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Philosophical Thought
Ziyazov, R.A., Khramova, K.V. (2022). Philosophical Foundations of Social Conflict. Philosophical Thought, 10, 1–6.
Philosophical Foundations of Social Conflict
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2022.10.38932EDN: CKBNBSReceived: 06-10-2022Published: 13-10-2022Abstract: This article is devoted to the study and consideration of the provisions on the philosophical foundations of social conflict, the nature of social conflict, as well as the problems and prospects of their resolution in the modern world. The text notes that the lack of theoretical understanding of the problem of social conflicts makes it difficult to logically solve practical problems aimed at preventing conflict situations in the modern community. The article examines the difficulties encountered in the localization and resolution of conflicts, thoroughly analyzes the entire course of the conflict development with the subsequent establishment of its possible causes and consequences. Also, this article discusses the causes of social conflicts in modern society, as well as the features of their occurrence. The works on the development of problems of methodology and general theory of conflict occurring in society are noted. In our country, there is a tradition of studying social conflicts through the objective contradiction of the interests of the majority of social groups, which dictate to the parties the logic, duration, degree of tension of the struggle for the satisfaction of urgent needs. However, it is not always necessary to equate objective contradictions of social groups with conflicts. The conflict is somehow connected with people's subjective awareness of the inconsistency of their interests as members of certain social groups. Aggravated contradictions generate open or closed conflicts only when they are deeply experienced by people, are realized as incompatibility of interests and goals. Taking into account the fact that philosophers in the Ancient World began to be interested in the nature of conflicts, the representatives of three modern socio-philosophical concepts of conflict made the greatest systematic contribution to its understanding: the concepts of positive-functional conflict proposed by L.Kozerom: R. Darrendorff's conflict models of society and K. Boulding's general theory of conflict. Keywords: social conflict, conflict, society, principles of social conflictology, conflict models, conflictology, philosophy, human relations, relationships, interrelationshipThis article is automatically translated. In our country, there is a tradition of studying social conflicts through the objective contradiction of the interests of the majority of social groups, which dictate to the parties the logic, duration, degree of tension of the struggle for the satisfaction of urgent needs. However, it is not always necessary to equate objective contradictions of social groups with conflicts. The conflict is somehow connected with people's subjective awareness of the inconsistency of their interests as members of certain social groups. Aggravated contradictions generate open or closed conflicts only when they are deeply experienced by people, are realized as incompatibility of interests and goals. Considering the fact that philosophers in the Ancient World began to be interested in the nature of conflicts, the representatives of three modern socio-philosophical concepts of conflict made the greatest systematic contribution to its understanding: the concepts of positive-functional conflict proposed by L.Kozerom: R. Darrendorff's conflict models of society and K. Boulding's general theory of conflict. Social conflict is considered to be the highest stage of the development of contradictions in relations between people, social groups and society as a whole [1]. This stage is characterized as a clash of interests, goals, positions and subjects of interaction that are opposite in their directions. It is customary to divide social conflicts into hidden and explicit ones, but it is worth noting that they are always based on the lack of agreement between two or more parties. The causes of conflicts are different. These include the features of social communication, the nature of Russian modernization trends and many other factors [1]. Political conflict in the field of power is considered the norm in a transient society, with its institutional and legitimate significance. Socio-economic conflict involves the search for an optimal mechanism for the distribution of property and the formation of market relations. The nature of social conflicts in Russian society is inevitably associated with their aggravation, only when there are clashes of various political forces and associations: classes, demographic and professional groups, nations, ethnic groups, various movements. The problem of social conflict is dealt with by philosophers, sociologists, conflictologists, lawyers [5]. Research data on social conflicts have a long and solid history. Karl Marx is one of the recognized world pioneers in the study of social conflicts, and the classical Marxist paradigm is historically the first paradigm of conflictology. In recent years, E.M.Babosov, Yu.G.Zaprudsky, V.N.Kudryavtsev, L.A.Nechiporenko, E.I.Stepanov and others have devoted their work to the development of problems of methodology and general theory of conflict. In their works, they analyzed the nature of social conflict, its causes and subjects, as well as typologies and mechanisms, methods of their prevention and resolution [7]. The conceptual and theoretical issues of the analysis of socio-psychological conflicts in various social fields have been very carefully worked out in the Russian scientific literature [8]. In existing publications, the authors strive to ensure proper understanding, reliable assessment and accuracy of these problems and to choose effective means and ways to solve them, pay great attention to determining the common functions and places of these social conflicts in society, reveal the general nature of the interaction of real conflicting structures [6]. The adaptation of the entire rich methodological and theoretical base to the actual tasks of Russian social problems opens up not only the opportunity to put the latter on a stable worldview and general teaching, integrating, in addition to foreign achievements in understanding the social problem, their own intellectual potential, as well as critically consider and identify those aspects of this potential that will require correction and expansion [7]. In general, a large and increasing volume of literature in various fields of scientific knowledge on the problems of social conflicts once again confirms the relevance and relevance of this research topic by society. However, in general theoretical and methodological terms, today it is necessary to further substantiate and deepen the content of conflictological paradigmatics as a fundamental basis for the analysis of any type of social conflicts of our time. It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the theoretical problems of social conflictology. If we talk about the absolute priority of conflict research in such a science as philosophy, then this is a consequence of the fact that it is the main general scientific discipline that has basic unifying methodological and conceptual principles necessary for the study of a complex phenomenon of social life – social conflict [3]. Such principles include: the principle of development; universal communication; compliance with the laws of dialectics; dialectical unity of theory, experiment and practice; system analysis; objectivity; concrete historical approach [1]. Taking into account the complexity of the study of conflict problems, we will consider the main features of their application in conflict research. The principle of development, in the general sense, which was formulated at the time by F.Engels: "For dialectical philosophy, nothing is established once and for all. She sees the seal of inevitable fall on everything and in everything, and nothing can resist her, except the continuous process of emergence and destruction, the endless ascent from the lowest to the highest"[7]. According to this principle, when studying a conflict, its evolution should be studied constantly, continuously, considering its specific forms in the direction from simpler to more complex. The patterns of conflict development indicated in the course of the study allow us to better understand its content, constructive and destructive factors, which ultimately allows us to obtain a more accurate and long-term prediction of its possible variants of development and resolution [3]. The principle of universal connection assumes that the researcher is not limited to considering specific structural elements of the conflict, but organizes its research in order to determine the maximum number of significant connections with other elements, phenomena and the environment where it originated and developed. However, the main methodological role in the study of conflicts of various types and degrees is fulfilled by the basic laws of dialectics, paired categories. The law of transition from quantitative to qualitative change allows the scientist to more fully reveal the evolution of the conflict and the dynamics of its development, to identify all its main patterns and connections. The law of negative negation makes it possible to predict the nature of conflict relations and the dynamics of their development depending on the direction of conflict relations from the lowest to the highest and from simple to complex. The well-known paradigms of time and space, matter and motion, qualities and quantities, singular, special and universal, contents and forms, essences and phenomena, causes and outcomes, necessities and cases determine common approaches to the choice of conflict research methods, allow the scientist to more fully determine his general pattern of development, as well as correctly evaluate the results obtained results. The principle of dialectical unity of theory, experiment and practice allows in conflictology, as in any other sciences, to put forward the necessary hypotheses of a working nature, to develop a complex theoretical concept, to organize the necessary experimentation and to test the developed methods of research on conflict management in practice. We must not forget that in addition to certain principles, every conflict in society has its own causes and conflict-causing factors of formation, obvious and latent interests of the parties, stages of unfolding and forms of confrontation. Each person in the course of certain historical processes creates conflicts with a single social nature. To understand it means to reveal the system conditionalities inherent in them, the common grounds that unite them into a system, determining their significance in the life of society, functionality or dysfunctionality [4]. Thus, we can conclude that the Philosophy of social conflicts is based not only on the principle of compliance with the laws of dialectics and the unity of theory, but also on the principle of universal connection, which was formulated by F.Engels. It is worth noting that the latent interests of the parties, which determine the importance of social conflicts in the life of society, also play an important role in the philosophy of social conflicts. This is the mutual adaptation of the social, ethnic, confessional layer, the symbiosis of various structures, the distribution of functions of the central and peripheral center, a stable regional and local self-government will be formed, organically connected with the integral system of civilization. Having this kind of relationship is, after all, a necessary condition for resolving any kind of social conflicts. References
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