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Pedagogy and education
Sosnovskaya, E.M. (2023). Technologies for the Development of Personal Competitiveness of High School Students. Pedagogy and education, 3, 119–128.
Technologies for the Development of Personal Competitiveness of High School Students
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.3.39005EDN: ZNBDMUReceived: 23-10-2022Published: 05-10-2023Abstract: In the article, based on the analysis of scientific developments of domestic scientists, theoretical research and personal pedagogical experience of the authors, the concept of "competitiveness of personality" is revealed from the point of view of the tasks of pedagogy. The effectiveness of the competitive movement for the formation of personal competitiveness of high school students as a separate age category of students is substantiated. Among the competitions of achievements considered in the aspect of competitiveness education and traditionally used in school didactics, two main types are distinguished from the point of view of their form and content: subject Olympiads and contests of creative works. The role of pedagogical technologies as the main practical tool in the process of education in general and education of personal competitiveness in particular is determined. The analysis of pedagogical technologies as organized regular algorithmically constructed sequences of actions of the teacher and students, formed on the basis of pedagogical scientific research and allowing to solve practical problems related to the education of personal competitiveness of high school students. A technological model of educating the personal competitiveness of high school students using the potential of achievement contests has been developed. Within the framework of the model, some interrelated pedagogical technologies and groups of technologies are considered, the development, improvement and application of which is of practical importance for the formation of competitiveness, among which it is necessary to highlight the technology of personal competitiveness education developed by the author through the competitive movement, including a long-term set of measures for the preparation and participation of high school students in the competitive movement; the technology of organizing competitions of achievements in the direction of a more complete their compliance with the competitive realities of life; technology for measuring the competitiveness of high school students and evaluating pedagogical efforts to form competitiveness (diagnostic technology). Keywords: personal competitiveness, achievement contests, contest movement, students, high school students, competitiveness cultivation, test of competitiveness, pedagogical technologies, development, modelThis article is automatically translated. 1 INTRODUCTION
The competitiveness of an individual – the willingness to achieve the best result in the general competitive field among other applicants for success due to personal qualities in a competitive environment - is characterized by a set of signs: the presence of a conscious goal, claims to success; the presence of personality qualities that form a willingness to succeed; the manifestation and implementation of these personality qualities in practice. The significance of achievements and the recognition of the results achieved by society is also important. The works of a number of scientists are devoted to the development of the competitiveness of the individual in the school education system [1;7;8;11;12;13;16;17;19]. As integral characteristics and criteria of personal competitiveness of high school students, according to L.M. Mitina [9], we will consider: orientation, competence, flexibility. Educating high school students (students of grades 10-11 of secondary schools, age 15-17 years) of personal competitiveness is an urgent task. In accordance with the provisions of the document "Fundamentals of the State Youth Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2403-r on 29.11.2014, "... the strategic priority of the state youth policy is to create conditions for the formation of a harmonious personality, constantly improving, erudite, competitive, caring, possessing a strong moral core, capable of at the same time adapt to changing conditions and receptive to new creative ideas." The formation and maintenance of competitiveness at this age is provided, first of all, by pedagogical efforts. Taking into account the peculiarities of students of this age category associated with increased susceptibility to learning and attraction to game forms of interaction, the most important tool and means for this are competitive forms of learning - achievement contests.
According to V.A. Slastenin, "pedagogical technology is an ordered set of actions, operations and procedures that instrumentally ensure the achievement of a predictable result in the changing conditions of the educational process" [2;14]. Clarifying this definition, the technology of education should be understood as an algorithm (sequence) of purposeful joint actions of participants in the educational process, ensuring the achievement of the intended result. Sometimes a variety of technologies is also understood as separate pedagogical techniques, which may be elements, components or separate steps of a more general technology. Based on this definition, important features of pedagogical technologies are regularity, optimality or rationality of actions, as well as changeability – the possibility of revision, making adjustments when conditions, the situation and other factors change. These qualities make up the meaning of the concept of "manufacturability". At the same time, we note: despite the fact that technology, unlike, say, art, is ultimately, to a certain extent, a standardized and pre-prepared procedure, the creation of technology, bringing it to the level of a set of techniques widely applicable in practice and accessible to a relatively wide range of specialists, is a complex multidisciplinary process and a scientific task. Technology is the end point of a long complex process, including scientific search, identification of significant relationships and patterns between phenomena and events (in this case, between pedagogical conditions and personal development, the actions of the teacher and their consequences), is based on the theoretical study of the object (subject) of research and experiments. Thus, pedagogical technology should be created on a scientific basis. Pedagogical technology is the result of scientific design and accurate reproduction of pedagogical actions that guarantee success, and we are talking about the development of pedagogical solutions by specialists with a high level of theoretical training and rich practical experience [15]. An important difference between technologies and other means of education – methods and forms – is the focus on direct practical application. Analysis of research on the issue of pedagogical technologies [3;4;5;14;15;18;20] He showed that there is currently no single strict system of classification of technologies, and there is also no consensus on their role and place in the system of education and personal development. The number of pedagogical technologies is large, and is constantly increasing. There are also no uniform rules governing the development of pedagogical technologies due to the variety of directions of their application, forms and degree of participation of teachers and students in them. We can only talk about a few more or less ordered groups of technologies that have common properties within the classification criteria, which may include the purpose and scope of application, the degree of enlargement, the scale of use, novelty, the nature of the interaction between the teacher and the student, and others. Accordingly, among the technologies aimed at fostering the personal competitiveness of high school students, we single out the general technology, which is the basis of the implementation model of the process under study, as well as private technologies related to the processes of diagnosis and process maintenance.
2.1 Technological model of personal competitiveness education of high school students through achievement contests
The technological model of educating the personal competitiveness of high school students with the help of the potential of the competitive movement is presented in Figure 1. The technological model is a reflection of the purposeful interaction of the teacher and high school students, based on the pedagogical technologies used in this case and aimed at solving the problem of personal competitiveness education. The model covers the main aspects of the teacher's activity on the formation of personal competitiveness of high school students, gives a systematic idea of the pedagogical process of educating personal competitiveness of high school students through achievement competitions and consists of three functional blocks. Conceptually, the goal block gives an idea of the goal (education of personal competitiveness of high school students), the means of achievement (educational competitive events, or concours of achievements) and the basis for linking the goal and the means (a scientifically proven fact of correlation). The organizational and content block illustrates a systematic approach to the organization of the teacher's activities and includes: - technology of education of personal competitiveness of students on the basis of training and participation in the competitive movement; - the technology of organizing achievement contests, containing practical proposals for improving achievement contests in the direction of increasing their effectiveness for the formation of personal competitiveness of high school students and attractiveness for participants. The analytical and evaluation unit serves to measure personal competitiveness and confirm the effectiveness of the technology of personal competitiveness education using the developed diagnostic technology. Thus, the activity of a teacher in the direction of personal competitiveness education through achievement competitions includes: - the actual educational aspect, work with students in the direction of competitiveness education; - organizational and technical aspect, consisting in the development of proposals for improving the forms and methods of competition (achievement contests); - diagnostic aspect, consisting in a quantitative assessment of competitiveness, evaluation of the effectiveness of pedagogical efforts to foster competitiveness, as well as in confirming the interdependence of the competitiveness of the individual and the quality of participation in the competitive movement.
2.2 Technology of diagnostics of personal competitiveness
To confirm the effectiveness of pedagogical activities for the education of personal competitiveness, first of all, diagnostic tools are needed to assess the personal competitiveness of high school students, establish the dependence of competitiveness on participation in the competitive movement and evaluate the effectiveness of pedagogical efforts to foster competitiveness. This toolkit is intended for use by school teachers and psychologists. In the field of technical sciences, such developments that allow obtaining quantitative estimates are called engineering techniques, which is actually synonymous with the concept of "technology". This technology belongs to the subject-oriented organizational technology of support and is meaningfully close to the so-called technology of "portfolio" and "performance evaluation" [18]. Diagnostic technology uses test and monitoring methods, allows you to calculate the values of competitiveness indicators and the quality of participation in competitions of achievements, allows you to record statistical processing methods using the Whitney-Mann criterion [6;10] the growth of competitiveness indicators with an increase in the quality of students' participation in the competitive movement, and thus assess the effectiveness of pedagogical educational and educational measures, aimed at preparing for competitions.
2.3 Technology of organizing achievement contests
Among the competitions of achievements held among high school students, according to the form and content of the competitive process, we will single out subject Olympiads and contests of creative works (projects). Contests of achievements, different in form and content, possessing such qualities as consistency, reproducibility, algorithmicity, organizational manageability, guarantee of results, are also pedagogical technologies belonging to the same group of competitive technologies. In accordance with the existing system of classification of pedagogical technologies [2], contests of achievements by the scale of application should be attributed to general, by the scope of application - to the technologies of organizing activities (competitions) or organizational technologies [3] by the nature of interaction – to the technologies of support, by the type of pedagogical process – to subject-oriented technologies. The development of technology for organizing contests includes practical suggestions for improving achievement contests. The main direction of improving competitions is to bring their form and content to a more complete correspondence with the competitive realities of life, as well as to increase the attractiveness of competitions for participants from the point of view of both the process and the result. Combined competitions based on a combination of the format of subject Olympiads and creative competitions, involving competition in a wider range of areas than in traditional versions of competitions, should be identified as promising forms of holding. It is also advisable to model problematic learning situations that are close to real ones in order to activate the capabilities of participants to find solutions to complex problems using the over-subject potential of knowledge.
2.4 Technology of personal competitiveness education of high school students through achievement contests
It is advisable to combine the set of pedagogical activities carried out with the aim of educating the personal competitiveness of high school students under a single plan. The corresponding technology is an ordered sequence of actions performed for a specific purpose of personal development, training and upbringing, "macro-level technology". The implementation of the technology takes a much longer time interval (2-3 years, in accordance with the period of study in high school) than the development of a separate educational technology during a separate lesson. In fact, the technology of competitiveness education has the form of a long-term program. In school practice, work programs on subjects, extracurricular activities, programs of education and socialization of schoolchildren are widely used [4] and others. Any relatively long-term direction of the teacher's activity, designed for several years, is planned in the form of a program. Fostering the personal competitiveness of high school students through achievement contests is no exception. Among the activities of the teacher should be highlighted: goal-setting; ensuring a high level of knowledge in subjects, the formation of creative focus and the development of creative potential in the process of project activities, the formation and development of communication skills, the creation and maintenance of conditions for personal development. During the development and implementation of the technology, various pedagogical training and educational technologies of the lower level are used, among them we will single out those that contribute to the formation of readiness to achieve success in a competitive situation: motivation and goal-setting technology, question-answer technology, problem situation technology, problem solving technology, choice technology, discussion technology, collective technology and individual creative activity, technology of project activity, technology of testing and diagnostics of knowledge, and others.
Pedagogical technologies are the main tool of a practicing teacher in solving a wide range of pedagogical tasks. Fostering the competitiveness of high school students is no exception. The concept of "pedagogical technology" covers the totality of numerous practical ordered actions of a teacher in various fields and goes far beyond individual techniques within a single lesson. Among the technologies of practical importance, but currently not fully developed and in need of improvement, adjustment, we highlight the following: - technology for the diagnosis of personal competitiveness, involving the measurement by the teacher of the indicators of high school students – competitiveness and the quality of participation in competitions of achievements, as well as the results of their actions aimed at fostering competitiveness; - the technology of organizing achievement contests, the main idea of which is to bring them closer to the modern competitive realities of adult life, increase attractiveness for participants and expand the range of assessed competencies; - the technology of personal competitiveness education, accumulating groups of educational and educational technologies traditionally used in the educational process, as well as goal-setting technologies, interaction with the family of students, creating conditions for development. References
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