DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2022.6.39169
The subject of the research is the method of expert assessments for ranking threats to the national security of the Russian Federation. The object of research is the process of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation. The following expert methods are considered in the article: direct placement method; method of analysis of hierarchies; method of expert ranking of factors influencing the result. In this study, the existing approaches to the activities of expert groups based on the method of ranking factors are considered in more detail. Within the framework of this method, factors are ordered according to the degree of manifestation of their properties and influence on the ultimate goal (national security) in ascending or descending order. The method is used when it is impossible to quantify the factors that determine the course of processes in socio-economic systems. The scientific novelty of the use of expert approaches is substantiated by the authors by the lack of necessary statistical information on the quantitative characteristics of the relationship between threats to the national security of the Russian Federation and the factors that form them, as well as by the possibility of filling this gap by expert means. The article presents the results of a survey of 23 experts - specialists in the field of national and economic security on the ranking of threats identified in the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation. The authors conclude that the use of the method of expert assessments for ranking threats on a point scale makes it possible to determine the most significant and urgent threats to national security based on the experience and knowledge of highly professional experts. The method is simple, understandable and convenient for decision makers, and gives them the opportunity to quickly take measures to minimize and neutralize threats to national security in order to further strengthen it. The technology of forming an expert group and conducting an online survey of experts can be widely used in Russian practice in solving problems to ensure the national security of the country.
National security, expert approach, factor, threat, factor ranking method, method of expert assessments, threat ranking, National Security Strategy, score scale, online expert survey
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1. Introduction.The state of national security is influenced by numerous factors: political, military, economic, social, man-made, etc. These factors are associated with a significant number of emerging threats that need to be identified, monitored, analyzed, ranked in a timely manner, and measures taken to minimize and neutralize them [1]. However, not all links between factors and threats can be quantified and reflected in statistical information. In this case, the establishment of the desired links between factors and emerging threats is carried out by expert means, which determines the relevance of the use and development of expert approaches in the field of national security of the Russian Federation [2, 3]. 2. The state and development of expert approaches in ensuring national security. The advantages of the expert approach are: – leveling of errors and errors of individual specialists; – ensuring the validity and reliability of the results obtained; – more objective, politically neutral results and collective responsibility of experts. The disadvantages are: – the appearance of possible unsolvable contradictions of experts; – the prevalence of collective opinion over individual opinions, which can negatively affect the quality of forecasting events [4]. When forming a pool of experts, certain requirements are imposed on them, providing for the so-called "group reliability". That is, the answers of different subgroups of experts should be close, with their uniform distribution. In addition, the selection of potential participants in the expert survey is carried out in accordance with the objectives of the examination. The subject area of the study, the competence of candidates, their horizons and erudition in related fields of science are taken into account. Most often, a special questionnaire of possible experts is used for this, on the basis of which their final group is formed (Rating of experts in the field of international relations // Center for Political Conjuncture, [Electronic resource] URL: / (date of request: 10.10.2022)). It is also necessary to take into account the following important aspects that affect the accuracy of the survey. 1. The relationship between the number of experts and the accuracy of the results of the group assessment. Thus, with a reduction in the number of experts interviewed, the accuracy of the group assessment decreases as a result of an increase in the weight of the individual assessment of each expert. At the same time, with a significant increase in the number of respondents, it becomes difficult to identify their agreed position, including due to a certain dispersion of the weights of individual contradictory judgments, the contribution of each of which to the overall result is extremely important. 2. The expert group should consist of specialists of the same field, but of different specialties in order to prevent the manifestation of a tendentious "imposed" opinion. 3. The possible presence of personal communications between experts that negatively affect the accuracy of the results. The main stages of the examination are as follows: 1. Formulation of the problem under study, definition of the purpose and objectives of the examination; 2. Formation of the main staff of expert specialists; 3. Distribution of experts into groups according to expert surveys; 4. Preparation of a questionnaire with the most formalized questions, implying an unambiguous answer or assigning points / ranks. 4. Conducting a survey of experts and receiving results from them; 5. Analysis of information received by experts, identification of factors that do not significantly affect the problem under study and exclusion of these factors from consideration; 6. Development of management decisions based on the results of the analysis of statistical data and expert information. To numerically assess the impact of each factor (threat) on the final result (the state of national security), an appropriate weighting factor is used [5]. In Russian and world practice, a number of methods for finding weight coefficients are used, among them the most well-known method of direct placement, the method of hierarchy analysis [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]. This article discusses the existing approaches to the activities of expert groups based on the method of ranking factors [14].
Within the framework of this method, the studied factors are ordered according to the degree of manifestation of their properties and influence on the final goal in order of their increasing or decreasing: It is used in cases where it is impossible to quantify the factors determining the course of processes in socio-economic systems. As a rule, ranking is applied if the following conditions are met: – the factors (threats) have a different nature and essence, and are themselves complexly integral with respect to the lower ones; – factors (threats) are ordered according to a certain attribute and the significance of the impact on the task being solved; – within the framework of the study, it is not necessary to calculate the degree of influence of the factor on the integral indicator (final result) [15]. The development of the ranking method is the assignment of coefficients to factors. In this method, factors are evaluated on a certain point scale, for example, from 1 to N. When using this method, the expert arranges the factors under consideration in the most rational order for him. After that, each factor is assigned a number from the natural series (rank), for example: "1" – the factor has the maximum influence, and "N" - the smallest. In this case, the number of ranks, as a rule, is equal to the number of ranked factors. In the case of assigning the same rank to different factors, ranking normalization is required, which is carried out by assigning a fractional rank to factors having the same weight. This rank is calculated as the average value of the places that these factors have divided among themselves. Here is an example of 9 factors, ranked as follows (Table 1): Table 1 – Ranking of 9 factors Factor No. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Simple ranking | 1 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Normalized | 1 | 2,5 | 5,5 | 4 | 2,5 | 5,5 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Source: compiled by the authors Here, the 2nd and 5th factors received the 2nd and 3rd places, so their normalized ranks will be equal (2 + 3)/2 = 2,5. Respectively for the 3rd and 6th factors – (5 + 6)/2 = 5,5. In turn, 4,7,8 and 9 factors will be assigned 4, 7, 8 and 9 ranks, respectively. The sum of the ranks will be: 1+2,5+5,5+4+2,5+5,5+7+8+9 = 45. The general formula is as follows: . When examining with the involvement of a pool of experts , the ranking is as follows: 1) for each i-th factor, the sum of Sij ranks received from each expert is calculated; 2) each factor is assigned the resulting rank Ri. As a result, a "rank matrix" is formed. For example, let's make a rank matrix for 9 factors and a pool of experts of 4 people, where Rij is the rank assigned to the i–th factor by the j-th expert. If the values of the resulting factors coincide, they can also be normalized. Table 2 – Rank matrix based on the results of a survey of 4 experts Factors ( i ) | Experts ( j ) | Sum of ranks | Resultant rank | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
1 | R11 | R12 | R13 | R14 | ![]( | R1 | 2 | R21 | R22 | R23 | R24 | ![]( | R2 | 3 | R31 | R32 | R33 |
R34 | ![]( | R3 | 4 | R41 | R42 | R43 | R44 | ![]( | R4 | 5 | R51 | R52 | R53 | R54 | ![]( | R5 | 6 |
R61 | R62 | R63 | R64 | ![]( | R6 | 7 | R71 | R72 | R73 | R74 | ![]( | R7 | 8 | R81 | R82 | R83 | R84 | ![]( |
R8 | 9 | R91 | R92 | R93 | R94 | ![]( | R9 | | | | | | ![]( | | Source: compiled by the authors For greater clarity and exclusion of insignificant factors, it is possible to construct a corresponding diagram (Figure 1) based on the data of the "sum of ranks" column. Moreover, if the most significant factor was evaluated by a "unit", then the countdown begins not from "zero" along the ordinate axis, but from a number slightly larger than the maximum sum of ranks for individual factors. The most favorable case of a rapid exponential drop in the degree of influence of factors is shown here. Figure 1 shows that the main influence on the studied problem is exerted by 1,2 and 4 factors, and the 7th, 5th, 6th, 3rd, 8th and 9th factors are insignificant and can be excluded from the study. ![]( Figure 1 - Diagram of the decreasing degree of influence of factors Source: compiled by the authors Thus, due to the fact that the sources and prerequisites of security threats are extremely differentiated, complex, have different essence, as well as different direct and indirect effects on the state of national security, this method (ranking on a point scale) is the most suitable for use. 3. Survey of experts on the ranking of threats defined in the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation For each strategic national priority defined in the National Security Strategy approved by Presidential Decree No. 400 of July 2, 2021, nine relevant threats can be identified: – reduction of the population, reduction of the quality of life and human potential; – wars and armed conflicts;
– undermining the constitutional order, national sovereignty, the legality of citizens' rights and freedoms; – violation of the sovereignty of the state in the information space; – violation of economic sovereignty, reduction of economic growth, competitiveness and sustainability [16]; – reduction of technological independence [17]; – reduction of environmental quality and aggravation of environmental management imbalances; – undermining the unity of the peoples of the Russian Federation, eroding the primordial universal principles and socially significant guidelines for social development [18]; – weakening of the position of the Russian Federation as one of the influential centers of the modern world (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 02.07.2021 No. 400 "On the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation"). Their impact on socio-economic development and ensuring the national security of the state is a dynamic process that is unstable in different periods and requires assessment from public authorities in a specific time period to take proactive measures to neutralize negative consequences for the economy and society [19]. However, the listed threats, due to their complexity, complexity and the presence of many constituent factors, are difficult to statistically assess and mathematically model [20]. In this regard, to rank such threats, it is advisable to use the method of expert assessments with the involvement of a specially selected group of specialists in the field of economic security, including employees of state authorities, leading scientific and educational institutions of the country. To this end, the authors conducted an online survey of experts on the ranking of threats identified in the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation for each strategic national priority. Questionnaires were sent to 68 experts from among the teaching staff and research teams of leading universities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm, Voronezh and other cities. As a result, responses were received from 23 of them, including: – 17 doctors of economic sciences; – 1 doctor of Physical and mathematical Sciences; – 2 candidates of economic sciences; – 3 graduate students. Among them: – 11 heads of departments of scientific and educational institutions specializing in risk analysis and research of economic security problems; – 12 leading and junior researchers engaged in research on international economic relations and threats to national security. Thus, the selected circle of experts is reasonable and sufficient to conduct an objective assessment of the impact of security threats and socio-economic factors on the state of national security of the country at the present time. A questionnaire (Appendix No. 1) was used as a research tool, in which it was proposed to assess the degree of influence of each of the nine above-mentioned threats to national security on the overall state of national security of the state by assigning unique ranks from 1 to 9. The conducted research reflected the following results (according to the degree of influence of threats on the general state of national security, from the greatest to the least): Table 3. Table 3 - Threats to the national security of the Russian Federation by the degree of influence on the general state of national security (from the greatest to the least) Threats to the national security of the Russian Federation by the degree of influence on the general state of national security | Average rank | wars and armed conflicts | 1 |
undermining the constitutional order, national sovereignty, and the legality of citizens' rights and freedoms | 2 | violation of economic sovereignty, reduction of economic growth, competitiveness and sustainability | 3 | reduction of technological independence | 4 | undermining the unity of the peoples of the Russian Federation, eroding the primordial universal principles and socially significant guidelines for social development | 5 | population decline, decline in quality of life and human potential | 6 | weakening of the position of the Russian Federation as one of the influential centers of the modern world | 7 | violation of the sovereignty of the Russian Federation in the information space | 8 | reduction of environmental quality and aggravation of environmental management imbalances | 9 | Source: compiled by the authors on the basis of (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 02.07.2021 No. 400 "On the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation") Thus, the overwhelming majority of respondents identified wars and armed conflicts as the most significant and urgent threat to national security, and the least dangerous at the current time is the decline in environmental quality and the aggravation of environmental management imbalances. This is largely due to the sharp aggravation of international contradictions, military actions in Ukraine, the escalation of sanctions and the policy of restraining the development of Russia, China and some other countries. This brings general political instability, limited access to technology and markets in general [18, 21]. Currently, environmental quality and environmental safety issues are relegated to a secondary plan. Moreover, in conditions of a shortage of Russian energy carriers and embargoes imposed, many European Union countries are ready to disregard the current environmental standards and switch to energy supply using coal, which will significantly worsen air quality. 4. Conclusions1. The method of expert assessments proposed in the article for ranking threats on a point scale allows determining the most significant and urgent threats to national security based on the knowledge and experience of highly professional experts.
2. Since the challenges and sources of threats to national security are extremely differentiated, complex, have different essence, as well as different direct and indirect effects on the state of national security of the country, the method (ranking on a point scale) is the most suitable for use in the field of national security. 3. The technology of forming an expert group and conducting an online survey of experts can be used in Russian practice to solve problems of ensuring the national security of the country. Application
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The development and use of the method of expert assessments to rank threats to the national security of the Russian Federation, attention to threats to national security in Russia today comes to the fore as part of the aggravation of geopolitical tensions and crisis phenomena in the economy. An important task in this regard is the identification and assessment of threats in the context of their transformation. Threat assessment has always been a non-trivial task due to the need for their qualitative analysis. One of the most common, reliable and effective methods of assessing threats to national security is expert. The article is devoted to the study of the features, problems, opportunities and directions of development of the expert method of assessing threats to Russia's national security in modern conditions. The article highlights sections with subheadings, which meets the requirements of the journal. Attention is drawn to the high quality of the structuring of the material, which helps to increase the level of its perception by readers of the magazine. In the introductory part, the author substantiates the relevance of the research. It should be noted that the justification of relevance implies an assessment of the significance of the study at the current time and for the future, in fact, the author indicates the presence of relevance due to the need for expert assessment, therefore, relevance requires a separate justification. The author also needs to define the purpose of the study in the introduction. Section "2. The state and development of expert approaches in ensuring national security" is devoted to describing the advantages and disadvantages of the expert method, requirements for experts, as well as approaches to ranking factors. In the section "Survey of experts on ranking threats identified in the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation", the author describes approaches to the survey of experts, as well as the results of an expert assessment on ranking threats to Russia's national security in accordance with the National Security Strategy approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 2, 2021 No. 400. In conclusion, the author summarizes and formulates conclusions based on the results of the study. There is a question about the title of the article regarding the use of the term "development". There is no justification for the development of an expert approach in the content of the article. Therefore, the author needs to correct the title or, according to the text of the article, justify what the development of the expert assessment method consists of. The methodological basis of the research consists of analysis, synthesis, ascent from the abstract to the concrete, logical and historical method, as well as the method of expert assessments as the central link in the methodological support of the work. The relevance of the article is beyond doubt. In the context of global geo-economic and geopolitical tensions, unprecedented sanctions pressure on the Russian Federation, crisis phenomena in the economy, threats to national security, on the one hand, are escalating, and on the other, their significance and relationships are transforming. This requires updating the ranks of threats to national security. However, as noted above, the relevance of the article by the author is not separately justified. The article has practical significance, since the presented results and recommendations can be used to adjust the National Security Strategy, as well as other conceptual documents at the level of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Security Council to identify threats to national security and update the relationship between them. The practical significance is due to the involvement of a wide range of experts in the ranking of threats by the author. The article does not explicitly present the elements of scientific novelty. The author needs to formulate a vision of the increment of scientific knowledge within the framework of the conducted research. The fact is that the method of expert assessments has been used for a long time in domestic and foreign science and practice. Proposals for the development of the methodology have been missed. Threats to national security for Russia have not been identified or clarified by the author, but are taken from the National Security Strategy. In this regard, we believe that the presence of scientific novelty is not obvious. There is no description of the gap in scientific knowledge that gives grounds for conducting research in the article. We consider the addition of the article in this part to be a prerequisite for publication. The presentation style is scientific and meets the requirements of the journal. The article presents figures and tables, which increases the perception of the research results. The bibliography is presented by 21 sources: research by domestic and foreign scientists. The use of the most relevant sources is positive. However, the disadvantage is the use of multiple links, for example, to 8 sources at once to one phrase in the absence of targeting and mentioning of the authors. This approach did not allow the article to develop a scientific discussion, while according to the requirements of the journal, articles should be polemical in nature. We suggest that the author strengthen the article with elements of scientific debate and critical analysis of previous research. The advantages of the article include, firstly, the relevance and significance of the chosen research area. Secondly, an illustration of the advantages of the expert assessment method on a specific example – ranking threats to national security. Thirdly, the breadth of use of figures and tables, as well as good structuring of the material, which increases the perception of the results by readers of the journal. The disadvantages include the following. Firstly, the lack of formulation of the purpose of scientific research, as well as the lack of justification for the relevance of research in the "Introduction". Secondly, there is a lack of justification for the scientific novelty of the study, which in itself is not obvious. Thirdly, the lack of development of the methodology of expert assessments, as stated in the title. Fourthly, the use of multiple references to sources with the disadvantages of a scientific review. Conclusion. The article is devoted to the study of the features, problems, opportunities and directions of development of the expert method of assessing threats to Russia's national security in modern conditions. The article is able to arouse the interest of a wide readership of the magazine. It is recommended to accept for publication in the journal "National Security / nota bene", provided that the comments indicated in the text of this review are eliminated.