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Bogolyubov S.A.
M.I. Kozyr's Agrarian Law Ideas are Confirmed
// Agriculture.
2022. ¹ 2.
P. 34-41.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2022.2.39397 EDN: XDJXMV URL:
M.I. Kozyr's Agrarian Law Ideas are Confirmed
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2022.2.39397EDN: XDJXMVReceived: 14-12-2022Published: 22-12-2022Abstract: The works and activities of M.I. Kozyr, Doctor of Law, Professor, remain in the history of agrarian, land, and environmental law. Mikhail Kozyr's initiative, energy, organizational abilities were manifested in creative scientific and practical searches, numerous articles, textbooks, comments on laws, making legislative proposals, trips with scientific landings to republics, territories and regions of the USSR, on foreign business trips, participation in Italian and European agrarian unions. He appreciated, developed, promoted and taught collective farm – agricultural – agrarian law; developed new approaches to the legal provision of food security in Russia, clarifying the subject and methods, improving the quality of acts of agrarian law, implementing the norms of civil, administrative, land legislation in the legal institutions of agrarian law. M.I. Kozyr sought the restoration of agrarian law as a teaching discipline in law higher educational institutions. Currently, the ideas of M.I. Kozyr are recognized in the Russian legal, agrarian community: agriculture is included in paragraph "d" of Article 72 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and it's subjects ; agriculture is included in the nomenclature of scientific specialties for the defense of dissertations; the multi-vector nature and importance of studying legal issues of agriculture, justification of ways to improve efficiency of legal regulation of economic activity in the agricultural sector of the economy. The professor's followers and students continue to provide scientific and legal support for the development of agriculture in Russia. Keywords: legislation, agriculture, agrarian law, branch of law, field of knowledge, agricultural cooperation, science, practice, creative environment of search, benevolence and exactingnessThis article is automatically translated. The works and activities of M.I. Kozyr, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, remain in the history of agrarian, land, and other natural resource law and legislation for several reasons. Mikhail Ivanovich's initiative, energy, and organizational abilities were amazing when not everyone, but he took on a big case that was boiling in his hands. This was manifested in his creative scientific and practical searches, speeches and reports, writing numerous articles, textbooks, manuals, comments on laws, making legislative proposals, trips with scientific landings to the republics, territories and regions of the USSR and RSFSR, on foreign business trips, in connection with Italian, European and other foreign agricultural unions [2, 6]. He was collected, sociable and demanding when leading the sector, at meetings of the academic and dissertation councils of the IGIP RAS, in educational, pedagogical, methodological work at the Military Law Academy, other legal higher educational institutions, reports and speeches at international and All-Russian scientific and practical conferences, while performing the duties of a military commandant in the cities of the Hungarian People's Republic. The Republic during the period of mass violations of law and order 1956-1957. "He knew only one duma power, one, but fiery passion", which for him was collective farm – agricultural –agrarian legislation, the requirements of which he appreciated, developed, promoted and taught; developed new approaches to the legal provision of food security in Russia, clarifying the subject and methods, improving the quality of normative legal acts of agrarian law, the search for the implementation of the norms of civil, administrative, land, other natural resources, as well as the entire complex environmental legislation (in its broad sense) in the legal institutions of agrarian legislation. Hundreds of works written by M.I. Kozyr for more than 60 years testify to the transformations of agrarian law, and the more one looks into its history, the better the present is understood and the future is projected; he wrote "Objects of collective farm property rights and their legal regime" (monograph. M. Gosyurizdat.1956); "On legality and democracy in collective farms" (Socialist legality. 1962. No. 12); "The new Approximate charter of the collective farm" (Knowledge. 1971); "Increasing the role of law in the implementation of the agrarian policy of the CPSU" (Soviet State and Law. 1977. No. 8); "Agriculture, law and management" (Planning and accounting in agricultural enterprises. 1981. No. 8); "New features of labor relations in agriculture of the USSR" (UNESCO. Paris. 1983. in French, English, Spanish); "Cooperative movement – to the level of new tasks" (Economics of agricultural and processing enterprises. 1988. No. 10); "Spells will not help the case" (Rural life. 1990. January 27). New times placed new accents in the works of M.I. Kozyr – he wrote "Actual legal problems of agricultural cooperatives in the conditions of agrarian reform" (Agricultural cooperation and law, M. 1993); "Legal problems of land purchase from agricultural producers when seized for state and municipal needs" (Ownership of land in agriculture M. IGiP RAS, 1996); "On the problems of transformation of ownership forms in agriculture" (State and Law. 1999. No. 3); "On state regulation of relations in agriculture in Russia during the transition to a market economy" (Agrarian and Land Law 2006. No. 10); "Federal Law "On the Development of Agriculture and its role in the implementation of the priority national project "Development of agriculture" (Economy of agricultural and processing enterprises. 2007. No. 3); "Agrarian legislation is an integral part of the system of Russian legislation" (Agrarian and land law. 2008. No. 8); "Legislation on the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation needs improvement" (Law and State: theory and practice. 2009. No. 5); "Legal problems of the development of the agro-industrial complex of Russia" (Journal of Russian Law. 2010. ¹ 4). M.I. Kozyr stubbornly sought the restoration of agrarian law as a compulsory academic discipline in Russian legal higher educational institutions, maintaining its specific content and application in fifty agricultural universities, recognition as a scientific specialty for writing and defending candidate and doctoral dissertations in jurisprudence approved by the Higher Education and the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, due to the continuing relevance of legal provision of food the sovereignty of the country. At the beginning of the XX1 century, when reviewing scientific specialties and proposals for the elimination of agrarian law among them, Mikhail Ivanovich raised, organized, "excited" scientists and teachers involved in agrarian, cooperative, land, and other natural resource legislation to defend agrarian law, which became his native brainchild and the purpose of life, reached the Ministry of Agriculture, others the highest state executive bodies, as well as the legislative authorities of the Russian Federation, received support from them. The "swan song" can be called the creation of the textbook "Agrarian Law", repeatedly republished with changes and additions due to the mobility of legislation and socio-economic development of the country, in the publishing house "Norm" (thanks to the general director Olga Konstantinovna Pavlova), constantly updated, updated under the leadership, on the initiative and edited by M.I. Kozyr [1]. The researcher's frenzy manifested itself in the chapters he directly wrote about agrarian law – a specialized complex branch in the structure of Russian law, agrarian legal relations, sources, objects, subjects of agrarian law, state regulation of agriculture, improvement of the system and competence of state regulatory bodies in agriculture and agriculture in general, legal support of social and sustainable rural development, organizational-legal forms of management in agricultural commercial organizations (issues that do not go off the agenda and are awaiting their solution, modernization). In the last years of his work and life, Mikhail Ivanovich paid a lot of attention to the formation, organization and professional content together with Prof. Anatoly Ivanovich Bobylev of the Federal scientific legal journal "Agrarian and Land Law", included by the WAC of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia in the List of leading peer-reviewed publications for publishing the main scientific results of dissertations for academic degrees, awarded the "Golden Press Fund" Distinction It can be stated that at present the ideas of M.I. Kozyr are recognized, taken into account – they are confirmed in the Russian legal and agrarian communities. Agriculture is included by the Federal Constitutional Law of March 14, 2020 on the amendment of the Constitution of the Russian Federation No. 7-FKZ in paragraph "d" of Article 72 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, along with nature management and environmental protection on the joint management of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation, which ideologically, conceptually establishes the need for public consideration, the use of legislative, organizational, and other methods solutions to agricultural problems. When dividing the scientific specialties of jurisprudence into public and private, agriculture finds its place in both directions, which once again emphasizes the multi-vector nature, the importance of studying its legal issues, guaranteeing freedom of economic activity, recognizing and protecting equally public, private, municipal and other forms of ownership (proclaimed in Article 8 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which need to be specified implementation), justification of the revival of voluntary cooperation, contracting, and other ways to improve the effectiveness of legal regulation of economic and other activities in the agricultural sector of the economy. M.I. Kozyr's scientific qualities were formed under the influence of the head. sector, deputy. Director of the IGIP RAS Georgy Aleksandrovich Aksenenko (1910-1989) – corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, author of the monographs "The right of land use of state farms, MTS and subsidiary farms" (Moscow, 1953), "Land legal relations in the USSR" (M. 1958), ed. of the collective monograph "Criticism of modern bourgeois agrarian and legal theories" (M., 1972); a number of his works were published in English, German, Spanish, Polish, Czech. languages (see M. I. Kozyr, S.A. Bogolyubov, V.I. Ivakin "Review of the meeting "At the origins of the formation of land and agrarian-legal science in Russia (to the 100th anniversary of the birth of G.A. Aksenenko)" // Agrarian and land law. 2011. ¹ 3). M.I. Kozyr was influenced by the creative academic environment surrounding him, on which his reciprocal influence was also felt. His sociability and sociability united colleagues, who at the same time created an aura of benevolence, exactingness, mutual respect, motivated criticism. This generation of fundamental science and scientists engaged in it created a recognized theoretical base of Russian science, its agricultural sector: Zoya Sergeevna Belyaeva, Irina Aleksandrovna Iconitskaya, Nikolai Ivanovich Krasnov, Maria Ilyinichna Palladina, Lyudmila Pavlovna Fomina, Georgy Vasilyevich Chubukov, Nikolai Nikiforovich Vedenin, Nikolai Alekseevich Dukhno, Valentin Husainovich Ulyukayev, Margarita Sergeevna Pashova (Moscow), Vasily Nikolaevich Demyanenko, Konstantin Grigoryevich Pandakov (Saratov), Anatoly Ivanovich Bobylev (Orenburg), Fanis Mansurovich Rayanov (Ufa), etc. – they participated in strengthening the framework, completing, strengthening legislation on agriculture [3; 5; 12 – 15]. M.I. Kozyr established scientific ties with IZiSP – Ivan Ferisanovich Pankratov, Ivan Fedorovich Kazmin; Yuri Georgievich Zharikov, who wrote a brochure on property rights and relations of land users half a century ago during the period of the supremacy of exclusive state ownership of land, and currently participates, despite his 97 years, in scientific activity; preserves and continues studies of agrarian legislation in IZiSP Elena Leonidovna Minina. M.I. Kozyr was supported by a powerful cohort of fellow countrymen – Y.S. Shemshuchenko, V.I. Semchik, V.Z. Yanchuk, V.L. Muntyan, N.I. Titova; Nikolai Vasilyevich Storozhev (Belarus), Vasily Nikitich Yakovlev (Moldova), Abduali Yerenovich Yerenov, Sagindyk Baysalovich Baysalov (Kazakhstan) were friends with him and developed agricultural legislation. The business started is continued by the heirs – Valentina Vladimirovna Ustyukova, Galina Leonidovna Zemlyakova, Olga Anatolyevna Samonchik, Tatiana Vladimirovna Rednikova (IGiP RAS), etc. [4; 8, 176 – 189; 10, 16,17] The relationship to Mikhail Ivanovich, his lifestyle, activities are characterized by the names of essays about him: he was able to work and laugh; a hero of our time; in an atmosphere of optimism; understanding, support and help; infectious energy and efficiency; fighting qualities and nobility; spiritual generosity; memory of the luminary of science; freshness and clarity of mind; loved what he taught, and those to whom he taught; diligence and patriotism of the teacher; follower of peasant law; passion for work; looking back, smiling; fatherly attitude towards students; a person open to communication; a happy person professionally engaged in his business; leaving, leaving a trace [11]. Touching human family qualities of Mikhail Ivanovich were manifested in warm unceasing care (on the basis of reciprocity) for his wife Galina Alexandrovna, proper upbringing of daughters who became candidates of law in the field of land, agrarian, other Russian, foreign legislation, their teaching, systematization, professionals worthy of their father: Olga – associate professor of the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University.V. Lomonosov [7, 7-16] and Oksana – Head of the Department of the Research Center of Private Law under the President of the Russian Federation, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation. Professor M.I. Kozyr is an example of a combination of knowledge of practice and the introduction of scientific initiatives into it, professional, deeply motivated responses to the demands of time, the use of forms peculiar to the theory of its impact on agricultural reality. References
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