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Pedagogy and education
Buyarov, D.V., Ivanov, P.A. (2022). The Study of the Formation of Universal Educational Actions among Students in the Preparation of the Final Individual Project. Pedagogy and education, 4, 60–71.
The Study of the Formation of Universal Educational Actions among Students in the Preparation of the Final Individual Project
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.4.39293EDN: OSWOWLReceived: 01-12-2022Published: 30-12-2022Abstract: The subject of the study is the methodology for the formation of universal educational activities that are trained in the process of implementing the final individual project. The object of the research is universal learning activities. In the course of the study, a model for the formation of universal educational activities was developed, as well as a form for studying the level of their formation. In the course of the study, the theoretical foundations of the process of forming skills and abilities were studied, the results of scientific works aimed at studying the use of final individual project as a form of attestation of students, as well as the provisions of the main legal acts that consolidate these theses, were used. The Federal State Standards consecrate the requirements for the results of the development of the main educational program, including the implementation of the final individual project. Concretizing the used theoretical provisions on universal educational activities, a pedagogical model of their formation in the process of creating final individual project was developed. This model is a practical understanding and consistent implementation of the theoretical vision of the process of their formation. The pedagogical model of the formation of universal educational activities can be used both in the phased implementation of the final individual project, and in the analysis of final works, at the stage of demonstrating and summing up the results of activities. Based on the methods used for organizing experimental work, a phased plan was implemented aimed at the formation of universal educational activities through the implementation of final individual project. A comparative analysis at the final stage of the experimental work revealed a positive dynamic in the formation of universal educational activities, which was confirmed by the results in the experimental group of students. Keywords: universal learning activities, final individual project, pedagogical model, method, educational research, project activities, students, monitoring, experiment, metasubject resultsThis article is automatically translated. IntroductionThe result of mastering the requirements for the implementation of the standard is the implementation and subsequent approbation by students of the final individual project (hereinafter – IIP). In its structure and content, the IIP is presented as an individual project of the student aimed at demonstrating the product of research activities in order to familiarize with the results of mastering the content of specific areas of knowledge and activities. It should be considered as one of the main methods of cognition corresponding to the tasks of learning in the process of organizing activities. Initially, this method was used in the Western methodology. At the secondary school level, the goal of this method is to provide jobs and experiences that give students professional skills that can help after graduating from high school [Cassel Sean, 2022]. In foreign teaching practice, this method is defined as "project-based learning" (project-based learning). Students acquire knowledge and skills by working for a long period of time, researching and answering authentic, interesting and challenging questions, problems or tasks. It should be emphasized here that in project-based learning, "... a project is a means of teaching important knowledge and skills that students must master. The project contains and frames the curriculum and instructions" [What is PBL, 2022]. A research project is activity–based learning, the idea of which is that students create their own meaning of the subject through practical activities, often with manipulative actions and opportunities for experimentation [Heick Terry, 2018]. These definitions emphasize the practical component of this method. The IIR is an independent work carried out by the student for a long period, possibly throughout the entire academic year. In the course of such work, the student (the author of the project) independently or with a little help from a teacher gets the opportunity to learn how to plan and work according to plan – this is one of the most important not only educational, but also social skills that a student should master [Approximate basic educational program, 2011, p. 151]. Under the basis of the implementation of the educational program, it is necessary to highlight the purpose and objectives of the IIP. The purpose of the final project for students is to demonstrate their achievements in the independent development of the chosen field (subject). For an educational organization represented by a teacher, the main goal is to create the necessary conditions for the formation of a UUD. Purpose of the articleThe development of the FGOS LLC program provides for the implementation of IIP as part of the study of one or more academic disciplines in the organization of the educational process and extracurricular activities, and is also the subject of evaluation of students not only subject, but also metasubject results of the development of the educational program: "... are the basis for an objective assessment of compliance with the established requirements of educational activities and training of students who have mastered educational programs of the appropriate level and appropriate orientation" [Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", 2012]. IIP is a training project carried out in order to demonstrate their achievements in the independent development of the content and methods of selected fields of knowledge and/or activities and the ability to design and implement appropriate and effective activities [Levakhina, 2018, p. 22]. Educational research and educational project as a form of individual project implementation serve as an important basis for the development of all groups of school students, therefore, they allow us to distinguish each of the three levels in the resulting educational result: personal, subject and meta-subject [Bazhenova, 2016, p. 113]. On the basis of normative legal acts, this thesis is confirmed by N.M. Sonina. The author points out that the purpose of organizing work on IIP is to form students' skills in educational, research and project activities capable of innovative, analytical, creative and intellectual activities [Sonina, 2017, p. 63]. During the work on the project, the student collects, systematizes and summarizes information, independently explores and demonstrates his vision of the problem being studied. Also, the project has a practical focus, so the demonstration includes modeling the solution to the problem. It is worth noting here that the project begins with the definition of a problem to be solved, or a question to be answered. Teachers define the topic and ask open-ended questions to engage students in problem formulation. This creates a sense of responsibility for the project, which can motivate the student to complete the work on the project [Solis Janica, 2022]. Modeling is intended both to solve the problem of research in the context of studying, based on the chosen topic, and for use in a particular human activity. The student's project activity is considered from several sides: the product as a materialized result, the process as work on the implementation of the project, the protection of the project as an illustration of the educational achievement of the student, focused on the formation and development of metasubject and personal results of students [Approximate basic educational program, 2011, p. 121]. It is worth adding that the assessment of metasubject results is an assessment of the achievement of the planned results of mastering the basic educational program, which are presented in the sections of the program for the formation of UUD, the planned results shown in the sections of interdisciplinary curricula [Podlinova, 2017, p. 300]. Further, the research project is aimed at identifying problems, observing, conducting experiments and experiments with the formulation of concrete conclusions based on a proven hypothesis. As well as educational and cognitive activity, the implementation of the research project involves "mandatory possession by students of general academic skills as universal for many school subjects ways of acquiring, organizing and applying knowledge in standard and non-standard situations" [Vorovshchikov, 2014, p. 55]. Planning an individual study is the creation of a fundamental basis for all activities. At the initial stage of the study, the student should see the problem that needs to be analyzed and presented as the final product of the activity. This component is the most difficult when planning activities. It is often more difficult to see a problem than to solve it [Asmolov, 2010, p. 65]. DMS should be provided by searching for information within the framework of a specific study, experimental verification of a proposed hypothesis or several hypotheses [Zhila, 2017, p. 54]. Planning of research work should begin with the selection of the necessary tools. Planning, preparation for the study, in addition to preliminary analysis of the available information, finding solutions to the problem, building a strategy, include: the allocation of material to be used in the study; evaluation parameters, analysis; issues proposed for discussion [Asmolov, 2010, p. 66]. Methodology and methods of researchIn the conditions of the modern educational system, it is necessary to focus attention on the need to build an up-to-date model of the formation of UUD. The organization of experimental work to identify the level of formation of UMS when writing an IIP, the construction of a model is fundamental at the initial stage of the organization of the study. In the scientific understanding, the model is presented in the form of an artificially created object, which is a diagram, drawing, etc., which reflects and reproduces the structure, properties and relationships between the elements of the object under study in a simpler, reduced form [Delimova, 2013, p. 34]. Pedagogical modeling allows you to design the studied pedagogical object in order to explain, analyze, clarify it, and can also be used as a tool that will allow you to predict possible results of activity based on analysis, which is due to the absence of a static position of the object, with its change and dynamics. The pedagogical model acts as a means of solving theoretical and practical problems and has its universal part – the creation of its own problem field, which is filled by using experience with existing reinforcement of its theory (maybe a model). The main purpose of this model is to study the formation of UUD in students when performing IIP. Also, the model can be used as criteria. Table 1
In this case, 3 levels with the stages included in them:1. Target level: setting goals and objectives of the study. The research tasks are based on the realization of the set goal and are divided into planned actions performed by students. 2. Procedural level: specification of the use of the type of activity for the implementation of IIP. Based on the preparation and implementation of creative research work, which can take place both in scheduled and extracurricular activities, the second type was chosen as the most concretizing and includes the most favorable conditions for writing IIP. This level is divided into stages with the techniques used in them: 2.1. Semanticizing – identification of the semantic component of the activity through the construction of research guidelines (which include goals and objectives under study); 2.2. Cognitive – reflexive understanding of the tools of activity used (use of sources, auxiliary materials, tables, diagrams, diagrams, maps, etc.); 2.3. Spreading – editing the materials used, creating your own "new" knowledge and comparing it to research guidelines. This stage also includes a demonstration of the results of the activity. Based on the stages of practice-oriented activity, from the comparison of the set goals and objectives, the student develops the following skills: assimilation of the content of the material under study, processing of the material under study and the construction of "new" knowledge. The importance of this level is due to the fact that in a real study, students follow a path that begins with their own questions, and from it the student goes to search for resources and discover answers, which ultimately leads to the emergence of new questions, checking ideas and getting their own conclusions. With this research comes innovation – a "new" answer to the main question, a "new" product or an individually developed solution to the problem [Larmer John, 2010]. This makes it possible to compare them with the desired results formed by the students' UUD: 1) the ability to perform individual operations, the ratio of and the set research benchmark; 2) the ability to independently plan and control educational activities, participate in the construction of new research tasks and independently fulfill the conditions for their implementation; 3) the ability to freely master the methods of action, independently organize and control the research process. 3. Assessment level: the expected comparison of the skills used with the desired results is used as an assessment of the formation of the UUD in students according to the specified criteria. Thus, the main task of determining the conditions for the formation of UUD was to study and analyze the organization of the educational process, which provides for the direct subjectivity of training in planning and conducting most of the subsequent operations during the implementation of the stages of activity and the development of IIP, studying the ways of procedural interaction of the individual, and determining the situation of successes and possible failures. The developed experimental pedagogical model of the formation of UUD when performing IIP was tested on the basis of an educational organization in the 2021-2022 academic year, and it included the following activities: analysis (through study), organization of related actions aimed at the formation of UUD in secondary school students. The implementation of the experiment activities included work on projects among students. The number of students who took part in the experimental work was due to the desire for uniformity of the qualitative composition of the group, and amounted to 10 people. In addition, teachers-mentors of the selected participants, as well as their classroom teachers – 2 and 5 people, respectively, took part in the work. A total of 17 people took part in the experiment. The formation of the UUD occurred as a result of a purposeful and gradual organization of mental actions. Consider these steps: At the first stage, the whole system of guidelines is introduced and transferred to the student in an incomplete volume. Landmarks, in turn, should be taken into account for the correct execution of further operations (when clarifying the material necessary for the content of information). At the second stage, the student receives a ready-made algorithm of actions in the form of a sample (instruction). The student develops the skills of processing and differentiating information. At the third stage, the student himself offers a generalized guideline. Analyzing, they independently imagine an invariant solution method. In this case, an independent analysis of the problem, its conditions, the principle of the solution, the necessary actions for the independent acquisition of new knowledge, the derivation of evidence, results, and consequences is formed. As a result, the result of using a phased organization of mental activity in the process of research is the creation of diagnostic tools – criteria, indicators and levels of development of UUD, which confirm the requirements of the basic educational standards for their mandatory development [Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education, 2022]. Research resultsThe availability of the tools discussed above makes it possible to fully assess the effectiveness of the model used and assumes the possibility of measuring and expressing them in quantitative terms, which implies the severity of the criterion itself in the dynamics and effectiveness of the studied object. In order to conduct the most accurate analysis of the level of formation of UUD in students when performing IIP, it is necessary to monitor the gradual progress of the participant in experimental activities during the preparation and implementation of project activities. In this regard, monitoring of design and research activities will be used as the main way of conducting the analysis. Monitoring of the implementation of step-by-step activities is aimed at diagnostics, so it is worth noting that this process performs the function of tracking, but not step-by-step monitoring of the student's activities. Monitoring of the management system allows you to identify the degree of achievement of the tasks set by the students and determine the level of evaluation of the achievement of the planned results of activities. Therefore, in order to monitor the level of formation of UMS, it is necessary to identify clear criteria for their assessment, combined into a common form for studying the level of their formation. Table 2
Each evaluation criterion implies an assessment of 1 point on 3 levels:1. Low indicator (H): the work according to the criterion has not been demonstrated, the work as a whole indicates a low ability of the student to acquire new knowledge, master methods of action, achieve an understanding of the subject. 2. Average indicator (C): in general, the ability of the criterion based on the supervisor was demonstrated, a deeper understanding of the subject with the ability to acquire new knowledge was demonstrated. 3. High indicator (B): demonstrated the ability of independent research work, the ability to independently pose a problem and find solutions, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge, use methods of action, demonstrated understanding of the subject. These criteria and their formation are presented as evaluation tools, therefore, when forming, it is necessary to take into account such requirements as accuracy, functionality, validity, adequacy of evaluation. The criterion, as an assessment tool, does not represent an assessment as such. In this regard, the presence of different approaches is due to their interpretation as an indicator of assimilation and as a method of evaluation at the same time. Criteria are a way of verifying the compliance of the result with the set goal based on the quality and level of their formation – not only by a set of indicators. The presented results of the approbation of this model were provided in the form of completed research forms. Based on the results of the analysis, conclusions can be drawn: 1. Among the students, when performing all stages of IIP, the average level of formation of personal UDS prevails (5 students – 50%), 4 students demonstrated a high level (40%), and 1 student demonstrated a low level of formation (10%). 2. The method of identifying regulatory UMS showed that 3 students have a high level of their mastery (30%), 4 have an average level (40%), and 3 students demonstrated a low level of their mastery (30%). 3. A high level of mastery of cognitive skills was demonstrated in 2 students (20%), average in 6 students (60%), low in 2 students (20%). 4. Communicative skills were demonstrated in students as follows: high result – 3 students (30%), average level – 4 (40%), low level – 3 students (30%). Based on the results, the overall level of the formation of UUD among the subjects is assessed in aggregate and is presented as follows: a high level of mastering a set of UUD – 12 points, an average mastering of UUD – 19 points, a low – 9 points. Thus, the level is represented as average.
ConclusionAccording to the implemented pedagogical model, the analysis of the formation of UUD occurs at the evaluation level. In practice, the analysis is carried out at the stage of protection of the finished research product, followed by a demonstration of the formation of both cognitive and personal, communicative and regulatory UMS in a comprehensive manner. To assess the level of formation, a ready-made evaluation protocol developed by an educational organization is used. The levels of the formation of the DMS are evaluated in points and converted into an assessment. It is worth noting that the analysis of the level of the formation of the DMS should take place in parallel with the phased implementation of the project work, and not at its final stage. Therefore, this method of analysis cannot be considered informative in this case, however, the opportunity presented in it to analyze the level of UMS allows you to develop your own form for studying the level of their formation during the direct implementation of the IIP. References
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