstration of the relevance of the research. The word "organizations" should be removed from the title to eliminate the tautology. Indeed, the "organizational and legal framework" already means the organization of the process, that is, this formulation is redundant. At the end of the text, it is advisable to remove the phrase "we share the opinion of the author ...". Nevertheless, in the practical or even more so in the final part of the scientific work, the researcher's own reasoning is expected. It is desirable to present several conclusions, in particular, theoretical and practical conclusions are expected in such work. Moreover, the title indicates aspects in the plural. The presented comments are of a recommendatory and clarifying nature and do not negate the understanding that this work meets the basic structural, substantive and substantive requirements for works of this kind, and can be published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal in the pedagogical field.