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NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice
Semenova, A.A. (2022). Organization of Interaction between the Police and the Subjects of the System of Crime Prevention in Countering Dangerous Hobbies of Young People. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 4, 72–80.
Organization of Interaction between the Police and the Subjects of the System of Crime Prevention in Countering Dangerous Hobbies of Young People
DOI: 10.7256/2306-9945.2022.4.39145EDN: ERLLBZReceived: 06-11-2022Published: 13-11-2022Abstract: The object of scientific research is social relations between the police and the subjects of the crime prevention system in counteracting the dangerous hobbies of young people. The subject of scientific research is the norms of the administrative legislation of the Russian Federation. In the course of the study, scientific-theoretical, scientific-practical, comparative-legal research methods, objective methods of analysis and synthesis, and others were used. The relevance of this study is due to the organization of police activities with other subjects of prevention and counteraction to dangerous hobbies of adolescents and youth, the use of various preventive measures and ways to prevent acts that threaten the life, health and moral education of the younger generation.The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the scientific provisions are analyzed in the direction of the study on the organization of interaction between the police and the subjects of the prevention system to counter the dangerous hobbies of adolescents and young people. The problems of implementing the interaction of the police with other subjects to counter the dangerous hobbies of adolescents and youth have been established and recommendations have been proposed for the creation of a general regulatory legal act and amendments to a number of legislative acts to improve the organization of interaction between the police and other subjects of prevention in the field of counteraction to the dangerous hobbies of adolescents and youth. Keywords: dangerous hobbies, youth, teenagers, police, organization, prevention, subjects, hooking, offense, counteractionThis article is automatically translated. Today, the situation of youth and adolescents in the world occupies a special place. It can be said that the environment of youth and adolescents is a special world, distinguished by its special social and legal status. The peculiarity of this category of people is the collision of youth and adolescents with various dangers to life and health. At the same time, teenagers are not always ready for safe behavior in various situations, due to their age. Taking into account the above, the task arises of both researching dangerous hobbies themselves and finding the most effective methods and ways to prevent and counteract dangerous hobbies of adolescents and young people by the state and competent authorities. This, in general, is the scientific novelty of this scientific research, as well as in the formulation of conclusions and the development of appropriate proposals and recommendations. The system of organizational interaction of the police with other subjects of the system of crime prevention in countering dangerous hobbies of adolescents and youth is essential, allows you to get the necessary information and information in a timely manner. It is necessary to agree with the point of view of A.V. Bogdanov, B. N. Komakhin, E. N. Khazov: "The state of the operational situation in the adolescent environment requires further improvement of forms and methods of preventive activities, ensuring the interaction of all interested departments and institutions in the implementation of tasks for the prevention of neglect, juvenile delinquency and crimes, family problems, protection of the rights and legitimate interests of children"[1, p. 207].In the scientific literature, various positions are expressed regarding the concept of "dangerous hobbies of young people". However, in many ways, such hobbies are due to the specifics of the age characteristics of adolescents. Thus, A. A. Grigorieva notes that the causes of risky behavior of adolescents are associated with various factors: biological, social, emotional, psychological and others [2, pp. 40-41]. It seems appropriate to formulate the term "dangerous hobbies". In the most general sense, dangerous hobbies are understood as a set of various extreme types of hobbies in real life, as well as on the Internet, threatening life and health, normal moral, cultural and spiritual development of the younger generation, the purpose of which is some kind of entertainment and getting adrenaline. Based on the above definition, dangerous hobbies include trips outside of commuter trains, trains and subways, informal movements through underground facilities and high-rise points of buildings and structures for educational and entertainment purposes. Recently , the following dangerous hobbies have become widely popular: 1. "hooking" or "trainsurfing" is a kind of fashionable dangerous hobby, consisting in unauthorized driving outside and on the roofs of electric cars, trains; 2. "diggerism" is a kind of dangerous hobby, consisting in the study of underground objects, such as basements, abandoned mines, tunnels, etc.; 3. "skywalking" is a kind of dangerous hobby, which consists in conquering the highest points of the city without special equipment and equipment; 4. "parkour" ? high-speed movement and overcoming obstacles with the help of special elements and without insurance; 5. "ruffing" is one of the types of dangerous hobbies, consisting in visiting the roofs of houses and structures and many others. It should be noted that the protection of the health and life of the younger generation is not only one of the main priorities of the state, but also one of the important indicators of the well–being of the population as a whole. As a rule, the juvenile affairs units included in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia carry out their activities within the framework of working with persons under 18 years of age. The police in the process of working to prevent and counteract dangerous hobbies of teenagers and young people, interact:- with other structural units that are part of the police; - carries out interdepartmental and external interaction (mass media, public organizations, educational organizations, parents (guardians, trustees), Commissioner for Human Rights, CPND and PO). The subjects of prevention of countering dangerous hobbies of adolescents and young people also include youth affairs agencies. The interaction of subjects for the prevention of countering dangerous hobbies of adolescents and youth is understood as the organized activities of state authorities, local governments, organizations and associations, in order to implement preventive measures and aimed at identifying, eliminating, preventing and suppressing the spread and implementation of dangerous hobbies among adolescents, through the organization of plans, programs, development of means and methods of combating with illegal hobbies operating within the framework of the legislation of the Russian Federation. It should be borne in mind that the central place in the interaction of the police on the prevention of countering dangerous hobbies of minors is occupied by the Commissions on Juvenile Affairs and the Protection of Their Rights (hereinafter ? KDN and PO). To date, the KDN and the PO are collegial bodies. They exist and function in every subject of the Russian Federation. According to A. O. Dolgova, the KDN and the PO are a separate state body designed to ensure the prevention of offenses among the younger generation [3, p. 96]. To date, there is no single regulatory legal act regulating the activities of various subjects for the prevention and counteraction of dangerous hobbies of adolescents and young people, which partly indicates the scientific novelty of the analyzed problem. It should be assumed that various plans, programs, and activities aimed at the safety of adolescents and young people, as well as at countering dangerous hobbies, are interdepartmental in nature [4, pp. 218-222]. For example, today there is an order of the Government of the Russian Federation approving the Basis of the state Youth Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025. It seems necessary to pay attention to the problems that do not allow effective use of preventive measures and counteraction to dangerous hobbies among adolescents and young people by other subjects of the prevention system. Based on the data of the Federal Statistical Observation in the field of state youth policy, 244 regional structures for working with youth were registered in 2021, of which 86 regional executive authorities and 158 regional budgetary institutions. Also in 2021, 4,522 institutions for youth work at municipal levels were registered, of which 2,367 were municipal executive authorities and 2,155 were municipal budgetary institutions[5]. Thus, there is a need for a clear distribution of such bodies in each subject evenly. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Central Federal District of Moscow, in 2020, the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Central Federal District of Moscow recorded ten deaths in connection with "hooking" among teenagers. In 2021, only in the Central part of Russia, nine zatsepers died[6]. Further, the list of other subjects of prevention of combating juvenile delinquency is specified in Federal Law No. 120-FZ dated 24.06.1999 "On the basics of the system of prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency". Other subjects of prevention of countering dangerous hobbies include: youth affairs agencies, educational institutions, health authorities, ATS, guardianship and guardianship authorities, etc. Thus, the subjects of prevention of countering dangerous hobbies of adolescents and youth are a set of state and municipal bodies and institutions, other organizations for youth affairs that carry out various preventive measures to counteract dangerous hobbies of adolescents and youth at the federal, regional and local levels. We propose to classify the models of prevention of countering dangerous hobbies as follows: 1. prevention of the development of consciousness of the younger generation. By prevention of development, we mean measures aimed at preventing the development of illegal behavior among adolescents and young people; 2. prevention of public consciousness. By prevention in society, we mean measures aimed at changing social conditions that affect offenses in the field of dangerous hobbies; 3. situational prevention. By situational prevention, we mean the activities of the competent authorities aimed at preventing the commission of illegal hobbies among adolescents and young people. Early intervention by the police and other bodies for the prevention of countering dangerous hobbies of adolescents and young people, the prevention of antisocial actions, is aimed at eliminating the early causes of offenses. It is possible to identify a number of signs that characterize the interaction of the police and the subjects of prevention of dangerous hobbies of adolescents and young people. These include: 1. consistency of plans, activities, goals and objectives to counteract dangerous hobbies of adolescents and young people; 2. allocation of the hierarchy of subjects, taking into account the competencies and equality of subjects of prevention of countering dangerous hobbies of adolescents and youth at the same level; 3. availability of a unified regulatory framework; 4. a clear distribution of functions and responsibilities for the prevention of countering dangerous hobbies of adolescents and young people. It is worth noting that teenagers and young people, due to their age characteristics, do not fully perceive the degree of threat to their life and health, committing some actions. They risk their health and life, wanting to get more "likes" on social networks on the videos that they post daily. It is necessary to ensure information security in the adolescent and youth environment is necessary, since there is no proper attention in this area. The issue of the dissemination of various information on the global Internet leads to a negative influence of the younger generation, attracting specialists from different fields of science. Moreover, the information space has created a real threat to the lives of the younger generation. Let's give an example, the TikTok Internet platform is full of videos imitating the deadly games of the popular South Korean web series in the genre of survival "The Squid Game". The essence of this series is that people take part in various deadly games for money. Teenagers in "TikTok" spread their versions of games, thereby risking their lives and health. However, despite the presence of a large number of legislative acts of the Russian Federation, state authorities are trying to take all steps to improve administrative, legal and other measures to influence the illegal behavior of young people and adolescents on the Internet. The creation of Federal Law No. 436-FZ of December 29, 2010 "On the protection of children and information that harms their health and development" made it possible to ensure a state of protection for children in which there is no risk associated with information causing harm to their health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral development. This normative act is of a conflict of laws nature, as it does not fully regulate the requirements, directions and methods of combating the spread of destructive information on the Internet [7, p. 112]. It should be noted here that various opinions were expressed regarding the improvement of information interaction between public authorities. The position was expressed on the need to form a system for monitoring interdepartmental interaction in order to obtain real results on efficiency [8, p. 3]. From the point of view of S. V. Beloborodov, information interaction requires clear principles of separation of powers and quality of activity, in conjunction with measures of personalization of responsibility [9, pp. 10-13]. There seems to be a justified need for a detailed study on the prevention and counteraction of dangerous hobbies on the Internet, namely, in order to improve the activities of police units in the prevention of countering dangerous hobbies, it is advisable to amend the above-mentioned law, namely, to form a new chapter "Police and prevention of countering dangerous hobbies of adolescents and youth", which will effectively apply various measures prevention of counteraction to various divisions of the Department of Internal Affairs within its competence. As already noted, today, to counteract dangerous hobbies, the state uses various methods of protection to ensure the safety of life and health of adolescents and young people. The methods of protection can be different. The Russian Federation has and applies economic, spiritual, cultural, informational, military and other methods of protecting young people. In accordance with this, countering dangerous hobbies among young people is determined by the organization of interaction between various ministries, departments, committees and organizations engaged in prevention and combating illegal actions. Ensuring counteraction to dangerous hobbies of adolescents and youth is a conscious purposeful organizational interaction of state, municipal and public institutions, in order to prevent counteraction to dangerous hobbies of adolescents and youth that threaten life and health, solving youth problems and improving the social situation [10, p. 13-14]. The system of organizational interaction of the police with other subjects of the system of crime prevention in countering dangerous hobbies of adolescents and youth is essential, allows you to get the necessary information and information in a timely manner. Currently, there are some gaps in the regulatory framework for the prevention of countering dangerous hobbies of adolescents and young people, and needs to be improved and new departmental and interdepartmental acts created. Obviously, state support is required for the activities of local self-government bodies and public associations to prevent and counteract dangerous hobbies of adolescents and youth, including amendments and proposals to existing regulatory legal acts on the organization of police interaction with other subjects of prevention of countering dangerous hobbies of adolescents and youth. References
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