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Police activity

Assessment of the Functional State of Trainees of Professional Training Based on Heart Rate Variability

Arkhipov Sergei Nikolaevich

Master of Sports of Russia in shooting from combat hand-held small arms, Associate Professor, Department of Fire Training, Tyumen Institute for Advanced Training of Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

625049, Russia, Tyumen region, Tyumen, Amurskaya str., 75
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Abstract: Modern conditions of official activity impose increased requirements for the professional training of employees of internal affairs bodies. Shooting is the main form of conducting fire training classes and is aimed at the formation, maintenance and improvement of firearms skills by employees. Therefore, when considering issues related to the formation of motor skills, special attention is paid to improving the results of shooting, as well as maintaining and improving the skills of firearms possession by employees in the course of professional activity. In his research, the author noted the need to monitor the functional state of employees at the stage of vocational training in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to mobilize psychophysiological resources in the event of stress in the formation of motor skills. To solve the tasks, the following research methods were used: methods of assessing the functional state (statistical indicators of the functional state of students with gender characteristics were demonstrated); methods of mathematical statistics.The main result of the study is the data on the functional state of students under stress factors in the process of mastering new material, including during training and control shooting. Thus, there is a need to take into account the conduct of classes based on the differentiation of the group by gender when forming the order of the shooting shift. Based on the individual typological features and functional indicators of listeners, with the development of motor skills, optimization of the employee's condition before firing in a stressful situation, which will reduce the influence of negative (internal) factors on the effectiveness of shooting and increase the efficiency of mastering motor skills.


shooting, motor skill, physiology, police officer, fire training, professional training, heart rate variability, functional state, training, listener

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Fire training is one of the components of the professional training of law enforcement officers.

Physiology as a science extensively studies the functional indicators of people in isolated conditions [1. 2]. Often the researcher has to create special conditions himself in order to trace the influence of various environmental factors or vital activity on the human body [3].

At the same time, the authors Ivanov D.I., Znakova I.O. (2022) note that it is necessary to correct the individual training of athletes in a timely manner, while simultaneously identifying various disorders and deviations in the heart rhythm [4]. This actualizes the importance of studying the functional state of students, taking into account their gender characteristics.

We stopped at the study of students studying at the Tyumen Institute for Advanced Training of Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The conditions of study in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are very different from civilian educational organizations. This is manifested in the observance of the daily routine, and the service in a daily outfit, the service for the protection of public order. All this requires strict compliance with the statutes and other regulatory legal documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

In the process of professional training, students in educational organizations of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation [1] receive basic professional knowledge, skills and abilities that form the competencies necessary to perform official duties related to service in the internal affairs bodies.                                                             

Operational and official activities of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation aimed at protecting the life, health, rights and freedoms of man and citizen, protecting public order, property, ensuring public safety, countering crime, including in conditions involving the use of physical force, special means and firearms, as well as in emergency circumstances. That is why vocational training includes various components of the educational program, among which sections of fire and physical training are studied, which are aimed at mobilizing functional indicators and psychophysiological resources in the process of acquiring skills in handling weapons and developing motor skills.

Training in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia changes the emotional and physiological state of students. In order to trace the changes and determine the nature of these changes, we studied the basic physiological parameters of hemodynamics during the training period.

The course of the study.The study was attended by students who are trained in the basic educational programs of vocational training, ordinary, junior, middle and senior officers in the first accepted for service in the internal affairs bodies, as an employee of the "Policeman".

The study was conducted during the study period from February to July 2022, and from July to November 2022, each study period was divided into six survey stages.

Functional parameters of the cardiovascular system (heart rate, SAD, DAD) were studied. The heart rate (HR) was determined by the palpatory method on the radial artery, as well as by the R – R interval of the electrocardiogram in the 2nd standard lead. Determination of blood pressure was carried out according to the method of N.S. Korotkov.

The results of the study.Male trainees occupy an intermediate position between athletes and the control group, since the heart rate (64.5 ± 1.6 beats/min) was lower than in the control group, but higher than in athletes.

This fact can be explained by the fact that among the surveyed listeners there were both professional athletes and people engaged in amateur sports. In the latter case, it was not necessary to achieve the highest results in sports, which is directly related to the functional parameters of the cardiovascular system [5].

A similar pattern was observed among female listeners. Only the heart rate in this group (66.9 ±1.8 beats/min) was slightly lower than in the acyclic group of athletes (68.6 ± 1.3 beats/min). The fact is that athletes specializing in cyclical and situational sports predominate among the listeners. The small number of the acyclic group affected the results of the survey of listeners.

The minimum heart rate (57.1 beats/min) was observed in the second stage of the examination, and the maximum (71.3 beats/min) in the fifth stage (Table 1).


Table 1.

Functional indicators of the cardiovascular system during the training period in male trainees

Stages of the survey

Heart rate (beats/min)






62,7 ±2,1

114,5 ±3,4

70,5 ±2,7


57,1 ±2,0

121,7 ±3,7

77,5 ±2,9


61,2 ±2,1

114,0 ±3,4

67,7 ±2,6


67,3 ±2,6

115,0 ±3,4

68,2 ±2,6


71,3 ±2,8

112,3 ±3,3

64,3 ±2,5


67,1 ±2,6

114,0 ±3,4

66,8 ±2,6

Average during the training period

64,5 ±1,6

115,3 ±2,9

69,2 ±1,7


         There is a different picture in the fluctuations of blood pressure in students during the training period, in which a typical pattern for this indicator can be traced. The pattern is a joint change in systolic and diastolic blood pressure. With an increase in the SAD, the DB increases and, conversely, with a decrease in the SAD, the DB decreases.

Examining the data, it was assumed that there are fluctuations in the indicators of the cardiovascular system between the first and second half of the training period. To confirm what has been said, the arithmetic mean of the indicators was calculated in the first half of the training period, which included 1-3 survey periods and the second half (4-6 periods) of the training period (Table 2). The assumption was confirmed, since the heart rate of students in the first half of the training period (60.3 beats/ min) was lower than in the second (68.6 beats/min).


Table 2.

Indicators of the cardiovascular system in the 1st and 2nd half of the study period of male trainees


Training period

Heart rate



1st half




2nd half




Average during the training period





Fig.1. The heart rate of the listeners in different periods of the examination


A significant increase in SAD (121.7 mmHg) was observed in the second period of the survey (Table 1). The lowest value of the indicator (112.3 mmHg) was revealed in the fifth period of the survey. In the first half of the training period, SAD (116.7 mmHg) was slightly higher than in the second half of the training period, it was (113.8 mmHg) see (Table 2). DAD increased like systolic in the second period of examination (77.5 mmHg), and it reached a minimum (64.3 mmHg) in the fifth period of the survey. In the first half of the training period, the DAP value was 71.9 mmHg, in the second – 66.4 mmHg.

The heart rate in the group of female trainees differed sharply from the heart rate of male trainees (Fig. 1), but did not change significantly during the training period, with the exception of the fifth stage of the survey (Table 3). In the fifth stage, the maximum increase in heart rate (79.5 beats/min) was observed. The average heart rate during the training period of female students was 66.9 beats/min. SAD reached the highest values in the first (115.7 mmHg) and fifth (116 mmHg) stages of the survey. In the 3rd and 6th stages of the examination, SAD had low values (100.0 and 101.5 mmHg, respectively). DAD was minimal at the sixth stage of the examination (66.0 mmHg), maximum at the first stage (70.7 mmHg).


Table 3.

Functional indicators of the cardiovascular system during the training of female trainees

Stages of the survey

Heart rate (beats/min)






65,0 ±2,7

115,7 ±4,1

70,7 ±3,0




68,2 ±2,9


63,2 ±2,6

100,0 ±3,7

67,4 ±2,9


62,0 ±2,6

111,4 ±4,0

68,4 ±2,9


79,5 ±3,1

116,0 ±4,1

68,5 ±2,9


65,0 ±2,7

101,5 ±3,7

66,0 ±2,8

Average during the training period

66,9 ±1,8

108,9 ±3,0

68,2 ±1,9


Functional indicators of the cardiovascular system in female trainees during training are characterized by a wave-like increase in heart rate at different stages of the examination, the first stage of the examination, which begins with the beginning of the study of the discipline of Fire training, all the parameters studied are slightly higher, this occurs against the background of excitement when studying safety measures when handling weapons and ammunition, the material part of weapons, and decrease by as you master and understand the educational material, acquire skills and abilities in handling weapons.

During the period of studying the techniques and rules of pistol shooting (the second stage of the survey), we again observe a slight increase in functional indicators, which decrease by the fourth stage of the survey, i.e. when students have acquired and developed motor skills inherent in pistol shooting. And only at the fifth stage we see a significant increase in all functional indicators of both female and male listeners, this stage was carried out at the stage of control shooting, at which stress tension increased.   

Thus, there is no clear consistency in the change in the functional parameters of the cardiovascular system in female listeners, similar to that in the group of male listeners.

the data obtained indicate the importance of taking into account individual typological features and functional indicators of listeners, while developing motor skills, optimizing the state of an employee before a shot in a stressful situation.



[1] Next – the Ministry of Internal Affairs Of Russia

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The review of the article "Assessment of the functional state of trainees in vocational training based on heart rate verification" The relevance of the research topic and its compliance with the specialization of the journal "Policing" is not in doubt in connection with modern trends in social development, which determine the priorities of vocational training in various types of institutions, including employees of internal affairs agencies. The subject of the study is the functional states of students taking into account gender characteristics. The analysis of such categories as "fire training", "physical training", "functional indicators", "psychophysiological resources", "handling of weapons", "motor skills" is presented as a problem field of the study. The results of studying the functional indicators of the cardiovascular system (heart rate, SAD, DAD) of students undergoing training in basic educational programs of vocational training, ordinary, junior, middle and senior commanders in the first years of service in the internal affairs bodies, as a "Policeman" employee, were identified and analyzed in detail. The advantage of the work is the key, end-to-end leading ideas of studying the influence of various environmental factors or vital activity on the human body, including special fire training conditions. Of interest is the design and testing of 6 stages of the study of functional parameters of the cardiovascular system of the subjects. A detailed step-by-step description of the stages and techniques of the examination in the 1st and 2nd half of the training period for male students and in a group of female students is presented. The methodology of the reviewed work is based on a comparative approach. The article uses such research methods as comparative, structural, functional, semantic analysis, synthesis of the obtained results, analogy and comparison, deduction, design. The article implements in sufficient detail the systematization and generalization of literary data related to the physiology of the cardiovascular system based on a comparative review of 6 literary sources. The theoretical basis of the research is the experience of Ivanov D.I., Sign I.O. The article has a scientific novelty associated with the design and implementation of the study of the functional state of students, taking into account their gender characteristics: - the influence of special conditions (observance of the daily routine, and service in daily attire, public order protection service) on the physiological indicators of students was revealed; - the importance of taking into account individual typological features in the development of motor skills, optimizing the condition of an employee before a shot in a stressful situation is proved. The structure of the article meets the requirements for scientific publications. A detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis of the obtained research results is presented. The content of the article, which examines the importance of taking into account the functional indicators of trainees in vocational training, corresponds to its title. The style of presentation of the material meets the requirements for scientific publications. The bibliography corresponds to the content of the article and is presented by 6 domestic and foreign literary sources (1975 – 2022). The results of the study substantiate the importance of theoretical and empirical research and monitoring of the functional state of trainees in vocational training based on heart rate verification. The article arouses the reader's interest and can be recommended for publication.