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International Law and International Organizations
Shugurov, M.V. (2022). Political and Legal Mechanisms of Interaction between the EAEU and its Member States and UNIDO in the Scientific, Echnical, Industrial and technological Spheres. International Law and International Organizations, 4, 34–81.
Political and Legal Mechanisms of Interaction between the EAEU and its Member States and UNIDO in the Scientific, Echnical, Industrial and technological Spheres
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0633.2022.4.39227EDN: LTQWPHReceived: 22-11-2022Published: 30-12-2022Abstract: The subject of the study is the international legal cooperation of the EAEU and its member states, on the one hand, and UNIDO, on the other, in the scientific, technical, industrial and technological spheres in the context of the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The purpose of the article is to determine the content of the political and legal mechanisms of cooperation between the EAEU and its member states with UNIDO, represented by political, organizational, legal and regulatory legal instruments. The relevance of the article is determined by the fact that, taking into account the development of industry against the background of modern challenges, there is an objective need for cooperation with international organizations operating in the industrial sphere and having knowledge and experience in promoting industrial development and updating the technological base. As a result of the conducted research, the relevance of cooperation between the EAEU and its member states with UNIDO in the scientific, technical, industrial and technological spheres is substantiated in the light of the strategic guidelines of the EAEU and its states in the field of reindustrialization. The author revealed the content of the political and legal mechanism of interaction of the EAEU member states with UNIDO and at the same time determined the specifics of the content of the political and legal mechanism of interaction between the EAEU and UNIDO. The novelty of the research lies both in the systematization of data on the international legal cooperation of the EAEU and UNIDO in the scientific, technical, industrial and technological spheres, and in the development of proposals for improving its political and legal mechanism, which is not only theoretical, but also practical. Keywords: EAEU, UNIDO, reindustrialization, program regulation, technical assistance, digital technologies, sustainable development, Eurasian Economic Commission, green technologies, innovative developmentThis article is automatically translated. The research was carried out with the financial support of the RFBR in the framework of scientific project No. 20-011-00780 ("Model of legal regulation of scientific, technological and innovative integration within the EAEU and the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution").
IntroductionOne of the goals of the EAEU is the modernization of the economy on a new technological basis in the context of the trends of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
The program and strategic documents of the Union emphasize the technological breakthrough in the context of ensuring sustainable industrial development by realizing the potential of a coordinated industrial policy aimed at accelerating industrial development, increasing competitiveness and innovation activity in the member States, as well as increasing the share of high-tech products. Such guidelines are fixed in the latest strategic planning documents, in particular in the Main Directions of industrial cooperation within the EAEU until 2025 [1]. Integration processes within the EAEU in the field of science, technology and innovation are aimed at achieving these goals. In the Strategic Directions of the development of Eurasian integration until 2025, cooperation in the scientific and technological sphere was singled out as an independent sphere of integration (Direction No. 8 "Combining efforts to stimulate joint research") [2]. Scientific and technical and related industrial and technological cooperation of the member States is complemented by the contour of coordination of their foreign policy in this area, as well as the implementation of the foreign scientific and technical policy of the Union as a subject of international law. In the conditions of modern geopolitical turbulence and sanctions hyperdynamics, which negatively directly or indirectly affected the member States of the Union, the achievement of a technological breakthrough and the formation of the so–called "Own center of power" implies not only the need to search for innovative legal mechanisms and tools to improve the efficiency of integration processes in this area, but the development of legal and political mechanisms for interaction with third parties. The member States of the Union have a certain reserve for a new round of industrial development, which needs to be strengthened and developed. Of course, as noted in the literature, "the EAEU countries have different potential and are at different stages of development and reindustrialization from the point of view of the existing ecological, socio-economic systems. In addition, to achieve the goals of reindustrialization, the EAEU countries use various approaches – from the restoration of pre-existing industries to the deep modernization of existing ones, along with the creation of fundamentally new industries, which requires attracting a significant amount of investment" [3, pp. 143-144]. In these conditions, the implementation of a common industrial policy, which is also conceptualized in the scientific literature [4], assumes, in our opinion, not only the coordination of industrial development priorities that would correspond to the trends of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, but also the achievement of a high level of integration in the field of technology development and their implementation. Therefore, the competitiveness of the Union is promoted not only by economic integration, as it is correctly noted in the literature [5], but also by joint projects in the field of R&D, the results of which should be effectively commercialized in the production sector. Taking into account the development of industry against the background of modern challenges, there is an objective need for cooperation with international organizations operating in the industrial sphere and possessing knowledge, experience and competencies in promoting industrial development and updating the technological base. This cooperation allows us to increase the potential necessary for integration into global value chains. Cooperation with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (hereinafter – UNIDO) is of the greatest value for the EAEU member States in terms of responding to the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and modernizing the technological base of production processes as a condition for achieving the Union's goals. The latter has the necessary expert resource, work experience in this area and is an effective platform for the exchange of experience in the field of industrial development and the development of the technological base. In addition, cooperation with this international intergovernmental organization in the context of the digital transformation of the economy is of no small importance. Another area of cooperation between the EAEU and UNIDO is the transition to sustainable development and the achievement of its goals, which are formulated in the Agenda for Sustainable Development for the period up to 2030 (Agenda 2030) [6]. This is due to the fact that the EAEU is developing a regional strategy for sustainable development as a thematic area of integration. This can be judged not only by the activity of the Eurasian Economic Commission (hereinafter referred to as the EEC) in this area, but also on the basis of an analysis of the provisions of Section 8 of the Strategic Directions for the Development of Eurasian Integration until 2025. In turn, UNIDO positions itself as a contributor to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (hereinafter referred to as SDGs) [7], in particular SDG No. 9 ("Building a solid infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and innovation"). In principle, modern technological development within the framework of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and modern digital transformations is considered as an integral part of the transition to sustainable development, which means that they need to be balanced with the solution of social and environmental problems.
The purpose of the article is to determine the content of the political and legal mechanisms of cooperation between the EAEU and its member states with UNIDO in the scientific, technical, industrial and technological spheres represented by political, organizational, legal and regulatory legal instruments. Based on the establishment of a functioning model of this mechanism, the author will propose ways to improve it, which is not only theoretical, but also practical. To achieve this goal , it involves solving the following tasks: - to substantiate the relevance of cooperation between the EAEU and its member states with UNIDO in the scientific, technical, industrial and technological spheres; - to reveal the content of the political and legal mechanism of interaction of the EAEU member states with UNIDO; - to characterize the content of the political and legal mechanism of interaction between the EAEU and UNIDO; - to develop proposals for improving the political and legal mechanism of interaction between the EAEU and UNIDO in the scientific, technical, industrial and technological spheres.
The research methodology included both general scientific and often scientific methods. Analysis and synthesis, abstraction and generalization were used as general scientific methods. They were involved in the process of working with empirical material in relation to the consideration of the areas of work of UNIDO, as well as the organization's cooperation with the EAEU countries on a program-project basis. The systematic approach has become the basis for recreating the general panorama of the state of affairs in the cooperation of the EAEU countries with UNIDO in the scientific, technical, industrial and technological spheres. In addition to this, a historical method was used, which allowed us to reveal the dynamics of the cooperation under consideration over the past decades. Among the private scientific methods used, characteristic of legal research, it is necessary to highlight the historical and legal method, which made it possible to trace the development of the legal and programmatic framework of cooperation between the EAEU and UNID countries in this area. The method of legal modeling helped to recreate the model of political and legal mechanisms of interaction, on the one hand – the EAEU member States and UNIDO, and on the other – the EAEU and UNIDO. In turn, the comparative legal method became the basis for their comparison. And, finally, the method of right forecasting served as the basis for highlighting the main directions for improving the political and legal mechanism of interaction between the EAEU and UNIDO. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time in the scientific literature, the mechanism of cooperation between the EAEU and UNIDO in these related areas has been systematically investigated. It is proved that it has a subsidiary character in relation to the mechanism tested at the level of bilateral interaction between the organization and the EAEU member states, and therefore differs in specifics. It is proved that, despite the fact that this mechanism is functioning, it needs to be supplemented with new elements.
1. Directions of UNIDO's assistance to inclusive industrialization: political and legal aspect It is advisable to start considering the state and prospects of cooperation between the EAEU and UNIDO by analyzing the main activities of this specialized UN agency, which assists the industrial development of its member states, as well as their transition to modern environmental standards and technologies.
The relevance of the systematic analysis of the work of UNIDO should be justified by the fact that only a systematic understanding of these areas can contribute to the best use of the EAEU and its member States of the support mechanisms that are practiced in the work of UNIDO, and also leads to an increase in the efficiency of using its potential in the field of accumulated knowledge about the best practices of industrial development. UNIDO was established in 1967 in accordance with the decision of the UN General Assembly contained in resolution 2152 (XXI) of 17.11.1966 [8]. As noted in the literature, the purpose of its creation was to provide "support and coordination of the efforts of the international community in the field of industrial development, including for "conducting research in favor of developing countries" [9, p. 133]. Since its establishment, the organization has continued to improve mechanisms to promote industrial growth while promoting technological progress, as well as international cooperation in the field of industrial investment. In 1985 it became a specialized agency of the United Nations. One of the main tasks of UNIDO is to promote inclusive and sustainable industrial development in developing countries and countries with economies in transition, as well as their integration into inclusive globalization and the achievement of environmental sustainability. The organization performs the following functions: 1) promoting technical cooperation; 2) conducting analytical expertise and scientific research, policy advice; 3) developing recommendations in the field of technology and investment, as well as new forms of organizing the production process; 4) attracting large investments, transferring knowledge and technology; establishing ties and industrial cooperation. At the heart of its activities is the paradigm of inclusive and sustainable industrial development (inclusive&sustainable industrial development/ISID), which means aiming at achieving universal prosperity, developing economic competitiveness, and protecting the environment. As a result, the subject of the organization's interest is the combination of industrialization and social inclusion, industrialization and environmental sustainability. The mandate of UNIDO includes the promotion of universal and sustainable industrial development (hereinafter – IUPD) of various categories of States: developing, least developed, States with economies in transition, as well as all interested States. Currently, the states of the modern world are at different stages of industrial development and technological development, which correlates with the existence of the so-called technological gap. In some cases, deindustrialization processes are noticeable. Therefore, as E.A. Ostrovskaya notes, "the management of UNIDO sees the responsible mission of the Organization in helping developing countries and countries with economies in transition in their desire to adapt and find their niche in the conditions of the globalization process" [10]. Since industrial development, carried out under the conditions of the international division of labor, involves the widest international cooperation, including the promotion of industrialization and structural reforms in developing countries, UNIDO performs a central function in the UN system to coordinate international industrial cooperation in order to achieve the IUPR. In terms of its content, the VUPR appears to be a path to prosperity and the achievement of universal well-being, to new opportunities for increasing added value and large-scale increase in labor productivity and income, the creation of a significant number of "green" industrial enterprises. All this should be accompanied by structural transformations of the economy, which is reflected in the development of infrastructure, the introduction of innovations, and the efficient use of resources. As a result of industrialization as a locomotive of development, there are more resources for solving a wide variety of sustainable development tasks. The relevance of the concept under consideration, which is the basis for ensuring steady economic growth and transition to sustainable development in the unity of its three dimensions, was confirmed in the Lima Declaration of UNIDO, which was adopted at the General Conference of this organization in 2013 [11].According to the document, UNIDO aims to use the potential of industry's contribution for long-term and sustainable development. The Declaration proceeds from the fact that the universal and steady growth of the economy and industry in conjunction with the solution of environmental and social problems within the framework of sustainable development is a key tool for poverty eradication. Due to the voluminous content of the IUPR, the organization's activities reflect this paradigm aimed at promoting the creation of favorable conditions for industrial cooperation and development, their stimulation and acceleration, and are very multidimensional. This can be seen by the example of a set of services provided aimed at solving interrelated problems:formation and implementation of industrial development management strategies; promotion of job creation; development of the private sector, including the development of small and medium-sized enterprises; raising incomes to overcome poverty; integration of developing countries into international trade; improving the competitiveness of regional industry; output of industrial goods and services to world markets; promotion of investment cooperation; development of rural energy for production purposes. Despite the fact that the function of technical assistance is the main one, it is impossible not to mention the actual expert activity of the organization. Expertise extends to areas such as poverty eradication, agriculture, education, health, employment, gender, economic growth and energy. The role of UNIDO is also great in promoting the development of industrial statistics in developing countries. In addition, its series of industrial development reports represents the organization's contribution to creating an overall picture of the processes of industrial development in the modern world. It is quite clear that VUPR can be carried out only on an adequate technological basis, which was mentioned, as we have already seen above, in the Lima Declaration of 2013. The fact is that universal industrialization is an extremely voluminous process that has different aspects: the formation of a competitive environment, the creation of infrastructure, the creation of jobs, and, of course, here it is necessary to mention the technological factor, which is one of the foundations for the formation of an environmentally sustainable cycle of production and consumption. Technological and industrial development are interactively related. On the one hand, industrial production, processing industry and productive activities are an environment that requires the development of technological knowledge and innovation. On the other hand, technologies and innovations influence the acceleration of industrialization, thereby creating prerequisites for solving socio–economic problems (sustainable livelihood, achieving food security, eradicating extreme poverty in low- and middle-income countries). From the point of view of the subject of our article, we will highlight such a thematic area of UNIDO's activities as promoting the development, transfer and introduction of technologies in the process of implementing programs and projects to attract investment and develop the business environment. The basis of this direction is clause h) of Article 2 "Functions" of the UNIDO Charter, which provides for the exchange of experience and technical achievements of industrialized and developing countries with different socio-economic systems [12]. The organization's activities in the field of technology and knowledge dissemination are an integral part of the support of the IUPR in the context of the transition to sustainable development through participation in global, regional and national programs and initiatives. I would like to note that in the process of fulfilling its main task – to promote the industrial development of countries and cooperation at the global, regional and national levels, as well as in specific areas of the economy – UNIDO simultaneously distributes information about industrial development, as well as about new industrial technologies [13]. The dissemination of information about technologies complements the organization's mediation mission to disseminate a wide variety of knowledge, including knowledge about VUPR. It is also necessary to point out a sufficiently developed organizational framework for promoting technology development within the organization. This should include the Department for Trade Capacity Building, Investment Promotion and Technology Transfer. The UNIDO Industrial and Technological Information Bank, established in 1981 and aimed at transferring advanced industrial technology to developing countries, is of great importance. The Bank creates the necessary conditions for developing countries to get acquainted with the latest achievements of science and technology. In addition, the activities of the Industrial Knowledge Bank are aimed at supporting industrial projects in Latin America [14]. Another element of the assistance infrastructure is the UNIDO Technology Program, aimed at creating national institutions in developing countries to research the global technology market and strengthen their own scientific and technical potential. At the same time, we must proceed from the fact that the promotion of technology transfer, determined by the fact that the provision of technological solutions is an integral part of the assistance of the IUPR, is called upon by the need to ensure environmentally sound industrialization. Taking into account new challenges, the mandate of UNIDO has undergone a noticeable modernization in the last decade: traditional and established areas of activity have been supplemented with new ones. This should include promoting the creation of scientific, technological, industrial and agro-industrial parks, stimulating the development of export consortia, improving the environmental friendliness of enterprises, sustainable energy. UNIDO is one of the leading providers of services in the field of improving energy efficiency in industry and promoting the use of renewable energy sources (RES). Priority attention to low-carbon industrial production is caused by the fact that, firstly, they reduce the consumption of non-renewable resources, and, secondly, minimize greenhouse gas emissions. An integral part of the organization's initiative in the field of assistance in the formation of a "green" industry [15] was the development of the promotion of the transfer of environmentally sound technologies (transfer of environmentally sound technologies/TEST). A special group of experts has developed an appropriate TEST methodology, which is a guide for the transfer and further implementation of modern technologies that allow harmoniously implementing an industrial modernization strategy based on strengthening the resource and environmental efficiency of the latter [16]. Assistance in the dissemination of such technologies is combined with assistance in the development of innovative infrastructure at the national and local levels. One of the approaches relevant in this case is the cluster approach. Of course, for the introduction, as well as for the transfer of "sustainable", i.e. economically, socially and environmentally sound production technologies, a developed network of institutions and infrastructure is needed, as well as a favorable economic situation in general in the Member States. Therefore, technology transfer is interactively connected with a lot of other issues that are also in the field of the organization's activities. This is determined by the fact that achieving the goal of producing competitive products by developing countries, which is aimed at facilitating technology transfer, is a task that is being solved on the way to developing production infrastructure, re-equipping industry and promoting compliance with international trade standards. The most important trend in the functioning of specialized international organizations of the UN system in recent years has been their involvement in the work to ensure the implementation of the new global development agenda, namely the 2030 Agenda. The implementation of the 2030 Agenda by UNIDO began to be carried out in accordance with its mandate on the basis of a Medium-term Program for 2016-2019, which assumes specific areas of activity to achieve the SDGs [17]. The priority areas of this program include: ensuring collective prosperity; improving economic competitiveness; environmental protection. As the 2030 Agenda was being implemented, the Director General put forward a proposal to clarify the Medium-term Program for the period 2018-2021 [18]. As a result, we can talk about the desire of the organization to coordinate the three dimensions of development in the process of promoting the IUPR, which involves not only the development of industrial infrastructure, but also the growth of employment, and, consequently, the solution of social problems. The contribution to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the achievement of the SDGs is seen in helping to accelerate industrial development, entrepreneurship development, and increasing the number of new "green" industrial enterprises. In turn, the Member States of UNIDO are called upon to fulfill their political obligations to achieve the SDGs, which is expressed in the development and implementation of policies that take into account all three dimensions of development, including developing a new meaningful format of scientific, technological and innovation policy, as well as international cooperation in this area. It is quite clear that most States need support and technical assistance. This is largely determined by the presence of certain barriers to the spread and introduction of technologies and innovations. These barriers are associated with insufficient development of scientific and technological potential, lack of investment, underdevelopment of infrastructure, etc. It is this broad context that was most thoroughly analyzed in the Industrial Development Report 2016, specifically dedicated to the technological factor of industrialization, as well as the problems of its implementation in various states in the process of industrialization[19]. This report was directly and meaningfully related to the focus of UNIDO's attention on the achievement of SDG No. 9 "Creation of sustainable infrastructure, promotion of inclusive and sustainable industrialization and innovation". From the point of view of the subject of our research, task 9.4 is interesting, which involves the modernization of infrastructure and re-equipment of industrial enterprises based on a fundamentally new level of resource conservation (rational use of resources) and wider use of clean and environmentally friendly technologies and industrial technologies and industrial processes.Of course, not all countries have these technologies, and not all countries have production facilities where they could be used. Therefore, the solution of task 9.4. involves taking into account the individual capabilities of countries. Task 9.5 is fully focused on the scientific, technological and innovative aspect of industrial modernization, assuming the intensification of scientific research, building up the technological potential of various industrial sectors in all countries (especially in developing countries), which aims to stimulate innovation by 2030 and involves a significant increase in the number of employees in the field of R&D per 1 million people and most importantly, an increase in public and private R&D spending. But it is wrong to link UNIDO's activities only with SDG No. 9: addressing issues of sustainable industrialization presupposes the achievement of other related targets. As an important means of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, the 2030 Agenda highlights the development and transfer of appropriate technologies, as well as the dissemination of knowledge on a global scale in a wide variety of sectors - agriculture, energy, healthcare, green chemistry, adaptation to climate change, etc. This tool is reflected in SDG No. 17, as well as in other SDG. In this context, UNIDO has become one of the international organizations working towards SDG No. 17. UNIDO has offices for investment promotion and technology transfer in nine cities (Bonn, Lagos, Manama, Moscow, Beijing, Rome, Seoul, Tokyo and Shanghai). National cleaner production centers are located in 68 countries. 19 offices of the Investment and Technology Transfer Promotion Service should also be added here. At the same time, it is necessary to be aware that in SDG No. 9 we are talking about the formation of an industry that is based on convergent technological solutions that preserve the environment. The purpose of the introduction of these technologies is to generate new modern products that change the way of life. Hence, we should talk about the contribution of UNIDO to the achievement of SDG No. 12 "Rational consumption and production models". This is based on the fact that the recognition of the importance of the IUPR is typical not only for SDG No. 9, but also for other SDGs, especially for SDG No. 12 and the targets provided for in them. Therefore, it is not by chance that UNIDO supports projects focused on the transition to a "green" economy [20], becoming at the same time one of the founders of the Global Alliance for Closed-Loop Economics and Resource Efficiency. The achievement of the SDGs in general and SDG No. 9 in particular coincided with the beginning of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is now the content format of the WUPR. This format involves updating the technological base, which means the active use of new materials, the development of mechanical engineering, the use of digital technologies and bio- and neurotechnologies that can radically transform the functioning of the production system. Great hopes are pinned on the Fourth Industrial Revolution due to the fact that its characteristics should be an increase in productivity and competitiveness, an increase in the level of energy and resource efficiency, an improvement in the state of the environment and, finally, the formation of a closed-cycle economy. Currently, developing countries, as well as least developed countries, are forming policies for the development of manufacturing industries. External technical assistance is needed here, as well as the promotion of foreign investment and the development of links between TNCs and local productive structures, including the promotion of technology transfer.In this aspect, the organization focuses on the possibilities of the impact of new technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on developing countries and middle–income countries and the need for its integration into the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Therefore, it is quite natural that these issues were raised by the Wabu-Dhabi Declaration of 2019 [21]. Thus, in paragraph 11, it was recognized that new technologies with both transformative and destructive potential open up great opportunities for promoting inclusive economic growth and reducing inequality. They promote sustainable development, human well-being, solving the problem of climate change, environmental protection, etc. within the closed-cycle economy as one of the means to achieve sustainable development. But at the same time, they pose the danger of increasing the technological gap between countries, reducing jobs and threatening industrial safety. And, most importantly, paragraph 12 calls for collective action, multilateral partnership and strengthening international cooperation to use the full potential of new technologies and reduce the risks associated with them. The global role of UNIDO in promoting the Fourth Industrial Revolution was highlighted in the Strategic Framework of UNIDO for the Fourth Industrial Revolution for 2022-2030 [22].As a justification for this vision, paragraph 10 indicated that the organization has every opportunity to promote the expansion of the use of new technologies and their integration with appropriate tools, which makes it possible to influence industrial sectors, from value chains to supply chains and clusters. In addition, the strategic objectives of UNIDO's activities were to improve the capacity-building activities of companies in the field of the Fourth Industrial Revolution with the help of implementation tools and methodologies, as well as to expand the provision of diagnostics and consulting services related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution and UNIDO on innovations and technologies. In general, the UN specialized agencies are constantly engaged in improving the efficiency of their work in order to respond to various challenges. This trend is also characteristic of UNIDO. They come down to the optimization of country partnership programs and a clearer coordination of its structural units. Thus, paragraph 6 of the Framework of the Medium-term Program for 2018-2021 [23] sets a goal to achieve integration and expand the scope of the organization's activities. In addition, paragraph 8 establishes a new strategic priority, namely the strengthening of knowledge and institutions. This means providing more intensive support to Member States with regard to strengthening their knowledge base and institutional capacity to achieve higher levels of IWRM. And, finally, the Framework of the medium-term program for 2022-2025 [24] in paragraph 2, the approach to the VUPR as a powerful engine of progress in the field of development, going beyond exclusively economic growth, was confirmed. Accordingly, the organization's work should also focus on creating jobs, improving working conditions, expanding the economic rights and opportunities of women and youth, introducing innovations and developing new and more environmentally friendly production technologies. In line with the subject of this article, it is necessary to highlight one point. It concerns the organizational basis of cooperation between UNIDO and its Member States. These include two tools. Firstly, it is the framework of the organization's cooperation with middle–income countries that are member countries of UNIDO (hereinafter referred to as the SDS). As noted in the special report of the Director-General, UNIDO provides assistance to SSDs in building national capacity through its technical cooperation projects in the format of country and regional programmes, facilitating horizontal exchange of knowledge and experience, as well as networking between SSDs [25]. The Strategic Framework for Partnership with middle-income countries, which will serve as a guideline for the development of partnerships and cooperation, has acted as a factor in increasing the effectiveness of such assistance [26]. In addition, the Strategic framework of the partnership focuses on individual development challenges, in which UNIDO plays a significant role. Of particular importance is the promotion of programs aimed at the dissemination and development of new and improved technologies, the introduction of innovations in production processes; the promotion of adaptation to rapid technological changes; the expansion of opportunities for diversification of industry and trade. All these areas are in high demand by the EAEU member states. Secondly, we will point to such a tool as the Country Partnership Program, which has been implemented since 2014 [27]. It is based on the model of providing UNIDO member States with comprehensive assistance in their quest to achieve sustainable industrial development. It provides for the intensification of UNIDO's participation in solving the problems facing hotel countries. The Organization promotes the acceleration of inclusive and sustainable industrial development in the Member States on the basis of existing national development plans and in close cooperation with the Governments of the member countries and all interested circles. Together with Governments, UNIDO develops industrial development programmes. At the same time, the formation of proposals is carried out on the basis of expert analysis of the state of industrial development and identification of problematic issues.
Summing up the results of the study, it should be emphasized that UNIDO is one of the leading institutions in the UN system for capacity development in the field of science, technology and innovation. This is reflected in the performance of an intermediary function in the processes of introduction in the Member States of modern production methods involving the rational use of natural resources. In this regard, assistance is provided in the form of providing equipment, technologies and engineering consulting services, transmitting information about technologies, performing operational research, and long-term research programs on various aspects of industrialization. All these areas of its activity are extremely relevant for the EAEU states that are facing the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which consist in the need for a dynamic renewal of the technological base and forms of organization of production processes in various sectors of the economy. 2. Cooperation of the EAEU member states and UNIDO at the bilateral level: legal and program-project bases
The extreme relevance of the UNIDO mission in the modern international community has determined the high degree of interest of post–Soviet states, for example, Russia [28-31], as well as other EAEU member states [32] in cooperation with this specialized UN agency.
In general, this should be considered as the most important prerequisite for cooperation between the EAEU and UNIDO, which is, in fact, inter-organizational in nature. This is evidenced by a number of joint projects and development programs implemented on a bilateral basis, including those affecting the field of knowledge-intensive and high-tech industries of an innovative nature, as well as projects in the field of development of "green" industry, energy efficiency, agriculture, etc. Assistance in the framework of these projects to the processes of technology transfer, in particular from the sector R& D in the production sector, and from foreign sources. Moreover, cooperation between the EAEU states and UNIDO is based on legal provisions that define the general framework of cooperation in the format of projects and programs.
Belarus is a UNIDO.Belarus has been participating in the activities of UNIDO since 1985. Unfortunately, some monographic studies considering cooperation between Belarus and UN specialized agencies do not pay special attention to the issues of cooperation between Belarus and UNIDO [33]. Nevertheless, some authors still demonstrate in general terms the importance of such cooperation and its main milestones [34, pp. 127-136; 35]. Belarus' active role in UNIDO has largely become possible thanks to its participation in the work of the latter's governing bodies. A significant event was the fact that for the first time the Permanent Representative of Belarus to International Organizations in Vienna was elected Chairman of the 17th session of the General Conference of UNIDO (2017). Kupchina) [36]. In addition, Belarus became a member of the Committee on Budget and Program Issues in 2016-2017. As an example of involvement in the work of UNIDO bodies, we point out that Belarus was consistently elected to the Industrial Development Council (1992-1995, 2000-2003, 2016-2019, 2019-2022). At the initiative of Belarus, the Strategic Framework of UNIDO for Partnership with Middle-income Countries was developed and further approved by the General Conference in 2019 [37]. The document assumes taking into account the interests of this group of States in the field of transition to inclusive and sustainable industrial development on the basis of UNIDO's assistance in the transfer of experience and technology, along with the expansion of investments and the adoption of supportive policy measures. Belarus is actively using all the expertise of UNIDO in order to increase the competitiveness and environmental friendliness of its industry through the introduction of modern technologies and production standards. This goal was also pursued by her chairmanship at the 2017 General Assembly, which provides for the development of in-depth interaction with the leadership of the organization in all areas of cooperation with a special emphasis on the environmental safety of industrial production and energy efficiency. This indicates that the interests of Belarus and UNIDO coincide in the implementation of the concept of "green" industry from the point of view of the need to ensure access to "green" technologies for developing countries, as well as countries with economies in transition. In support of this thesis, we will refer to Belarus' strategic vision of the UNIDO mission. As follows from the speech of the head of the Belarusian delegation at the 19th session of the General Conference (Vienna, November 29-December 3, 2021), the republic highly appreciates the efforts of UNIDO to assist its member States in introducing innovations and resource–efficient solutions in both industry and agriculture, as well as its efforts to strengthen knowledge and institutions. "We expect that UNIDO will become a driver of industrial recovery on a more environmentally friendly and technological basis, which will be able to withstand the hybrid challenges of modernity" [38]. Since the beginning of the XXI century, a whole list of projects has been implemented in Belarus through UNIDO and with the support of UNDP. The result of the project "Improving the infrastructure for supporting innovation activities in the Republic of Belarus" (2001-2004) was the establishment of the Republican Technology Transfer Center, which has a number of branches in the country (Brest, Gomel, Grodno, Novopolotsk) [39].Its mission is to promote the development of cooperation between developers of technological solutions, entrepreneurs and investors. The activities of the Center turned out to be so diverse that they became the subject of a special analytical study, in which the emphasis on the Center's desire to dock with foreign technology transfer networks is quite noticeable [40]. Further, thanks to the project "Improvement of the national technology transfer system in the Republic of Belarus based on information and communication technologies" (2006-2010), which was implemented as part of projects in the field of international technical assistance [41], digital transformations of the technology transfer process took place, which increased its efficiency. In 2013, cooperation between Belarus and UNIDO acquired a new institutional format, which was associated with the adoption of the Framework Program of Cooperation between Belarus and UNIDO for 2013-2017[42]. In this way, an appropriate organizational framework has been created for the expansion of UNIDO's project activities. The program provides for the following areas of interaction: - 1) environment and energy, including resource-efficient production; water resources management; RES; energy efficiency; - 2) technological training, innovation and development; - 3) investment promotion and technology transfer; - 4) development and cooperation of small and medium-sized enterprises; - 5) strengthening of the agro-food and automotive sectors. Prioritization made it possible to concretize project applications. In general, within the framework of the Program, Belarus proposed ten projects that differ in the presence of scientific, technical and innovative components in such thematic areas as the environment, energy, agri-food and agro-industrial sector. A very relevant aspect was the plans for the establishment of a National System of Technological Foresight and the promotion of innovative developments [43]. The plans to create a Center for International Industrial Cooperation of UNIDO in Belarus on the basis of the Republican Center for Technology Transfer and the State Institution "Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support of the Scientific and Technical Sphere" differed in a significant degree of relevance. The main task of the Center was to support the efforts undertaken by the Government to improve the competitiveness of national industrial enterprises by providing them with technical assistance [44].However, this Center has not yet been established. If we briefly turn to specific projects within the framework of this Program, the international technical assistance project "Support of food industry enterprises in the Grodno region – creation of the Grodno Agro-Industrial Park" (2016-2018) was designed to ensure the possibility of Grodno producers-farmers and other economic entities entering the European market [45]. The first stage of the project was focused on modernization based on new technologies of mushroom processing production on the basis of the farm "Paradise Valley" (Grodno region). In order to adapt and implement technologies, measures were envisaged to improve the qualifications of farmers in terms of EU standards. The second stage of the project involved the creation of a research center on the basis of the Grodno State Agrarian University. A feature of the Framework Program was the involvement of Belarus in the implementation of the UNIDO Regional Project "Greening economies in the Eastern Neighborhood region" [46]. This initiative is aimed at improving the level of environmental well-being of citizens of the Eastern Neighborhood countries and involves providing the six partner countries with the opportunity to use the tools of transition to resource efficiency and more environmentally friendly economic growth. This example is indicative in the sense that bilateral cooperation with UNIDO is woven into regional and universal cooperation at the organization's site. The Belarusian segment "Institutional development and policy support for the modernization of manufacturers of components for the automotive sector in the Republic of Belarus" of this project assumed infrastructural support for the modernization of the national production of automotive components [47]. In the materials of the study carried out as part of the preparation phase of the UNIDO project "Strengthening organizational structures and program support for the modernization of manufacturers of components for the automotive industry of Belarus" based on the work of the Cluster and Business Relations Department of the Business, Investment and Technology Division, the strengths and weaknesses of the automotive industry of Belarus were indicated. Among the strengths are the availability of sectoral state policy, high human resources potential. Among the weak ones is the focus of technical characteristics on regional standards while lagging behind internationally accepted production requirements [48, p. 51]. The following areas of policy measures were identified as recommendations: adaptation and implementation of the principles of resource-saving production at the company level, taking into account the best practices of other countries with economies in transition; establishment or strengthening of cooperation between key stakeholders within the sector; support and development of alternative and environmentally friendly production processes and products. In accordance with the conclusions of UNIDO experts, this project is aimed at improving the efficiency of participating suppliers in the automotive components industry in the Republic of Belarus in order to ensure their international competitiveness, at modernizing relevant institutions by strengthening the institutional structure, optimizing the portfolio of services and creating a base of well-trained domestic engineers, as well as strengthening ties with partners from Central and Eastern Europe. Within the framework of the project under consideration, support from UNIDO, which has extensive experience in supporting and improving the production of the automotive industry, and financial support from Russia came together. The coordinator was the Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in cooperation with the Ministries of Economy, Industry and Foreign Affairs. As reported in open sources, the economic effect of the project at all 30 pilot enterprises, such as Amkodor, Minsk Electrotechnical Plant named after V.I. Kozlov, MAZ, BelOMO, etc., amounted to more than $1 million in two years [49]. More than 500 specialists were involved in advanced training on the basis of techniques drawn from the advanced foreign experience of lean manufacturing. The next stage is the creation of training factories throughout the country. Demonstration training platforms will help to apply new technologies more effectively in production, as well as attract as many economic zones of the country, small and medium-sized enterprises to the project as possible. The next stage of support consists in the modernization of entire workshops and the creation of demonstration sites of the Production Modernization Center [50], which, as planned, should, firstly, provide services to enterprises for the introduction of lean manufacturing, and, secondly, promote digital transformation of production processes in the context of the "Industry 4.0" concept. At the initial stage, the Center will be provided with financial support from UNIDO, but later it should become self-financing. As a follow-up to these initiatives, the international conference "Sustainable Industrial Development in Middle-income Countries of Europe and Central Asia: Innovations and Technologies (needs, potential and successful experience)" was held in Belarus on April 23-24, 2015 with the support of UNIDO and UNDP [51]. This event was supposed to discuss measures aimed at stimulating the formation of partnerships in the field of industrial innovation by middle-income countries, as well as the formation of a joint platform for the development of innovative small and medium-sized enterprises with the involvement of the experience of experts from UNIDO and other international agencies. Recall that UNIDO, following UNEP, is promoting a model of "green" industry. An example of cooperation between Belarus and UNIDO in this direction was the implementation by the National Center for Resource Efficiency and Clean Production of the BSU Institute of Business of the technical assistance project "Closed-loop Economy and New growth opportunities", providing for the creation of eco-industrial parks" [52]. The European Union program "European Union for the Environment in the Eastern Partnership Countries" (EU4Environment) has become one of the regional partners [53]. UNIDO's assistance to the transition of production to the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is of particular relevance for Belarus. The UNIDO technical assistance project on realizing the potential of smart manufacturing and lean manufacturing technologies is intended to contribute to ensuring such a transition. On the basis of a proven programmatic approach to the organization of cooperation between Belarus and the United Nations, the next Framework Program for 2020-2025 was approved in 2020, which took into account current national priorities [54]. In this case, it is planned that UNIDO will contribute even more actively to the modernization of the Belarusian industry in the context of modern trends. The project "Stimulating the potential of technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution for the implementation of "smart" production in Belarus" (2019-2023) is included in the list of activities of the new program of cooperation with UNIDO [55]. One of his donors was Russia. The initiative to develop the project belonged to the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus and involves assistance in promoting innovation and "smart" production by creating demonstration and innovation centers of technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in some regions of the Republic of Belarus – Brest, Vitebsk and Mogilev. In response to this request from the Ministry in 2018, and as part of the preparatory phase, UNIDO developed a project that allows small and medium-sized enterprises to access and experiment with new technologies, thereby creating opportunities for manufacturers to create new added value through design, customization and cost and resource reduction. The project also provides training for representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises within the framework of the pilot demonstration Center of Industry 4.0 technologies in the Brest region. The center will be aimed at conducting technological training within the framework of the trends of the Fourth Industrial Revolution not only for specialists from the Vitebsk and Mogilev regions, but also for specialists from the EAEU countries, and will also be aimed at intellectual production and innovation. The project is designed to ensure that Belarus enters the phase of a new industrial revolution, which involves solving the following tasks: filling gaps in the information base on modern technological solutions; improving production processes used at enterprises; eliminating the shortage of qualified personnel, especially in certain regions; developing an innovation ecosystem for small and medium-sized enterprises. The essence of the project is to create a pilot pilot and demonstration Center for the development of the smart industry on the basis of the Brest Science and Technology Park and the Brest State Technical University, as it was shown during the monitoring. The project was launched in 2021 and already in 2022 a positive dynamics of the implementation of planned project activities was recorded [56]. During the participation in the project, one of the leaders in the use of digital solutions – JSC "Savushkin Product" – achieved a high level of production culture and increased the efficiency of management. In 2022, the concept of preparation based on the results achieved during the implementation of this project, a new project in the Mogilev region, as well as a project to create eco-industrial parks began to be actively worked out [57]. The project started on October 1, 2022. After an in-depth analysis of the existing potential for the transition to a "smart" industry in the real sector of the economy of the Brest region, the possibility of replicating the results in the real sector of the economy of the Mogilev region was identified. Based on the successful results achieved during the pilot project in the Brest region, the Ministry of Economy requested UNIDO to expand its regional presence and develop an additional project aimed at supporting the development of Industry 4.0 in the Mogilev region. This project is intended to contribute to the efforts of the Government of the Republic of Belarus to support the smooth transition of the Mogilev region to Industry 4.0. The project is aimed at increasing productivity, strengthening competitiveness and the overall export potential of local companies, as well as promoting the introduction of innovative technologies, ensuring the transfer of knowledge of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and building the capacity of local specialists, including through the development of educational programs for students of the Belarusian-Russian University [58]. As a result of the implementation of the project in the Mogilev region, a base for accelerated digital transformation of the industrial sector (knowledge, equipment, services, solutions, competent specialists) will be created, as well as horizontal links between innovative enterprises will be strengthened
The analysis confirms that the implemented and ongoing projects with the participation of UNIDO contribute to improving the competitiveness and resource efficiency of the Belarusian industry. This has the prospect of strengthening the industrial potential of the EAEU as a whole.
Kazakhstan – UNIDO. Kazakhstan became a member of the organization in 1997. Of great importance was the provision by UNIDO of technical assistance for the development of strategic documents in the field of industrial development of Kazakhstan in conjunction with programs for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, increasing investment inflows, etc. Thematic agreements between the Government and the organization have become the legal basis for cooperation. We point to the Protocol on Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and UNIDO on the project "Strengthening the capacity of the Center for the Development of Industrial Enterprises of the Joint-Stock Company "Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund" [59]. It follows from paragraph 1 of the Protocol that the Parties mutually recognized the need to assist small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the industrial sector of Kazakhstan in order to increase their role in the sustainable socio-economic and prosperity of the country. It is in this vein that UNIDO will assist in the creation of the Industrial Enterprise Development Center (hereinafter – the CRCP). Paragraph 2 of the Protocol emphasizes that assistance to JSC "FRP "Damu" in the promotion of services that will contribute to improving the competitiveness of local small and medium-sized enterprises and market development will be carried out by strengthening the institutional and technical capacity of the CRPP, taking into account national programs aimed at economic diversification and private sector development. Note that in Kazakhstan, these programs provide for the industrial development of the country and the diversification of the economy [60; 61]. And, finally, in paragraph 3, three areas of cooperation within the framework of the project are highlighted. This includes, firstly, the creation of networks of small and medium-sized enterprises to achieve collective efficiency and access to markets. Secondly, the promotion of industrial modernization and increasing the competitiveness of enterprises-members of networks of small and medium-sized enterprises. And, finally, thirdly, it is an improvement in the quality of business development services that are provided on the local market. Further, during the next conference of the organization in 2016, an Administrative Agreement was signed between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and UNIDO on targeted contributions to the Industrial Development Fund [62], which secured the status of a donor for the republic and determined the procedure for the implementation of donor functions. An important place in the interaction of Member States and UNIDO is played by personal meetings of the organization's leadership with the leadership of various national ministries, as well as summit meetings. The significance of such meetings, as it seems to us, is to clarify the content of the vectors of cooperation, which is especially important in the situation of implementing a sustainable development strategy. In particular, during the visit of the then Director General of the organization Lee Yun to the EXPO-17 exhibition held in Kazakhstan, which was held simultaneously with the ministerial conference on Energy for Sustainable Development, the role of the republic in achieving the SDGs was emphasized [63]. Such attention to Kazakhstan is not accidental due to the high level of greenhouse gas emissions characteristic of it. From the point of view of the subject of our article, it is significant that the head of UNIDO noted the importance of technological aspects of the development of the real sector of the economy, taking into account the search and implementation of new approaches to trade development, the allocation of financial resources, as well as, needless to say, improving the efficiency and quality of production. Of particular relevance is UNIDO's support for projects in Kazakhstan aimed at providing access to reliable and modern energy sources, which corresponds to the Doctrine of Achieving Carbon Neutrality of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2060 [64]. The organization provided support for the implementation of the initiative to create a Center for "green" Technologies [65], formed within the framework of the infrastructure of the ASTANA EXPO 2017 exhibition and on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 27, 2018 [66]. According to paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the subject of the Center's activities is to promote the accelerated transition of Kazakhstan to a "green" economy based on the promotion of technologies and best practices for business development, increased investment, along with strengthening international cooperation through the Green Bridge Partnership Program [67].Recall that this initiative of Kazakhstan was supported by UNIDO in 2012. Within the framework of the program, projects are being implemented that are aimed at creating conditions and infrastructure that allow expanding access to "green" technologies and investments. Projects affect sectors such as renewable energy, construction, waste, etc. All this testifies to Kazakhstan's desire to contribute to the promotion of the principles of inclusive and sustainable industrial development in accordance with the objectives included in SDG No. 9.Participants of the corresponding Charter joined the achievement of SDG No. 9 on the basis of the Program's tools [68]. If we continue to analyze the issues discussed during the meetings of representatives of Kazakhstan and the leadership of UNIDO, then it should be noted the issues of accelerated technological modernization of the economy of Kazakhstan during the implementation of industrial and innovative development programs. At the same time, Kazakhstan's participation in the implementation of UNIDO regional projects in the following areas is being discussed: industrial statistics, industrial integration, mitigation of the negative impact of industry on the environment [69]. It can be pointed out that Kazakhstan's readiness to further strengthen cooperation with UNIDO was expressed during the working visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Vienna (2019) [70].The meeting touched upon the opening of the UNIDO Office for Attracting Investment and Technology (ITPO) in Nur-Sultan. Moreover, the head of UNIDO once again drew attention to the technological aspects of development in the context of improving the efficiency and quality of production. A similar issue was raised during the meeting of the Permanent Representative of Kazakhstan to UNIDO and the Director General of the organization [71].It is worth noting that the discussion of issues of bilateral cooperation was carried out in the context of recognition of the significant importance of strategic support provided to States by UNIDO in the implementation of national policy in the field of industrial development, taking into account the factor of not only the Fourth Industrial Revolution, but also climate change. As is known, one of the aspects of industrial development in the context of the transition to sustainable development and the achievement of the SDGs is the greening of the turnover of hazardous chemicals based on the use of appropriate technologies. In the case of Kazakhstan, UNIDO is providing not so much technical as technological assistance. We are talking about the transfer of Ecolux-AS LLP with the assistance of UNIDO within the framework of the agreement reached in 2019 on the transfer to Kazakhstan of a special installation within the framework of the Global Clean Technology Innovation Program in Kazakhstan "Promoting innovation in the field of clean technologies and entrepreneurship in small and medium-sized enterprises to create "green" jobs in Kazakhstan" (2019-2026) [72] and on the basis of the concluded agreement. The installation is designed to destroy persistent organic pollutants (hereinafter – POPS) by burning them, but without negative impact on the environment. On this example, one can see the promotion of the fulfillment of obligations under the Stockholm Convention on the NWF, according to which Kazakhstan committed to destroy pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) by 2028, which were produced back in the Soviet period [73]. In 2022, within the framework of the 27th UNFCCC Conference of the Parties, UNIDO announced the second stage of this global program [74].For Kazakhstan, this means expanding opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises to access finance and training in the process of technological development of the low-carbon industry.
Kyrgyzstan – UNIDO.Kyrgyzstan became a member of UNIDO in 1993. Membership in the organization is fully explained by the need to solve numerous problems of socio-economic development that the republic faced in the post-Soviet period, starting with problems in the energy sector, the instability of the irrigation system and ending with the negative consequences of climate change. Therefore, the assistance provided by UNIDO extends primarily to the development of the renewable energy and agro-industrial complex sector in order to increase the competitiveness of national production and, as a result, increase trade potential. One of the problems of the republic is the difficult situation in providing housing to the population due to the shortage of building materials, i.e., in fact, the weak level of development of the construction sector as such. Therefore, UNIDO began to implement the project "Development of production of cost-effective construction materials in the Kyrgyz Republic in order to create jobs and support entrepreneurship" (2014-2018) [75]. The National Strategy for Sustainable Development for 2013-2017 [76] and the Medium-term Development Program for 2012-2014 [77] point to sustainable economic growth and social integration as a key strategic priority of development. This should be achieved through the development of industrial infrastructure, the sustainable development of the private sector, the promotion of advanced and resource-saving technologies, the provision of affordable housing, the rehabilitation and expansion of irrigation systems for agriculture and sustainable job creation. The Government of the Kyrgyz Republic has requested UNIDO to provide technical assistance in the development of a technical assistance project aimed at creating new jobs, attracting advanced technologies and investments in the construction materials sector. The objective of UNIDO's technical assistance is to promote innovative and low-cost sustainable production technologies and to disseminate knowledge in the field of cost-effective and environmentally friendly building materials that can be easily mastered by the local construction industry for housing and irrigation. At the beginning of the project launch, a feasibility study was conducted to determine the best international and local technological solutions for the production of energy-efficient, environmentally friendly and economical building materials based on local raw materials. During the implementation of the project, the identified technologies and know-how were tested at the local level and used in the construction of inexpensive demonstration houses and in the provision of technological solutions for the restoration of irrigation systems. Modernization of the construction materials sector in the country through the introduction of innovative technologies and capacity-building activities has contributed to the creation of jobs at the community level and income generation activities in beneficiary and other related sectors, as well as improved living conditions, especially in rural areas. In principle, the project itself is not new, because UNIDO has supported such projects in Asia, Africa and Latin America, which are characterized by low income. We would like to emphasize that the project provides for the promotion of technology transfer and know-how in the field of housing construction, which, on the one hand, promotes the production of affordable building materials, and on the other hand, makes it possible to modernize national construction companies. In general, the project was of a related nature, as it provided, among other things, the modernization of irrigation systems. In the situation of joining the EAEU, Kyrgyzstan faced the task of developing its production potential. It seems that it is quite logical to receive assistance not only from other EAEU member states, but also from UNIDO. In particular, this affects such an aspect as technical assistance in the development of a National program in the field of industrial development and the development of recommendations for finding the financial resources necessary for its implementation [78].It should be assumed that the increase in production potential will facilitate the process of attracting companies from the EAEU countries to the economy, as well as create conditions for the participation of Kyrgyz enterprises in projects with an integration component. It is also important that increasing the potential will help attract global manufacturers specializing in the production of high-tech products. An important instrument of cooperation between UNIDO and Kyrgyzstan has been implemented since 2017. The Country Partnership Program (hereinafter referred to as the PSP). Cross-cutting areas identified in the Policy Document include institutional capacity-building in industrial development, access to finance and investment promotion, export promotion and related quality infrastructure, regional development, environmental protection and information and communication technology infrastructure development. As follows from the Report for 2021 [79], within the framework of the Program, thanks to the support of UNIDO and the Government of the Russian Federation, the "Strategy for Sustainable Industrial Development of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2019-2023" was developed [80].Its main goal is to achieve sustainable growth rates of industrial production on the basis of a dynamic transition to the format of industrial and innovative development vector, increasing production efficiency and competitiveness of products. As such, the PSP is a flagship program of UNIDO aimed at supporting specific countries in achieving the IAPR, taking into account the national development agenda. The main donor for the implementation of projects that will give meaningful content to this program will be Russia. Since Kyrgyzstan remains an agaric country, at the moment the primary task, of course, is to increase the technological level of development of the agro-industrial complex. Here, UNIDO's support of a joint quality and standards program with the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Kyrgyzstan aimed at strengthening the capacity in the field of quality and compliance with standards in the fruit supply chain to facilitate market access is quite indicative (2018-2022) [81].The essence of the project is to introduce the international standard GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2019 into the work of Kyrgyz laboratories, which opens up world markets for the export of Kyrgyz products. To a large extent, this will be possible thanks to the use of information from the UNIDO database on services provided in the field of calibration, testing and certification of agricultural products [82]. Like other EAEU countries, Kyrgyzstan participates in inter-regional projects of UNIDO. In particular, in December 2021, UNIDO completed the implementation of the interregional project "Scaling up the development of small hydropower in selected countries to promote inclusive and sustainable industrial development" (2015-2021) [83], which was funded by China. The International Small Hydropower Center (ICSHP) (Hangzhou, China) became a partner of UNIDO. The project's goal is to expand the scale of development of sustainable small hydropower (MGE) for productive use. The project provides technical assistance to Ethiopia, Nigeria, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar and Peru in relation to resource assessment, feasibility studies, development of investment plans for co-financing and support in the development of three pilot IGE installations using technologies and business models that take into account the specifics of local conditions. In relation to Kyrgyzstan, the development of the project of the first Sokuluk cascade of small hydroelectric power plants was indicative. The launch of the first Sokuluk HPP-2 in the Chui region took place in October [84]. In addition, UNIDO is implementing another interregional project, also involving the participation of Kyrgyzstan, namely, the "Green Economy Action Partnership (PAGE)" (2013-2023) [85]. This is an interregional project aimed at promoting environmental sustainability, creating decent jobs, fighting poverty and improving people's well-being. UNIDO is one of the five UN agencies in addition to UNEP, ILO, UNDP and the UN Research and Training Institute. The implementation of this project in Kyrgyzstan contributes to the achievement of the SDGs ¹ 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 and 17. The main areas of work are to support Kyrgyzstan's Strategy in the field of Sustainable Industrial Development for 2019-2023 and the Action Plan, knowledge sharing and capacity building in the field of "green" economy, as well as assistance in establishing partnerships with key partners.
Armenia – UNIDO. Cooperation between Armenia and UNIDO began in 1992 and is developing on a programmatic and project basis. Thus, we will point to the UNIDO program focused on improving competitiveness and exports through modernization and access to sales markets, which has been implemented since 2014 and provides for three stages. The content of the project within the framework of the program is to support the revival of the clothing and footwear industry. The choice of the textile industry is not accidental and is caused by the fact that these are traditional branches of the Armenian economy. Phase I (2014-2016) and Phase II (2017-2019) were aimed at maintaining and increasing the share of local textile, clothing, leather and footwear enterprises in the domestic market, as well as promoting Armenia's integration into regional and international markets. In particular, the project was aimed at creating local capacity to support the development and modernization of small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as positioning Armenian goods as high-end designer goods. As noted in open sources, "a major success of the first stage of the program was that in two years it was possible not only to modernize production, create several own collections, but also as part of a consortium, under a single brand, to enter foreign markets with its own original products, declare itself and conclude the first contracts" [86]. At the second stage of the program implementation, Russia was involved, which allocated $2 million through the structures of UNIDO [87]. At this stage, it was envisaged to provide assistance aimed at expanding the sales market for products produced at textile and clothing enterprises. In general, taking into account the subject of our article, we point out that the project encourages the use of innovative developments in product design, which is combined with supporting efforts to establish business cooperation with foreign countries. UNIDO's contribution to the implementation of the project consists in the transfer of technical knowledge and experience that was previously accumulated in the process of supporting the implementation of similar projects in other regions, namely, the modernization of value chains in the textile industry. It is envisaged that the third stage of the project will ensure: sustainability and scaling of the provision of business services to various sub-sectors of light industry (for example, model making, fashion illustration, production planning and virtual prototyping); scaling of the effect of the achieved impact on a wider range of manufacturing enterprises and startups in the country [88]. Just as with other EAEU countries, the thesis is absolutely true in relation to Armenia that the "calibration" of cooperation with UNIDO takes place during meetings of officials with representatives of the organization, including with its top management. For example, we can mention the meeting of the Minister of Economy of Armenia with the Secretary General of UNIDO at the Global Summit on Manufacturing and Industry (GMIS 2019) (Yekaterinburg, July 9-10, 2019) [89]. Let's pay attention to the fact that the discussion focused on the issues of digital transformation of industrial sectors, as well as their diagnostics, along with quite traditional topics of the use of innovative production technologies. If we talk about the newest tracks of cooperation between Armenia and UNIDO, then on December 23, 2021, the program document "Promoting the development of quality infrastructure in Armenia" (2021-2025) was signed [90]. Here we are talking about supporting the metrology infrastructure, which will have a positive impact on the development of various sectors (trade, food system, healthcare, climate change, environment). As such, the project provides for the creation of four calibration laboratories, which will be achieved through the acquisition, installation and further operation of equipment that will allow the development of standards and measuring instruments, as well as their calibration, which will create an opportunity to participate in the process of international laboratory accreditation. In addition to the equipment, laboratories will have the opportunity to receive metrological services. The final result of the project is to ensure international recognition of conformity assessment documents for products manufactured in Armenia, which will increase the export potential of the republic. And finally, it is impossible not to dwell on a brief description of the Country Program for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development of the Republic of Armenia for 2022-2026 [91], which is consistent with national strategic planning documents, such as the Transformation Strategy of Armenia until 2050 [92] and the Development Strategy of Armenia for 2014-2025 [93]. The adoption of the program is important in the context of a certain decline in the pace of economic development in Armenia in 2020-2021, especially in the manufacturing sector and in the mining industry (from 1% to 0.7%). But things are much worse in the manufacturing industry. Thus, the highest rates of decline were registered in the production of finished metal products (by 44.7%), jewelry (by 37.1%), chemical industry (by 25.1%), base metals (by 21.1%) [94]. In general, this Program is aimed at supporting the efforts of the Armenian Government to ensure sustainable and inclusive industrial growth through targeted technical assistance in the following three thematic areas: 1) industrial competitiveness and market access with a focus on innovation and digitalization; 2) sustainable agribusiness and support for small and medium-sized enterprises; 3) energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and sustainable environmental management.
Russia – UNIDO.A particularly close relationship exists between UNIDO and Russia. This is largely determined by the fact that the organization was established in 1966 as a division of the UN Secretariat with the assistance of the USSR, whose successor is Russia. Then, with the assistance of the USSR, UNIDO received the status of a specialized UN agency. The support was manifested in the fact that the USSR, being one of the largest donors, was committed to the idea of supporting the industrialization of developing countries as a factor of their sustainable economic development. In modern conditions, according to the ex-Director General of UNIDO Lee Jung, the dialogue with Russia is an example of partnership and multifaceted interaction for the benefit of peace in the interests of poverty eradication [95]. Today, Russia is considered as a strategic partner participating in global and international events organized by UNIDO. Russia's interest here is quite understandable due to its desire to create a modern, competitive, innovative and environmentally friendly economy.As follows from the speech of the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to International Organizations in Vienna during the general debate at the 19th session of the UNIDO General Conference in 2021, the organization has serious tools and experience in implementing environmentally effective measures. "It is important that global development should not just be "green", but also sustainable. And for everyone. And, accordingly, it should be closely linked to such fundamental goals as the fight against poverty and inequality. We see a serious potential of UNIDO in promoting the digital agenda and innovation as a mechanism for ensuring well-being and global development, again based on the principles of sustainability and inclusiveness. We welcome the policy of UNIDO aimed at making its work as transparent as possible, and the broad involvement of Member States in the preparation of strategic initiatives. We urge you to continue following this formula" [96]. UNIDO's activities in the Russian Federation are carried out in such areas as ecology, technology transfer, competitiveness and energy efficiency. In this case, structural adjustment means a gradual transition to low-carbon processes, accelerating the implementation of resource-saving and energy efficiency programs, increasing the share of renewable energy resources in total energy consumption based on eco-technologies. With the financial support of Russia, UNIDO held the First Regional Conference on Sustainable Industrial Development "Promotion of Solutions in the field of sustainable energy and environmentally friendly technologies in the CIS countries" (Vienna, November 22-24, 2017) [97].The focus of the participants' attention is on the mechanisms of partnerships that promote the scaling of sustainable technologies in order to counter the threat of climate change. The relevant projects carried out under the auspices of the UNIDO Center for International Industrial Cooperation in Russia, established back in the USSR era in 1989 on the basis of an Agreement between the Government of the USSR and UNIDO on November 22, 1989, are aimed at achieving these goals. In the post-Soviet period, the legal basis for the functioning of the Center was the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and UNIDO on the activities of the UNIDO Center for International Industrial Cooperation in the Russian Federation [98]. In accordance with Article 4 of the Agreement, the main purpose of the Center is to promote international economic, technological, industrial and scientific-technical cooperation between Russian enterprises, associations, organizations, on the one hand, and state, joint–stock, cooperative and other enterprises, organizations and firms of developed and developing countries, on the other [99]. It should be noted that one of the priority tasks of the Center's functioning is the development and transfer of technologies in the mutual interests of the Russian Federation and other member states of UNIDO, primarily in such areas as environmentally safe, energy– and resource-saving technologies, transport, processing and storage of agricultural products, as well as high-tech high-performance technologies based on the achievements of electronics, communications, laser and robotics (Article 4 (a)). Among other interrelated tasks, it is indicated: promotion of investment cooperation, including attracting foreign investment to the Russian Federation and promoting Russian investment in foreign countries; development of complex regional technological projects and programs with the participation of foreign partners on a multilateral basis, etc. The listed tasks defined the functions performed by the Center: promotion of industrial cooperation, including promotion of joint production and sale of products (art. 5.a); assistance in technology transfer and exchange of know-how (5.b); identification of potential investors (5.c); assistance in the implementation of joint projects by Russian and foreign partners in the field of industrial research and assistance in the preparation of pre-investment studies (5.d). Equally important for scientific, technical and technological cooperation is the creation of databases that include information on domestic and foreign technologies, as well as information exchange systems (5.f). The UNIDO Center in Russia is one of the key elements of a whole network that unites UNIDO offices for the promotion of investments and technologies in a number of countries, such as China, Nigeria, the Republic of Korea, Japan, etc. Its function is to mediate the links between the headquarters of the organization in Vienna, on the one hand, and Russian relevant ministries and departments in the Russian Federation, on the other. It should be noted that the Center carries out work on the development of relations between Russian business associations with similar structures in foreign countries. To date, there has been a wide list of areas of work of the center. This includes: - preservation and protection of the environment; - creation of effective mechanisms for the processing of hazardous waste; - analysis of the legislation of foreign countries in the field of industry, and development of recommendations for Russia; - assistance in the development and transfer of technologies; - promotion of investment cooperation, attraction of investments in Russia; - development of regional projects and programs with the participation of foreign partners; - support and implementation of technical and financial assistance programs; - assistance in the implementation of state programs aimed at the development of small and medium-sized enterprises; - Assistance in the implementation of international conventions and protocols within the framework of the Global Environment Facility. The agenda of cooperation between Russia and UNIDO includes various areas of interaction. Firstly, it is the assistance of Russia from UNIDO in the field of a wide variety of projects. Secondly, it is a partnership between Russia and UNIDO in projects aimed at supporting the CIS states, including the EAEU states. Moreover, the interaction of UNIDO has been enriched with new formats over time. If we consider the first direction, then in the 90s of the twentieth century, UNIDO promoted the implementation of projects involving the support and improvement of the competitiveness of innovative and high-tech sectors of the economy, the introduction of resource-saving and energy-efficient technologies. In 2009, there was a significant event associated with the entry of the Russian Federation into the number of donors to the organization. In particular, on the basis of the Government's decision, Russia has committed itself to making, starting in 2009, an annual voluntary contribution to the UNIDO Industrial Development Fund in the amount of $2.6 trillion. In accordance with its mandate, UNIDO has facilitated the implementation of a number of projects in Russia [100].We will point to the project "Identification, assessment and prioritization of hot spots in the Middle and Lower Volga basin, as well as the transfer of environmentally friendly technologies" (2010-2015). The project involved an assessment of the anthropogenic impact of industrial enterprises located in the Middle and Lower Volga basin on water quality in terms of the impact of various types of pollutants, identification of factors of transboundary pollution of river waters, as well as the implementation of a set of measures to improve water quality and reduce the negative impact of industrial enterprises on water bodies, taking into account the potential of integrated use of the latest technologies. It should be noted that UNIDO's attention to environmental issues is far from accidental, since the paradigm of modern industrial production involves integration into the field of environmental imperative. In this regard, the organization served as the executive agency of the Global Environment Facility and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. At the junction of environmental protection and modernization of production based on green technologies in 2011-2015, the project "Phased reduction of HCFC consumption and promotion of transition to HCFC-free energy-efficient refrigeration and climate control equipment in Russia" was implemented in Russia with the support of UNIDO. Its purpose is the direct withdrawal from the use of hydrochlorofluorocarbons. The second goal is the transfer of innovative technologies as part of the modernization of industrial enterprises producing polyurethane foam insulation, refrigeration and air conditioning equipment. It is interesting to note the program of transformation of the energy efficiency market in greenhouse gas-intensive industries of the Russian Federation (2011-2018) [101]. The program provided for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the Russian Federation by transforming the industrial energy efficiency market into an industry with intensive greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, it was planned to transform the industrial energy efficiency market through activities that should increase industrial energy efficiency in heavy industry, have a direct positive impact on the rational use of energy with appropriate environmental benefits and, finally, improve the commercial prospects of industrial borrowers. Currently, a joint project of JSC Russian Railways and UNIDO, supported by the Global Environment Facility, is being implemented in the field of introducing technologies for environmentally sound regulation and destruction of equipment that contains NWO (2014-2022) [102]. The project also assumes environmentally safe regulation and the final withdrawal from circulation of polychlorobiphenyls (hereinafter referred to as PCBs) at the enterprises of JSC Russian Railways and other owners of PCBs. Note that the project is aimed at fulfilling Russia's obligations under the Stockholm Convention on the Management of Pops. At the same time, a set of measures aimed at improving the environmental legislation of Russia in terms of bringing it in line with the Stockholm Convention is envisaged. A new initiative within the framework of cooperation between Russia and UNIDO is noteworthy. A Regional Foresight Center of UNIDO was created on the basis of the Higher School of Economics [103]. The organizational and legal basis of its creation was an agreement between the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and UNIDO. As a result, the HSE International Scientific and Educational Foresight Center was transformed into the UNIDO Regional Center for Technological Foresight in Russia. The purpose of this organizational structure was to assist in the implementation of the organization's regional program for the development of technological foresight in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, as well as the CIS [104]. The functions of the UNIDO Regional Foresight Center are as follows: - dissemination of information, as well as promotion of foresight culture in Russia and CIS countries; - dissemination of information about the existing methodology of technological foresight, including methods of technological forecasting, algorithms for the development of road maps, technology assessment and analysis of programs for advanced research and technological developments; - participation in the formation of information resources for filling the Internet portal on technological foresight; - conducting informational seminars and trainings in the field of methodology and organization of foresight research, which is aimed at developing the potential of foresight research; - use of infrastructure and resources (e-courses, case databases, etc.) at the disposal of UNIDO and foreign countries; - coordination and practical implementation of foresight projects, including the organization of networking between experts and organizations in the field of foresight, the launch and practical implementation of foresight projects, etc. This kind of initiative is relevant not only for Russia, but also for the EAEU. This can be justified by the fact that competitiveness in the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution depends on the speed of development and implementation of new and newest technologies both in the manufacturing sector and in the service sector. Hence, the importance of technological forecasts increases many times. It can be seen that the EAEU states pay increased attention to this issue. They have developed and approved forward-looking documents in the field of science and technology [106; 106], which make it possible to adjust the vectors of the state scientific and technical policy. Initiative measures for the development of scientific and technological cooperation in the integration format, provided for in the Strategic Directions of the development of the Eurasian economic integration until 2025, have a subsidiary character. In paragraph 6.2.5, the need to develop a long-term forecast of the scientific and technical development of the Union as a prerequisite for the formation of an information base necessary for the development of priorities and targeted programs of scientific and technical development is noted. Further, in clause 8.1.3, a system of measures for monitoring technological developments of innovative companies and the introduction of modern methods of technological forecasting is outlined in sufficient detail. Turning to the evaluation of the second direction of the partnership, we note that our country is the main partner of UNIDO in the implementation of technical assistance projects in the CIS, as well as in the implementation of regional initiatives. In this case, it is already a donor of financial and technical assistance. Despite the fact that Russia itself is experiencing certain problems in the field of reindustrialization, it continues to assist in restoring the industrial potential of the CIS states in general and the EAEU states in particular. Due to the subject matter of our article, we will consider bilateral cooperation between Russia and the EAEU countries in the process of implementing UNIDO projects and programs. One of the initiative steps taken by UNIDO in Armenia was the project to create a Center of Excellence for the training of technical and engineering personnel in the field of safe handling of refrigerants with low GWP within the framework of a regional project on the expanded introduction of refrigerants with low GWP in Eastern Europe. This will improve the maintenance of refrigeration and climate equipment, as well as simultaneously reduce emissions of fluorinated gases. As a result, the HVAC&R training center was opened in Armenia in 2017, which will serve as a showroom and at the same time as a knowledge base on the topic of "Alternative (natural) refrigerants" [107]. The project was funded by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation. As follows from the presentation materials, the functions of the Center are as follows: 1) training, certification and certification of technical personnel of the climate and refrigeration sectors; 2) free consultation and examination of projects of refrigeration and climate systems; 3) drafting of regulatory documents consistent with progressive international regulations on fluorinated gases for countries participating in the activities of the Center; 4) implementation of demonstration projects on the introduction of refrigeration and climate systems. climate systems running on refrigerants with low GWP (including toxic and combustible), and the presentation of such projects [108]. As we have already noted, UNIDO, with the support of Russia, is implementing a project in Belarus on the transition to technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It seems to us that the agreement between the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus and the Skolkovo Foundation on cooperation in the field of innovative, digital and cluster development is related here [109].This agreement is aimed at providing startups and innovative resident companies from Belarus with the opportunity to use the expertise services of the Skolkovo Foundation, use information support services to find partners for placing orders, as well as consumers of high-tech products. The Smart Industry Development Center based on the Brest Science and Technology Park and the Brest State Technical University will become a platform for cooperation with the Skolkovo Foundation. However, it should be borne in mind that the projects implemented by UNIDO with Russian technical and financial assistance and aimed at modernizing various industrial sectors of the CIS countries, including the EAEU countries, are complemented by Russia's support for regional projects in various fields – ecology, sustainable industrial growth, increasing resource and energy efficiency of industrial enterprises based on their transition to clean ("green") technologies. Projects with multilateral participation are characterized by the involvement of several countries at once. One of such projects was the regional UNIDO project funded by the Russian Federation "Improvement of industrial statistics and development of industrial efficiency indicators for politically significant analysis in selected countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia - Phase II" (2019-2023) [110]. This is a continuation of the first stage of the regional project (SAP 120443), which was successfully completed in 2019. Phase II of the project aims to improve the quality of industrial statistics, which is necessary to monitor the progress of countries in achieving SDG No. 9, as well as to meet emerging needs for statistical data, especially those related to Industry 4.0 with a special focus on productivity, the digital economy and women's empowerment. In continuation of the technical work initiated at this stage, this project will pay special attention to the implementation of the UN recommendations on general industrial statistics, industrial production indices and business dynamics, as well as entrepreneurship and statistics of small industrial enterprises. The largest in scope and its results was the UNIDO project for the EurAsEC countries "Integration of Industrial Relations between the EurAsEC countries" (2011-2013) [111], aimed at facilitating the process of forming a single economic space by creating prerequisites for the development of international industrial cooperation while increasing the competitiveness of enterprises and increasing the flow of investment and technology. The project is based on the Memorandum of Cooperation between EurAsEC and UNIDO in 2009, which stated the intention of the parties to expand cooperation in the field of industrial development, energy and ecology [112]. The main objective of the UNIDO project was to promote the processes of industrial integration and the formation of a single economic space of the EurAsEC countries by creating the necessary prerequisites and conditions for deepening international industrial cooperation and ensuring accelerated rates of modernization of the industry of the participating countries. This project was considered as a significant initiative that should complement and strengthen the desire of the EurAsEC member states to coordinate and implement joint investment projects and the development of innovative technologies. The significance of the project is that it provided for the development of the potential of its participants through the development and adaptation of UNIDO tools and techniques for attracting investment and technology transfer. In general, the project involved the modernization of one or more production chains, which are a priority for most countries, as well as the development of export production consortia. All this meant the need to support subcontracting and contractual relations between economic entities. The goal of the project was planned to be achieved through the establishment of modernization and industrial cooperation centers integrated into the global network of UNIDO centers. The practical implementation of the project was managed by UNIDO, and the correction of its goals and activities was carried out by an Advisory Council established within the framework of the project jointly with the EurAsEC Secretariat. The results of the project included the following: creation of a stable network of institutional partners in the EurAsEC countries, which should contribute to national efforts to attract investment, technology transfer and training based on widely recognized methods and tools of UNIDO; ensuring the integration of the EurAsEC international industrial cooperation centers into the global network of offices and centers of UNIDO; facilitating the increase in the flow of external investment and technology. As the preliminary monitoring of the project implementation showed, it was possible to establish coordination relations with other UNIDO projects implemented in the territory of the Russian Federation [113]. In addition, a conclusion was formulated on the need to launch pilot projects aimed at modernizing priority industries in the Community countries. During the implementation of these initiatives, adaptation of new technological solutions, accumulation of experience, as well as scaling of the results obtained throughout the industry should take place. And, importantly, there should be the development of cooperation between technology parks, innovation centers of the EurAsEC and foreign countries in order to form innovative alliances. According to the results of a special analytical study, the relevance of the project lies in the creation of effective mechanisms for the exchange of information between all market participants and in the formation of partnerships through the elimination of various obstacles, including administrative, technical, etc., encountered in the development of cooperation between the Community countries [114, p. 8]. And finally, a regional-scale project supported by Russia was a capacity-building project for the development of programs to mitigate global environmental problems within the CIS [115].The relevance of such a project lies in the fact that attracting financial resources, including from the Global Environment Facility, as well as the Green Climate Fund, to ensure the fulfillment of obligations under multilateral environmental agreements requires the skills to develop project proposals. In this regard, the implementation of this project has led to increased opportunities for CIS countries to interact with sources of so-called "green" financing, which, among other things, is intended to expand the introduction of environmentally friendly technologies. With the entry into force of the EAEU Treaty, Russia's activities as one of the donors of UNIDO projects and programs in the Eurasian space have been substantially updated [116]. The funds of the Russian voluntary contribution to the UNIDO Industrial Development Fund began to be directed to support projects in the field of industrial development, firstly, of other EAEU member states, as well as states intending to become its members. The last group of States includes Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
Summing up the results of the research conducted in this paragraph, we note that bilateral and multilateral cooperation of UNIDO with the EAEU member States is carried out in related areas. This includes, firstly, support for technological re-equipment of the manufacturing sector (industry, agriculture, energy), and, secondly, the development of its ecosystem, including the creation of an appropriate regulatory and institutional environment for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, job creation, and solving social problems. Cooperation is carried out on a program and project basis. There is reason to talk about using a programmatic method of its regulation.
3. Cooperation between UNIDO and the EAEU: status and prospectsIn view of the importance of the experience and knowledge accumulated by UNIDO in the field of sustainable industrial development, on October 30, 2014, a Joint Statement on Cooperation between the EEC and UNIDO was adopted [117], which became the organizational basis for their interaction.
According to paragraph 2, innovations, knowledge exchange and technology transfer; technological services for small and medium-sized enterprises; environment and energy, including the development of resource-saving and cleaner production; rational water use and waste disposal; renewable energy sources were attributed to joint activities that clearly also correlate sustainable development strategies. and energy efficiency; support for the development of eco-industrial parks, regional innovation systems and clusters. Among the forms of cooperation indicated are the exchange of information on the results of research and analysis, best practices that are related to the areas of cooperation; holding conferences, round tables, meetings, etc. and participation in them. The growing attention to cooperation with UNIDO in such a document as the Main Directions of International Activity (hereinafter – ONMD) is quite indicative. The ONMD for 2015-2016 contains the wording that the EAEU "will develop multilateral cooperation with international organizations, including ... with the United Nations (UN) and special UN agencies" [118]. Further, a similar formulation was included in the ONMD for 2017 [119], ONMD for 2018 [120], ONMD for 2020 [121]. In the ONMD for 2019, there is no talk of cooperation with UNIDO [122]. The situation is changing in 2021 and in 2022. In particular, in the ONMD for 2021 [123], you can see a detailed formulation. Here, cooperation with UNIDO is planned within the framework of the Joint Statement on Cooperation of October 30, 2014 on such issues as the development and modernization of industrial complexes, the formation of industrial and innovative infrastructure, the transfer of advanced technologies, the creation of manufacturing enterprises and digital space in the field of industry. In addition, the EEC delegation is scheduled to participate in the meeting of the UNIDO General Conference (December 2021). Further, in the ONMD for 2022, we see an even more detailed formulation of the directions of cooperation with UNIDO [124]. Thus, the following set of issues is indicated as areas of cooperation: development and modernization of industrial complexes; formation of joint industrial and innovative infrastructure; transfer of advanced technologies; creation of joint production enterprises and digital space in the field of industry, analysis of the experience of implementing bilateral projects and development programs of UNIDO with member states in the field of creating knowledge-intensive, high–tech, innovative production; energy efficiency improvement; transfer of "clean technologies"; interaction within the framework of the project "Improvement of industrial production statistics and development of industrial competitiveness indicators for analysis in order to make politically significant decisions". All this should be considered in the context of the general conceptual provisions defining the directions of the Union's international activities for 2022. In particular, the document notes the need to focus the international activities of the Union on solving urgent problems of Eurasian economic integration. Among them are the development of exports, transport and energy infrastructure, industrial cooperation, the introduction of new technologies, the export of the Union's best practices in the field of innovation and digital technologies, etc. In addition, the need to strengthen the work on creating conditions for joint entry of enterprises of the member States into the markets of third countries was noted. As is known, the directions of the Union's international activities are detailed in the Direction No. 11 "Formation of the Union as one of the most significant centers of development of the modern world" Strategic directions for the development of Eurasian economic integration until 2025 [125]. Meanwhile, it seems to us that the disadvantage of this key strategic document is that it did not cover the areas of cooperation with UNIDO, whereas in paragraph 11.7.4, the vectors of cooperation with UNCTAD received the most detailed consolidation. Be that as it may, but this disadvantage cannot be considered as a barrier to cooperation with the organization. Representatives of the EEC rightly emphasize that UNIDO is "a time–tested and reliable partner in providing technical assistance to the development of our partners in different regions of the world, primarily in the CIS" [126]. Against this background, it is very important that the tasks and concrete steps to implement the provisions of the Agreement were determined at the end of 2016. As follows from information sources, the parties to the Agreement in 2019 began to work out the issue of developing a roadmap for interaction [127].Unfortunately, these plans have not yet been implemented. In any case, this does not hinder the development of cooperation between the Parties. The implementation of forms and directions of cooperation has found its expression in various practical steps. However, cooperation based on the roadmap, or on the basis of a program or plan could help to increase its effectiveness. First, we will point out such a direction of cooperation as the provision of expert services by the organization. Thus, the experts of UNIDO conducted an examination of the draft of the Main directions of industrial cooperation within the framework of the EAEU until 2020 [128].. As evidenced by open sources, she gave a positive assessment of the document and its objectives, in particular, the proposed tools and mechanisms [129]. Further, in 2021, the organization conducted an examination of a new version of this document, designed for the period up to 2025 [1], which we indicated at the very beginning of the article. It is quite noticeable that in the Main areas of industrial cooperation within the EAEU until 2025, there is a dynamic in the planned measures to adapt industry and cooperation in this area to new technological realities, namely to the so-called end-to-end technologies (industrial Internet, robotics and sensor components, wireless communication technologies, neurotechnology and artificial intelligence, quantum technologies, big data, distributed registry systems, virtual and augmented reality technologies, etc.). Since the entry of the manufacturing sector into an innovative path of development in an integration format is of key importance for the EAEU, software regulators are extremely in demand here. In this regard , back in 2015 The EEC and UNIDO have planned to develop a program for innovative development, technology transfer, industrial parks and export support clusters, etc. [130]. During the 43rd session of the UNIDO Industrial Development Board in 2015, it was decided to submit observer status to the EEC. This is a very significant achievement, because this status allows the Commission to participate in the organization's bodies, such as the General Conference and the Industrial Development Council in the areas provided for by the Joint Statement of 2014. This should also include involvement in the activities of various working groups, as well as direct exposure to the best experience of industrial development, information about which the organization has, as well as the organization of activities for the development and implementation of projects and programs that can be used in program and project cooperation within the EAEU. As further events have shown, these intentions have found a slightly different form of their embodiment, namely in the organization's assistance in the development of conceptual documents of the EAEU concerning the formation of innovative and industrial infrastructure facilities, namely technological platforms, an engineering center, industrial cooperation networks and technology transfer. In particular, UNIDO experts took part in the development of conceptual documents, which touched upon the main directions of the formation of industrial and innovative infrastructure facilities of the EAEU [131; 132]. Recall that in the future it was decided to combine these projects into one – the "Eurasian Network of Industrial Cooperation, Subcontracting and Technology Transfer" [133]. Consequently, there is a provision of technical assistance from UNIDO. A similar kind of assistance was provided in the process of developing the Concept of creating the Eurasian Machine Tool Engineering Center [134], designed to accumulate and develop domestic production technologies in the machine tool industry while ensuring the import of the most promising foreign technological developments. Thus, a new area of application of efforts is being formed for UNIDO, namely– integration infrastructure projects. This became possible thanks to the functioning of the UNIDO Center in Russia. Digital transformations of the economy are of the greatest importance in the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The EAEU has developed and is implementing a Concept for the digital transformation of the EAEU industry [135], which provides for the formation of a Eurasian Digital Platform and the subsequent implementation of pilot projects in the field of digital industrial cooperation. The concept provides for a wide range of tools and mechanisms for digital transformations (information and communication infrastructure, electronic identification technologies, service-oriented architecture, etc.). Against this background, the intention to prepare proposals for the digital transformation of high-tech industries that would take into account the experience of UNIDO in this area seems very promising [136]. The implementation of a project to create a Digital accelerator for the Sustainable development of the EAEU will contribute to the processes of digital transformation not only of industry, but also of the social sphere, for example, the urban environment [137]. The Center for International Industrial Cooperation of UNIDO in the Russian Federation acted as an expert partner of the Accelerator. In brief, we will point out that the Accelerator, initiated by the consulting company Evercity, is designed to create an ecosystem for the implementation of various digital projects not only at the stage of experimental development, but also mass production. Moreover, these projects should be integrated into the SDG implementation process. And finally, UNIDO experts took part in a round table held in May 2022 and was devoted to discussing the concept of creating the Eurasian Innovation Platform "Industry 4.0", designed to ensure the modernization of the industry of the EAEU countries in the integration format [138]. At the same time, we recall that in the conditions of the development of the digital economy, big data will have an increased importance. In our case, this is big data in the field of industrial development. We have to admit that the EAEU member states use different methods of statistical accounting. Therefore, in the situation of the development of integration in the field of industry, there is a need for their harmonization of statistical methods. This is all the more important in order to achieve reliability and validity of decisions made at the integration level. For this reason, an invaluable contribution to the harmonization process can be made by UNIDO, which has experience in the development of statistics. From our point of view, assistance in the development of analysis of statistical information on the degree of knowledge intensity of industrial production and data on the introduction of promising technologies, including those created by joint efforts of the Member States, is also of increased importance. And finally, it is necessary to focus on one more very promising track of interaction. Thus, in his speech at the 17th session of the UNIDO General Assembly, S. Sidorsky, a member of the Board (Minister) for Industry and Agriculture, expressed the idea that the format of cooperation between the EEC and UNIDO could involve the involvement of other interested states and international organizations in the development of industrial, scientific and technical cooperation and innovative cooperation [139]. It seems to us that such a vision is quite realistic, although in modern geopolitical circumstances it may be associated with a number of difficulties. But, anyway, such an initiative is quite productive. Its expediency can be justified by the fact that often projects implemented by specialized UN agencies, as well as various international funds, involve the participation of several international structures at once. Therefore, it is quite logical that when UNIDO provides technical assistance on certain projects, for example, the International Telecommunication Union, as well as UNDP, may well act as a partner. This will avoid duplication and at the same time create the basis for a synergistic effect.
As can be seen, the mechanism of cooperation between the EAEU and UNIDO is different from the mechanism of cooperation between its member States and UNIDO. This is quite understandable, because we are talking about cooperation between two international intergovernmental organizations with different competencies. There is a mechanism that has a political and legal nature, because there is no proper legal regulation of their cooperation. Currently, this mechanism is not supplemented by the use of software tools, as well as joint projects. Although this does not hinder the development of cooperation between the EAEU and UNIDO, nevertheless, the need for its improvement is increasing.
ConclusionIn connection with the reindustrialization policy pursued by the EAEU member States and their desire to implement a coordinated industrial policy, the role of UNIDO as a partner is being strengthened many times.
However, at present we should talk about expanding this interaction at the integration level. Prerequisites for such interaction: the existence of regulatory legal and organizational-legal bases for cooperation between each of the member states with UNIDO at the level of programs and projects; Russia's participation as a donor in projects in which the other EAEU member states participate; a joint Statement of Understanding between the EEC and UNIDO; the inclusion of interaction with UNIDO in the main areas of international activity EAEU; interaction of the EEC representatives with representatives of UNIDO. However, taken together, this is clearly not enough for expanded interaction with UNIDO at the integration level. As promising areas for improving the political and legal mechanism of interaction, it is necessary to highlight: - improvement of the organizational and legal framework of cooperation in terms of the development and approval of the Interaction Program, which provides for planned activities: this will make it possible to translate the provisions of the Joint Statement on Cooperation into practical terms; - development of integration projects of an industrial and technological nature, which are symbols of Eurasian integration, which provide technical assistance from UNIDO; - development of special integration high-tech projects, the parties of which are the EAEU and UNIDO; - harmonization of the external industrial and scientific and technical policies of the Member States in cooperation with UNIDO and the development of proposals for projects supported by the organization in the countries of the Union, in terms of strengthening the integration component in them; - Establishment of the ECE Working Group on cooperation with UNIDO; - consolidation of the positions of the EAEU member states within the framework of the structural divisions of UNIDO; - connection of industrial and innovation infrastructure facilities of the EAEU through the UNIDO Center for International Industrial Cooperation in Russia to a network of foreign centers and similar foreign industrial and innovation infrastructure facilities. - creation of conditions for the involvement of UNIDO in the work of Eurasian technology platforms. References
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UNIDO activities related to cooperation with middle-income countries Report by the Director General GC.17/12 (02.10.2017). URL: (accessed: 11.15.2022). 26. Strategic framework for partnerships with middle-income countries Report of the Director-General // IDB.47/26 (18.06.2019). URL: (accessed: 11.16.2022). 27. UNIDO. Program for Country Partnership (PCP). URL: (accessed: 11.16.2022). 28. Startsev, A.A. (2008) On the role of UNIDO in the implementation of the new economic policy of Russia // Problems of modern economics, no. 2, pp. 86–90. 29. Grishaeva, L.E. (2010) Russia, the UN and scientific and technical progress / L.E. Grishaeva // Economic Journal, no. 2, pp. 6–24. 30. Korotkov, S.A. (2012) UNIDO activities in the Russian Federation / S.A. Korotkov // Pure water: problems and solutions, no. 1/2, pp. 20–21. 31. Starykh, V.A. Novikov. B.A. (2007) International cooperation between Russia and UNIDO - information support for the transfer of Russian high technologies // Innovations, no. 10, pp. 103–104. 32. Tolikova, E.E., Zhuravlev, M.S. (2018) Directions of multilateral cooperation of the EAEU member states with international organizations in the field of industrial integration // Eurasian Law Journal, 2018, no. 4, pp. 359–362. 33. Snapkovsky, V.E. (2021) The Byelorussian SSR in the UN: a detachment of Soviet diplomacy in action. Minsk, Law and Economics. 318 p. 34. Zalessky, B. (2016) Potential of multilateral economic diplomacy in modern conditions // Contours of multi-vector approach. Chronicle of international cooperation. Saarbrucken, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. 140 p. 35. Zalessky, B. (2016) Belarus – UNIDO: partnership for sustainable development / B. Zalessky // Modern Scientific Bulletin, no. 2, pp. 72–75. 36. UNIDO. GC.17/Dec.1 “Election of the Chair” (27.11.2017) // Decisions and resolutions adopted by the UNIDO General Conference at its seventeenth session (Vienna, 27 November – 1 December 2017) // GC.17/INF/ 4 (December 15, 2017). URL: (accessed: 11.03.2022). 37. UNIDO. Strategic framework for partnerships with middle-income countries Report of the Director-General // IDB.47/26 (18.06.2019). URL: /PDF/V1904538.pdf?OpenElement (accessed: 05.11.2022). 38. Statement by the representative of Belarus in the framework of the general discussion on November 30 (order 12) // UNIDO General Conference, 19th session (Vienna, November 29 – December 3, 2021). URL: (accessed: 11.06.2022). 39. Republican Center for Technology Transfer (Belarus). URL: (date of access: 06.11.2022). 40. Uspensky, A. et al. (2018) Republican Center for Technology Transfer: 15 years in the national innovation system (history of development, structure, methodology, activities, prospects) Minsk, Center for System Analysis and Strategic Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. 78 p. 41. Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 1584 dated November 27, 2006 “On Approval of the TACIS Action Program in the Field of Nuclear Safety for 2005 and International Technical Assistance Projects”. URL: (accessed: 10.18.2022). 42. On signing the Framework Program for Cooperation with UNIDO (01.10.2013). URL: (accessed: 08.10.2022). 43. Belarus offers UNIDO for the implementation of about 10 scientific, technical and innovation projects. (17.07.2015). URL: (accessed: 08.10.2022). 44. The UNIDO Center for International Industrial Cooperation is planned to be opened in Belarus (26.07.2011). URL: (accessed: 10.10.2022). 45. Gavritsky, S. The creation of the Grodno agro-industrial park will allow local farmers to enter the European market (23.02.2016). URL: (accessed: 10.11.2022) . 46. EU4Environment, resource efficient and cleaner production component (2018-2023) (Project ID 170223). URL: (accessed: 10.11.2022). 47. Institutional strengthening and policy support to upgrade the component manufacturers in the automotive sector in the Republic of Belarus (2014–2018) (Project ID 140130). URL: (accessed: 10.12.2022). 48. UNIDO. Automotive industry of the Republic of Belarus: sources of competitiveness (2011). URL: (accessed: 13.10.2022). 49. Balovnev, A. Effect for $1 million. How enterprises implement UNIDO projects on lean manufacturing (11/13/2017). URL: (accessed: 11.13.2022). 50. The Center for Production Modernization was established in Belarus (05/16/2019). URL: (accessed: 11.16.2022). 51. On holding the conference “Sustainable industrial development in middle-income countries of Europe and Central Asia: innovations and technologies (needs, potential and successful experience)” with the support of UNIDO and UNDP (25.04.2015). URL: (accessed: 10.14.2022). 52. A seminar on the topic of eco-industrial parks was held at the Institute of Business of BSU (25.02.2021). URL: (accessed: 10.14.2022). 53. EU4Environment. Green economy for Eastern Partner Countries. URL: (accessed: 09.25.2022). 54. On the signing of the cooperation program between Belarus and UNIDO (December 10, 2020). URL: (accessed: 09.25.2022). 55. Leveraging the potential of Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies to realize smart manufacturing in Belarus (2019–2023) (Project ID 190003). URL: (accessed: 09.25.2022). 56. The implementation of UNIDO project activities significantly increased the efficiency of enterprises (29.09.2022). URL: (accessed: 26.09.2022). 57. Belarus and UNIDO discussed new projects in the field of smart manufacturing (28.09.2022). URL: (accessed: 09.26.2022). 58. Promoting the uptake of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies in the Mogilev Region of Belarus (2022–2024) (Project ID 220141). URL: (accessed: 09.27.2022). 59. Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 23, 2012 No. 1343 “On the signing of the Protocol on cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and UNIDO on the project “Strengthening the capacity of the Center for the Development of Industrial Enterprises of the Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund Joint-Stock Company”. URL: (accessed: 27.09.2022). 60. State program of the industrial and innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015–2019 (approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 01.08.2014 No. 874). URL: (accessed: 09.27.2022). 61. State program of the industrial and innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020–2025 (approved by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 31, 2019 No. 1050, invalidated by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 20, 2022 No. 508). URL: (accessed: 11.22.2022). 62. Administrative agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and UNIDO on earmarked contributions to the Industrial Development Fund (approved by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 8, 2016 No. 679) URL: (accessed:10.21.2022). 63. Kazakhstan and UNIDO discussed prospects for cooperation (13.06.2017). URL: (accessed: 09.04.2022). 64. Doctrine (strategy) of achieving carbon neutrality of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2060. URL: (accessed: 04.09.2022). 65. NJSC “International Center for Green Technologies and Investment Projects”. URL: (accessed: 09.12.2022). 66. Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the establishment of a non-profit joint-stock company “International Center for Green Technologies and Investment Projects” dated April 27, 2018 No. 224. URL: (accessed: 09.22.2022). 67. Green Bridge Partnership Program: Perspectives and Tools. URL: (accessed: 22.09.2022). 68. Charter on the Green Bridge Partnership Program (Astana, 30.09.2013). URL: (accessed: 09.23.2022). 69. Bakytzhan Sagintayev discussed with the Director General of UNIDO the issues of cooperation on the Third Modernization of the Economy of Kazakhstan (12.07.2017). URL: (accessed: 09.23.2022). 70. Kazakhstan is increasing cooperation with key international organizations in Vienna (08.05.2019). URL: (accessed: 24.09.2022). 71. The Permanent Representative of Kazakhstan presented his credentials to the Director General of UNIDO (12/18/2020). URL: (accessed: 25.09.2022). 72. Global Cleantech Innovation Program in Kazakhstan - Promoting cleantech innovation and entrepreneurship in small and medium-sized enterprises for green jobs in Kazakhstan (2019–2026) (Project ID 180111). URL: (accessed: 09.25.2022). 73. Within the framework of the project, an agreement was concluded with UNIDO (UN) on the transfer of a hazardous waste disposal facility to Kazakhstan (06/10/2020). URL: (accessed: 25.09.2022). 74. GCIP: advancing Cleantech innovation and entrepreneurship (11/15/2022). URL: (accessed: 10.11.2022). 75. Promoting Community Level Job Creation and Income Generating Activities through the Development of Cost-Effective Building Materials Production in Kyrgyzstan (2014–2018) (Project ID 140116). URL: (accessed: 10.11.2022). 76. National Strategy for Sustainable Development of the Kyrgyz Republic for the period 2013–2017 (approved by the Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic of January 21, 2013 No. 11, as amended by the Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic of September 27, 2013 No. 194). URL: (accessed: 10.11.2022). 77. Medium-term development program of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2012–2014 (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic “On approval of the draft Medium-Term Development Program of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2012–2014 dated April 12, 2012 No. 239, amended in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic dated November 22, 2012 No. 789). URL: (accessed: 19.09.2022). 78. UNIDO will assist in the development of the National Industrial Development Program (25.11.2015). URL: (accessed: 09.11.2022). 79. Program for Country Partnership Kyrgyzstan. ANNUAL REPORT 2021. URL: (accessed: 20.10.2022). 80. Strategy for Sustainable Development of Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2019-2023 Appendix 1 to the Decree of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic dated September 27, 2029 No. 502. URL: 157190 (accessed: 10.20.2022). 81. Strengthening quality and standards compliance capacity of the fruits value chain to facilitate market access (2018–2022) (Project ID180061). URL: (accessed: 17.09.2022). 82. UNIDO. Labnet. URL: (accessed: 09.17.2022). 83. Scale up small hydropower development in selected countries to contribute to inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID) (2015–2021) (Project ID 150095). URL: (accessed: 09.18.2022). 84. A private small hydroelectric power station was launched in Sokuluk (10/14/2021). URL: (accessed: 09.18.2022). 85. Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE): Supporting Change for the Future We Want (2013–2023) (Project ID 130090). URL: (accessed: 09.15.2022). 86. Ambassador: UNIDO program can be modular for the Armenian government (03/09/2017). URL: (accessed: 07.11.2022). 87. Russia will provide Armenia with 2 million dollars through UNIDO for the development of the textile industry (14.02.2017). URL: (accessed: 07.09.2022). 88. Improving the competitiveness of export-oriented industries in Armenia through modernization and market access: Phase III (2020–2024) (Project ID 190163). URL: (accessed: 07.09.2022). 89. Tigran Khachatryan met with the Secretary General of UNIDO (11.07.2019). URL: (accessed: 07.10.2022). 90. Support to Quality Infrastructure in Armenia (2021–2025) (Project ID 210152). URL: (accessed: 07.10.2022). 91. Country Program for inclusive and sustainable industrial development in the Republic of Armenia 2022–2026) (Project ID 190185). URL: (accessed: 07.10.2022). 92. Armenia Transformation Strategy 2050. URL: ttps:// (accessed: 24.10.2022). 93. Armenia Development Strategy 2014–2025. URL: ( (accessed: 24.10.2022). 94. The Ministry of Economy, together with UNIDO, will work on inclusive and sustainable industrial development in Armenia (11/16/2021). URL: (accessed: 24.10.2022). 95. The head of UNIDO called the dialogue with Russia an example of cooperation for the benefit of the world (21.11.2016). URL: (accessed: 09.13.2022). 96. Statement by the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to International Organizations in Vienna M.I. Ulyanov during the general debate of the 19th session of the UNIDO General Conference (November 30, 2021). URL: (accessed: 09.13.2022). 97. First Regional Conference on Sustainable Industrial Development “Promoting sustainable energy solutions and clean technologies in the CIS countries” (Vienna, 22–24 November 2017). Report. URL: (accessed: 09.13.2022). 98. UNIDO Center in Russia. URL: (date of access: 09.13.2022). 99. Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization on the activities of the UNIDO Center for International Industrial Cooperation in the Russian Federation (Vienna, December 18, 1992) (As amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.07.2008 No. 513). URL: (date of access: 09.14.2022). 100. UNIDO Center in Russia: Current projects. URL: (accessed: 09.14.2022). 101. Market Transformation Program on Energy Efficiency in Greehouse Gas-Intensive Industries in the Russian Federation (2011–2018) (Project ID 103056). URL: (accessed: 09.17.2022). 102. Environmentally Sound Management and Final Disposal of PCBs at the Russian railroads network and other PCB owners (Phase I (2014-2022) 140019)). URL: (accessed: 09.18.2022). 103. UNIDO Regional Foresight Centre. URL: (accessed: 10.28.2022). 104. UNIDO. Technology Foresight in Europe (CEE/NIS). URL: (accessed: 28.10.2022). 105. Forecast of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation until 2030 (approved by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation on December 3, 2014). URL: (accessed: 10.08.2022). 106. Comprehensive forecast of scientific and technological progress of the Republic of Belarus for 2021–2025 and for the period up to 2040. URL: (accessed: 10.10.2022). 107. UNIDO and Russia opened an HVAC&R training center in Armenia (23.01.2017). URL: (accessed: 09.11.2022). 108. Regional Training Center for HVAC&R Specialists (Yerevan, September 18, 2019). URL: (accessed: 15.09.2022). 109. UNIDO plans to launch a pilot project as part of the transition of the Republic of Belarus to the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (30.08.2022). URL: (accessed: 08.11.2022). 110. Improvement of industrial statistics and development of indicators of industrial performance for policy-relevant analysis in selected countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia - Phase II ((2019–2023) (Project ID 190319). URL: https://open. (accessed: 08.08.2022). 111. UNIDO project to support industrial integration processes in the EurAsEC countries (2011). URL: (accessed: 10.11.2022). 112. UNIDO and EurAsEC intend to develop cooperation in various sectors (26.01.2009). URL: (accessed: 10.10.2022). 113. Results of the meeting of the coordinating council of the UNIDO project to support industrial integration processes in the EurAsEC countries (26.01.2011). URL: (accessed: 21.09.2022). 114. Analysis of the level of industrial cooperation between the member countries of the EurAsEC and ways of its development (2011). 17 p. URL: (accessed: 09.11.2022). 115. Regional (CIS) Capacity Building for Developing Programs for Mitigation of Global Environmental Problems (2014–2016) (Project ID 140010). URL: (accessed: 10.11.2022). 116. UNIDO in the CIS space: focus on projects within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union. URL: (accessed: 08.10.2022). 117. Joint statement on cooperation between ECE and UNIDO (Vienna, 30 October 2014). URL: (accessed: 08.09.2022). 118. Main directions of international activities of the Eurasian Economic Union for 2015-2016 (approved by the Decision of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council dated October 16, 2015 No. 26). URL: (àccessed: 24.08.2022). 119. The main directions of the international activities of the Eurasian Economic Union for 2017 (approved by the Decision of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council dated December 26, 2016 No. 18). URL: (accessed: 11.11.2022). 120. The main directions of international activity for 2018 (approved by the Decision of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council dated June 18, 2018 No. 15. URL: (accessed: 11.11.2022). 121. The main directions of the international activities of the EAEU for 2020” (approved by the Decision of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council dated October 01, 2019 No. 19). URL: (accessed: 14.09.2022). 122. The main directions of the international activities of the EAEU for 2019” (approved by the Decision of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council dated December 6, 2018 No. 19). URL: (accessed: 10.11.2022). 123. The main directions of the international activities of the EAEU for 2021 (approved by the decision of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council dated December 11, 2020 No. 15. URL: (date accessed: 10.09.2022). 124. The main directions of the international activities of the EAEU for 2022 (approved by the Decision of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council of December 10, 2021 No. 20). URL: (accessed: 09.09.2022). 125. Strategic directions for the development of Eurasian economic integration until 2025 (approved by the decision of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council dated December 11, 2020 No. 12). URL: (accessed: 09.09.2022). 126. Gennady Gatilov: UNIDO is a time-tested partner for Russia. URL: (accessed: 19.11.2022). 127. The EEC plans to use the knowledge and experience of UNIDO for the innovative development of the EAEU countries (10.07.2019). URL: (accessed: 09.10.2022). 128. The main directions of industrial cooperation within the EAEU for the period up to 2020 (approved by the decision of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council of September 9, 2015 No. 9) URL: /icd_10092015_9 (accessed: 27.10.2021). 129. EAEU: new mechanisms of interaction are next in line. URL:;-33#pos=28;-33 (accessed: 17.11.2022). 130. EEC and UNIDO will develop a program for innovative development (24.04.2015). URL: (accessed: 28.10.2022). 131. The concept of the creation and operation of the Eurasian Technology Transfer Network (approved by the decision of the EEC Council of March 30, 2018 No. 23). URL: 3 (accessed: 17.08.2022). 132. The concept of creating the Eurasian network of industrial cooperation and subcontracting (approved by the decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated December 21, 2016 No. 143). URL: (accessed: 03.09.2022). 133. Decision of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council dated April 30, 2019 No. 2 “On the implementation of the project “Eurasian network of industrial cooperation, subcontracting and technology transfer”. URL: (accessed: 07.09.2022). 134. Decision of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council dated April 13, 2016 No. 1 (Moscow) “On the Concept for the Creation of the Eurasian Engineering Center for Machine Tool Building”. URL: (accessed: 11.09.2022). 135. The concept of creating conditions for the digital transformation of industrial cooperation within the framework of the EAEU and the digital transformation of the industry of the Member States of the Union (Appendix to the Recommendation of the EEC Council dated December 5, 2018 No. 1). URL: (accessed: 09.11.2022). 136. The EEC and UNIDO will jointly engage in the digitization of the industry of the EAEU (03.12.2018). URL: (accessed: 14.11.2022). 137. The EAEU Digital Accelerator for Sustainable Development starts accepting applications (06.23.2020). URL: (accessed: 18.11.2022). 138. The concept of creating the Eurasian Innovation Platform was discussed at the site of the Ministry of Economy (05/20/2022). URL: (accessed: 21.09.2022) . 139. Speech by the Head of the Delegation of the Eurasian Economic Commission, Member of the Board (Minister) for Industry and Agro-industrial Complex Sergey Sidorsky at the 17th session of the UNIDO General Conference (November 27 – December 1, 2017, Vienna). URL: (accessed: 22.10.2022).
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Conclusions, the interest of the readership. The conclusions are logical, specific "... at present, we should talk about expanding this interaction at the integration level", "... taken together, this is clearly not enough for expanded interaction with UNIDO at the integration level. As promising areas for improving the political and legal mechanism of interaction, a number of areas should be identified (listed in the article). The article in this form may be of interest to the readership in terms of the systematic positions of the author in relation to the issues stated in the article, which should be typical for legal research. Based on the above, summing up all the positive and negative sides of the article, I recommend "sending for revision", taking into account the comments (the volume of the article, etc.). |