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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Osin, R.V., Roganova, A.E., Medvedeva, I.A. (2022). Research of Ethnic Tolerance in the Youth Environment. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 14–25.
Research of Ethnic Tolerance in the Youth Environment
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2022.4.39017EDN: ELAAOCReceived: 24-10-2022Published: 30-12-2022Abstract: The current state of psychological research of ethnic tolerance in the youth environment is considered. Despite the existence of a certain degree of elaboration of the concept of ethnic tolerance in psychological literature and periodicals, the practical implementation of the study of the level of ethnic tolerance in various social strata and public entities is insufficient. The results of empirical research provide a real picture of the state of interethnic relations in this environment and provide grounds for practical measures to resolve possible conflict situations and harmonize interaction on an interethnic basis by uniting various ethnic groups in society. The purpose of the article is to empirically determine the level of ethnic tolerance among students of higher education institutions, to determine the level of its components, to establish links between tolerance and ethnic identity of respondents, to determine the prospects for further research. The results of an empirical study of ethnic tolerance among young people indicate that a person's tolerance to representatives of other ethnic groups is associated with awareness of belonging to their own ethnic group, that is, with a positively established ethnic identity. The vast majority of young people who have a normal level of ethnic identity, an average or high level of tolerance in general, they also have developed ethnic and social tolerance. Among the factors forming the appropriate level of ethnic tolerance, first of all, it is necessary to name the characteristics of the individual, the influence of the conditions of the social environment in which ethnic interaction is carried out, the presence of the practice of interethnic communication. A balanced State social and ethnic policy, especially in the field of education, should support and form a positive dynamic of interaction between different ethnic groups. Keywords: tolerance, ethnic tolerance, ethnic group, interethnic interaction, youth environment, ethnic identity, students, social tolerance, Ethnic isolation, young peopleThis article is automatically translated. Problem statement. Ethnic tolerance is the recognition that every ethnic group has the right to exist, each ethnic group has its own characteristics and traditions, there are no "right" and "wrong" ethnic groups, any ethnic culture is only one of many and does not have any advantages over others. In psychology, tolerance is understood as a personality trait associated with psychological states and personality traits, as a factor of personality development, and as a necessary condition for the functioning of personality in different ethnic and social groups of society and in accordance with interpersonal interaction within such groups. Tolerance as a degree of emotional mood and a measure of a person's behavior towards other people is not limited only to a positive attitude towards other people. Tolerance as a manifestation of tolerance for people with other views implies the ability to be tolerant, preserving one's own values, individuality. The study of tolerance as an established norm of the ethno-cultural development of society has allowed us to establish that in different conditions of interethnic interaction and communication, tolerance acquires a different meaning, but at the heart of such content there are universal values. Since the values of the ethno-cultural interaction of the individual often come into conflict with the globalization and integration trends of the modern world, the concept of tolerance is identified by many world researchers in the field of psychology with the concept of tolerance. The attention of researchers to the problems of the formation of ethnic tolerance among young people is explained by the trend of humanization of education, increased interest in the problems of personal development of young people, the need to implement the tasks of educating young people, the formation of responsibility and self-awareness among young people, spirituality and culture, understanding and tolerance. Possession of the skills of implementing tolerant relations forms the skills and skills of interaction with representatives of different ethnic groups, the level of interethnic competence in the process of communication. In institutions of higher education, the activity of determining the level of tolerance of students is of great importance. In modern society, in a certain sense, the formation of tolerance and tolerant attitudes acts as a social order for the education system. The formation of tolerance in the educational space of a higher education institution is a necessary condition for the development of personality. Therefore, the availability of scientific and educational research and training programs in educational institutions aimed at forming a positive attitude to tolerance as a value of society, become one of the most important tasks of higher education. Analysis of the latest research and publications. Tolerance in ethnic, cultural and political aspects is considered an important key for the democratic competition of various ethnic groups in the field of ethnic societies. Tolerance has become one of the frequently studied psychological phenomena in the modern world, where significant ethnic integration processes are taking place, there are migration flows, there is competition between globalization and intercultural processes. A number of world researchers and researchers in theoretical developments have focused attention on the importance of the formation of positive tolerance in society [8; 10; 14; 16; 17; 20]. Most studies of ethnic tolerance are conducted in countries whose society has a multi-ethnic structure, that is, a significant part of the population of which are either migrants or foreigners. It is in such societies that there is usually an interest or a need to conduct research on indicators of interethnic interaction, tolerance and ethnic identity. Let's note the list of such practical studies that are conducted in the USA and Western European countries [7; 8; 11; 12; 13; 15; 18; 19]. The focus of such studies is mainly on the assertion that the presence of a number of ethnic groups generates a sense of social threat among the ethnic majority of these countries. In Russian science, the discourse of tolerance is a social interaction of communicants (individuals, social groups, peoples, nations and states) in order to achieve mutual understanding regarding controversial issues separating them, based on mutual assistance, solidarity, equality, and designed to foster respect for the Other [1]. It is based on the idea of the individual uniqueness of communicants and their rights [2]. In the vast majority of cases, this discourse is institutional - media, political, administrative, etc. [3]. Traditionally, there are such types of tolerance as political, religious, economic, socio-cultural, interpersonal, etc. [6]. T.V. Romanova considers tolerance to be the content of a certain social regulatory that determines the views to be followed, while the speech form of its manifestation is political correctness as one of the communicative characteristics of non-conflict speech behavior along with politeness and tactfulness [4]. Highlighting previously unsolved parts of a common problem. Despite the existence of a certain degree of elaboration of the concept of ethnic tolerance in psychological literature and periodicals, the practical implementation of the study of the level of ethnic tolerance in various social strata and public entities is insufficient. From the point of view of the intensity of interethnic interaction, its intensity is especially high in the conditions of the youth environment, especially among students of higher educational institutions. The results of empirical research provide a real picture of the state of interethnic relations in this environment and provide grounds for practical measures to resolve possible conflict situations and harmonize interaction on an interethnic basis by uniting various ethnic groups in society. Therefore, in the real conditions of cohabitation in society of representatives of various ethnic groups and the likely danger of crisis states in the life of society, there is a need to conduct practical studies of ethnic tolerance as a component of interethnic interaction. The purpose of the article. Empirically, to determine the level of ethnic tolerance among students of higher education institutions, to determine the level of its components, to establish links between tolerance and ethnic identity of respondents, to determine the prospects for further research. Research methodology. The study of the level of ethnic tolerance among young people was conducted on the basis of Penza State University. 152 people took part in the study. The sample was heterogeneous in nature, the age status was represented by students of 3-4 undergraduate courses and graduate students. The study was conducted comprehensively in a group form (group survey) and in the form of individual work with individual students. To analyze the data that were obtained as a result of surveys, appropriate statistical methods of mathematical processing of the information received, comparative and correlation analysis were used. To compare the results of the study in two or more groups, the method of statistical data processing was used. Correlation analysis was used to identify the relationships between the studied features. Factor analysis was used to identify a group of features interacting with each other and highlight significant variables. The analysis of statistical data was carried out using a computer program for statistical data processing SPSS version 13.0. for Windows. To determine the level of ethnic tolerance, the method "Tolerance Index" by G.U. Soldatova was used [5]. The use of the methodology allows us to establish the level of an individual's attitude to social groups or ethnic minorities. Also, with the help of the methodology, the communicative attitudes of the individual are determined, including readiness for conflict resolution and the establishment of ethnic cooperation, the level of respect for the opinion of opponents. The application of the methodology provides for the formation of four subscales: tolerance as a personality trait, the level of ethnic tolerance, the level of social tolerance and the level of general tolerance. The methodology "Types of ethnic identity" (G.U. Soldatova, S.V. Ryzhova) was used to establish the relationship between tolerance and types of identity. The results of the study using this technique were used for correlation analysis. The Freiburg Multifactorial Personality Questionnaire FPI is designed to diagnose the conditions and personality traits that are of paramount importance for the process of social adaptation and regulation of behavior. The FPI questionnaire contains 12 scales that diagnose neuroticism, spontaneous aggressiveness, depression, irritability, sociability, poise, reactive aggressiveness, shyness, openness, extraversion-introversion, emotional lability, masculinity-femininity. Presentation of the main material. Tolerance as a complex psychological phenomenon is determined by a combination of manifestations of social and personal ideas about the value of a person with conflict-free interaction with people regardless of ethnic origin. The analysis of the results of an empirical study of ethnic tolerance makes it possible to establish the boundaries between individual tolerance and the norm as a positive ethnic identity, and on the other hand with the negative sides of ethnic tolerance, which is the ground for the development of negative phenomena in interethnic communication (for example, xenophobia). The results of the study using the "Tolerance Index" method are shown in Table 1. Table 1 The results of the study using the "Tolerance Index" methodologyEthnic tolerance
The average level of development of ethnic tolerance was revealed in 73.7% of young people (112 respondents). The level indicators range from 65 to 99 points. A similar result can be obtained in the study of respondents, with a combination of tolerant and intolerant traits. This means that, depending on the specific social situation, they mostly behave tolerantly towards representatives of other ethnic groups, but in certain ethno-contact situations they may behave with a clear manifestation of intolerance towards people of other ethnic origin. The study of the level of the cognitive component determined the gradations of the level of ethnic tolerance. The cognitive component is responsible for young people having sufficient knowledge and ideas about the ethnic and cultural characteristics of individual ethnic groups with which students interact, their awareness of the techniques of conducting such interaction. A high level of cognitive component was detected in 102 respondents (67.1%), the average in 24 respondents (15.7%). A low level of cognitive component, that is, low awareness of the peculiarities of the culture of other ethnic groups was found in 26 respondents – 17.1%, respectively. The level of emotional attitude towards representatives of other ethnic groups can be determined by the affective component of ethnic tolerance. This component has a direct connection with the emotional sphere of personality, the affective component of tolerance, which has and characterizes the level, is represented by the following indicators: high level – 56.7% of respondents, average – 24.1%, and low – 19.2%, respectively. The data obtained give grounds to assert the satisfaction of respondents from interacting with representatives of other ethnic groups and the predominance of a positive emotional mood from communicating with them. The conative component of ethnic identity is responsible for the connection with the motivational sphere of personality, its main manifestation is the formation of motives for interaction with representatives of ethnic groups of an interpersonal nature. 54.6% (83 respondents) demonstrated a high level of the conative component of ethnic tolerance, 35.5% (54 respondents) – the average level. Only 9.8% (15 people) showed a low level of motivation in interaction with representatives of other ethnic groups. General assessment of the application of the methodology. The results obtained indicate that respondents have a tolerant attitude towards representatives of other ethnic groups with whom they interact in various social spheres of society. A high level of ethnic tolerance was revealed in the vast majority of the studied. Students with a high level of ethnic tolerance demonstrate tolerance and a positive attitude in interaction with representatives of other ethnic groups, their customs and culture arouse respect among students, in communication the interviewed students demonstrate tolerant behavior and recognize the social and cultural rights of persons from other ethnic groups. There is an understanding among students that people of other ethnic origin or foreigners are not a danger to them, they are the same people as everyone else. Such results inspire optimism and create positive dynamics in the development of interethnic relations in society. For the successful realization of the purpose of the study to determine the interrelationships of tolerance and certain types of identity, the methodology "Types of ethnic identity" was used. The correlation indicators between the types of ethnic identity and the index of ethnic tolerance are shown in Table 2.
Table 2 Correlations of ethnic tolerance with certain types of ethnic identity
Note: the data are shown in the table * – significant at p< 0.05, without designation – significant at p< 0.01 Significant negative correlations have been established between the indicators of "ethno-egoism" and "ethnic isolation" and indicators of tolerance. These indicators of the types of ethnic identity ("ethno-egoism" and "ethnic isolation") are characterized by a positive correlation sign. Such a combination can form the basis for the formation of ethnic bias and, accordingly, xenophobia. As a rule, ethnic isolation, ethnonigilism and ethno-egoism together form a certain psychological advantage of a person in relation to the qualities of his ethnic group over other ethnic groups. This advantage can be realized by various means. The indicator of a significant negative correlation between "ethno-egoism" and the norm (r= -0.468, p<0.01) indicates that in the case of a decrease in the positive attitude of a person to his own ethnic group, there will be more pronounced tension and irritation in interaction with persons of other ethnic groups. A significant negative feedback was established between the indicator "ethnic isolation" and the type of identity "norm" (r=-0.522, p<0.01). In this case, there will be a "need to"purify" their own culture. The need to search for socio-psychological niches outside one's own ethnic group is indicated by the feedback (r =-0.312) at a statistically significant level (p?0.05) between the type of identity "norm" and the indicator "ethnonigilism". The magnitude of this connection indicates that when the positive attitude towards one's ethnic group decreases, then the individual has a desire to leave his own ethnic group and search for another "new" ethnic group. A certain blurring of the boundaries of ethnic identity is indicated by the indicator of the correlation between the type of identity "norm" and the indicator "indifference" (r=0.019, p<0.05), which forms a certain uncertainty of the personality and its views regarding ethnicity and the insignificance of the problem of identification with the group for the personality in general. An excessive increase in a positive attitude towards one's ethnic group can lead to excessive enthusiasm for one's ethnicity, at the same time indifference (indifference) to the problems of interethnic relations and the values of other ethnic groups begins to manifest itself. Ethnic indifference serves as a kind of transitional link from positive ethnic identity to its negative manifestations, that is, a kind of indicator indicating an increase in indifference both to the values of one's own ethnic group and to the constructs of persons from other ethnic groups.
Table 3 Results of factor analysis of the study of types of ethnic identityType of ethnic identity
The results of the factor analysis are shown in Table 3. The data indicate that with factor 1 "Positive identity" the maximum value is traced with the variables "ethnic isolation" (positive value 0.849) and "ethno-egoism" (positive value 0.817). Negative ethnic identity is characterized by these two variables. The negative pole of the "Positive identity" factor is determined by the values of the variables "norm" (-0.472) and "indifference" (-0.311). Data on the correlation of ethnic tolerance with personality indicators (FPI methodology) are shown in Table 4. Significant indicators of negative correlations of ethnic tolerance with personal states and personality traits: "motivation to avoid failure" (r=-0.172, p<0.05); "depression" (r=-0.163, p<0.05); "shyness" (r=-0.181, p<0.05). There is a correlation between the indicators of "ethnic tolerance" and "sociability" with a positive sign (r=0.188, p<0.05). The same positive relationships were found with the indicators "conceptual thinking" (r=0.189, p<0.05), "motivation for success" (r = 0.149, p<0.05).
Table 4 Correlation between ethnic tolerance and personality indicatorsEthnic tolerance
At a statistically significant level (p?0.05), a moderate relationship (r=0.189*) was found between the variables "ethnic tolerance" and "conceptual thinking". In the indicators characterizing the emotional sphere of personality, there is an inverse relationship (r=-0.163*) at a statistically significant level (p?0.05) between the variables "depression" and "ethnic tolerance". Such a connection indicates a positive emotional coloring of ethnic tolerance. Nevertheless, the probability of occurrence of depressive states of personality is indicated by high indicators of the variable "depressiveness". The presence of such signs can manifest itself not only directly in the emotional states of the individual, there is a possibility of their manifestation in human social interaction. Depressive states can manifest themselves both in relation to the person himself and to others, these states certainly reduce the tolerant attitude of the individual as a whole. Conclusions. The results of an empirical study of ethnic tolerance among young people indicate that a person's tolerance to representatives of other ethnic groups is associated with awareness of belonging to their own ethnic group, that is, with a positively established ethnic identity. Thus, according to the results of an empirical study, indicators of ethnic tolerance of young people in relation to persons from other ethnic groups were determined. The expediency of using static, factorial and correlation analysis of indicators of ethnic tolerance was due to the complexity of this psychological phenomenon, which combines both static and dynamic characteristics and the presence of extreme manifestations with different signs (positive – tolerance, negative – xenophobia). The vast majority of young people who have a normal level of ethnic identity, an average or high level of tolerance in general, they also have developed ethnic and social tolerance. A relatively small percentage of young people have a significantly lower level of both ethnic tolerance and tolerance in general, this is determined by the inverse correlation of the corresponding scales. Such people have a tendency to ethnic isolationism and problems in interethnic interaction. It can also be argued that a high level of ethnic tolerance cannot certainly indicate an exclusively impartial attitude towards a certain ethnic group, rather it can be argued about a certain "norm" regarding the positive orientation of an individual's ethnic identity. It was found that there is a balance of ethnic tolerance towards one's own ethnic group and representatives of other ethnic groups and willingness to make contacts in the field of interethnic interaction. Among the factors forming the appropriate level of ethnic tolerance, first of all, it is necessary to name the characteristics of the individual, the influence of the conditions of the social environment in which ethnic interaction is carried out, the presence of the practice of interethnic communication. A balanced State social and ethnic policy, especially in the field of education, should support and form a positive dynamic of interaction between different ethnic groups. The prospects for further research provide for the continuation of empirical studies aimed at studying the psychological factors of interethnic interaction. The results that can be obtained as a result of studies of indicators of ethnic interaction will allow us to develop models of interethnic relations that will become the basis for the development of theoretical and practical foundations for the prevention and settlement of negative phenomena that may be caused by the ethnic factor. The empirical research base needs to be expanded, in particular, there is a need for practical research of ethnic identity among ethnic minorities. References
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