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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Tolstykh, L.R. (2022). The Psychological Content of the Value Orientations of Students-Ethnic Migrants and Representatives of the Indigenous Population. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 26–31.
The Psychological Content of the Value Orientations of Students-Ethnic Migrants and Representatives of the Indigenous Population.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2022.4.39305EDN: UXKIGBReceived: 03-12-2022Published: 30-12-2022Abstract: The purpose of the study is to conduct a comparative analysis and identify differences in the system of value orientations of students – ethnic migrants and students – representatives of the indigenous population. The subject of the study: the features of the value orientations of students – ethnic migrants and students – representatives of the indigenous population. Research methods: 1. Theoretical: analysis of psychological literature on the problem of research. 2. Empirical: testing. Research methods: "Life-meaning orientations", D. Crambo and L. Maholika; "Diagnostics of the real structure of value orientations of personality" S. S. Bubnov; "Value orientations", M. Rokich. Methods of mathematical statistics: Mann-Whitney U-test. The differences in the value orientations of indigenous students and indigenous students are expressed in the following: 1.Attitude to life, to oneself and other people: the attitude to life of indigenous students has a meaningful and conscious character. In relation to the shortcomings in themselves and other people, they are strict. The process of life for ethnic migrant students is characterized as uninteresting and unfilled with meaning. They doubt the possibility of independent control of the events of their own lives. For ethnic migrant students, altruism is significant, which is expressed in the significance of the values of "Help and mercy to other people", "Happiness of others". 2. Indigenous students are focused on a happy family life as one of the significant values. Ethnic migrant students are more focused on culture and compliance with the rules and norms of behavior adopted in the society, which is reflected in the value of "Education". But at the same time, the value of self-affirmation is significant for them. Keywords: values, value orientations, meaningful life orientations, meaning of life, personality orientation, motivation, ethnicity, migration, locus of control, self-realizationThis article is automatically translated.
Migration processes have led to the fact that at present the contingent of ethnic migrant students in educational institutions is steadily increasing. The school acts as the main agent of adaptation and socialization of ethnic migrant students in the educational space. Therefore, the administration, teachers, psychologists of the educational institution face the tasks of providing psychological and pedagogical assistance in the process of adaptation and socialization of ethnic migrant children, creating conditions for the formation of constructive interaction between participants in the educational process [5]. Scientific publications allow us to identify the main problems in the study of psychological and pedagogical support of ethnic migrant students. The object of attention of scientists are: the results of teaching ethnic migrant students of different ages; features of the formation of higher mental functions in a certain cultural environment; ethnic identity; assessment of prospects for success; risks of maladaptation; behavior deviation. The most studied is the problem of overcoming the language barrier [3,5].However, in the shadow of scientific research remains the problem of studying the features of the motivational and value sphere of ethnic migrants, students of secondary schools. It is known that in the process of socialization of ethnic migrants into a new space, there is a transformation in the structure of personality. The motivational and value sphere of personality is being transformed, which is associated with the formation of new motives, values and value orientations (pride, patriotism, love for the country and for people) [6]. Therefore, the study of the features of the value orientations of ethnic migrant students is relevant at the present time. Also, understanding the psychological characteristics of the personality of ethnic migrant students is of great importance in preventing interethnic and interfaith conflicts at school.The purpose of the study: to conduct a comparative analysis of the value orientations of students – ethnic migrants and students – representatives of the indigenous population. Subject of research:features of the value orientations of students – ethnic migrants and students – representatives of the indigenous population. Research objectives: 1. Theoretically study the psychological content of the concepts of "values", "value orientations" of the individual. 2. To identify the presence/absence of differences in the value orientations of ethnic migrant students and indigenous students. The study was conducted on the basis of secondary school No. 6, Chita, Trans-Baikal Territory. The study involved 80 students aged 12 to 14 years. Theoretical analysis of the concepts of "values", "value orientations" indicates that, despite the different points of view in understanding the nature of values, value orientations, scientists agree that the system of value orientations of the individual determines its orientation, determines the position of the individual in relation to society, himself and others people. Value orientations are a personal neoplasm, express a person's conscious attitude to social reality and determine the broad motivation of his behavior. Value orientations perform the regulatory function of a person's behavior in society, including his position, attitudes, motives, interests, orientation, as well as the "meaning of life". It is necessary to state that in psychological science there are a large number of different definitions of the concept of "value orientations". The complexity of determining the psychological content of this concept is primarily due to the polysemy of this term.The respondents taking part in the study were divided into two groups according to ethnicity. The first group included students – representatives of the indigenous population - children born and living in the territory of the Trans-Baikal Territory. The second group included students – ethnic migrants, children who moved to the territory of the Trans-Baikal Territory from Central Asian countries As a result of an empirical study, it was revealed that the life–meaning orientations of indigenous students have a semantic fullness in relation to a positive, conscious attitude to life. They have the idea that they are able to control their lives and are free to make decisions. However, in real life, they are not strong and free, because they believe that they do not fully have the freedom of choice to build their lives in accordance with their goals and ideas about the meaning of life. The life–meaning orientations of ethnic migrant students are characterized by the absence of life goals in the future life. Therefore, they do not comprehend real life enough, they have a lack of orientation and a time perspective. It can be assumed that they simply live today or yesterday, do not get satisfaction from their life in the present. This is evidenced by the low values on the "Locus of control – I" scale. Thus, it can be concluded that indigenous students show a positive attitude both to their present and future lives. They believe that they have the right to choose and control the events of their lives. Most of the ethnic migrant students perceive the process of life as uninteresting and unfilled with meaning. They doubt that they have the ability to independently control the events of their own lives. After analyzing the data we obtained, we found statistically significant differences (according to the Mann-Whitney U-criterion) in the degree of discrepancy between the meaning–of–life orientations of indigenous students and ethnic migrant students on the following scales: "Locus of control – I" (p?0.01), "Locus of control – Life" (p?0.01), "The general indicator of the meaningfulness of life" (p?0.01). The degree of discrepancy in these indicators among ethnic migrant students is lower than among indigenous students. Thus, indigenous students feel the value of their own personality and the perceived value of their own "I" to a greater extent than ethnic migrant students. It is necessary to indicate the presence of some similarities and differences in the structure of students' value orientations. The priority values of the students of the two groups are pleasant pastime and rest, and the insignificant values include health, social activity to achieve positive changes in society and high social status. The value of a high financial position is distinguished by its position among the values in groups. Thus, for ethnic migrant students, this value is more significant than for indigenous students. This can be explained by the fact that the migration process is a stressful event for the individual, therefore financial well-being is a factor in ensuring psychological comfort and security. Students are oriented in favor of concrete values rather than abstract ones. Such real values as health and an active active life occupy a significant position in the hierarchy of values of all participants in the study. The value of an active active life, which is included in the group of values of professional self–realization, is higher among indigenous students than among ethnic migrant students. In the group of ethnic migrant students, among the values related to the sphere of professional self–realization, there is the value of interesting work. And among the values related to the sphere of personal life, the importance of having good and loyal friends in life, as well as a happy family life. Statistically significant differences were found on the scale: "Help and mercy to other people" " (p?0.01). The degree of discrepancy in this indicator among ethnic migrant students is higher than among indigenous students. The group hierarchy of instrumental values of indigenous students is characterized by a greater orientation towards conformist values. The group hierarchy of instrumental values of ethnic migrant students is characterized by orientation to the values of communication, the values of business, which include education. Also in the group of ethnic migrant students, there is an orientation towards the choice of self-affirmation values.Statistically significant differences were found on the scales: "Happy family life", "Happiness of others", "Good manners", "Intransigence to shortcomings in oneself and others", "Self-affirmation" (p?0.01). The degree of discrepancy in the indicators of "Education", "Happiness of others", "Self–affirmation" among ethnic migrant students is higher than among indigenous students. The degree of discrepancy in the indicators of "Intransigence to shortcomings in oneself and others", "Happy family life" among indigenous students is higher than among ethnic migrant students.Conclusions: the differences in the value orientations of indigenous students and indigenous students are expressed in the following: 1. Attitude to life, to oneself and other people: the attitude to life of indigenous students has a meaningful and conscious character. In relation to the shortcomings in themselves and other people, they are strict. The process of life for ethnic migrant students is characterized as uninteresting and unfilled with meaning. They doubt the possibility of independent control of the events of their own lives. For ethnic migrant students, altruism is significant, which is expressed in the significance of the values of "Help and mercy to other people", "Happiness of others". 2. Indigenous students are focused on a happy family life as one of the significant values. Ethnic migrant students are more focused on culture and compliance with the rules and norms of behavior adopted in the adopted society, which is reflected in the value of "Education". But at the same time, the value of self-affirmation is significant for them. The obtained results of empirical research form the basis for the development of programs for the development of students' value orientations and programs for psychoprophylaxis of interethnic conflicts among students. References
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