DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2023.1.38910
The author considers problematic issues of land use, including agricultural land. The methodological aspects of the definition of land relations are investigated. Both theoretical studies and actual judicial practice are analyzed. Carrying out the selection of arbitration practice on the problem raised in the article, the author tried to pick up cases that are problematic from the point of view of the qualification of land legal relations. The author is convinced that the theoretical understanding of the most typical court cases should have a practical effect not only for the subjects of law enforcement activity, but also for the legislator, since it is from the solution of specific incidents that it is often possible to draw a conclusion about (not) satisfactory legal regulation of the relevant sphere of public relations. The scientific novelty of the undertaken research is the analysis of current judicial practice on disputes in the field of land use, as well as proposals for point-by-point improvement of land legislation. The object of this study is legal relations related to the emergence, modification and termination of land rights in the Russian Federation. The subject of the study is regulatory and administrative legal acts defining the procedure for the acquisition, use and termination of land rights and relevant judicial practice. The author used the formal legal method as the main method of scientific cognition in the preparation of the article. In addition, the following methods were used: hypothesis, deduction, induction, typology, classification, structural method of legal modeling.
land resources, agricultural land, land legislation, land use, land use entities, rational land use, territorial zone, land legal relations, land reclamation, legal technique
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Introduction. In the science of land law, the question of what exactly is meant by land legal relations remains debatable to this day. A detailed analysis of this problem is given in the collective monograph under the general editorship of A.P. Anisimov 1 [1].The authors note that land legal relations differ from other legal relations in their subject composition and method of legal regulation. In their opinion, the subject of most land legal relations is a public authority, bound in its activities by imperative norms. At the same time, land legal relations arise primarily from administrative acts of authorities, and not from transactions. And the final feature of land legal relations, according to the authors, is the "certain specificity" of measures to protect subjective rights.We believe that it is hardly advisable to distinguish the emergence from administrative acts and the predominance of the imperative method of legal regulation into different features, since in essence they duplicate each other and follow from the subject composition, i.e. the presence of a public entity in them. As for the "certain specifics" of measures to protect subjective rights, this statement is true for any branches of law.However, land legal relations may also arise from transactions. A striking example of the emergence of land legal relations from transactions can be the relations of neighbors in relation to the use of neighboring land plots. One of the paragraphs of the fifth chapter of the monograph by I.A. Emelkina and Yu.D. Syubaeva is devoted to the issues of contract law in neighborhood relations [2].One of the shortcomings of the current land legislation is called non-unification. Thus, N.G. Narysheva notes that in the current legislation it is not always possible to accurately divide public relations in which the objects are a land plot and land [3]. As an example, she points out articles 40 and 56 of the RF CC, the first of which establishes a list of the rights of the owner of the land plot, and the second lists the types of restrictions on land rights.N.G. Narysheva speaks about the need to unify the terminology of land legislation, but does not indicate which term from her point of view is preferable and why. We believe that in relation to these terms, unification is impossible, since they relate as a general (land) with a private (land plot).The need to improve land legislation is also indicated by S.A. Bedrina [4]. The team of Primorsky authors (M. M. Surzhik, N.V. Mukhina, B.S. Valiev) focused their attention on the causes of offenses in the land sphere [5]. According to researchers, the main reason for the occurrence of land offenses among citizens is a lack of understanding of the materiality of land legal relations. We believe that this thesis is not indisputable. In particular, it is not clear what exactly the authors mean by the designated problem? Poor knowledge by citizens The Russian Federation (as well as other subjects) of land legislation? Or the fundamental disregard of its provisions in the presence of a proper level of awareness of its content? Inability to apply the rules of law in specific legal relations, i.e. lack of practical skills in drafting legally significant documents? An unambiguous answer to these questions is hardly possible. The named team of authors classified the types of violations of land legislation into five main groups. Somewhat earlier, a similar study of violations of land legislation was undertaken in the Novosibirsk region [6].Novosibirsk researchers were able to identify seven main groups of violations of land legislation, while leaving the list of violations open. Both copyright collectives attributed the following to the most typical violations: illegal removal of a fertile soil layer; failure to fulfill obligations for land reclamation; storage of MSW on agricultural lands; non-use of land for its intended purpose. We believe that these compositions can be considered the most typical for the regions of the Far East and Siberia.A.P. Poghosyan cites interesting statistics in his research [7]. He notes that as of 2021, the share of agricultural land plots in state and municipal ownership is about 2/3, while occupying 1/5 of the entire land fund of the state, of which: 58% of the lands have no borders, 34% are ownerless, 20% are not on cadastral registration, 18% - are not used in accordance with the intended purpose, 5% are occupied arbitrarily. I believe that these data are relevant at the end of 2022, the change in percentages for such a short period of time is possible only within the statistical error.
A.P. Poghosyan's proposal on a continuous inventory of Russia's land resources through financing from the relevant budget is noteworthy. He believes that the state authorities should form a list of particularly valuable and productive agricultural plots, establishing special control, while legislating the rule of non-use of such lands for other purposes. However, this norm is already present in the legislation — sub-clause 6 of clause 1 of Article 1 of the RF CC. And this rule is, in our opinion, quite effective, since it is applied in a systemic relationship with other laws, allows you to effectively protect public interests. In our opinion, a number of rulings of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, in particular No. 1402-O of 23.06.2016 [8], No. 1917-O of 28.09.2017 [9], No. 2372-O of 15.10.2020 [10], testify to the effectiveness of the application of sub-clause 6 of Clause 1 of Article 1 of the RF CC.In addition, the price of the question is not clear, namely, at least the approximate size of the corresponding expenditure obligations of budgets of all levels. We believe that the proposal for a continuous inventory of land is unlikely to be implemented in the coming years.Another problem that needs to be solved at the legislative level is the need for clear regulation of the turnover of shares in the right of common ownership of land plots from agricultural land, which was reasonably pointed out by I.P. Kozhokar [11]. One of the most common violations of land legislation is the non-use of a land plot from agricultural land, the turnover of which is regulated by Federal Law No. 101-FZ of 24.07.2002 "On the turnover of agricultural land", for the intended purpose. Thus, in the framework of case No. A04-8023/2019, the requirements for termination of the lease agreement and the return of part of the land plot were considered. Initially, the disputed land plot was received by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Amur", in respect of which a bankruptcy case was initiated in 2016. The debtor's bankruptcy trustee concluded a sublease agreement for a land plot, which was later invalidated (case no. A04-178/2019). The court also invalidated the decision of the debtor's creditors' committee on approving the procedure for the sale of his real estate and land lease rights (case no. A04-4307/2016). Since the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Amur" did not comply with the requirements for the proper use of the land plot, the court terminated the lease of the land, terminating the contract. The decision of the court by higher instances was left unchanged. In case no. A51-12531/2018, the plaintiff demanded to terminate the lease of the land plot, and return the land plot itself to the owner. The tenant, the head of the peasant (farmer) economy Karnatovsky A.G. (hereinafter - the head of the farm Karnatovsky A.G.), developed a quarry on an agricultural plot. The competent authorities sent an order to him to eliminate violations by recultivating the site, restoring the fertile soil layer, which he did not fulfill. The head of the farm Karnatovsky A.G. was repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility. The damage caused to the environment was also recovered from him in court. The lessor was asked to terminate the lease agreement in connection with a significant violation, with which the head of the farm Karnatovsky A.G. did not agree. The court satisfied the claims in full. Higher courts have confirmed the legality of the decision. A fairly large number of complaints from both theorists and practitioners is caused by Federal Law No. 172-FZ of 21.12.2004 "On the Transfer of land or land plots from one category to another" (hereinafter - Federal Law No. 172-FZ). Experts note the undeniable conflict of interests of interested parties. The transfer of agricultural land from agricultural land to another category provides an opportunity to realize the interests of both private and public interests. At the same time, the specifics of a hard-to-renew natural resource, the social significance of agricultural land, global trends to reduce the area of such lands determine the public interest in their conservation [1 2]. Among the disadvantages According to Federal Law No. 172-FZ, researchers attribute excessive discretion, which the law enforcement officer is endowed with; the presence of gaps on private issues; shortcomings of legal technique. Part 1 of Article 7 of Federal Law No. 172-FZ provides for exceptional cases when it is permissible to transfer agricultural land from agricultural land to another category. We believe that the indication of "exceptional cases" from the point of view of legal technology can be considered as a corruption factor. For example, in the framework of case No. A73-11004/2015, the validity of the refusal by the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory to transfer agricultural land plots to industrial land was considered. The state authority considered that the documents submitted by the applicant did not comply with the requirements of land legislation (according to the submitted petition, the transfer of disputed plots is connected with the construction of a power line, and according to the information of the local government - for the purpose of operating a linear object). The claim was satisfied by the courts of all instances, since the reasons for the refusal were of a formal nature and could not be grounds for refusing to consider the company's petition on the merits.
This case, in our opinion, serves as a vivid illustration of the thesis about the unsatisfactory regulation of some land issues. Public authorities in their activities are focused primarily on compliance with formal requirements of legislation, which is primarily due to such a property of law as formal certainty, and secondly - the permissive type of legal regulation in relation to the specifics of public law. It is necessary for a public authority to consider a particular situation "fairly" (= "at its discretion") - the reaction of control and supervisory authorities will not take long, and this may be followed by bringing to various types of legal responsibility. Another notable land dispute took place in the framework of case no. A41-84307/2020. IP Kondrashev Yu.E. asked the court to declare illegal the decision to refuse to change the purpose of land plots. The entrepreneur was the owner of two land plots of the category "agricultural land", permitted use "for agricultural production". On 14.10.2013, the Federal Road Agency issued Order No. 1601-r (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 1601-r), according to which land plots are assigned to the roadside lane of a public highway. There is no information about the appeal of the said administrative act in case no. A41-84307/2020. The courts regarded Order No. 1601-r as an act adopted by the authorized body within the competence. The legal status of roadside lanes of highways is defined by Article 26 of Federal Law No. 257-FZ dated 08.11.2007 "On Highways and Road Activities in the Russian Federation and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter — Federal Law No. 257-FZ). Part 5 of Article 26 of Federal Law No. 257-FZ provides for the obligation of an authority of the appropriate level to send a copy of the decision to the relevant local government body. The current legislation does not contain obligations to send a copy of the decision to the owners of land plots on the territory of which roadside lanes of highways are installed. At the same time, by virtue of part 7 of Article 26 of Federal Law No. 257-FZ, the designation of the boundaries of roadside lanes of highways on the ground is carried out by the owners of highways at their expense. The law does not contain any exceptions in terms of agricultural land. With regard to the circumstances of case No. A41-84307/2020, this means that the owner of the highway should have indicated the boundaries of roadside lanes on the plots belonging to IP Kondrashev Yu.E. This scheme seems to be very controversial, since it is obvious that the owner of an agricultural land plot, if a properly designated roadside lane of a highway is installed on his site, is deprived of the right to use his property (part of the land plot) for its intended purpose. We believe that the best solution in such cases could be the establishment of a public easement, taking into account the approaches that are currently formed by the established law enforcement practice. A detailed analysis of disputes related to the establishment of easements is contained in chapter 5 of the monograph by E.V. Reznikov [1 3]. Although, as follows from the materials of case No. A41-84307/2020, IP Kondrashev Yu.E. saw his interest just in changing the purpose of agricultural land plots belonging to him. Public hearings at which it was decided to exclude these sites from the agricultural production zone and include them in the transport infrastructure zone with the aim of subsequently placing roadside service facilities on them took place only in August 2019. The court took into account the results of the hearings, agreed with the plaintiff's demands, and satisfied the claim. The defendant's attempts to challenge the court's decision in higher instances were unsuccessful, including due to missing procedural deadlines. Another case is not very simple from the substantive side - No. A51-20593/2017.At the time of consideration of the claim, the plaintiff had a license that allowed him to explore the subsoil and extract coal. In 2014, the authorized body transferred the plaintiff's land plot to the category of industrial and other special purpose land. The Prosecutor's office protested against the said order on the grounds that the requested purpose of the land plot contradicted the previously approved territorial planning documents. According to the prosecutor's office, the transfer of the land plot to industrial lands violated the legitimate interests of an indefinite circle of persons. The authorized body agreed with the protest of the prosecutor's office and canceled the order on the transfer of the land plot to industrial lands. At the request of LLC "Dalenergougol", the local self-government body made changes to the territorial planning documents, which allowed the interested person to re-apply for a change in the category of the land plot. However, the authorized body, referring to the absence of the conclusion of the state environmental expertise, refused to satisfy the application. The refusal was appealed in court. The Court of First instance considered that during the disputed period, the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation No. 525, Roskomzema No. 67 dated 12/22/1995 "On approval of the Basic Provisions on Land Reclamation, removal, conservation and rational use of the fertile soil layer" (hereinafter referred to as the Basic Provisions on Reclamation No. 525/67) was in effect, by virtue of which the plaintiff's project documentation could be agreed only after receiving a positive conclusion of the state environmental expertise. Since the plaintiff did not have the above conclusion, the court refused the claim. In substantiation of his legal position, the defendant pointed out the impossibility of using the disputed land plot for purposes unrelated to farming due to its location at a distance of no more than thirty kilometers from the borders of rural settlements. But the court rejected this argument, pointing out the need for a systematic interpretation of the norms of land legislation. The Court of Appeal concluded that, taking into account the validity of the law in time, the Main Provisions on Reclamation No. 525/67 contradict Federal Law No. 174-FZ of 11/23/1995 "On Environmental Expertise", the decision of the court of first instance was canceled, the claim was satisfied.
The Court of cassation reversed the decision of the appellate instance and sent the case for a new hearing to the appellate instance, indicating that the circumstances related to the formation, placement of rocks in the dump and subsequent burial on the disputed land of industrial waste generated as a result of the plaintiff's activities related to the extraction of coal in an open manner at the stage of appeal review of the case have been investigated they weren't. However, these circumstances are essential for the correct resolution of the issue of the need to obtain a state environmental assessment of the land reclamation project. When re-examining the case on appeal, the court indicated that the letter of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated 19.05.2014 No. 05-12-44/10285 (hereinafter referred to as letter No. 05-12-44/10285) is an act of an informational and explanatory nature, which is why the court is not bound by it when considering the dispute. The court of cassation instance did not agree with this statement of the issue, having repeatedly annulled the judicial act of the appellate instance. The cassation instance justified the need to apply Letter No. 05-12-44/10285 in disputed legal relations by paragraph 3 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 50 dated 12/25/2018 "On the practice of consideration by courts of cases on challenging Regulatory Legal Acts and acts containing Clarifications of legislation and having regulatory properties". According to the results of the repeated cassation review, the court upheld the decision of the court of first instance, with which the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation agreed [14]. It follows from the materials of case No. A51-20593/2017 that land disputes in courts can be considered for years, and the final result depends on whether or not the court decides to apply information and explanatory letters from executive authorities. A detailed analysis of disputes related to land reclamation was carried out by K. Matveeva [15]. From the above practical examples, it can be seen that in the current state, land legislation is very confusing and generates various interpretations on the part of economic entities, state authorities and local self-government bodies, as well as courts. In this regard, the importance of the guiding explanations of the higher courts is increasing. However, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, when explaining land legislation, follows the path of highlighting the most significant incidents (including in regular reviews and land disputes), and not a systematic interpretation of fundamental regulatory legal acts (in the form of resolutions). As an example , the following Reviews of the judicial practice of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation can be distinguished: ¹¹ 1-4 (2019) ¹ 1 (2022), ¹ 4 (2018), ¹¹ 1,2,4 (2020), ¹¹ 1,2,4 (2021), in each of which land disputes are considered, among other things. Reviews of practice in cases of establishing an easement for a land plot and consideration by courts of cases related to changing the type of permitted use of a land plot were approved by the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on 26.04.2017 and 14.11.2018, respectively. We believe that the issue of generalizing the norms of land legislation in the form of resolutions is very relevant at the moment, which will reduce the number of contradictory interpretations of land legislation by all interested parties. According to the results of the study , the author came to the following conclusions: 1. The hypothesis about the need to unify the terms of land legislation "land" and "land plot" has not been confirmed, since these concepts are correlated as general ("land") and private ("land plot"). 2. From the first part of Article 7 of Federal Law No. 172-FZ, we propose to remove the word "exceptional" as not reflecting the actually existing legal relations. The legislator recognizes that the real needs of economic entities may require the need to change the purpose of agricultural land and indicates the conditions under which this is permissible. In addition, it will not be possible to achieve socially important tasks by declaring the prevention of the withdrawal of agricultural land to lands with a different purpose - it is necessary that the titular owner of agricultural land has an economic interest in using these lands specifically for the cultivation of agricultural products. The minimum necessary condition for this is that the production of agricultural products should be profitable, which is not easy to ensure in the current realities. 3. We consider cases of alienation of agricultural land for roadside lanes of highways on the basis of administrative acts of executive authorities to be unacceptable. We believe that in these cases, an appropriate easement should be issued or it is necessary to alienate the necessary parts of land plots for state or municipal needs with the payment of reasonable compensation. 4. The casuistic presentation of the norms of land legislation, the difficulty of its application, in our opinion, make it necessary to pay more attention to the explanations of the relevant norms by the higher courts. There is a need to publish systematic interpretations of land legislation in the form of rulings of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. The reviews of legislation regularly published at the present time are spot-on, which is clearly not enough.
1. Actual problems of the theory of land law in Russia: monograph / E.N. Abanina, N.N. Averyanova, A.P. Anisimov and others; under total ed. A.P. Anisimov. M.: Yustitsinform, 2020. 800 p.
2. Emelkina, I. A. Restrictions on ownership of land plots in the interests of neighbors (neighbor law) in the civil law of Russia and in foreign legal orders / I. A. Emelkina, Yu. D. Syubaeva. - Moscow: Legal House "Yusticinform" 2021. - 328 p. – ISBN 978-5-7205-1621-5. – EDN OVTTZI.
3. Narysheva N.G. Land plot as an object of land relations // Law. 2021. No. 11. Pp. 22-28.
4. Bedrina, S. A. On the need to improve land legislation in terms of agricultural land / S. A. Bedrina, N. S. Ivanova // Theory and practice of world science. - 2018. - No. 1. - P. 43-47. – EDN RCSJQV.
5. Surzhik, M. M. Agricultural land in the context of identifying violations of land legislation on the example of the Ussuri urban district of Primorsky Krai / M. M. Surzhik, N. V. Mukhina, B. S. Valiev // Agrarian Bulletin of Primorye. - 2021. - No. 2(22). - Pp. 18-25. – EDN HXQVNW.
6. Dubrovsky, A. V. Analysis of violations of land legislation in relation to agricultural land / A. V. Dubrovsky, A. A. Stukanov, Yu. S. Larionov // Interexpo Geo-Siberia. - 2019. - T. 3. - No. 2. - Pp. 50-59. – DOI 10.33764/2618-981X-2019-3-2-50-59. – EDN BAGVES
7. Pogosyan, A.P. Main trends and prospects for the development of land legislation in Russia on the proper use of agricultural land / A.P. Pogosyan // My professional career. - 2021. - T. 1. - No. 21. - P. 189-201. – EDN CQZSKJ.
8. Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2016 No. 1402-O “On the refusal to accept for consideration the complaint of citizen Alexander Aleksandrovich Vvedensky about the violation of his constitutional rights by the provisions of subparagraph 1 of paragraph 5 of Article 27 and Article 96 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation” // SPS "Consultant Plus". - (accessed 09.10.2020).
9. Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated September 28, 2017 No. 1917-O “On the refusal to accept for consideration the complaint of citizen Abramova Valentina Nikolaevna about the violation of her constitutional rights by paragraph 3 of Article 96 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation and the third paragraph of paragraph 3 of Article 16 of the Federal Law” On natural healing resources, health-improving areas and resorts” // SPS “ConsultantPlus”. - (accessed 09.10.2020).
10. Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated October 15, 2020 No. 2372-O “On the refusal to accept for consideration the complaint of the limited liability company “Orlinovskoye hunting farm” on violation of constitutional rights and freedoms by part 3 of Article 71 of the Federal Law “On hunting and conservation hunting resources and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”, as well as parts 1 and 3 of article 2 of the Federal Law “On the peculiarities of legal regulation of relations in the field of hunting and conservation of hunting resources in the Republic of Crimea” // SPS “ConsultantPlus”. - (accessed 09.10.2020).
11. Kozhokar I.P. On the issue of the relevance of improving the legal regulation of involvement in the turnover of shares in the right of common ownership of land plots from agricultural land // Legal Research. - 2021. - No. 8. - Pp. 28 - 37. DOI 10.25136 / 2409-7136.2021.8.36231. – EDN ZIJGYE. URL: (accessed 09.10.2020).
12. Biryukov, S. V. — Criteria for the transfer of agricultural land plots from agricultural land to another category of land (problems of law enforcement) / S. V. Biryukov, T. A. Tsiss, D. A. Butakova // Agrarian and land law. - 2010. - No. 6 (66). - Pp. 20-26. – EDN MVJHMN.
13. Reznikov E.V. Land disputes. Features of judicial law enforcement of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts of the Russian Federation: a practical study. Volgograd: Sfera, 2021. 248 p. // SPS "ConsultantPlus". - (accessed 09.10.2020).
14. Ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated July 25, 2019 N 303-KG18-15737 in case No. À51-20593/2017 // SPS “ConsultantPlus”. - (accessed 09.10.2020).
15. Matveeva K. Land reclamation. Dispute Analysis. // Housing Law. 2020. N 5. P. 55 - 63.
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A REVIEW of an article on the topic "On the issue of improving land legislation". The subject of the study. The article proposed for review is devoted to the issues of improving the "... land legislation" of the Russian Federation. The author has chosen a special subject of research: the proposed issues are investigated from the point of view of environmental, land law and process, while the author notes that "The transfer of agricultural land from agricultural land to another category provides the opportunity to realize the interests of both private and public interests." The legislation of Russia and other NPAs, court decisions relevant to the purpose of the study are being studied. A large volume of scientific literature on the stated problems is studied and summarized, analysis and discussion with the opposing authors are present. At the same time, the author notes that "Public authorities in their activities are focused primarily on compliance with formal legal requirements, which is primarily due to such a property of law as formal certainty, and secondly, the permissive type of legal regulation in relation to the specifics of public law." Research methodology. The purpose of the study is determined by the title and content of the work: "Among the shortcomings of Federal Law No. 172-FZ, researchers include excessive discretion, which is vested in the law enforcement officer; the presence of gaps in private matters; shortcomings of legal technique." It can be designated as the consideration and resolution of certain problematic aspects related to the above-mentioned issues and the use of certain experience. Based on the set goals and objectives, the author has chosen a certain methodological basis for the study. In particular, the author uses a set of general scientific, special legal methods of cognition. In particular, the methods of analysis and synthesis made it possible to generalize some approaches to the proposed topic and influenced the author's conclusions. The most important role was played by special legal methods. In particular, the author used a formal legal method, which allowed for the analysis and interpretation of the norms of the current Russian land legislation and court decisions. In particular, the following conclusions are drawn: "... in the current state, land legislation is very confusing and generates various interpretations on the part of business entities, state and local government bodies, as well as courts. In this regard, the importance of the guiding explanations of the higher courts is increasing," etc. Thus, the methodology chosen by the author is fully adequate to the purpose of the article, allows you to study certain aspects of the topic. The relevance of the stated issues is beyond doubt. This topic is one of the most important in Russia, from a legal point of view, the work proposed by the author can be considered relevant, namely, he notes that "One of the most common violations of land legislation is the non-use of a land plot from agricultural lands, the turnover of which is regulated by Federal Law No. 101-FZ dated 07/24/2002 ..., for its intended purpose". And in fact, an analysis of the work of opponents, court decisions and NPAs should follow here, and it follows and the author shows the ability to master the material. Thus, scientific research in the proposed field is only to be welcomed. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the proposed article is beyond doubt. It is expressed in the specific scientific conclusions of the author. Among them, for example, is this: "We believe that an indication of the "exclusivity of cases" from the point of view of legal technology can be considered as a corruption factor." As can be seen, these and other "theoretical" conclusions can be used in further scientific research. Thus, the materials of the article as presented may be of interest to the scientific community. Style, structure, content. The subject of the article corresponds to the specialization of the journal "Legal Research", as it is devoted to the improvement of the "... land legislation" of the Russian Federation. The article contains an analysis of the opponents' scientific works, so the author notes that a question close to this topic has already been raised and the author uses their materials, discusses with opponents. The content of the article corresponds to the title, as the author considered the stated problems and achieved the goal of his research. The quality of the presentation of the study and its results should be recognized as improved. The subject, objectives, methodology, results of legal research and scientific novelty directly follow from the text of the article. The design of the work meets the formal requirements for this kind of work. No significant violations of these requirements were found. Bibliography. The quality of the literature presented and used should be highly appreciated. The works of the above authors correspond to the research topic, have a sign of sufficiency, and contribute to the disclosure of all aspects of the topic. Appeal to opponents. The author conducted a serious analysis of the current state of the problem under study. The author describes the opponents' different points of view on the problem, argues for a more correct position in his opinion, based on the work of opponents, and offers solutions to individual problems. Conclusions, the interest of the readership. The conclusions are logical and specific. The article in this form may be of interest to the readership in terms of the systematic positions of the author in relation to the issues stated in the article, which should be typical for legal research. Based on the above, summing up all the positive and negative sides of the article, I recommend "publishing".